118 research outputs found

    Technological prioritization methodology for the treatment of Biocontaminated hospital solid waste through the process of hierarchical analysis: Case ESSALUD

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    Las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (IPRESS) del Seguro Social de Salud – ESSALUD, generan residuos sólidos hospitalarios peligrosos y no peligrosos. Antes de la pandemia por la COVID-19, en las IPRESS, a nivel nacional, se generaba el 15% del total entre residuos biocontaminados y especiales. Durante un periodo de la pandemia (2020 – 2021), se elevó, aproximadamente al 76%. Además, Las empresas operadoras de residuos sólidos (EO-RS), realizan el servicio de recolección, transporte y disposición final de los residuos sólidos peligrosos, pero no necesariamente el tratamiento de los mismos por lo que el volumen de los residuos sólidos peligrosos a ser dispuestos se incrementó según el avance de la pandemia, existiendo limitados rellenos de seguridad; asimismo, durante la pandemia, se constató preliminarmente, el insuficiente nivel de conocimiento para la aplicación de tecnologías de tratamiento en las IPRESS por parte del personal técnico y funcionario de las IPRESS. Con la información obtenida, producto de visitas mediante el proceso de cumplimiento normativo institucional se procesa información de ocho (08) de las redes priorizadas, y a partir del respectivo procesamiento se diseña una metodología de priorización de tecnologías, utilizando el proceso de Análisis Jerárquico para el tratamiento de residuos biocontaminados, considerándose la aplicación de tecnologías únicas o mixtas en las redes, a nivel nacional, lo cual permitirá reducir la exposición de los trabajadores de la institución, velando por su salud y seguridad, y del entorno ambiental hasta su disposición final, como residuos tratados.The IPRESS of the Social Health Insurance - ESSALUD, generate hazardous and non-hazardous hospital solid waste. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, in the IPRESS, at national level, there was generated around 15% of biocontaminated and special waste. During a period of the pandemic (2020-2021), it rose approximately 76%. In addition, the EO-RS, recollect, transported and do the final disposition of the dangerous solid waste, but this is not necessarily the correct treatment of them, so the volume of hazardous solid waste to be disposed of increased as the pandemic progressed, there are limited security fills. In addition, during the pandemic, now days there isn´t knowledge to apply technology in the IPRESS, by the technical and official staff of the IPRESS. With the information obtained, as a result of visits through the institutional regulatory compliance process, information from eight (08) of the prioritized networks, and from the respective processing, a technology prioritization methodology is designed, using the Hierarchical Analysis process for the treatment of biocontaminated waste, considering the application of unique or mixed technologies in the networks, at the national level, which will reduce the exposure of the institution´s workers, ensuring health and safety, and the environment until its final disposition, as treated waste.Trabajo de investigació

    Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario interno del servicio de cirugía y especialidades de un hospital de la región de Ayacucho, 2022

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    Como objetivo principal de la investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del usuario interno del servicio de cirugía y especialidades del Hospital Regional de Ayacucho, 2022. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo correlacional, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de forma transversal y nivel correlacional. Asimismo, la muestra fue conformada por 385 usuarios internos del servicio de cirugía y especialidades del Hospital Regional de Ayacucho, a quienes se les aplicaron los cuestionarios sobre la calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario interno, de ambos casos constan en 40 preguntas, los instrumentos previa a la aplicación fueron validados por los expertos, el cual garantizó la confiabilidad y su validez. Entre los hallazgos señalan que existe la relación directa entre la calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario, donde el coeficiente de correlación Rho Spearman tiene un valor de p; significancia bilateral de 0.000, siendo menor a 0.050, asimismo, el coeficiente de correlación viene a ser de 0.466, menor al error estimado. Finalmente concluye, que existe una relación directa moderada entre la calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario

