154 research outputs found

    Understanding Super-Earths with MINERVA-Australis at USQ's Mount Kent Observatory

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    Super Earths, planets between 5-10 Earth masses, are the most common type of exoplanet known, yet are completely absent from our Solar system. As a result, their detailed properties, compositions, and formation mechanisms are poorly understood. NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will identify hundreds of Super-Earths orbiting bright stars, for the first time allowing in-depth characterisation of these planets. At the University of Southern Queensland, we are host to the MINERVA-Australis project, dedicated wholly to the follow-up characterisation and mass measurement of TESS planets. We give an update on the status of MINERVA-Australis and our expected performance.Comment: Accepted to appear in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 17th Australian Space Research Conference, held at the University of Sydney, 13th-15th November, 201

    Ariel - Volume 12(13) Number 2

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    Editor Gary Fishbein Production & Business Manager Rich Davis Layout Editor Lynn Solomon Assistant Layout Editors Bessann Dawson Tonie Kline Becky A. Zuurbier Photography Editor Ben Alma

    High eccentricity planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search

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    We report Doppler measurements of the stars HD187085 and HD20782 which indicate two high eccentricity low-mass companions to the stars. We find HD187085 has a Jupiter-mass companion with a ~1000d orbit. Our formal `best fit' solution suggests an eccentricity of 0.47, however, it does not sample the periastron passage of the companion and we find that orbital solutions with eccentricities between 0.1 and 0.8 give only slightly poorer fits (based on RMS and chi^2) and are thus plausible. Observations made during periastron passage in 2007 June should allow for the reliable determination of the orbital eccentricity for the companion to HD187085. Our dataset for HD20782 does sample periastron and so the orbit for its companion can be more reliably determined. We find the companion to HD20782 has M sin i=1.77+/-0.22M_JUP, an orbital period of 595.86+/-0.03d and an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.92+/-0.03. The detection of such high-eccentricity (and relatively low velocity amplitude) exoplanets appears to be facilitated by the long-term precision of the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Looking at exoplanet detections as a whole, we find that those with higher eccentricity seem to have relatively higher velocity amplitudes indicating higher mass planets and/or an observational bias against the detection of high eccentricity systems.Comment: to appear in MNRA

    On the Double Planet System Around HD 83443

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    The Geneva group has reported two Saturn-mass planets orbiting HD 83443 (K0V) with periods of 2.98 and 29.8 d. The two planets have raised interest in their dynamics because of the possible 10:1 orbital resonance and the strong gravitational interactions. We report precise Doppler measurements of HD 83443 obtained with the Keck/HIRES and the AAT/UCLES spectrometers. These measurements strongly confirm the inner planet with period of 2.985 d, with orbital parameters in very good agreement with those of the Geneva group. However these Doppler measurements show no evidence of the outer planet, at thresholds of 1/4 (3 m/s) of the reported velocity amplitude of 13.8 m/s. Thus, the existence of the outer planet is in question. Indeed, the current Doppler measurements reveal no evidence of any second planet with periods less than a year.Comment: 26 pages incl. 3 tables and 8 figures; uses AASTE

    Detection of Planetary and Stellar Companions to Neighboring Stars via a Combination of Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Techniques

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    13 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (submitted 25 Feb 2019; accepted 28 April 2019). Machine readable tables and Posteriors from the RadVel fits are available here: http://stephenkane.net/rvfits.tarThe sensitivities of radial velocity (RV) surveys for exoplanet detection are extending to increasingly longer orbital periods, where companions with periods of several years are now being regularly discovered. Companions with orbital periods that exceed the duration of the survey manifest in the data as an incomplete orbit or linear trend, a feature that can either present as the sole detectable companion to the host star, or as an additional signal overlain on the signatures of previously discovered companion(s). A diagnostic that can confirm or constrain scenarios in which the trend is caused by an unseen stellar rather than planetary companion is the use of high-contrast imaging observations. Here, we present RV data from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search (AAPS) for 20 stars that show evidence of orbiting companions. Of these, six companions have resolved orbits, with three that lie in the planetary regime. Two of these (HD 92987b and HD 221420b) are new discoveries. Follow-up observations using the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) on the Gemini South telescope revealed that 5 of the 20 monitored companions are likely stellar in nature. We use the sensitivity of the AAPS and DSSI data to place constraints on the mass of the companions for the remaining systems. Our analysis shows that a planetary-mass companion provides the most likely self-consistent explanation of the data for many of the remaining systems.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Two extra-solar planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search

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    We report the detection of two new extra-solar planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search around the stars HD142 and HD23079. The planet orbiting HD142 has an orbital period of just under one year, while that orbiting HD23079 has a period of just under two years. HD142 falls into the class of "eccentric" gas giants. HD23079 lies in the recently uncovered class of "epsilon Ret-like" planets - extra-solar gas giant planets with near-circular orbits outside 0.1 a.u. The recent discovery of several more members of this class provides new impetus for the extension of existing planet searches to longer periods, in the search for Jupiter-like planets in Jupiter-like orbits.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures and 3 tables include

