1,844 research outputs found

    Unlocking Complex Soil Systems as Carbon Sinks: Multi-pool Management as the Key

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    Much research focuses on increasing carbon storage in mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM), in which carbon may persist for centuries to millennia. However, MAOM-targeted management is insufficient because the formation pathways of persistent soil organic matter are diverse and vary with environmental conditions. Effective management must also consider particulate organic matter (POM). In many soils, there is potential for enlarging POM pools, POM can persist over long time scales, and POM can be a direct precursor of MAOM. We present a framework for context-dependent management strategies that recognizes soils as complex systems in which environmental conditions constrain POM and MAOM formation

    Few recurring types of microdomains define smallest units of soilfunctioning

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    Soil aggregation is a key factor for a number of important biogeochemical processes (e.g. soil organic matter stabilization and nutrient and pollutant sorption) in soils. Although there is a large number of studies on the factors controlling such soil processes, it is still challenging to study these processes in-situ. However, it can be assumedthat the spatial arrangement of organic and mineral soil constituents in soil aggregates, and thus the aggregate structure determine the processes happening at the aggregate scale. Using nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy and a novel digital image processing approach, we extensively analyzed the spatial distribution of ions characteristic for mineral and organic soil components on the micrometer-scale in an intact soil aggregate. We were surprised that 40 spatially independent measurements could be statistically clustered in just two complimentary types of micrometer-sized domains. Each domain is characterized by a micro-architecture built of a definitemineral assemblage with various organic matter forms and a specific pore system. Each of these microdomainsfulfil different functions in soil. Our results demonstrate that the manifold mineral and organic soil components arrange in a limited number of micro-architectures because of self-organization and feedback mechanisms. Thesemicrodomains are the smallest units in soil that fulfill specific functionalities

    Contribution of Particulate and Mineral-Associated Organic Matter to Potential Denitrification of Agricultural Soils

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    Water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC) is considered as the most important carbon (C) source for denitrifying organisms, but the contribution of individual organic matter (OM) fractions (i.e., particulate (POM) and mineral-associated (MOM)) to its release and, thus, to denitrification remains unresolved. Here we tested short-time effects of POM and MOM on potential denitrification and estimated the contribution of POM- and MOM-derived WEOC to denitrification and CO2 production of three agricultural topsoils. Suspensions of bulk soils with and without addition of soil-derived POM or MOM were incubated for 24 h under anoxic conditions. Acetylene inhibition was used to determine the potential denitrification and respective product ratio at constant nitrate supply. Normalized to added OC, effects of POM on CO2 production, total denitrification, and its product ratios were much stronger than those of MOM. While the addition of OM generally increased the (N2O + N2)-N/CO2-C ratio, the N2O/(N2O + N2) ratio changed differently depending on the soil. Gas emissions and the respective shares of initial WEOC were then used to estimate the contribution of POM and MOM-derived WEOC to total CO2, N2O, and N2O + N2 production. Water-extractable OC derived from POM accounted for 53–85% of total denitrification and WEOC released from MOM accounted for 15–47%. Total gas emissions from bulk soils were partly over- or underestimated, mainly due to nonproportional responses of denitrification to the addition of individual OM fractions. Our findings show that MOM plays a role in providing organic substrates during denitrification but is generally less dominant than POM. We conclude that the denitrification potential of soils is not predictable based on the C distribution over POM and MOM alone. Instead, the source strength of POM and MOM for WEOC plus the WEOC’s quality turned out as the most decisive determinants of potential denitrification

    Effect of in-situ aged and fresh biochar on soil hydraulic conditions and microbial C use under drought conditions

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    Biochar (BC) amendments may be suitable to increase the ecosystems resistance to drought due to their positive effects on soil water retention and availability. We investigated the effect of BC in situ ageing on water availability and microbial parameters of a grassland soil. We used soil containing 13C labeled BC and determined its water holding capacity, microbial biomass and activity during a 3 months incubation under optimum and drought conditions. Our incubation experiment comprised three treatments: soil without BC (Control), soil containing aged BC (BCaged) and soil containing fresh BC (BCfresh), under optimum soil water (pF 1.8) and drought conditions (pF 3.5). Under optimum water as well as drought conditions, soils containing BC showed higher soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization as compared to control soil. Moreover, BC effects on the soil water regime increase upon in situ aging. Native SOC mineralization increased most for soils containing BCaged. The BCaged led to improved C use under drought as compared to the other treatments. We conclude that BC addition to soils can ameliorate their water regime, especially under drought conditions. This beneficial effect of BC increases upon its aging, which also improved native substrate availability

    From fibrous plant residues to mineral-associated organic carbon – the fate of organic matter in Arctic permafrost soils

