116 research outputs found

    Discussions about tax certainty. Congress in honour of Professor Francisco Escribano

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    Se plantea la importancia de la seguridad jurídica en un Derecho tributario, tema que ha sido objeto de investigación por un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad de Cádiz. Dicho trabajo dio lugar a la celebración del Congreso sobre Seguridad Jurídica y Derecho Tributario, que tuvo lugar en Jerez de la Frontera en noviembre de 2019 con la finalidad de difundir y enriquecer sus trabajos y resultados

    Aumento del éxito académico como consecuencia de la aplicación de metodologías activas en la enseñanza del Derecho Tributario de la Unión Europea

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    El autor presenta las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos con la realización del proyecto de innovación y mejora docente “Aplicación de metodologías activas en la enseñanza del Derecho tributario de la Unión Europea”, realizado en la Universidad de Sevilla durante el curso académico 2010/2011

    Methods and Tools for Objective Assessment of Psychomotor Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Training and assessment paradigms for laparoscopic surgical skills are evolving from traditional mentor–trainee tutorship towards structured, more objective and safer programs. Accreditation of surgeons requires reaching a consensus on metrics and tasks used to assess surgeons’ psychomotor skills. Ongoing development of tracking systems and software solutions has allowed for the expansion of novel training and assessment means in laparoscopy. The current challenge is to adapt and include these systems within training programs, and to exploit their possibilities for evaluation purposes. This paper describes the state of the art in research on measuring and assessing psychomotor laparoscopic skills. It gives an overview on tracking systems as well as on metrics and advanced statistical and machine learning techniques employed for evaluation purposes. The later ones have a potential to be used as an aid in deciding on the surgical competence level, which is an important aspect when accreditation of the surgeons in particular, and patient safety in general, are considered. The prospective of these methods and tools make them complementary means for surgical assessment of motor skills, especially in the early stages of training. Successful examples such as the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery should help drive a paradigm change to structured curricula based on objective parameters. These may improve the accreditation of new surgeons, as well as optimize their already overloaded training schedules

    Procedimiento automático para el calibrado de cámaras: Estudio comparativo de la distorsión en diferentes combinaciones de cámaras y ópticas laparoscópicas

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    En este trabajo se propone un método de calibración automático para el cálculo y corrección de la distorsión en imágenes producida por las lentes de los sistemas de captura. Este procedimiento ha sido empleado como herramienta para analizar la distorsión provocada por diversos sistemas de cámara y óptica laparoscópica, de modo que podamos determinar el sistema que proporciona una imagen más fiable al cirujano

    Adaptación de la usabilidad del entorno de formación TELMA a las necesidades de los cirujanos expertos

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    Uno de los principales inconvenientes manifestados por los cirujanos a la hora de llevar a cabo su formación continuada es la elevada carga asistencial que les limita la posibilidad de asistir a cursos y estancias presenciales. Por tanto, los cirujanos necesitan otros métodos formativos distintos a la formación in situ y para ello son de gran utilidad las tecnologías web, como es el caso de la plataforma de e-Learning TELMA, que ofrezcan contenidos didácticos adaptados a cada usuario para que puedan complementar su formación con contenidos multimedia online. Estudios previos de validación de TELMA detectaron diferentes problemas respecto a su diseño y usabilidad, propiciando mayores dificultades de accesibilidad para los cirujanos expertos en relación a los cirujanos noveles. Para corregirlos, en este trabajo se han analizado las deficiencias encontradas y se han propuesto una serie de medidas fundamentadas en un conjunto de directivas de diseño web que se deberían adoptar en futuras versiones de la plataforma TELMA para tratar de solventar estas desigualdades, ofreciendo a todos los usuarios tanto expertos como noveles, las mismas facilidades de accesibilidad

    An analysis of the comorbidity between children’s depression and aggression symptoms: self-esteem and oppositional misbehavior as mediators.

