398 research outputs found

    Laser Ablation of Materials for Propulsion of Spacecraft

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    A report describes experiments performed as part of a continuing investigation of the feasibility of laser ablation of materials as a means of propulsion for small spacecraft. In each experiment, a specimen of ablative material was mounted on a torsion pendulum and irradiated with a laser pulse having an energy of 5 J. The amplitude of the resulting rotation of the torsion pendulum was taken to be an indication of the momentum transferred from the laser beam. Of the ablative materials tested, aluminum foils yielded the smallest rotation amplitudes of the order of 10 degrees. Black coating materials yielded rotation amplitudes of the order of 90 degrees. Samples of silver coated with a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) copolymer yielded the largest rotation amplitudes 6 to 8 full revolutions. The report presents a theory involving heating of a confined plasma followed by escape of the plasma to explain the superior momentum transfer performance of the FEP specimens. It briefly discusses some concepts for optimizing designs of spacecraft engines to maximize the thrust obtainable by exploiting the physical mechanisms of the theory. Also discussed is the use of laser-ablation engines with other types of spacecraft engines

    Global Health Interventions:The Military, the Magic Bullet, the Deterministic Model—and Intervention Otherwise

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    “Intervention” is central to global health, but the significance and effects of how intervention is practiced are often taken for granted. This review takes interventions into health and medicine as subjects for ethnographic inquiry. We highlight three lines of anthropological contributions: studies of global health interventions that serve imperial and military objectives, studies of “magic bullet” interventions arising from laboratory science, and studies of interventions based on deterministic modeling techniques. We then outline examples of “intervention otherwise,” in which people build relations of solidarity and care through global health programming, design interventions to be interactive and adaptable, and use data and modeling to support health justice. Whereas many global health interventions reproduce Western power hierarchies, intervention otherwise draws attention to alternative forms of knowledge, action, and expertise. Our analysis of lively and multivalent practices of intervention has implications for debates about the im/possibility of decolonizing global health.<br/

    SCS 21: ≀ (n)

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    Also accessible at https://www2.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~logik/keimel/scs.htm

    On chains in HH-closed topological pospaces

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    We study chains in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space. We give sufficient conditions for a maximal chain LL in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space such that LL contains a maximal (minimal) element. Also we give sufficient conditions for a linearly ordered topological partially ordered space to be HH-closed. We prove that any HH-closed topological semilattice contains a zero. We show that a linearly ordered HH-closed topological semilattice is an HH-closed topological pospace and show that in the general case this is not true. We construct an example an HH-closed topological pospace with a non-HH-closed maximal chain and give sufficient conditions that a maximal chain of an HH-closed topological pospace is an HH-closed topological pospace.Comment: We have rewritten and substantially expanded the manuscrip

    Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of mesospheric airglow structures using two-station ground-based image measurements

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    A new methodology is presented to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) tomographic reconstructions of mesospheric airglow layer structure using two-station all-sky image measurements. A fanning technique is presented that produces a series of cross-sectional 2D reconstructions, which are combined to create a 3D mapping of the airglow volume. The imaging configuration is discussed and the inherent challenges of using limited-angle data in tomographic reconstructions have been analyzed using artificially generated imaging objects. An iterative reconstruction method, the partially constrained algebraic reconstruction technique (PCART), was used in conjunction with a priori information of the airglow emission profile to constrain the height of the imaged region, thereby reducing the indeterminacy of the inverse problem. Synthetic projection data were acquired from the imaging objects and the forward problem to validate the tomographic method and to demonstrate the ability of this technique to accurately reconstruct information using only two ground-based sites. Reconstructions of the OH airglow layer were created using data recorded by all-sky CCD cameras located at Bear Lake Observatory, Utah, and at Star Valley, Wyoming, with an optimal site separation of ~100 km. The ability to extend powerful 2D and 3D tomographic methods to two-station ground-based measurements offers obvious practical advantages for new measurement programs. The importance and applications of mesospheric tomographic reconstructions in airglow studies, as well as the need for future measurements and continued development of techniques of this type, are discussed. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    Book Reviews

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    Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Somali region, eastern Ethiopia