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    Permafrost-affected soils of the Arctic account for 70 % or 727 Pg of the soil organic carbon (C) stored in the northern circumpolar permafrost region and therefore play a major role in the global C cycle. Most studies on the budgeting of C storage and the quality of soil organic matter (OM; SOM) in the northern circumpolar region focus on bulk soils. Thus, although there is a plethora of assumptions regarding differences in terms of C turnover or stability, little knowledge is available on the mechanisms stabilizing organic C in Arctic soils besides impaired decomposition due to low temperatures. To gain such knowledge, we investigated soils from Samoylov Island in the Lena River delta with respect to the composition and distribution of organic C among differently stabilized SOM fractions. The soils were fractionated according to density and particle size to obtain differently stabilized SOM fractions differing in chemical composition and thus bioavailability. To better understand the chemical alterations from plant-derived organic particles in these soils rich in fibrous plant residues to mineral-associated SOM, we analyzed the elemental, isotopic and chemical composition of particulate OM (POM) and clay-sized mineral-associated OM (MAOM). We demonstrate that the SOM fractions that contribute with about 17 kg C m−3^{-3} for more than 60 % of the C stock are highly bioavailable and that most of this labile C can be assumed to be prone to mineralization under warming conditions. Thus, the amount of relatively stable, small occluded POM and clay-sized MAOM that currently accounts with about 10 kg C m−3^{-3} for about 40 % of the C stock will most probably be crucial for the quantity of C protected from mineralization in these Arctic soils in a warmer future. Using ή15^{15}N as a proxy for nitrogen (N) balances indicated an important role of N inputs by biological N fixation, while gaseous N losses appeared less important. However, this could change, as with about 0.4 kg N m−3^{-3} one third of the N is present in bioavailable SOM fractions, which could lead to increases in mineral N cycling and associated N losses under global warming. Our results highlight the vulnerability of SOM in Arctic permafrost-affected soils under rising temperatures, potentially leading to unparalleled greenhouse gas emissions from these soils

    Permafrost and active layer research on James Ross Island: An overview

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    This study summarizes the current state of the active layer and permafrost research on James Ross Island. The analysis of climate parameters covers the reference period 2011–2017. The mean annual air temperature at the AWS-JGM site was -6.9°C (ranged from -3.9°C to -8.2°C). The mean annual ground temperature at the depth of 5 cm was -5.5°C (ranged from -3.3°C to -6.7°C) and it also reached -5.6°C (ranged from -4.0 to -6.8°C) at the depth of 50 cm. The mean daily ground temperature at the depth of 5 cm correlated moderately up to strongly with the air temperature depending on the season of the year. Analysis of the snow effect on the ground thermal regime confirmed a low insulating effect of snow cover when snow thickness reached up to 50 cm. A thicker snow accumulation, reaching at least 70 cm, can develop around the hyaloclastite breccia boulders where a well pronounced insulation effect on the near-surface ground thermal regime was observed. The effect of lithology on the ground physical properties and the active layer thickness was also investigated. Laboratory analysis of ground thermal properties showed variation in thermal conductivity (0.3 to 0.9 W m-1 K-1). The thickest active layer (89 cm) was observed on the Berry Hill slopes site, where the lowest thawing degree days index (321 to 382°C·day) and the highest value of thermal conductivity (0.9 W m-1 K-1) was observed. The clearest influence of lithological conditions on active layer thickness was observed on the CALM-S grid. The site comprises a sandy Holocene marine terrace and muddy sand of the Whisky Bay Formation. Surveying using a manual probe, ground penetrating radar, and an electromagnetic conductivity meter clearly showed the effect of the lithological boundary on local variability of the active layer thickness

    Stabilization of mineral-associated organic carbon in Pleistocene permafrost

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    Ice-rich Pleistocene-age permafrost is particularly vulnerable to rapid thaw, which may quickly expose a large pool of sedimentary organic matter (OM) to microbial degradation and lead to emissions of climate-sensitive greenhouse gases. Protective physico-chemical mechanisms may, however, restrict microbial accessibility and reduce OM decomposition; mechanisms that may be influenced by changing environmental conditions during sediment deposition. Here we study different OM fractions in Siberian permafrost deposited during colder and warmer periods of the past 55,000 years. Among known stabilization mechanisms, the occlusion of OM in aggregates is of minor importance, while 33-74% of the organic carbon is associated with small, <6.3 ”m mineral particles. Preservation of carbon in mineral-associated OM is enhanced by reactive iron minerals particularly during cold and dry climate, reflected by low microbial CO2 production in incubation experiments. Warmer and wetter conditions reduce OM stabilization, shown by more decomposed mineral-associated OM and up to 30% higher CO2 production. This shows that considering the stability and bioavailability of Pleistocene-age permafrost carbon is important for predicting future climate-carbon feedback

    Potential denitrification stimulated by water-soluble organic carbon from plant residues during initial decomposition

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    Denitrification usually takes place under anoxic conditions and over short periods of time, and depends on readily available nitrate and carbon sources. Variations in CO2 and N2O emissions associated with plant residues have mainly been explained by differences in their decomposability. A factor rarely considered so far is water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) released to the soil during residue decomposition. Here, we examined the potential effect of plant residues on denitrification with special emphasis on WEOM. A range of fresh and leached plant residues was characterized by elemental analyses, 13C-NMR spectroscopy, and extraction with ultrapure water. The obtained solutions were analyzed for the concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and organic nitrogen (ON), and by UV-VIS spectroscopy. To test the potential denitrification induced by plant residues or three different OM solutions, these carbon sources were added to soil suspensions and incubated for 24 h at 20 °C in the dark under anoxic conditions; KNO3 was added to ensure unlimited nitrate supply. Evolving N2O and CO2 were analyzed by gas chromatography, and acetylene inhibition was used to determine denitrification and its product ratio. The production of all gases, as well as the molar (N2O + N2)–N/CO2–C ratio, was directly related to the water-extractable OC (WEOC) content of the plant residues, and the WEOC increased with carboxylic/carbonyl C and decreasing OC/ON ratio of the plant residues. Incubation of OM solutions revealed that the molar (N2O + N2)–N/CO2–C ratio and share of N2O are influenced by the WEOM's chemical composition. In conclusion, our results emphasize the potential of WEOM in largely undecomposed plant residues to support short-term denitrification activity in a typical ˈhot spot–hot momentˈ situation
