32 research outputs found

    Consumo de alcohol en adolescentes españoles. ¿cómo influyen las expectativas de resultado?

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    According to the Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Education (ESO) in Spain (Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs, 2021), the mean age at on set of alcohol consumption in Spain is 14 years old. In addition, the prevalence of alcohol consumption among adolescents is 73.9%. The alcohol consumption can have long-term harmful effects and increase the likelihood of developing a dependence on this type of substance during adulthood. In accordance with scientific literature, one of the factors underlying the high alcohol consumption would be the positive expectancies towards the consequences of consuming alcohol. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse the predictive capacity of expectancies towards alcohol consumption in a group of Spanish adolescents. A total of 125 adolescents between 13 and 17 years old (M=14.69; SD=0.75) were administered the Cuestionario de expectativas hacia el alcohol (Pilatti et al., 2010) and an ad hoc questionnaire to assess the characteristics of alcohol consumption. Expectancies towards alcohol consumption explained 14.1% of consumption (Nagelkerke’s R2=.141). Based on the model, positive expectancies (sociability, relaxation and sexuality) would increase the risk of alcohol consumption (Wald=11.66; p=<.001; OR=53.70). Negative expectancies (aggressiveness, cognitive and behavioural impaired and negative states) would act as a protective factor against consumption (Wald=5.21; p=.022; OR=0.15). Considering the influence of expectancies towards alcohol on consumption, the design of preventive strategies aimed at developing psychological resources that allow adolescents to achieve the positive effects that associate with alcohol consumption without the need to consume it is especially relevant.Según la Encuesta sobre el uso de drogas en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, 2021), en España la edad media de inicio de consumo de alcohol se sitúa en los 14 años. Además, la prevalencia de consumo en la adolescencia es del 73,9%. Este consumo puede tener efectos perjudiciales a largo plazo, favoreciendo el desarrollo de la dependencia hacia este tipo de sustancias en la edad adulta. Según la literatura científica, uno de los factores subyacentes a este elevado consumo de alcohol sería las expectativas positivas hacia las consecuencias que tiene consumir alcohol. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la capacidad predictiva de las expectativas hacia el alcohol en su consumo en un grupo de adolescentes españoles. Para ello, se administró a 125 adolescentes de entre 13 y 17 años (M=14,69; DT=0,75) el Cuestionario de Expectativas hacia el Alcohol para Adolescentes (Pilatti et al., 2010) y un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc que evalúa las características del consumo de alcohol. Las expectativas hacia el consumo de alcohol explicaron un 14,1% del consumo (R2 de Nagelkerke=.141). Según el modelo, las expectativas positivas (sociabilidad, relajación y sexualidad) aumentarían el riesgo de consumo de alcohol (Wald=11,66; p=<.001; OR=53,70), mientras que las expectativas negativas (agresividad, deterioro cognitivo y conductual, y estados negativos), actuarían como un factor protector del consumo (Wald=5,21; p= .022;OR=0,15). Teniendo en cuenta la influencia de las expectativas hacia el alcohol sobre el consumo, cobra especial relevancia el diseño de estrategias preventivas dirigidas a desarrollar recursos psicológicos que permitan a los adolescentes conseguir los efectos positivos que anticipan del consumo de alcohol sin la necesidad de consumirlo.&nbsp

    De Saludiversex a Saludiversex-M. La adaptación de un programa de educación afectivo sexual para personas con discapacidad intelectual moderada y/o dificultades de lectoescritura

