1,200 research outputs found

    CFD investigation of a complete floating offshore wind turbine

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    This chapter presents numerical computations for floating offshore wind turbines for a machine of 10-MW rated power. The rotors were computed using the Helicopter Multi-Block flow solver of the University of Glasgow that solves the Navier-Stokes equations in integral form using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation for time-dependent domains with moving boundaries. Hydrodynamic loads on the support platform were computed using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. This method is mesh-free, and represents the fluid by a set of discrete particles. The motion of the floating offshore wind turbine is computed using a Multi-Body Dynamic Model of rigid bodies and frictionless joints. Mooring cables are modelled as a set of springs and dampers. All solvers were validated separately before coupling, and the loosely coupled algorithm used is described in detail alongside the obtained results

    Palinología del paleolítico medio y superior de Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante)

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    Es presenten els resultats pal.linológics de una secció estratigrafica que correspon al paleolltic superior de la Cova Beneito (Muro, Alacant), la qual completa la seqüencia paleolítica que ara inclou nivells musterians, aurinyacians, solutrians, gravetians i solutreo-gravetians. La secció pol.linífera s'hi tmba escassament a 1-2 m d'una altra estudiada anterionnent, la qual va resultar esteril. Els espectres pol.línics mostren que el paleolltic superior de la zona es va desenvolupar en condicions d’aridesa ambiental prou marcades, la qual cosa està en corrodància amb les dades que s'observen a altres diagrames pol.linics per a l'estadi isotbpic 2 en domini continental. Dins d'un context global, la seqüencia de la Cova Beneito dóna suport a la hipòtesi que durant l'intetpleniglacial wunnià es produrien expansions, no necessàriament, coetànies, de nuclis de vegetació mediterrània, l'amplitud i duració de les quals dependrien de les condicions locals.In this study, the palynology of an Upper Paleolithic stratigraphical section from Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante) is presented. It completes all the Paleolithic record including Mousterian, Aurignacian, Solutrian, Gravettian and Solutreo Gravenian industries. The polliniferous section is placed 1-2 m apart from a former one which became sterile. According to the pollen spectra, the Upper Paleolithic environment could have been one of severe aridity. This agrees with the conventional palynology in continental domain for the isotopic stage 2. Overall, the Beneito pollen record supports the view that, during the middle last glacial stage, Mediterranean vegetation couM have been widespread, but with the response of vegetation to the climatic change largely depending on local conditions.Se presentan los resultados palinológicos de una sección estratigráfica correspondiente al Paleolítico superior de Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante), completando así la secuencia paleolítica que ahora incluye niveles musterienses, auriñacienses. solutrenses, gravetienses y solutreo-gravetienses. La sección polinífera se halla apenas a 1-2 m de otra estudiada anteriormente, la cual resultó estéril. Los espectros polínicos muestran que el Paleolítico Superior de la zona se desarrolló en condiciones de aridez ambiental bastante marcadas, lo cual concuerda con los datos que se manejan en otros diagramas polínicos para el estadio isotópico 2 en dominio continental. En un contexto global, la secuencia de Cova Beneito sirve de apoyo a la hipótesis de que durante el interpleniglacial wurmiense se produjeron expansiones, no necesariamente coetáneas, de núcleos de vegetación mediterránea cuya amplitud y duración dependerían de las condiciones locales

    Gravitational waves in dynamical spacetimes with matter content in the Fully Constrained Formulation

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    The Fully Constrained Formulation (FCF) of General Relativity is a novel framework introduced as an alternative to the hyperbolic formulations traditionally used in numerical relativity. The FCF equations form a hybrid elliptic-hyperbolic system of equations including explicitly the constraints. We present an implicit-explicit numerical algorithm to solve the hyperbolic part, whereas the elliptic sector shares the form and properties with the well known Conformally Flat Condition (CFC) approximation. We show the stability andconvergence properties of the numerical scheme with numerical simulations of vacuum solutions. We have performed the first numerical evolutions of the coupled system of hydrodynamics and Einstein equations within FCF. As a proof of principle of the viability of the formalism, we present 2D axisymmetric simulations of an oscillating neutron star. In order to simplify the analysis we have neglected the back-reaction of the gravitational waves into the dynamics, which is small (<2 %) for the system considered in this work. We use spherical coordinates grids which are well adapted for simulations of stars and allow for extended grids that marginally reach the wave zone. We have extracted the gravitational wave signature and compared to the Newtonian quadrupole and hexadecapole formulae. Both extraction methods show agreement within the numerical errors and the approximations used (~30 %).Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in PR

    On the probable composition of ‘Jamaican stone’ aphrodisiac

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    A dangerous aphrodisiac, commonly known as ‘Jamaican stone’, banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has been studied by vibrational spectroscopy in order to solve the controversy on its composition. The results of the ATR-FTIR analysis revealed the presence of the a-pyrone ring, which is characteristic of bufadienolides from toad venom and bulbs of squill (Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn). This conclusion was reached after a comparative study with the spectra for phytochemicals derived from gambir and cat''s claw, two Uncaria species also preconized as aphrodisiacs and deemed as possible constituents of the ‘stone’. Owing to their physiologic similarities to digoxin, bufadienolides have been shown to produce a toxic profile similar to that of digoxin, although the lack one of the side chains found on digoxin should allow the use of hemodialysis to treat ‘Jamaican stone’ overdose