    Astrocladistics of the Jovian Trojan swarms

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    The Jovian Trojans are two swarms of small objects that share Jupiter's orbit, clustered around the leading and trailing Lagrange points, L4 and L5. In this work, we investigate the Jovian Trojan population using the technique of astrocladistics, an adaptation of the 'tree of life' approach used in biology. We combine colour data from WISE, SDSS, Gaia DR2, and MOVIS surveys with knowledge of the physical and orbital characteristics of the Trojans, to generate a classification tree composed of clans with distinctive characteristics. We identify 48 clans, indicating groups of objects that possibly share a common origin. Amongst these are several that contain members of the known collisional families, though our work identifies subtleties in that classification that bear future investigation. Our clans are often broken into subclans, and most can be grouped into 10 superclans, reflecting the hierarchical nature of the population. Outcomes from this project include the identification of several high priority objects for additional observations and as well as providing context for the objects to be visited by the forthcoming Lucy mission. Our results demonstrate the ability of astrocladistics to classify multiple large and heterogeneous composite survey data sets into groupings useful for studies of the origins and evolution of our Solar system

    A Super-Earth and Two Neptunes Orbiting the Nearby Sun-like Star 61 Virginis

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    We present precision radial velocity data that reveal a multiple exoplanet system orbiting the bright nearby G5V star 61 Virginis. Our 4.6 years of combined Keck/HIRES and Anglo-Australian Telescope precision radial velocities indicate the hitherto unknown presence of at least three planets orbiting this well-studied star. These planets are all on low-eccentricity orbits with periods of 4.2, 38.0, and 124.0 days, and projected masses (Msin i) of 5.1, 18.2, and 24.0 M_⊕, respectively. Test integrations of systems consistent with the radial velocity data suggest that the configuration is dynamically stable. Depending on the effectiveness of tidal dissipation within the inner planet, the inner two planets may have evolved into an eccentricity fixed-point configuration in which the apsidal lines of all three planets corotate. This conjecture can be tested with additional observations. We present a 16-year time series of photometric observations of 61 Virginis, which comprise 1194 individual measurements, and indicate that it has excellent photometric stability. No significant photometric variations at the periods of the proposed planets have been detected. This new system is the first known example of a G-type Sun-like star hosting a Super-Earth mass planet. It joins HD 75732 (55 Cnc), HD 69830, GJ 581, HD 40307, and GJ 876 in a growing group of exoplanet systems that have multiple planets orbiting with periods less than an Earth-year. The ubiquity of such systems portends that space-based transit-search missions such as Kepler and CoRoT will find many multi-transiting systems

    KELT-10b: The First Transiting Exoplanet from the KELT-South Survey -- A Hot Sub-Jupiter Transiting a V = 10.7 Early G-Star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-10b, the first transiting exoplanet discovered using the KELT-South telescope. KELT-10b is a highly inflated sub-Jupiter mass planet transiting a relatively bright V=10.7V = 10.7 star (TYC 8378-64-1), with Teff_{eff} = 5948±745948\pm74 K, log⁥g\log{g} = 4.319−0.030+0.0204.319_{-0.030}^{+0.020} and [Fe/H] = 0.09−0.10+0.110.09_{-0.10}^{+0.11}, an inferred mass M∗_{*} = 1.112−0.061+0.0551.112_{-0.061}^{+0.055} M⊙_{\odot} and radius R∗_{*} = 1.209−0.035+0.0471.209_{-0.035}^{+0.047} R⊙_{\odot}. The planet has a radius RP_{P} = 1.399−0.049+0.0691.399_{-0.049}^{+0.069} RJ_{J} and mass MP_{P} = 0.679−0.038+0.0390.679_{-0.038}^{+0.039} MJ_{J}. The planet has an eccentricity consistent with zero and a semi-major axis aa = 0.05250−0.00097+0.000860.05250_{-0.00097}^{+0.00086} AU. The best fitting linear ephemeris is T0T_{0} = 2457066.72045±\pm0.00027 BJDTDB_{TDB} and P = 4.1662739±\pm0.0000063 days. This planet joins a group of highly inflated transiting exoplanets with a radius much larger and a mass much less than those of Jupiter. The planet, which boasts deep transits of 1.4%, has a relatively high equilibrium temperature of Teq_{eq} = 1377−23+281377_{-23}^{+28} K, assuming zero albedo and perfect heat redistribution. KELT-10b receives an estimated insolation of 0.817−0.054+0.0680.817_{-0.054}^{+0.068} ×\times 109^9 erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2}, which places it far above the insolation threshold above which hot Jupiters exhibit increasing amounts of radius inflation. Evolutionary analysis of the host star suggests that KELT-10b is unlikely to survive beyond the current subgiant phase, due to a concomitant in-spiral of the planet over the next ∌\sim1 Gyr. The planet transits a relatively bright star and exhibits the third largest transit depth of all transiting exoplanets with V << 11 in the southern hemisphere, making it a promising candidate for future atmospheric characterization studies.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Neptune-mass Planet Orbiting the Nearby G Dwarf HD16417

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    Precision Doppler measurements from an intensive 48 night "Rocky Planet Search" observing campaign on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) have revealed the presence of a low-mass exoplanet orbiting the G1 dwarf HD16417. Subsequent Doppler observations with the AAT, as well as independent observations obtained by the Keck Planet Search, have confirmed this initial detection and refine the orbital parameters to period 17.24+/-0.01 d, eccentricity 0.20+/-0.09, orbital semi-major axis 0.14+/-0.01 AU and minimum planet mass 22.1+/-2.0 Mearth. HD 16417 raises the number of published exoplanets with minimum masses of less than 25 Mearth to eighteen. Interestingly, the distribution of detected sub-25 Mearth planets over the spectral types G, K and M is almost uniform. The detection of HD 16417b by an intensive observing campaign clearly demonstrates the need for extended and contiguous observing campaigns when aiming to detect low-amplitude Doppler planets in short period orbits. Perhaps most critically it demonstrates that the search for low-mass Doppler planets will eventually require these traditional "bright-time" projects to extend throughout dark lunations.Comment: To appear in Ap
