83 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and concurrent validity of the Japanese version of the Euthymia scale: a clinimetric analysis

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    Background: Euthymia is characterized by the lack of mood disorders, the presence of positive affects, psychological flexibility and well-being, a unifying outlook on life, and resistance to stress. The Euthymia Scale (ES) is a 10-item self-rating clinimetric index assessing euthymia. Objectives: The present study was conducted to examine the clinimetric sensitivity and concurrent validity of the Japanese version of the Euthymia Scale (ES-J). Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to determine the presence of past or current major depressive episodes (MDE). The clinimetric sensitivity was evaluated using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Pearson’s correlation coefficients were performed to examine the concurrent validity of the ES-J. Results: A total of 1030 eligible participants completed the survey. The ES-J differentiated healthy subjects from complete remission (i.e., those with a past history of MDE without current MDE) (p < 0.001), from those with past or current history of MDE (p < 0.001), subjects with current MDE from those with sub-threshold symptoms of depression (p < 0.001), and healthy participants from subjects with moderate to severe symptoms of psychological distress (p < 0.001). The associations between the ES-J and measures of psychological well-being, resilience, life satisfaction, and social support were significantly positive (0.353 < r < 0.666, p < 0.001). A negative relationship between the ES-J and measures of psychological distress was also found (r = − 0.595, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicated that the ES-J is a valid and highly sensitive clinimetric index, which can be used as a screening measure in the clinical process of assessment of recovery, particularly when symptoms are expected to be mild and/or when dealing with subclinical symptoms of psychological distress and depression. The findings of this study also support the use of the ES-J to detect vulnerability to depression and to identify subjects at higher risk of relapse

    The Concept of Psychological Distress and Its Assessment: A Clinimetric Analysis of the SCL-90-R

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    Many studies have been conducted on psychological distress but the question of how to conceptualize and assess this phenomenon still remains a controversial issue. Clinimetrics, the science of clinical measurements, may pave the ground for a substantial revision of the clinical conceptualization and assessment of this construct. A Rasch analysis was performed to evaluate whether the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and its subscales were valid indices of underlying dimensions of psychological distress. Based on the clinimetric validation of the SCL-90-R, as well as on a critical review of the available literature, a concept analysis of psychological distress was performed. The SCL-90-R total score misfitted the Rasch model but it was found to have a Person Separation Reliability Index of 0.94. Model fit was achieved after the exclusion of six misfitting items. Paired t tests indicated that all the subscales of the SCL-90-R were unidimensional. Psychological distress was defined as a subjective, unifying, dimensional, and transdiagnostic construct consisting in a unique experience of discomfort, which may involve a sense of demoralization, the experience of feeling broken or mental pain, a sense of anguish, symptoms of somatization and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), feelings of anger, self-perceived lack of control, and self-criticism. Our findings also showed that the SCL-90-R could reliably differentiate healthy stress from psychological distress, and identify individuals at risk of psychiatric disorders. The total score of the 84-item version of the SCL-90-R may be used as an overall indicator of psychological distress. The subscales are recommended to assess the severity of specific symptomatic manifestations of psychological distress

    Charlson Comorbidity Index: A Critical Review of Clinimetric Properties

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    The present critical review was conducted to evaluate the clinimetric properties of the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), an assessment tool designed specifically to predict long-term mortality, with regard to its reliability, concurrent validity, sensitivity, incremental and predictive validity. The original version of the CCI has been adapted for use with different sources of data, ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. The inter-rater reliability of the CCI was found to be excellent, with extremely high agreement between self-report and medical charts. The CCI has also been shown either to have concurrent validity with a number of other prognostic scales or to result in concordant predictions. Importantly, the clinimetric sensitivity of the CCI has been demonstrated in a variety of medical conditions, with stepwise increases in the CCI associated with stepwise increases in mortality. The CCI is also characterized by the clinimetric property of incremental validity, whereby adding the CCI to other measures increases the overall predictive accuracy. It has been shown to predict long-term mortality in different clinical populations, including medical, surgical, intensive care unit (ICU), trauma, and cancer patients. It may also predict in-hospital mortality, although in some instances, such as ICU or trauma patients, the CCI did not perform as well as other instruments designed specifically for that purpose. The CCI thus appears to be clinically useful not only to provide a valid assessment of the patient’s unique clinical situation, but also to demarcate major diagnostic and prognostic differences among subgroups of patients sharing the same medical diagnosis