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in low-income countries like Ethiopia. However, because of the limited laboratory infrastructure there is a shortage of comprehensive data on the genotypes of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) complex (MTBC) in peripheral regions of Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to characterize MTBC isolates in the Somali region of eastern Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in three health institutions between October 2018 and December 2019 in the capital of Somali region. A total of 323 MTBC isolates (249 from pulmonary TB and 74 from extrapulmonary TB) were analyzed using regions of difference 9 (RD 9)-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and spoligotyping. Results: Of the 323 MTBC isolates, 99.7% (95% CI: 99.1-100%) were M. tuberculosis while the remaining one isolate was M. bovis based on RD 9-based PCR. Spoligotyping identified 71 spoligotype patterns; 61 shared types and 10 orphans. A majority of the isolates were grouped in shared types while the remaining grouped in orphans. The M. tuberculosis lineages identified in this study were lineage 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 with the percentages of 7.4, 2.2, 28.2, 60.4, and 0.6%, respectively. Most (87.9%) of the isolates were classified in clustered spoligotypes while the remaining 12.1% isolates were singletons. The predominant clustered spoligotypes identified were SIT 149, SIT 21, SIT 26, SIT 53, and SIT 52, each consisting of 17.6, 13.3, 8.4, 7.4, and 5%, respectively. Lineage 3 and lineage 4, as well as the age group (15-24), were associated significantly with clustering. Conclusion: The MTBC isolated from TB patients in Somali region were highly diverse, with considerable spoligotype clustering which suggests active TB transmission. In addition, the Beijing spoligotype was isolated in relatively higher frequency than the frequencies of its isolation from the other regions of Ethiopia warranting the attention of the TB Control Program of the Somali region

    Investigating Gravity Waves in Polar Mesospheric Clouds Using Tomographic Reconstructions of AIM Satellite Imagery

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    This research presents the first application of tomographic techniques for investigating gravity wave structures in polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) imaged by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size instrument on the NASA AIM satellite. Albedo data comprising consecutive PMC scenes were used to tomographically reconstruct a 3‐D layer using the Partially Constrained Algebraic Reconstruction Technique algorithm and a previously developed “fanning” technique. For this pilot study, a large region (760 × 148 km) of the PMC layer (altitude ~83 km) was sampled with a ~2 km horizontal resolution, and an intensity weighted centroid technique was developed to create novel 2‐D surface maps, characterizing the individual gravity waves as well as their altitude variability. Spectral analysis of seven selected wave events observed during the Northern Hemisphere 2007 PMC season exhibited dominant horizontal wavelengths of ~60–90 km, consistent with previous studies. These tomographic analyses have enabled a broad range of new investigations. For example, a clear spatial anticorrelation was observed between the PMC albedo and wave‐induced altitude changes, with higher‐albedo structures aligning well with wave troughs, while low‐intensity regions aligned with wave crests. This result appears to be consistent with current theories of PMC development in the mesopause region. This new tomographic imaging technique also provides valuable wave amplitude information enabling further mesospheric gravity wave investigations, including quantitative analysis of their hemispheric and interannual characteristics and variations

    Drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its association with bacterial genotype in the Somali region, Eastern Ethiopia

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    Background: Drug resistance is becoming a major bottleneck for tuberculosis (TB) control programs in countries with high TB burdens. Although several studies were conducted on the drug sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) in central Ethiopia, there is a lack of data on the drug sensitivity of M. tuberculosis in the peripheral regions of the country including in the Somali region. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the drug sensitivity of M. tuberculosis and its association with bacterial genotype and evaluate the performance of Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) in detecting resistance to rifampicin (RIF). Methods: A total of 302 M. tuberculosis were tested using the BD BACTEC-Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube 960 (MGIT 960) system for their drug sensitivity to the first-line anti-TB drugs. Besides, the drug sensitivity of 10 multidrug-resistant (MDR) M. tuberculosis isolates was evaluated for the second-line anti-TB drugs. Additionally, 177 of the 302 isolates were tested for genotypic drug resistance using Xpert. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used for the evaluation of the association between variables and drug sensitivity. Results: The overall prevalence of resistance to at least one drug was 11.6% (95% CI: 7.9-15.2%), while the prevalence of MDR was 3.3% (95% CI: 1.3-5.3%). Two of the 10 MDR isolates were resistant to capreomycin. The spoligotype Shared International Type (SIT) 149 was significantly associated with either monoresistance or MDR (p < 0.05). Of the 177 isolates tested by Xpert, 6.2% (11/177) were RIF-resistant. Discordant between Xpert and MGIT 960 was observed in one isolate and linked with probe-binding delay (DeltaCT max = 5.8). The sensitivity and specificity of the Xpert assay were 100 and 99.4%, respectively, while its positive and negative predictive values were 90.9 and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: The magnitude of MDR M. tuberculosis in the Somali region of Ethiopia was higher than the national prevalence of MDR-TB warranting the strengthening of the TB control program in the Somali region. Besides, drug resistance was associated with SIT 149 spoligotype (genotype). The Xpert assay was observed to have high sensitivity and specificity in detecting RIF-resistant M. tuberculosis, which is encouraging for its application widely