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    Children with dysphoria symptoms have an increased risk of aggression problems. However, previous research has found that when the confounding effect of other depression characteristics, such as self-esteem and oppositional misbehavior, is taken into account, levels of aggression problems tend to be reduced to a great extent. This observation prompts questions as to the mediating effect that self-esteem and oppositional misbehavior may have on aggression problems. In this study, a sample of 1774 school children from the general population (49.7% boys), ranging in age from 7 to 12 years, was examined to test this mediating model using Structural Equation Models. Two self-reports were used to evaluate symptoms: The Children Depression Inventory (CDI), and the Physical and Verbal Aggression Scale. The results showed significant mediating effects through two paths, namely from dysphoria to physical aggression via oppositional misbehavior, and from dysphoria to verbal aggression via self-esteem and oppositional misbehavior. The mediational model was invariant by gender. For both gender, oppositional misbehavior was the strongest mediator of the relationship between aggression and depression. The implications for understanding the comorbidity of depression and aggression and the prevention of symptoms based on potential mediators are discussed.2020-2

    The Peñalara Massif (Spanish Central System). Morphostructure and modelling

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    El Macizo de Peñalara se localiza en el sector central de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Sistema Central Español) y sus cimas sobrepasan en unos 200 m el nivel general de cumbres que presenta aquí 2100 m de cota media absoluta (Fig. 1). En la estructura de bloques (Block mountain) que caracteriza el relieve de esta montaña intraplaca de reactivación Alpina, el Macizo de Peñalara corresponde a una dovela flanqueada por bloques más deprimidos (Fig. 2). Los límites del Macizo están asociados a fallas y, dentro de ellas, destacan las pertenecientes a los sistemas NNE-SSW y NNW-SSE (Fig. 3). La litología dominante del zócalo son ortogneises glandulares (también hay algunos leucocráticos) de edad preordovícica. Localmente aparecen rocas plutónicas (leucogranitos aplíticos) y filonianas (Aplitas) del ciclo hercínico. Los sedimentos de las coberteras mesozoicas (del Cretácico) y cenozoicas (del Paleógeno y Mioceno) y los recubrimientos de mayor entidad (de origen fluvial) se localizan en la fosa o depresión intramontana aledaña de El Paular o Alto Lozoya (Fig. 4). En el Macizo, sin embargo, afloran los materiales del zócalo o aparece recubiertos por Formaciones Superficiales o depósitos reciente (cuaternarios) discontinuos y de poca entidad: es le caso de los depósitos fluvioglaciares y torrenciales de los fondos de las gargantas, los tills de los complejos morrénicos pleistocenos (Fig. 5), y los depósitos de vertiente (aglomerados de bloques o canchales y lenguas de solifluxión) debidos a la actividad periglaciar. En hombreras, rellanos, y planicies de las cimas o de los piedemontes, abundan las depresiones semi-endorreicas (navas, algunas de origen cárstico) donde se producen fenómenos de decantación de finos (limos, arcillas) y reducción (depósitos turbosos). En las cimas y tramos superiores de las laderas, en cotas que superan los 2000 m., hay formaciones de ambiente frío (nivación y ciclos de helada), con signos de actividad. Son surcos o canales de arroyada por fusión nival, flujo de derrubios (debris flow), pedreras de bloques con crestas de imbricación, y suelos estructurados (rosetas, guirnaldas, enlosados) con signos de flujo (Figs. 6 y 7). La magnitud e intensidad de dichos fenómenos, es un tema que se debe investigarse en profundidad y servirá para concretar la idoneidad o no de definir estas áreas como un verdadero ambiente o piso periglaciar.The Peñalara Massif is located in the central area of the Guadarrama Mountains (Spanish Central System), and it constitutes the highest terrains within this mountain range (Peñalara Peak, 2428 m). The mountain tops exceed here about 200 m the generalized level of summits, which in this area of the Central System reach 2100 metres above sea level on average (Fig. 1). These topographic characteristics, along with its northern and continental imprint, make possible to argue about the presence of a current periglacial environment in the Peñalara Massif. This environment would be equivalent to the cryo-Mediterranean vegetation layer (summit grasslands). For the morpho-structure of serialized blocks (block mountain) which characterizes this intra-plate –Alpine reactivated-type— mountain, the Peñalara massif represents the ‘keystone’, to which other down-thrown blocks are laterally attached (Fig. 2). The appearance or physiognomy formed by this structural arrangement is the so-called ‘stairway piedmont’ (piedmonttreppen). The massif boundaries are related to faults, within which two systems are predominant: NNE-SSW and NNWSSE (Fig. 3). The faults which define the boundaries of the front Massif with respect to its interior valleys (El Paular and Alto Eresma) belong to the first system. The faults which define the link between the summit plains and the slope shelves belong to the second system. Orthoderived metamorphic rocks (from pre-Hercynian/pre-Ordovician rocks) constitute the predominant lithology of the basement. They are mostly glandular gneisses, but also leuco-gneisses. Locally, they appear Hercynian and post-Ordovician plutonic (aplitic leuco-granite) and dyke (aplite) rocks. As far as the sedimentary cover is concerned, including recent deposits, they are preferably concentrated at the basis of the Massif, and also in its slopes (Fig. 4). Sedimentary cover is mainly represented by Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations, located at the bottom of the El Paular (or Alto Lozoya) Valley graben. They consist in Cretaceous carbonate (dolomites and marl) and detritic (sands and sandstone) rocks, and also Palaeogene (conglomerate and sands) and Neogene (conglomerate and arkoses of the Miocene) rocks. Piedmont and valley-filling surficial deposits have a major fluvio-torrential origin (alluvial fans and fluvial terraces), of a Pleistocene age. To a lesser extent, there are also channel deposits (alluvial sand, silt, gravel and pebbles) and almost-endorreic lowland sediments (some of them of karstic origin, filling sinkhole-type pits), where decanting of silt and clay –and reduction processes, with peat formation— occurs. Recent slope deposits, despite not being of a great entity in this massif, they have an interest for the interpretation of cold climate geomorphic processes—they are fluvio-glacial and torrential deposits in gorge bottoms, glacial tills and moraine deposits (Fig. 5) and hillslope sediments (scree, talus slope and solifluction lobes), originated by periglacial (cryogenic) activity. Within the summits and the highest zones of the slopes, almost always above 2000 m.a.s.l, there are surficial deposits with signs of current activity, which will be determining factors in order to establish the current magnitude of the cold climate geomorphic activity (snow and freeze-and-thaw processes). Examples of these surficial deposits and landforms are avalanche gullies and debris flow channels, imbricate stones and small ridges within talus slope deposits, and patterned grounds (stripes, garlands and stone pavements) with signs of current flow (Figs. 6 and 7). The magnitude and intensity of these cold climate processes is an issue that should be investigated deeply (a first step is the periglacial processes gauge at Dos Hermanas). This research will serve for defining or not these areas as a truly periglacial environment.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Evaluación objetiva de destrezas laparoscópicas básicas a partir de métricas obtenidas con el simulador virtual SINERGIA