    Full Body Acting Rehearsal in a Networked Virtual Environment-A Case Study

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    In order to rehearse for a play or a scene from a movie, it is generally required that the actors are physically present at the same time in the same place. In this paper we present an example and experience of a full body motion shared virtual environment (SVE) for rehearsal. The system allows actors and directors to meet in an SVE in order to rehearse scenes for a play or a movie, that is, to perform some dialogue and blocking (positions, movements, and displacements of actors in the scene) rehearsal through a full body interactive virtual reality (VR) system. The system combines immersive VR rendering techniques as well as network capabilities together with full body tracking. Two actors and a director rehearsed from separate locations. One actor and the director were in London (located in separate rooms) while the second actor was in Barcelona. The Barcelona actor used a wide field-of-view head-tracked head-mounted display, and wore a body suit for real-time motion capture and display. The London actor was in a Cave system, with head and partial body tracking. Each actor was presented to the other as an avatar in the shared virtual environment, and the director could see the whole scenario on a desktop display, and intervene by voice commands. A video stream in a window displayed in the virtual environment also represented the director. The London participant was a professional actor, who afterward commented on the utility of the system for acting rehearsal. It was concluded that full body tracking and corresponding real-time display of all the actors' movements would be a critical requirement, and that blocking was possible down to the level of detail of gestures. Details of the implementation, actors, and director experiences are provided

    The Italian version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire: psychometric properties and validation in students, community, and clinical groups

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    The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Italian validation of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ), conceived as a measure of self-criticism and dependency, i.e. two personality factors acting, according to Blatt (2004), as risk factors for depression in particular and psychopathology in general. A series of standardized measures [Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), DEQ, Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R), Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, 3rd edition (MCMI-III)] was administered to three samples (i.e., students, community and clinical). Factorial validity was evaluated along with convergent and predictive validity. In order to evaluate the reliability and internal consistency, a specific subgroup of participants was retested on the DEQ and BDI-II. Results showed correlations between DEQ dimensions and some personality traits of the MCMI-III. The traditional three-factor model of the DEQ structure as identified by principal component analysis appears to be as stable factors as typically found in American samples, although some items showed elevated cross-loading or low loadings on any factor. Clinical and diagnostic implications of the findings will be discussed

    Networks for Future Services in a Smart City:Lessons Learned from the Connected OFCity Challenge 2017

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    The drive toward ubiquitous communications has long been encompassed by the concept of a connected or smart city. The idea that data transfer and real-time data analysis can enhance the quality of life for urban inhabitants is compelling, and one can easily envision the provision of exciting new services and applications that such an information-driven city could provide. The challenge in achieving a truly smart city stems largely from communications technologies-fixed line, wireless, backhaul, and fronthaul-and how these are combined to provide fast, reliable, and secure communications coverage. Here, we report on the key observations from the Connected OFCity Challenge competition, held at OFC 2017, which addressed the fixed and wireless access network requirements for smart cities. It is shown that from a technological perspective, future optical networks will be capable of securely supporting extremely low-latency and high-bandwidth applications. However, as shown by using Networked Music Performance as a particularly challenging example application, how readily this is achieved will depend on the interplay between wired and wireless access services. © 1979-2012 IEEE

    Clinimetric approach to rating scales for the assessment of apathy in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review

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    A number of rating scales for the assessment of apathy in Parkinson's disease (PD)were developed. Unfortunately, previous studies focused mainly on psychometric criteria rather than on clinimetric principles to develop these assessment instruments. In the clinimetric approach, the clinical validity of a rating scale, rather than its statistical significance, has the priority. The aim of the present systematic review was to capture the clinimetric properties of these rating scales and to identify the measures, which display clinical validity for the assessment of apathy in PD. The systematic search was conducted on Scopus, PsycINFO, PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and Medline following the PRISMA guidelines. A total of 44 studies were included and analyzed in this systematic review. The apathy rating scales, which were found to be psychometrically robust and reliable, were actually clinically questionable. The apathy measures, which displayed clinimetric properties, were the Starkstein Apathy Scale (SAS), the 5-item version of the World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5), the Neurasthenia Scale and the Lille Apathy Rating Scale (LARS). The SAS was found to be clinically valid at a macro-analytic level, particularly when used either to exclude the presence of symptoms of apathy or to evaluate the side effects of medications. The WHO-5 and the Neurasthenia Scale were found to be clinically valid only at a micro-analytic level and can be used as screening measures for the assessment of the severity of symptoms of apathy. The LARS was a clinically valid instrument to be used for the diagnosis of apathy