35,595 research outputs found

    Teaching spoken discourse markers explicitly: A comparison of III and PPP

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    This article reports on mixed methods classroom research carried out at a British university. The study investigates the effectiveness of two different explicit teaching frameworks, Illustration, Interaction, Induction (III) and Present, Practice, Produce (PPP) used to teach the same spoken discourse markers (DMs) to two different groups of Chinese learners and compared to a control group. Univariate analysis of the pre and post tests indicated statistically significant differences between the PPP group and III/control groups in terms of a higher mean usage of the target DMs in the immediate post test. Qualitative results demonstrated that the PPP group generally found this method to be more useful, which tallied with their better performances in the tests. Both groups also articulated a desire for a different kind of practice to be used in class, based on rehearsal for real world tasks. This suggests a need to reconceptualise practice within III, PPP or other teaching frameworks

    Symplectic structure for elastic and chiral conducting cosmic string models

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    This article is based on the covariant canonical formalism and corresponding symplectic structure on phase space developed by Witten, Zuckerman and others in the context of field theory. After recalling the basic principles of this procedure, we construct the conserved bilinear symplectic current for generic elastic string models. These models describe current carrying cosmic strings evolving in an arbitrary curved background spacetime. Particular attention is paid to the special case of the chiral string for which the worldsheet current is null. Different formulations of the chiral string action are discussed in detail, and as a result the integrability property of the chiral string is clarified.Comment: 18 page

    Private Sector Participation in Low Cost Water Well Drilling.

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    Project Manager Dr Richard Carter, Institute of Water and Environment, Cranfield University at Silsoe.This report contributes to the findings, implications, and future plans of a project, initiated by Cranfield University (Silsoe, UK) entitled “Private Sector Participation in Low Cost Water Well Drilling”.The project was funded by DFID from July 1998 to June 2001, with additional funding partners (Government of Uganda, DANIDA, SIDA, UNICEF, Water Aid, and an anonymous donor) joining at various stages throughout this three-year period

    An empirical analysis of the distribution of the duration of overshoots in a stationary gaussian stochastic process

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    This analysis utilizes computer simulation and statistical estimation. Realizations of stationary gaussian stochastic processes with selected autocorrelation functions are computer simulated. Analysis of the simulated data revealed that the mean and the variance of a process were functionally dependent upon the autocorrelation parameter and crossing level. Using predicted values for the mean and standard deviation, by the method of moments, the distribution parameters was estimated. Thus, given the autocorrelation parameter, crossing level, mean, and standard deviation of a process, the probability of exceeding the crossing level for a particular length of time was calculated

    Prolongation of Friction Dominated Evolution for Superconducting Cosmic Strings

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    This investigation is concerned with cosmological scenarios based on particle physics theories that give rise to superconducting cosmic strings (whose subsequent evolution may produce stable loop configurations known as vortons). Cases in which electromagnetic coupling of the string current is absent or unimportant have been dealt with in previous work. The purpose of the present work is to provide quantitative estimates for cases in which electromagnetic interaction with the surrounding plasma significantly affects the string dynamics. In particular it will be shown that the current can become sufficiently strong for the initial period of friction dominated string motion to be substantially prolonged, which would entail a reinforcement of the short length scale end of the spectrum of the string distribution, with potentially observable cosmological implications if the friction dominated scenario lasts until the time of plasma recombination.Comment: 10 pages Late

    Poly-essential and general Hyperelastic World (brane) models

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    This article provides a unified treatment of an extensive category of non-linear classical field models whereby the universe is represented (perhaps as a brane in a higher dimensional background) in terms of a structure of a mathematically convenient type describable as hyperelastic, for which a complete set of equations of motion is provided just by the energy-momentum conservation law. Particular cases include those of a perfect fluid in quintessential backgrounds of various kinds, as well as models of the elastic solid kind that has been proposed to account for cosmic acceleration. It is shown how an appropriately generalised Hadamard operator can be used to construct a symplectic structure that controles the evolution of small perturbations, and that provides a characteristic equation governing the propagation of weak discontinuities of diverse (extrinsic and extrinsic) kinds. The special case of a poly-essential model - the k-essential analogue of an ordinary polytropic fluid - is examined and shown to be well behaved (like the fluid) only if the pressure to density ratio ww is positive.Comment: 16 pages Latex, Contrib. to 10th Peyresq Pysics Meeting, June 2005: Micro and Macro Structures of Spacetim

    Study and determination of an optimum design for space utilized lithium doped solar cells Quarterly report

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    Recovery characteristics of electron irradiated, lithium doped, solar cell

    Experimental study of ion heating and acceleration during magnetic reconnection

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    Ion heating and acceleration has been studied in the well-characterized reconnection layer of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment [M. Yamada , Phys. Plasmas 4, 1936 (1997)]. Ion temperature in the layer rises substantially during null-helicity reconnection in which reconnecting field lines are anti-parallel. The plasma outflow is sub-Alfvenic due to a downstream back pressure. An ion energy balance calculation based on the data and including classical viscous heating indicates that ions are heated largely via nonclassical mechanisms. The T-i rise is much smaller during co-helicity reconnection in which field lines reconnect obliquely. This is consistent with a slower reconnection rate and a smaller resistivity enhancement over the Spitzer value. These observations show that nonclassical dissipation mechanisms can play an important role both in heating the ions and in facilitating the reconnection process

    Chiral Vortons and Cosmological Constraints on Particle Physics

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    We investigate the cosmological consequences of particle physics theories that admit stable loops of current-carrying string - vortons. In particular, we consider chiral theories where a single fermion zero mode is excited in the string core, such as those arising in supersymmetric theories with a D-term. The resulting vortons formed in such theories are expected to be more stable than their non-chiral cousins. General symmetry breaking schemes are considered in which strings formed at one symmetry breaking scale become current-carrying at a subsequent phase transition. The vorton abundance is estimated and constraints placed on the underlying particle physics theories from cosmological observations. Our constraints on the chiral theory are considerably more stringent than the previous estimates for more general theories.Comment: minor corrections made. This version will appear in PR