497 research outputs found

    Lithostratigraphic analysis and geochemistry of a vitric spatter-bearing ignimbrite: the Quaternary Adeje Formation, Cañadas volcano, Tenerife

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    "The 1.5-Ma Adeje Formation in SW Tenerife contains an ignimbrite sheet with remarkable textural and chemical complexity. A basal Plinian pumice-fall layer is overlain by a partly welded compound ignimbrite in which phonolitic pumice lapilli and dense obsidian spatter rags with irregular, fluidal-shaped margins are supported in a poorly sorted tuff matrix. The lower ignimbrite flow-unit contains accretionary lapilli in its upper part, overlain by an ash-pellet-bearing fallout layer from a co-ignimbrite plume. The upper ignimbrite flow-unit comprises a locally welded massive lapilli-tuff that grades up into lithic breccia containing juvenile obsidian blocks and both cognate and vent-derived lithic blocks. Geochemically, the Adeje Formation shows two distinct juvenile populations that relate to crystal-poor and crystal-rich magma types. Crystal-rich juvenile clasts contain multiple compositions of ilmenite and magnetite, and crystal aggregates of bytownite (An79-86). The varied assemblage of juvenile clasts reflects an eruptive style that may have involved rapid changes in magma chamber pressure associated with caldera collapse, and possibly the disruption of a lava lake. The Adeje eruption started with a Plinian explosive phase that rained ash and pumice lapilli across SW Tenerife; followed by pyroclastic fountaining feeding density currents with explosive ejecta of juvenile glassy material producing the coarse, spatter-bearing ignimbrite facies. A short pause between pyroclastic density currents is recorded by the co-ignimbrite ash and pellet-fall bed. The climactic phase of the eruption probably involved caldera subsidence as recorded by a widespread massive heterolithic breccia.

    Sobre consumo privado e incertidumbre. Un análisis con datos regionales españoles

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    El presente trabajo indaga sobre el efecto de la incertidumbre en las decisiones de consumo de las familias. A partir de datos regionales españoles y teniendo como referencia teórica los modelos de ahorro preventivo, pretendemos contrastar si la incertidumbre macroeconómica afecta a las decisiones de consumo de los hogares. Para analizar esa relación utilizamos la volatilidad condicional predicha a partir de modelos ARMA-GARCH estimados sobre datos regionales. Los resultados indican que esta medida de incertidumbre ejerce un efecto destacado sobre el consumo familiar, sobre todo cuando aquélla es introducida en forma de retardo distribuido. Como paso adicional, se intentan encontrar patrones regionales de comportamiento que ayuden a explicar ese resultado.This paper investigates the effect of uncertainty on household decisions regarding consumption. Based on Spanish regional data and taking as a theoretical reference precautionary saving models, we investigate whether macroeconomic uncertainty significantly affects household consumption. To analyze the potential association between these two factors, we used the predicted conditional volatility based on ARMA-GARCH models estimated on regional data. The results show that this measure of uncertainty has a significant effect on household consumption, especially when uncertainty is measured using an ADL model of past uncertainty. As an additional step, we attempt to identify regional patterns to account for the results

    Colección Afro ecuatoriana inspirada en su tradición y cultura

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    Atarraya is a Haute Couture collection, inspired in the diversity and traditions of the African Ecuadorian culture, with the objective of rescuing the richness of this culture and translate it into wearable art. To accomplish this, a market study was done through the analysis of existing haute couture brands in Ecuador and their strategies, weaknesses and strengths, to be able to find a gap in the market. The aim, is to launch good quality and exclusive pieces of clothing to the market, that will resemble the Ecuadorian identity...Atarraya es una colección de alta costura, la cual está inspirada en la tradición, diversidad y vestimenta de la cultura Afro ecuatoriana, con la finalidad de rescatar la riqueza cultural de Ecuador. Se realizó un estudio previo de mercado, analizando las marcas existentes en el país, y buscando nuevas formas de explotar la industria textil, brindando prendas de buena calidad, con innovación de diseño y principalmente inspiradas en una cultura ecuatoriana..

    Mobility, Gender, and Experiences of Familyhood Among Migrant Families in Tsholotsho, Zimbabwe

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    Migration has a long-standing history in Southern Africa. This paper aims to understand how ongoing contextual transformations due to migration actively shape narratives about families. Specifically, how families and familial relationships have been constructed through the everyday interactions and roles within the family. Through the family histories method, we generated novel data that shows how family accounts transcend normative boundaries of familyhood and how they change in time and across place, which, we argue, are required to understand migrant families. We adopt a multi-sited and gendered approach to gather data from left-behind women in Tsholotsho and migrant men in Johannesburg. The findings show that the meaning of family for left-behind women has remained confined to the normative parameters of kinship, biological, and marital ties. In the past, with husbands and fathers who migrated, families invoked substitute authority in decision-making, where power was conferred onto other men, perpetuating patriarchal dominance and gender inequality. Furthermore, the findings reveal that in the past, while away, migrant men’s familylinking practices were very minimal, limited by distance. For migrant men, migration invoked a reconceptualization of family that differs from the normative assumptions of family composition. These assumptions notwithstanding, migrant men still thrived on maintaining links with their families to retain their dignity and legitimacy