    Vibrational analysis and thermal behavior of salvia hispanica, nigella sativa and papaver somniferum seeds

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    Introduction: Salvia hispanica L., Nigella sativa L. and Papaver somniferum L. are involved in opiate-dependent behavior. It is known that the seeds of these three herbs contain high amounts of antioxidants, which are helpful in disease prevention, but further research is needed on some of their other phytochemical components (terpene alkaloids, benzoquinones and others), which are claimed to affect human opioid receptors. Methods: Seeds from the three afore mentioned plants have been studied by ATR-FTIR vibrational spectroscopy and thermo analytical techniques (TG/DTG, DTA and DSC). Results: The infrared spectrum has confirmed the presence of the ester carbonyl of terpenoid alkaloids (such as nigellamine) and the fully conjugated cyclic dione structure of quinones (e.g., thymoquinone). As regards the thermal stability of these seeds, small differences have been observed in their thermal profiles (endothermic effects at around 333C for chia, 268C for black cumin and 319C for poppy seeds), which can be ascribed to their different content in carbohydrates. Conclusions: The functional groups of the main active constituents and the thermal behavior of these three seeds have been elucidated

    Valorization of Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea shrubs for fuel: Wood and bark thermal characterization

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    As a form of upgraded biomass characterized by its high energy density, low production costs, and low process energy requirements, wood pellets are an environmentally friendly fuel allowing for carbon neutral heating with high energy efficiency. In this work, the suitability of a valorization of the woods from the two most representative shrub species from the Iberian Peninsula (namely Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea) for heating has been assessed. Whereas Erica arborea met the requirements of ISO 17225-2:2014 for ENplus-B class (the calorific content for both wood and bark was high and not significantly different, and the ash content was permissible for specimens with branch diameter =2, 8 cm), Cistus ladanifer was in the limit of the normative and only met the requirements in terms of acceptable ash percentage (1, 9%) and heating value (19 kJ·g-1) for old specimens with branch diameters &gt; 3, 4 cm. Consequently, while the harvest of E. arborea for its use as fuel does not need to be selective, that of C. ladanifer should be limited to the most robust specimens and foliage should be avoided

    La boccia como deporte adaptado y sensibilizador en Educación Física en Educación Secundaria

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    Adapted sports are being included in physical education programming. The present work evaluates the effect in the attitudes toward disabilityin Physical Education of the realization of a didactic unit of boccia following the teaching games for understanding’ perspective and an inclusive tournament with people with intellectual impairments of a group of secondary school students. Additionally, student’s opinion about boccia has been collected as sports content in Physical Education. The results indicate that participants improved their attitudes toward disability in Physical Education. In addition, participants indicated that the boccia contributes to values ​​education and equal opportunities, but not to the development of basic skills and abilities. The students only perceive the boccia as a sensitizing sport, for which reason it is necessary to continue investigating in this line to improve their opinion as sports content in Physical Education.Los deportes adaptados están siendo incluidos en las programaciones de Educación Física. El presente trabajo evalúa el efecto en las actitudes hacia la discapacidad en Educación Física de la realización de una unidad didáctica de boccia, siguiendo la enseñanza comprensiva de los deportes, y de un torneo inclusivo junto a personas con discapacidad intelectual en el que participó un grupo de estudiantes de educación secundaria. Adicionalmente, se ha recogido su opinión sobre la boccia como contenido deportivo en Educación Física. Los resultados indican que los participantes mejoraron sus actitudes hacia la discapacidad en Educación Física. Además, los participantes indicaron que la boccia contribuye a la educación en valores e igualdad de oportunidades, pero no al desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas básicas. Los estudiantes solo perciben a la boccia como un deporte sensibilizador, por lo que se debe seguir investigando en esta línea para mejorar su opinión como contenido deportivo en Educación Física

    Vibrational and thermal studies of essential oils derived from Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea shrubs

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    Essential oils from the two most representative shrub species from the Iberian Peninsula (namely Cistus ladanifer L. and Erica arborea L.) have been characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermoanalytical techniques (TG/DTG and DSC). Vibrational spectra have been compared with those of components of the plants, and with those of oils, gums and resins from other species. The different content in terpenoids of C. ladanifer oil (mainly mono-and sesquiterpenoids) and E. arborea oil (mainly triterpenoids) is reflected in the ATR-FTIR by the position of the bands at around 2873 cm-1, 1730 cm-1 and 1678 cm-1. As regards their thermal behavior, C. ladanifer-derived oil evinced higher thermal stability than that of obtained from E. arborea: The pyrolysis of the former was sensitized at 210°C, whereas for the later it occurred at 143°C. These temperatures are high enough to state that thermolabile constituents such as terpenoids are conserved in the hydrodistillation and that this extraction process ensures the recovery of the main constituents of both essential oils