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    Affective sex education programs are a necessary resource to promote sexual health in people with intellectual disability because they have multiple barriers to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to live and express their sexuality in a positive and health way. Thus, the design of these interventions requires that the characteristics of the target group (degree of autonomy, level of understanding and / or level of writing and reading) be taken into account. Currently, we can find effective proposals for population with mild intellectual disability, such as the Saludiversex program. However, the interventions for people with moderate intellectual disability and/or literacy difficulties are still scarce. Therefore, our research group made a simplified version of the Saludiversex program (Saludiversex-M). Thus, the objective of this paper is to describe in detail the process of adapting the content and material of the Saludiversex Program to the simplified version Saludiversex-M. In relation to the adaptation of the content, the information reported by professionals who work with this group and the life characteristics of people with moderate intellectual disability (low autonomy, difficulties in romantic relationships, support needs in hygiene activities, etc.) were contemplated as a result, some concepts such as contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infections and abuse are worked on more superficially. On the other hand, regarding the work material (presentations, evaluation questionnaires, activities, etc.) was adapted according to the easy reading guidelines and the level of understanding of this group (use of simple sentences, concrete language and support with images for the most difficult to understand concepts). The result is a resource that facilitates access to sex education for a group with great deficiencies in this area.Los programas de educación afectivo sexual constituyen un recurso necesario para promover la salud sexual en personas con diversidad funcional intelectual, ya que se enfrentan a múltiples barreras para adquirir de forma espontánea los conocimientos, las actitudes y las habilidades necesarias para vivir su sexualidad de forma positiva y saludable. Así pues, un aspecto fundamental en el diseño de estas intervenciones es atender a las características del grupo al que va dirigido (grado de autonomía, nivel comprensión y/o nivel de lectoescritura). En la actualidad, encontramos propuestas que han mostrado su eficacia en población con pocas necesidades de apoyo como el programa Saludiversex. Sin embargo, existe todavía un gran vacío en lo referente a intervenciones dirigidas a personas con necesidades deapoyo intermitentey/o dificultades de lectoescritura. Porello, nuestro grupo de investigación realizó una versión simplificada del programa Saludiversex (Saludiversex-M). Así pues, el objetivo del presente trabajo es describir de forma detallada el proceso de adaptación del contenido y del material del Programa Saludiversex a la versión simplificada Saludiversex-M. En relación con la adaptación del contenido, se contempló la información reportada por profesionales que trabajan con este colectivo y las características de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual moderada (baja autonomía, dificultades en las relaciones románticas, necesidades de apoyo en actividades de higiene, etc.) como resultado se simplificó la profundidad con la que se trabajaban conceptos como los métodos anticonceptivos, las infecciones de transmisión sexual y el maltrato. Respecto al material de trabajo (presentaciones, cuestionarios de evaluación, actividades etc.) se realizó una adaptación atendiendo a las directrices de lectura fácil y al nivel de comprensión de este colectivo (uso de oraciones simples, lenguaje concreto y apoyo con imágenes). El resultado es un recurso que facilita el acceso a educación sexual para un colectivo con grandes carencias en este ámbito.&nbsp

    Motivaciones, interferencia y preocupación asociadas al uso de cibersexo: un estudio desde el género

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    El uso de cibersexo responde a múltiples motivaciones de los usuarios que lo realizan. La literatura advierte que algunas motivaciones podrían relacionarse con indicadores de consumo problemático, como la interferencia y la preocupación asociadas a su uso. No obstante,estos estudios no siempre han considerado la posible influencia del género en la expresión y relación de estas variables. Este trabajo pretende explorar las motivaciones para practicar cibersexo y analizar su relación con los indicadores de interferencia y preocupación asociados al consumo en función del género. Para ello, 276 personas (57.25% mujeres; 43.75% hombres) de entre 18-48 años cumplimentaron el Cuestionario sobre Prácticas Sexuales Online (CPSO, Salusex-Unisexsida, 2017) que incluía cuestiones sobre estas variables. Encontrar material para masturbarse fue la principal motivación en hombres (88.1%) y mujeres (69.4%) para practicar cibersexo, seguida de relajarse del estrés en ellos (48.3%) y aprender cosas sobre sexo en ellas (41.1%). En hombres y mujeres, relajarse del estrés ( 2=6.459; p= .011; y 2=5.555; p= .018, respectivamente) y mejorar el estado anímico ( 2=4.247; p= .039 y 2=15.596; p<.001, respectivamente) se relacionaron con una mayor interferencia asociada con el consumo. Respecto a la preocupación por el consumo, en hombres se relacionó con el uso para distraerse ( 2=4.139; p= .042), relajarse del estrés ( 2=3.971; p= .046) y conocer a otros ( 2=4.395; p=036), y en mujeres solo lo hizo con encontrar material para masturbarse ( 2=13.520; p=.000). Se evidencia que el uso del cibersexo como regulador emocional -relajarse del estrés y mejorar el ánimo-sea sociaestrechamente con la experiencia de un consumo más interferente en ambos géneros. Asimismo, este uso como regulador emocional, junto a motivos sociales y de ocio parecen determinantes en la tendencia a experimentar una mayor preocupación por el consumo, pero solo en hombres. Este trabajo ha sido realizado en parte gracias a la beca predoctoral RE-DOC/2019/59 de la UJI.

    Pregnancy care during COVID-19 epidemic, a drive for change?

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    La atención prenatal, entendida como cuidados habituales brindados durante la gestación, debe estar basada en pilares básicos tales como tener en cuenta el contexto sociocultural en el que se ofrece dicha atención, garantizar que el servicio sea apropiado, accesible, y de alta calidad, y además permitir una atención personalizada. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud el número mínimo de visitas recomendables durante el embarazo debe ser ocho, con los distintos profesionales implicados en el proceso, además de la preparación al nacimiento o educación maternal. Desde que estalló la pandemia provocada por el SARS-CoV-2, muchos de los servicios habituales sociosanitarios han tenido que adaptarse para proporcionar seguridad y evitar el contagio, algo prioritario en los grupos vulnerables en los que encontramos a las embarazadas. Los profesionales han tenido que acomodarse a una atención telemática, aunando consultas para una menor movilidad de la gestante a los centros sanitarios evitando así riesgos innecesarios. Por lo que toda esta situación ha abierto un campo de trabajo virtual que, si bien antes era llevado a cabo en diferentes ámbitos, ahora más que nunca cobra especial relevancia y requiere una formación profesional para que pueda llegar erigirse como complemento a las citas presenciales.Prenatal care, understood as routine care provided during pregnancy, should be based on basic pillars, such as taking into account the sociocultural context in which such care is offered, ensuring that the service is appropriate, accessible and of high quality, and also with care personalized. According to World Health Organization, the minimum number of recommended visits during pregnancy should be eight, with the different professionals involved in the process, in addition to preparing for childbirth or maternal education. Since the pandemic erupted due to SARS-CoV-2, many of the usual social health services have had to adapt to provide safety and prevent infection, a priority in vulnerable groups where pregnant women are found. Professionals have had to adapt to telematics care, thus attending consultations to reduce the mobility of pregnant women to health centers, thus avoiding unnecessary risks. Therefore, all this situation has opened a virtual field of work that, although previously carried out in different areas, now more than ever acquires special relevance and for which professional training is necessary, as a complement to face-to-face appointments