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    Las técnicas laparoscópicas se han convertido en patrón oro en muchos procedimientos quirúrgicos, pero implican un proceso de adquisición de destrezas más complejo que en el caso de la cirugía abierta. En esta fase formativa, los simuladores virtuales tienen un papel muy importante puesto que permiten evaluar de forma objetiva la ejecución de una tarea quirúrgica mediante la extracción automática de métricas. Este trabajo de investigación presenta un análisis de las métricas calculadas por el simulador virtual SINERGIA con el fin de poder llevar a cabo una evaluación objetiva de las destrezas laparoscópicas básicas

    Environmental assessment: Landform Classification for Land Use Planning in Developed Areas: An Example in Segovia Province (Central Spain)

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    Landform-based physiographic maps, also called land systems inventories, have been widely and successfully used in undeveloped/rural areas in several locations, such as Australia, the western United States, Canada, and the British ex-colonies. This paper presents a case study of their application in a developed semi-urban/suburban area (Segovia, Spain) for land use planning purposes. The paper focuses in the information transfer process, showing how land use decision-makers, such as governments, planners, town managers, etc., can use the information developed from these maps to assist them. The paper also addresses several issues important to the development and use of this information, such as the goals of modem physiography, the types of landform-based mapping products, the problem of data management in developed areas, and the distinctions among data, interpretations, and decisions.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu