98 research outputs found

    Initial shape reconstruction of a volcanic island as a tool for quantifying long-term coastal erosion: the case of Corvo Island (Azores)

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    Long-term coastal erosion is not yet well studied given that it is difficult to quantify. The quantification of long-term coastal erosion requires reconstruction of the coast's initial geometry and the determination of where and when the erosion started. Volcanic islands fulfill these two conditions: their initial shape is roughly conical and the age of the lavas that generated this geometry is easily measured. We have developed a method to reconstruct the initial shape of simple volcanic edifices from aerial and submarine topographic data. The reconstructed initial shape and associated uncertainties allow us to spatially quantify the coastal erosion since the building of the island. This method is applied to Corvo Island in the Azores archipelago. We calculated that, due to coastal erosion, the island has lost a volume of 6.5 ± 2.7 km3 and roughly 80 % of its surface area since it first came into being. Taking the large uncertainty in the age of the topmost lava flows (0.43 ± 0.34 Myr) into account, we have estimated that Corvo Island has lost an average of 5000 to 100 000 m3 yr−1 of its volume due to coastal erosion. Lastly, we show a strong correlation between long-term coastal erosion and the spatial distribution of the waves. Specifically, we highlight a stronger control on erosion by smaller and more frequent waves than by storm waves. The next step will be to apply this method to other volcanic islands in order to (i) streamline and improve the method and (ii) verify the correlations observed in the present study.</p

    Impact of recycling and lateral sediment input on grain size fining trends – implications for reconstructing tectonic and climate forcings in ancient sedimentary systems

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    Grain size trends in basin stratigraphy are thought to preserve a rich record of the climatic and tectonic controls on landscape evolution. Stratigraphic models assume that over geological timescales, the downstream profile of sediment deposition is in dynamic equilibrium with the spatial distribution of tectonic subsidence in the basin, sea level and the flux and calibre of sediment supplied from mountain catchments. Here, we demonstrate that this approach in modelling stratigraphic responses to environmental change is missing a key ingredient: the dynamic geomorphology of the sediment routing system. For three large alluvial fans in the Iglesia basin, Argentine Andes we measured the grain size of modern river sediment from fan apex to toe and characterise the spatial distribution of differential subsidence for each fan by constructing a 3D model of basin stratigraphy from seismic data. We find, using a self-similar grain size fining model, that the profile of grain size fining on all three fans cannot be reproduced given the subsidence profile measured and for any sediment supply scenario. However, by adapting the self-similar model, we demonstrate that the grain size trends on each fan can be effectively reproduced when sediment is not only sourced from a single catchment at the apex of the system, but also laterally, from tributary catchments and through fan surface recycling. Without constraint on the dynamic geomorphology of these large alluvial systems, signals of tectonic and climate forcing in grain size data are masked and would be indecipherable in the geological record. This has significant implications for our ability to make sensitive, quantitative reconstructions of external boundary conditions from the sedimentary record

    Evidence for self-similar bedload transport on Andean alluvial fans, Iglesia basin, south Central Argentina

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    Self‐similar downstream grain‐size fining trends in fluvial deposits are being increasingly used to simplify equilibrium sediment transport dynamics in numerical models. Their ability to collapse time‐averaged behavior of a depositional system into a simple mass balance framework makes them ideal for exploring the sensitivity of sediment routing systems to their climatic and tectonic boundary conditions. This is important if we want to better understand the sensitivity of landscapes to environmental change over timescales >102 years. However, the extent to which self‐similarity is detectable in the deposits of natural rivers is not fully constrained. In transport‐limited rivers, stored sediment can be remobilized or “recycled” and this behavior has been highlighted as a mechanism by which externally forced grain‐size fining trends are distorted. Here we evaluate evidence of self‐similarity in surface gravel‐size distributions on three geomorphically diverse alluvial fans in the Iglesia basin, south Central Argentine Andes. We find that size distributions are self‐similar, deviating from that condition only when significant variability occurs in the coarse tails of the distributions. Our analysis indicates a strong correlation between the degree of sediment recycling and the proportion of coarse clasts present on the bed surface. However, by fitting a relative mobility transfer function, we demonstrate that size‐selectivity alone can explain the bulk size distributions observed. This strengthens the application of self‐similar grain size fining models to solving problems of mass balance in a range of geomorphic settings, with an aim for reconstructing environmental boundary conditions from stratigraphy