    MicroLife: from prediction to function

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    Bacteria have a wide variety of lifestyles ranging from pathogenic, causing diseases in animals, plants or humans, to beneficial. Some of these beneficial bacteria have evolved together with plants and provide specific traits such as plant growth promotion or help to tolerate (a)biotic stresses. Burkholderia spp. and Pseudomonas spp. are among the most ubiquitous bacterial genera whose species, 60 and 220 respectively, have been isolated worldwide in all kinds of environments. For example, species belonging to B. cepacia and B. pseudomallei complexes, and P. aeruginosa are often human pathogens, while B. plantarii, B. glumae and B. gladioli, and P. syringae strains are strictly plant pathogens. On the other hand, Paraburkholderia and P. fluorescens strains are mainly found in soil and/or in beneficial associations with plants. In this study, we have used MicroLife, a high-throughput computational workflow to explore large-scale genomic datasets and perform a deep comparative genomic analysis between all the Burkholderia and Pseudomonas genomes publicly available. The comparative genomic analysis has identified more than 709 and 385 genes that were associated with plant pathogenic lifestyle in Burkholderia and Pseudomonas, respectively. We observed a larger set of genes that are well-known for their roles in the virulence of these bacteria. However, many of the identified genes were of unknown function or unrelated to known virulence processes. Here, we are using targeted mutagenesis to validate the unknown genes predicted by MicroLife. Currently, we are testing the phenotype in plants of 34 independent mutants. In addition, heterologous expression and biochemical analyses are ongoing to determine the roles of these predicted genomic signatures with the lifestyle associated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Archipelago-Wide Island Restoration in the Galápagos Islands: Reducing Costs of Invasive Mammal Eradication Programs and Reinvasion Risk

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    Invasive alien mammals are the major driver of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation on islands. Over the past three decades, invasive mammal eradication from islands has become one of society's most powerful tools for preventing extinction of insular endemics and restoring insular ecosystems. As practitioners tackle larger islands for restoration, three factors will heavily influence success and outcomes: the degree of local support, the ability to mitigate for non-target impacts, and the ability to eradicate non-native species more cost-effectively. Investments in removing invasive species, however, must be weighed against the risk of reintroduction. One way to reduce reintroduction risks is to eradicate the target invasive species from an entire archipelago, and thus eliminate readily available sources. We illustrate the costs and benefits of this approach with the efforts to remove invasive goats from the Galápagos Islands. Project Isabela, the world's largest island restoration effort to date, removed >140,000 goats from >500,000 ha for a cost of US$10.5 million. Leveraging the capacity built during Project Isabela, and given that goat reintroductions have been common over the past decade, we implemented an archipelago-wide goat eradication strategy. Feral goats remain on three islands in the archipelago, and removal efforts are underway. Efforts on the Galápagos Islands demonstrate that for some species, island size is no longer the limiting factor with respect to eradication. Rather, bureaucratic processes, financing, political will, and stakeholder approval appear to be the new challenges. Eradication efforts have delivered a suite of biodiversity benefits that are in the process of revealing themselves. The costs of rectifying intentional reintroductions are high in terms of financial and human resources. Reducing the archipelago-wide goat density to low levels is a technical approach to reducing reintroduction risk in the short-term, and is being complemented with a longer-term social approach focused on education and governance

    El teletrabajo y calidad de vida laboral en la dirección de gestión humana de Farmacias Peruanas SAC, La Victoria, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre el teletrabajo y calidad de vida laboral en la Dirección de Gestión Humana de Farmacias Peruanas SAC, La Victoria, 2022. La metodología utilizada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica orientada, diseño no experimental de corte transversal y nivel correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 40 trabajadores de la Dirección de Gestión Humana de Farmacias Peruanas SAC. Los resultados obtenidos demostrarón que el 60.0% de los encuestados manifiestan que el teletrabajo esta en un nivel regular; al igual que el otro 47.5% de los encuestados manifiestan que la calidad de vida laboral es regular. En tanto, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman obtenido fue 0,848 y la significancia bilateral fue 0.000; donde se concluye existe relación positiva entre el teletrabajo y calidad de vida laboral en la Dirección de Gestión Humana de Farmacias Peruanas SAC, La Victoria, 2022, obteniendo una correlación positiva alta

    Mejora del proceso de despacho para optimizar el sistema de trazabilidad en área de transporte y distribución de operador logístico, 2022

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    Esta investigación se desarrolló debido a los problemas en el sistema de trazabilidad de la gestión de despachos del área de transporte y distribución de un operador logístico. Por lo tanto, tuvo como objetivo general determinar el proceso de despachos para optimizar el sistema de trazabilidad en dicha área. Llegando a emplear un estudio de tipo aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo, nivel explicativo, diseño preexperimental y de corte longitudinal, teniendo como población y muestra al registro de indicadores del área de transporte y distribución en un trayecto de 16 semanas, 8 semanas pre test y 8 semanas post test, seleccionadas en base a un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, empleando la técnica de análisis documental y la observación directa, teniendo como instrumentos a las fichas de registros y las guías de observación. Hallando como resultados principales una mejora en la amplitud de 57.59%, en la profundidad de 75.00%, en la precisión del 0.99%, y una disminución de tiempo de acceso de 1.53 minutos/reporte semanal. Concluyendo que, al rediseñar los procesos de la gestión de despachos fue posible lograr una mejora del 34.51% en el sistema de trazabilidad, pasando de un valor pre test de 52.02% a un valor post test de 86.52%