    La raza sayaguesa base de la marca silomaña. Actualidad y posibilidades

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    La utilización de los pastos de la montaña de León unido a una raza autóctona, la raza sayaguesa, para la obtención de un producto de calidad y diferenciado como es el buey. Nos ha permitido obtener un producto de unas características hasta ahora desconocidas, con un perfil de ácidos grasos mono y poliinsaturados, y unas características físico-químicas que hacen que nuestro producto puede considerarse como un “ALIMENTO FUNCIONAL”

    A New Fast Peak Current Controller for Transient Voltage Faults for Power Converters

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    Power converters are the basic unit for the transient voltage fault ride through capability for most renewable distributed generators (DGs). When a transient fault happens, the grid voltage will drop suddenly and probably will also suffer a phase-jump event as well. State-of-the-art voltage fault control techniques regulate the current injected during the grid fault. However, the beginning of the fault could be too fast for the inner current control loops of the inverter, and transient over-current would be expected. In order to avoid the excessive peak current of the methods presented in the literature, a new fast peak current control (FPCC) technique is proposed. Controlling the peak current magnitude avoids undesirable disconnection of the distributed generator in a fault state and improves the life expectancy of the converter. Experimental and simulation tests with high power converters provide the detailed behaviour of the method with excellent results

    Superficial sedimentary stocks and sources of carbon and nitrogen in coastal vegetated assemblages along a flow gradient

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    Coastal vegetated ecosystems are major organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN) sinks, but the mechanisms that regulate their spatial variability need to be better understood. Here we assessed how superficial sedimentary OC and TN within intertidal vegetated assemblages (saltmarsh and seagrass) vary along a flow gradient, which is a major driver of sediment grain size, and thus of organic matter (OM) content. A significant relationship between flow current velocity and OC and TN stocks in the seagrass was found, but not in the saltmarsh. OC and TN stocks of the saltmarsh were larger than the seagrass, even though that habitat experiences shorter hydroperiods. Mixing models revealed that OM sources also varied along the flow gradient within the seagrass, but not in the saltmarsh, showing increasing contributions of microphytobenthos (17-32%) and decreasing contributions of POM (45-35%). As well, OM sources varied vertically as microphytobenthos contribution was highest at the higher intertidal saltmarsh (48%), but not POM (39%). Macroalgae, seagrass and saltmarsh showed low contributions. Local trade-offs between flow current velocities, hydroperiod and structural complexity of vegetation must be considered, at both horizontal and vertical (elevation) spatial dimensions, for better estimates of blue carbon and nitrogen in coastal ecosystems.Foundation of Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT) PTDC/MAR-EST/3223/2014 UID/Multi/04326/2013 FCT UID/MAR/00350/2018 SFRH/BPD/119344/2016info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El templete de Tulán y sus relaciones formativas panandinas (norte de Chile)

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    Se ha considerado que las prácticas religiosas templarias es un atributo de las sociedades complejas de los Andes nucleares. Recientes excavaciones en la puna de Atacama, hacia el occidente del centro-sur andino, han expuesto un templete bajo un montículo estratificado, datado en los 900-400 años a. C. Sus indicadores ritualísticos —inhumaciones de neonatos humanos, estructuras con petroglifos, ofrendas en fosos, fogones y nichos empotrados en el muro perimetral—, se comparan con las tradiciones religiosas sincrónicas de las tierras altas andinas. En este sentido, las evidencias de Tulán se vinculan con la emergencia de complejidad durante el Arcaico Tardío y su consolidación en la próxima fase Tilocalar del Formativo Temprano (1400-400 a. C.). Comparte con el ceremonialismo Wankarani, del altiplano meridional, la presencia de estructuras y depósitos monticulares constituidos de fogones, desechos de camélidos y patrones de descarte doméstico-ceremoniales.On a généralement considéré que les pratiques religieuses liées à des temples étaient l’une des caractéristiques des sociétés complexes des Andes centrales. Des fouilles récentes dans la puna d’Atacama, à l’ouest du centre sud andin ont permis de découvrir un petit temple au sein d’un monticule stratifié, daté de 900-400 av. J. C. Les indicateurs qui témoignent de l’existence de rites  — inhumations d’enfants, structures avec pétroglyphes, offrandes dans des fosses, fourneaux et niches creusées dans le mur d’enceinte — sont ici comparés aux traditions religieuses synchroniques des hautes terres andines. Dans ce sens, les évidences trouvées à Tulán doivent être rattachées à l’émergence de la complexité lors de la phase Arcaïque récente et sa consolidation pendant la phase Tilocalar du Formatif ancien (1400-400 a. C.). Le site partage avec la culture Wankarani de l’altiplano meridional, la présence de structures et de dépôts en monticules où l’on détecte la présence de fourneaux, restes de camélidés et modèles de rejet domestico-cérémoniel.It is assumed that religious practices associated with temple structures is an atribute of complex societies in the nuclear Andes. Recent excavations at the western highlands of the Atacama Puna (south central Andes), have revealed a temple structure under a stratified mound dated 900-400 years B.C. We compared its ritual indicators - human newborn burials, structures with petroglyphs, offerings in pits, fireplaces and niches located on the perimetral walls, with synchronous religious traditions in the Andean highlands. We postulated that Tulán evidences are linked with a rising complexity process during the Late Archaic which consolidates during the Tilocalar phase of the Early Formative (1400-400 B.C.). Similar to Wankarani-meridional altiplano, in Tulán we found structures and mound deposits consisting of fireplaces, camelid bones, and patterns of discard derived from domestic refuse and ceremonial activitie