    How does alluvial sedimentation at range fronts modify the erosional dynamics of mountain catchments? Basin research

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    ABSTRACT At the geological time scale, the way in which the erosion of drainage catchments responds to tectonic uplift and climate changes depends on boundary conditions. In particular, sediment accumulation and erosion occurring at the edge of mountain ranges should in£uence the base level of mountain catchments, as well as sediment and water discharges. In this paper, we use a landform evolution model (LEM) to investigate how the presence of alluvial sedimentation at range fronts a¡ects catchment responses to climatic or tectonic changes.This approach is applied to a 25 km  50 km domain, in which the central part is uplifted progressively to simulate the growth of a small mountain range.The LEM includes di¡erent slope and river processes that can compete with each other.This competition leads to &apos;transport-limited&apos; , &apos;detachment-limited&apos; or &apos;mixed&apos; transport conditions in mountains at dynamic equilibrium. In addition, two end-member algorithms (the channellized-£ow and the sheet-£ow regimes) have been included for the alluvial fan-£ow regime.The three transport conditions and the two £ow algorithms represent six di¡erent models for which the responses to increase of rock uplift rate and/or cyclic variation of the precipitation rate are investigated. Our results indicate that addition of an alluvial apron increases the long-term mountain denudation. In response to uplift, mountain rivers adapt their pro±le in two successive stages; ±rst by propagation of an erosion wave and then by slowly increasing their channel gradients. During the second stage, the erosion rate is almost uniform across the catchment area at any one time, which suggests that dynamic equilibrium has been reached, although the balance between erosion and rock uplift rates has not yet been achieved.This second stage is initiated by the uplift of the mountain river outlets because of sedimentation aggradation at the mountain front.The response time depends on the type of water £ow imposed on the alluvial fans domains ( by 1.5 for channelized £ow regime and by 10 for the sheet £ow one). Cyclic variations of precipitation rate generate cyclic incisions in the alluvial apron.These incision pulses create knick-points in the river pro±le in the case of &apos;detachment-limited&apos;and &apos;mixed&apos; river conditions, which could be mistaken for tectonically induced knick-points.&apos;Transport-limited&apos; conditions do not create such knick-points, but nevertheless trigger erosion in catchments.The feedbacks linked to sedimentation and erosion at range front can therefore control catchment incision or aggradation. In addition, random river captures in the range front trigger auto -cyclic erosion pulses in the catchment, capable of generating incision^aggradation cycles

    How does alluvial sedimentation at range fronts modify the erosional dynamics of mountain catchments?

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    International audienceAt the geological time scale, the way in which the erosion of drainage catchments responds to tectonic uplift and climate changes depends on boundary conditions. In particular, sediment accumulation and erosion occurring at the edge of mountain ranges should influence the base level of mountain catchments, as well as sediment and water discharges. In this paper, we use a landform evolution model (LEM) to investigate how the presence of alluvial sedimentation at range fronts affects catchment responses to climatic or tectonic changes. This approach is applied to a 25 km × 50 km domain, in which the central part is uplifted progressively to simulate the growth of a small mountain range. The LEM includes different slope and river processes that can compete with each other. This competition leads to ‘transport-limited’, ‘detachment-limited’ or ‘mixed’ transport conditions in mountains at dynamic equilibrium. In addition, two end-member algorithms (the channellized-flow and the sheet-flow regimes) have been included for the alluvial fan-flow regime. The three transport conditions and the two flow algorithms represent six different models for which the responses to increase of rock uplift rate and/or cyclic variation of the precipitation rate are investigated.Our results indicate that addition of an alluvial apron increases the long-term mountain denudation. In response to uplift, mountain rivers adapt their profile in two successive stages; first by propagation of an erosion wave and then by slowly increasing their channel gradients. During the second stage, the erosion rate is almost uniform across the catchment area at any one time, which suggests that dynamic equilibrium has been reached, although the balance between erosion and rock uplift rates has not yet been achieved. This second stage is initiated by the uplift of the mountain river outlets because of sedimentation aggradation at the mountain front. The response time depends on the type of water flow imposed on the alluvial fans domains (× by 1.5 for channelized flow regime and by 10 for the sheet flow one).Cyclic variations of precipitation rate generate cyclic incisions in the alluvial apron. These incision pulses create knick-points in the river profile in the case of ‘detachment-limited’ and ‘mixed’ river conditions, which could be mistaken for tectonically induced knick-points. ‘Transport-limited’ conditions do not create such knick-points, but nevertheless trigger erosion in catchments. The feedbacks linked to sedimentation and erosion at range front can therefore control catchment incision or aggradation. In addition, random river captures in the range front trigger auto-cyclic erosion pulses in the catchment, capable of generating incision–aggradation cycles

    Influence of orographic precipitation on the topographic and erosional evolution of mountain ranges

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    The influence of climate on mountain denudation has been the topic of an intense debate for two decades. This debate partly arises from the covariation of rainfall and topography during the growth of mountain ranges, both of which influence denudation. However, the denudational response of this co-evolution is poorly understood. Here, we use a landscape evolution model where the rainfall evolves according to a prescribed rainfall-elevation relationship. This relationship is a bell curve defined by a rainfall base level, a rainfall maximum and a width around the rainfall peak elevation. This is a first-order model that fits a large range of orographic rainfall data at the ca. 1-km spatial scale. We carried out simulations of an uplifting block with an alluvial apron, starting from an initially horizontal surface, and testing different rainfall-elevation relationships. We find that the denudation history is different from that with constant rainfall models. The results essentially depend on the ratio between the final steady-state summit elevation H-ss and the prescribed rainfall peak elevation H-p. This ratio is hard to predict because it depends on the transient coupling of rainfall and elevation. We identified three types of results according to H-ss/H-p. If H-ss/H-p > 4 (Type I), the denudation rates peak when the summits reach values close to H-p. If H-ss/H-p > 1.5 and < 4 (Type II), the denudation is strongly accelerated when the elevation of the summits approaches H-p, and then the denudation increases slowly towards the uplift rate. If H-ss/H-p < 1.5 (Type III), the denudation evolution is similar to situations with constant and homogeneous rainfall. In the Type I and II experiments, the mountain top is subjected to aridification once the summits have passed through H-p. To adapt to this reduced rainfall, the slopes increase. This can lead to a paradoxical situation where the mountain relief increases faster, whereas the denudation increases more slowly. The development of orographic precipitation may thus favour the stability of the mean denudation rate in a rising mountain. Despite the model limitations, including a constant rainfall-elevation relationship, our study suggests that the "classical" exponential increase in the denudation rate predicted by constant rainfall models is not the common case. Instead, the common case involves pulses and acceleration of the denudation even in the absence of uplift or global climate variations

    Do river profiles record along-stream variations of low uplift rate?

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    International audienceSpatial variations of gradients in landscapes may be used to identify and quantify recent deformation. The problem with doing this is to determine whether tectonic or climatic forcing is responsible for these variations, especially for low uplift rate environments (â‰Ș\ll1 mm yr-1) where climate changes may have erased tectonic features. We evaluate the respective contribution of low uplift rate (~0.1 mm yr-1) and Pleistocene climate oscillations on gradient variations of two comparable river profiles crossing different uplift zones in the southern Upper Rhine Graben. We compare the observed points of discontinuity in river profile (knickpoints) and convex portions (knickzones) with those predicted by a detachment-limited model that includes stochastic short-term and cyclic long-term variations in climate, a bedrock detachment threshold and rock uplift. The detachment-limited model is chosen as it predicts the development of persistent knickpoints. Differing values of the shear stress exponent, erosion threshold, climate variability and uplift pattern have been checked. Our modeling suggests that climate changes had no significant effects on profiles and that anomalies are more likely due to anticline growth. This surprising result arises from the combination of a very low regional uplift rate and the detachment-limited assumption. The detachment-limited model implies an upstream propagation of knickpoints and knickzones generated by uplift at the outlet during dry climate periods of low erosion. The greater the uplift rate, the larger the variations in river bed elevation. Thus, for high uplift rate, knickpoints and knickzones generated by climate oscillations are more likely to hide tectonic features. This result seems counterintuitive because it suggests that tectonic knickzones will be better preserved in low uplift rate environments, provided that the lithology is homogeneous