    Tailoring Organic-Organic Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Microparticles and Fibers with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Reinforced Composites

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    Polymeric-based microparticles and fibers are tailorable for a wide range of common industrial and biomedical applications, while multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are among the most useful macromolecules based on their outstanding electronic, mechanical, and optical properties at the nanoscale. If one combines these nanostructures with various polymeric precursors, their range of potential applications becomes even greater. One of the simplest and most affordable methods for fabricating micro- and nanostructures is electrospinning. Herein we demonstrate how MWCNTs may be used to produce tailor-made organic-organic poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) microparticles and fibers via electrospinning by studying their structural, vibrational, rheological, and mechanical properties' dependence on their solvent (ethanol (EtOH) or dimethylformamide (DMF)) and resulting morphology. Specifically, we find clear differences in morphologies from perfectly spherical and isolated microparticles to fibers mats, or a combination of fibers with entangled beads, with solvent type and concentration. On the basis of our findings, we propose that the mechanism governing the shape and size of the particles is a competition between the solvent's surface tension, dielectric constant, and viscoelastic properties. We show, based on both our experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, that OH functionalization of the MWCNTs is essential for achieving high PVP coverages and promoting the stability of the resulting PVP/MWCNT nanocomposite. Finally, by fabricating PVP/MWCNT fiber mats, we demonstrate that low concentrations (0.01-0.1 wt %) of MWCNTs led to a qualitative improvement (â250%) in the resulting mechanical properties, i.e., a reinforced composite. These results show how by controlling the solvent's dielectric constant, surface tension, and polymer concentration, one may produce tailor-made polymeric nanomaterials in combination with other organic/inorganic nanoparticles, i.e., silver, gold, or carbon allotropes, for next-generation applications

    Recent GRBs observed with the 1.23m CAHA telescope and the status of its upgrade

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    We report on optical observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) followed up by our collaboration with the 1.23m telescope located at the Calar Alto observatory. The 1.23m telescope is an old facility, currently undergoing upgrades to enable fully autonomous response to GRB alerts. We discuss the current status of the control system upgrade of the 1.23m telescope. The upgrade is being done by the ARAE our group, based on members of IAA (Instituto de Astrofiisica de Andalucia). Currently the ARAE group is responsible to develop the BOOTES network of robotic telescopes based on the Remote Telescope System, 2nd Version (RTS2), which controls the available instruments and interacts with the EPICS database of Calar Alto. Currently the telescope can run fully autonomously or under observer supervision using RTS2. The fast reaction response mode for GRB reaction (typically with response times below 3 minutes from the GRB onset) still needs some development and testing. The telescope is usually operated in legacy interactive mode, with periods of supervised autonomous runs under RTS2. We show the preliminary results of several GRBs followed up with observer intervention during the testing phase of the 1.23m control software upgrade.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in the Special issue "Robotic Astronomy" of Advances in Astronomy. It includes two iterations with the referee

    Characteristics of tobacco use among secondary school students: a cross-sectional study in a school in Valencia, Spain

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    IntroductionCigarette smoking is a significant public health problem, and it is essential to work actively with young people to limit the incorporation of this addiction. This study aimed to identify characteristics associated with tobacco use in adolescents in a real setting.MethodsEpidemiologic, cross-sectional study including secondary school students aged 12–17 years in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades of “Joan Fuster High School” in the city of Sueca, Valencia (Spain). An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on demographics, cigarette smoking history, alcohol consumption, nicotine dependence, and exposure to parental cigarette smoking.ResultsThe final sample of individuals surveyed included 306 students (50.6% females) with a median age of 13 years. The prevalence of cigarette smoking was 11.8% (13.5% in females and 9.9% in males). The mean age of cigarette smoking onset was 12.7 ± 1.6 years. Ninety-three students (30.4%) were repeaters, and 114 (37.3%) reported alcohol consumption. Significant factors associated with tobacco use were being a repeater (odds ratio [OR] 4.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.75–10.55, p = 0.002), alcohol consumption (OR 4.06, 95% CI 1.75–10.15, p = 0.002) and parental cigarette smoking (OR 3.76, 95% CI 1.52–10.74, p = 0.007).DiscussionAn operational profile of features associated with tobacco consumption was identified in the presence of parental cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor academic performance. Consideration of these factors could be useful in the operational design of cigarette smoking cessation interventions for young people in a context where there is a great need for better prevention and control of cigarette smoking