    Experience sampling methods for the personalised prediction of mental health problems in Spanish university students: protocol for a survey-based observational study within the PROMES-U project

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    IntroductionThere is a high prevalence of mental health problems among university students. Better prediction and treatment access for this population is needed. In recent years, short-term dynamic factors, which can be assessed using experience sampling methods (ESM), have presented promising results for predicting mental health problems.Methods and analysisUndergraduate students from five public universities in Spain are recruited to participate in two web-based surveys (at baseline and at 12-month follow-up). A subgroup of baseline participants is recruited through quota sampling to participate in a 15-day ESM study. The baseline survey collects information regarding distal risk factors, while the ESM study collects short-term dynamic factors such as affect, company or environment. Risk factors will be identified at an individual and population level using logistic regressions and population attributable risk proportions, respectively. Machine learning techniques will be used to develop predictive models for mental health problems. Dynamic structural equation modelling and multilevel mixed-effects models will be considered to develop a series of explanatory models for the occurrence of mental health problems.Ethics and disseminationThe project complies with national and international regulations, including the Declaration of Helsinki and the Code of Ethics, and has been approved by the IRB Parc de Salut Mar (2020/9198/I) and corresponding IRBs of all participating universities. All respondents are given information regarding access mental health services within their university and region. Individuals with positive responses on suicide items receive a specific alert with indications for consulting with a health professional. Participants are asked to provide informed consent separately for the web-based surveys and for the ESM study. Dissemination of results will include peer-reviewed scientific articles and participation in scientific congresses, reports with recommendations for universities’ mental health policy makers, as well as a well-balanced communication strategy to the general public

    Metabolic rewiring induced by ranolazine improves melanoma responses to targeted therapy and immunotherapy

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    Resistance of melanoma to targeted therapy and immunotherapy is linked to metabolic rewiring. Here, we show that increased fatty acid oxidation (FAO) during prolonged BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) treatment contributes to acquired therapy resistance in mice. Targeting FAO using the US Food and Drug Administration-approved and European Medicines Agency-approved anti-anginal drug ranolazine (RANO) delays tumour recurrence with acquired BRAFi resistance. Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis reveals that RANO diminishes the abundance of the therapy-resistant NGFRhi neural crest stem cell subpopulation. Moreover, by rewiring the methionine salvage pathway, RANO enhances melanoma immunogenicity through increased antigen presentation and interferon signalling. Combination of RANO with anti-PD-L1 antibodies strongly improves survival by increasing antitumour immune responses. Altogether, we show that RANO increases the efficacy of targeted melanoma therapy through its effects on FAO and the methionine salvage pathway. Importantly, our study suggests that RANO could sensitize BRAFi-resistant tumours to immunotherapy. Since RANO has very mild side-effects, it might constitute a therapeutic option to improve the two main strategies currently used to treat metastatic melanoma

    Role of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and Their Ligands in Glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most frequent, aggressive and fatal type of brain tumor. Glioblastomas are characterized by their infiltrating nature, high proliferation rate and resistance to chemotherapy and radiation. Recently, oncologic therapy experienced a rapid evolution towards “targeted therapy,” which is the employment of drugs directed against particular targets that play essential roles in proliferation, survival and invasiveness of cancer cells. A number of molecules involved in signal transduction pathways are used as molecular targets for the treatment of various tumors. In fact, inhibitors of these molecules have already entered the clinic or are undergoing clinical trials. Cellular receptors are clear examples of such targets and in the case of glioblastoma multiforme, some of these receptors and their ligands have become relevant. In this review, the importance of glioblastoma multiforme in signaling pathways initiated by extracellular tyrosine kinase receptors such as EGFR, PDGFR and IGF-1R will be discussed. We will describe their ligands, family members, structure, activation mechanism, downstream molecules, as well as the interaction among these pathways. Lastly, we will provide an up-to-date review of the current targeted therapies in cancer, in particular glioblastoma that employ inhibitors of these pathways and their benefits