    Modelling sediment clasts transport during landscape evolution

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    Over thousands to millions of years, the landscape evolution is predicted by models based on fluxes of eroded, transported and deposited material. The laws describing these fluxes, corresponding to averages over many years, are difficult to prove with the available data. On the other hand, sediment dynamics are often tackled by studying the distribution of certain grain properties in the field (e.g. heavy metals, detrital zircons, 10Be in gravel, magnetic tracers). There is a gap between landscape evolution models based on fluxes and these field data on individual clasts, which prevent the latter from being used to calibrate the former. Here we propose an algorithm coupling the landscape evolution with mobile clasts. Our landscape evolution model predicts local erosion, deposition and transfer fluxes resulting from hillslope and river processes. Clasts of any size are initially spread in the basement and are detached, moved and deposited according to probabilities using these fluxes. Several river and hillslope laws are studied. Although the resulting mean transport rate of the clasts does not depend on the time step or the model cell size, our approach is limited by the fact that their scattering rate is cell-size-dependent. Nevertheless, both their mean transport rate and the shape of the scattering-time curves fit the predictions. Different erosion–transport laws generate different clast movements. These differences show that studying the tracers in the field may provide a way to establish these laws on the hillslopes and in the rivers. Possible applications include the interpretation of cosmogenic nuclides in individual gravel deposits, provenance analyses, placers, sediment coarsening or fining, the relationship between magnetic tracers in rivers and the river planform, and the tracing of weathered sediment

    Geomorphic expression of the southern Central Andes forebulge (37°S, Argentina)

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    We present a geomorphologic analysis of an east-west transect located east of the southern Andes of Argentina (~37°S). We observe a succession of zones that underwent erosion and deposition during the Pleistocene. If the proximal Andean foothills are incised, a proximal depozone receives sediments feeding the megafan of the Rio Colorado on the ChadileuvĂș plain. More distally, the abandoned palaeo-valleys and bending of the valley floors reflect a localized uplift. Further to the east, another depozone corresponds to the Pampa Deprimida lowland. This pattern is consistent with the presence of a classical flexural geometry of the lithosphere. The distal uplift of the foreland corresponds in terms of location, length (150 km) and amplitude (240 m) to the Andean forebulge modelled by a geophysical approach. In this study, we identify the morphological imprint of this bulge and show its effect on the fluvial activity. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Peer Reviewe

    Do river profiles record along-stream variations of low uplift rate?

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    International audienceSpatial variations of gradients in landscapes may be used to identify and quantify recent deformation. The problem with doing this is to determine whether tectonic or climatic forcing is responsible for these variations, especially for low uplift rate environments (â‰Ș\ll1 mm yr-1) where climate changes may have erased tectonic features. We evaluate the respective contribution of low uplift rate (~0.1 mm yr-1) and Pleistocene climate oscillations on gradient variations of two comparable river profiles crossing different uplift zones in the southern Upper Rhine Graben. We compare the observed points of discontinuity in river profile (knickpoints) and convex portions (knickzones) with those predicted by a detachment-limited model that includes stochastic short-term and cyclic long-term variations in climate, a bedrock detachment threshold and rock uplift. The detachment-limited model is chosen as it predicts the development of persistent knickpoints. Differing values of the shear stress exponent, erosion threshold, climate variability and uplift pattern have been checked. Our modeling suggests that climate changes had no significant effects on profiles and that anomalies are more likely due to anticline growth. This surprising result arises from the combination of a very low regional uplift rate and the detachment-limited assumption. The detachment-limited model implies an upstream propagation of knickpoints and knickzones generated by uplift at the outlet during dry climate periods of low erosion. The greater the uplift rate, the larger the variations in river bed elevation. Thus, for high uplift rate, knickpoints and knickzones generated by climate oscillations are more likely to hide tectonic features. This result seems counterintuitive because it suggests that tectonic knickzones will be better preserved in low uplift rate environments, provided that the lithology is homogeneous
