260 research outputs found

    Are Behavioral Effects of Early Experience Mediated by Oxytocin?

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    Early experiences can alter adaptive emotional responses necessary for social behavior as well as physiological reactivity in the face of challenge. In the highly social prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster), manipulations in early life or hormonal treatments specifically targeted at the neuropeptides oxytocin (OT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), have long-lasting, often sexually dimorphic, consequences for social behavior. Here we examine the hypothesis that behavioral changes associated with differential early experience, in this case handling the family during the first week of life, may be mediated by changes in OT or AVP or their brain receptors. Four early treatment groups were used, differing only in the amount of manipulation received during the first week of life. MAN1 animals were handled once on post-natal day 1; MAN1 treatment produces a pattern of behavior usually considered typical of this species, against which other groups were compared. MAN1–7 animals were handled once a day for post-natal days 1–7, MAN 7 animals were handled once on post-natal day 7, and MAN0 animals received no handling during the first week of life. When tested following weaning, males in groups that had received manipulation during the first few days of life (MAN1 and MAN1–7) displayed higher alloparenting than other groups. Neuroendocrine measures, including OT receptor binding and OT and AVP immunoreactivity, varied by early treatment. In brain areas including the nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of stria terminalis and lateral septum, MAN0 females showed increased OT receptor binding. MAN1 animals also displayed higher numbers of immunoreactive OT cell bodies in the supraoptic nucleus. Taken together these findings support the broader hypothesis that experiences in the first few days of life, mediated in part by sexually dimorphic changes in neuropeptides, especially in the receptor for OT, may have adaptive consequences for sociality and emotion regulation

    Racism Is a Life Issue Panel Discussion

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    Jul 28, 2020 A moderated discussion on racism and the culture of life with distinguished panelists G. Marcus Cole (Dean, Notre Dame Law School), Sen. Katrina Jackson (Louisiana State Senate), Ernest Morrell (University of Notre Dame), Gloria Purvis (EWTN Global Catholic Radio), Jacqueline Rivers (Harvard University), and Benjamin Watson (NFL Legend)

    Carcinomas of Distal Fallopian Tube and Their Association with Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma: Do They Share a Common “Precursor” Lesion? Loss of Heterozygosity and Immunohistochemical Analysis Using PAX 2, WT-1, and P53 Markers

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    As the role of distal fallopian tube as organ of serous carcinogenesis is emerging, additional literature on the role of tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (TIC) as a precursor lesion in a subset of primary peritoneal serous carcinomas (PPSC is emerging as well. TIC although fallopian tube in origin can be genetically related to ovarian/peritoneal carcinomas. The role of PAX2 in primary fallopian tube carcinomas (PFTC)/PPSC is yet to be defined. The aim of our study was to understand if the biologic properties of tumors arising in the distal fallopian tube that remain as PFTC are different when they seed on to the peritoneal surface (PPSC). A panel of 6 polymorphic microsatellite markers corresponding to p53, PAX2, and WT1 tumor suppressor genes were studied. Invasive carcinomas as well as TIC arising in the distal fallopian tube when remain as PFTC appears to exhibit different LOH patterns in comparison to PPSC. PAX 2 LOH patterns might represent a “hidden PAX 2 signature” analogous to p53 signatures. PAX 2 might be an emerging marker for detection of early serous carcinomas particularly in BRCA + women

    Measurement and characterisation of microplastics in English river catchment waters and sediments - WT15135 [Final report and appendices]

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    The objective of the project was to carry out a pilot study developing sampling and analytical protocols to determine the quantities, loads and types of microplastics (MP), in surface waters and sediments. Approaches to sampling surface waters and sediments would be reviewed and a selected approach tested on catchments agreed in consultation with the Environment Agency. From this, a provisional standard operating procedure (SOP) guideline is presented that may be used for sampling, processing and analysis of microplastics in river waters and sediments. In addition, it was investigated whether sediment samples collected in this manner could be analysed for the presence of vehicle tyre wear, through quantitative analysis of a common additive of tyre rubber, N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD). This compound has been identified as a Priority 2 substance for freshwaters and groundwaters (high risk, low certainty) under the Environment Agency’s Prioritisation and Early Warning System (PEWS), flagging it for further consideration in sediments as it meets the toxicity criterion according to available ecotoxicity data and is not currently monitored (Environment Agency, 2023). The method is believed to be the first to be published to quantify this chemical marker in sediments using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

    Effects of brownification and warming on algal blooms, metabolism and higher trophic levels in productive shallow lake mesocosms

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    An increase of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in inland waters has been reported across the northern temperate region but the effects of this on whole lake ecosystems, often combined with other anthropogenic stressors like nutrient inputs and warming, are poorly known. The effects of these changes on different component of the ecosystem were assessed in an experiment using twenty-four large (3000L) outdoor mesocosms simulating shallow lakes. Two different temperature regimes (ambient and ambient +4 °C) combined with three levels of organic matter (OM, added as filtered peaty water), simulating the DOC increase that is predicted to take place over the next 4 to 21 years were used. Neither temperature nor OM had significant effects on net ecosystem production, respiration or gross primary production. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration was not significantly affected by warming, however in summer, autumn and winter it was significantly higher in mesocosms receiving intermediate OM levels (July–Feb DOC concentrations 2–6 mg L−1). Summer cyanobacterial blooms were highest in intermediate, and lowest in the highest OM treatments. OM concentration also influenced total macroinvertebrate abundance which was greater in spring and summer in mesocosms with intermediate and high OM. Fish abundance was not significantly affected by OM concentration, but abundance was greater in ambient (55 fish subsample−1) compared to heated mesocosms (17 fish subsample−1) and maximum abundance occurred two weeks later compared to heated mesocosms. The results suggest that changes in OM may have a greater effect on shallow lakes than temperature and that phytoplankton, especially cyanobacteria, benefit from intermediate OM concentrations, therefore, nuisance algal blooms might increase in relatively clear shallow eutrophic lakes where DOC concentrations increase

    Fate and behaviour of microplastics (>25µm) within the water distribution network, from water treatment works to service reservoirs and customer taps

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    Water treatment works have previously shown high efficiency in removing microplastics > 25 µm from raw source water. However, what is less well known is the extent to which microplastics of this size class are generated or lost within the water distribution network, particularly whether there is a greater presence in the customer tap than in the water treatment works outlet. This study focused on the presence of 21 different types of synthetic polymer particles with sizes larger than 25 µm examined through multiple rounds of sampling at outlets of water treatment works (WTW), service reservoirs (SR), and customer taps (CT) managed by seven different water companies in Britain. Nineteen different types of polymers were detected; their signature and concentration varied based on the round of sampling, the location within the water supply network, and the water company responsible for managing the supply. Among the polymers examined, polyamide (PA), polyethene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS) were the most commonly found. Apart from PET having its highest concentration of 0.0189 microplastic per litre (MP/L) in the SR, the concentrations of the other three most frequent polymers (PS = 0.017 MP/L, PA = 0.0752 MP/L, PP= 0.1513 MP/L) were highest in the CT. The overall prevalence of this size of microplastics in the network is low, but there was a high variability of polymer types and occurrences. These spatial and temporal variations suggested that the MP in the distribution network may exist as a series of pulses. Given the presence and polymer types, the potential for some of the microplastics to originate from materials used in the water network and domestic plumbing systems cannot be ruled out. As found before, the absolute number of microplastics in the water distribution network remained extremely low

    Long-term trends of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) show widespread contamination of a bird-eating predator, the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) in Britain

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    Second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) are widely used to control rodents around the world. However, contamination by SGARs is detectable in many non-target species, particularly carnivorous mammals or birds-of-prey that hunt or scavenge on poisoned rodents. The SGAR trophic transfer pathway via rodents and their predators/scavengers appears widespread, but little is known of other pathways of SGAR contamination in non-target wildlife. This is despite the detection of SGARs in predators that do not eat rodents, such as specialist bird-eating hawks. We used a Bayesian modelling framework to examine the extent and spatio-temporal trends of SGAR contamination in the livers of 259 Eurasian Sparrowhawks, a specialist bird-eating raptor, in regions of Britain during 1995–2015. SGARs, predominantly difenacoum, were detected in 81% of birds, with highest concentrations in males and adults. SGAR concentrations in birds were lowest in Scotland and higher or increasing in other regions of Britain, which had a greater arable or urban land cover where SGARs may be widely deployed for rodent control. However, there was no overall trend for Britain, and 97% of SGAR residues in Eurasian Sparrowhawks were below 100 ng/g (wet weight), which is a potential threshold for lethal effects. The results have potential implications for the population decline of Eurasian Sparrowhawks in Britain. Fundamentally, the results indicate an extensive and persistent contamination of the avian trophic transfer pathway on a national scale, where bird-eating raptors and, by extension, their prey appear to be widely exposed to SGARs. Consequently, these findings have implications for wildlife contamination worldwide, wherever these common rodenticides are deployed, as widespread exposure of non-target species can apparently occur via multiple trophic transfer pathways involving birds as well as rodents

    Prevalencia e intensidad de la infección por geohelmintos y prevalencia de la malaria en escolares de El Salvador

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    Introduction: El Salvador does not have recent data on the prevalence of infection with soil-transmitted helminths among children aged under 15 years of age. As one of the countries in the Americas that reports few malaria cases, eradication of this disease from El Salvador is considered to be feasible.Objective: To determine the prevalence and intensity of infection by soil-transmitted helminths, as well as the prevalence of Plasmodium spp. in schoolchildren aged 8-10.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in each of the five eco-epidemiological zones of the country (coastal plain, central basin, volcanic range, coastal range and mountain zone). In all 1,325 students we studied the presence of geohelminthiasis, with 152 of them also being tested for malaria. The Kato–Katz technique was used to detect geohelminths while diagnosis of malaria was performed using the rapid diagnostic test, microscopy and polymerase chain reaction.Results: The overall prevalence of geohelminthiasis was 7.9% (95%CI 6.6-9.5%). Values for the five eco-epidemiological zones were as follows: coastal plain, 14.9% (95%CI 10.9-19.7%); central plateau, 9.4% (95%CI 6.5-13.3%); volcanic range, 6.6% (95%CI 4.2-10.5%); coastal range, 5.9% (95%CI 3.8-9.4%), and mountain zone, 2.6% (95%CI 1.4-5.7%). The overall rate of high intensity infection with any of the geohelminth species was 0.3%. No schoolchildren were found infected with Plasmodium spp. by any of the three diagnostic techniques used.Conclusion: Prevalence of geohelminths was low and Trichuris trichiura was the predominant species. Intensity of infection with any of the species of geohelminths was light (<1%). The risk factors associated with infection by soil-transmitted helminths were defecation in the open air, being barefoot and living in coastal areas.Introducción. El Salvador no cuenta con datos actualizados de prevalencia en menores de 15 años de la infección por helmintos transmitidos por contacto con el suelo. Además, al ser uno de los países en las Américas que reporta un número bajo de casos de malaria, se considera que su eliminación allí es factible.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y la intensidad de la infección por geohelmintos y la prevalencia de Plasmodium spp. en escolares de 8 a 10 años de El Salvador.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en las cinco zonas eco-epidemiológicas del país (planicie costera, depresión central, cadena volcánica, cadena costera y zona montañosa). La presencia de geohelmintiasis se estudió en 1.325 estudiantes y, la de malaria, en 152. Se utilizó la técnica de Kato-Katz para la detección de geohelmintos, y para el diagnóstico de la malaria, una prueba rápida, el estudio mediante microscopía y la prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa.Resultados. La prevalencia total de geohelmintiasis fue de 7,9 % (IC95% 6,6-9,5). En la planicie costera fue de 14,9 % (IC95% 10,9-19,7); en la depresión central, de 9,4 % (IC95% 6,5-13,3); en la cadena volcánica, de 6,6 % (IC95% 4,2-10,5); en la cadena costera, de 5,9 % (IC95% 3,8-9,4), y en la cadena montañosa, de 2,6 % (IC95% 1,4-5,7). La proporción de infección de gran intensidad debida a cualquiera de las especies de geohelmintos fue de 0,3 %. No se encontraron escolares infectados con Plasmodium spp.Conclusión. La prevalencia de geohelmintos fue baja y la especie más prevalente fue Trichuris trichiura. La intensidad de la infección debida a cualquiera de las especies de geohelmintos fue leve (<1 %). Los factores de riesgo asociados a la infección por geohelmintos fueron la defecación al aire libre, no usar calzado y vivir en la planicie costera