7,023 research outputs found

    Dynamical analysis of the cluster pair: A3407 + A3408

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    We carried out a dynamical study of the galaxy cluster pair A3407 \& A3408 based on a spectroscopic survey obtained with the 4 meter Blanco telescope at the CTIO, plus 6dF data, and ROSAT All-Sky-Survey. The sample consists of 122 member galaxies brighter than mR=20m_R=20. Our main goal is to probe the galaxy dynamics in this field and verify if the sample constitutes a single galaxy system or corresponds to an ongoing merging process. Statistical tests were applied to clusters members showing that both the composite system A3407 + A3408 as well as each individual cluster have Gaussian velocity distribution. A velocity gradient of 847±114\sim 847\pm 114 km  s1\rm km\;s^{-1} was identified around the principal axis of the projected distribution of galaxies, indicating that the global field may be rotating. Applying the KMM algorithm to the distribution of galaxies we found that the solution with two clusters is better than the single unit solution at the 99\% c.l. This is consistent with the X-ray distribution around this field, which shows no common X-ray halo involving A3407 and A3408. We also estimated virial masses and applied a two-body model to probe the dynamics of the pair. The more likely scenario is that in which the pair is gravitationally bound and probably experiences a collapse phase, with the cluster cores crossing in less than \sim1 h1h^{-1} Gyr, a pre-merger scenario. The complex X-ray morphology, the gas temperature, and some signs of galaxy evolution in A3408 suggests a post-merger scenario, with cores having crossed each other 1.65h1\sim 1.65 h^{-1}Gyr ago, as an alternative solution.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS, accepted 2016 May 9. Received 2016 May 9; in original form 2016 April 1

    Novel approaches to determine residual stresses by ultramicroindentation techniques: application to sand blasted austenitic stainless steel

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    This research addresses the determination of residual stresses in sandblasted austenitic steel by ultramicroindentation techniques using a sharp indenter, whose sensitivity to residual stress effects is said to be inferior to that for spherical ones. We propose the introduction of an angular correction in the model of Wang et al. that relates variations in the maximum load to the presence of residual stresses. Likewise, the contribution to hardness of grain size refinement and work hardening, developed as a consequence of the severe plastic deformation during blasting, is determined to avoid overestimation of the residual stresses. Measurements were performed on polished cross sections along a length of several microns, thus obtaining a profile of the residual stresses. Results show a good agreement with those obtained by synchrotron radiation on the same specimens, which validates the method and demonstrates that microindentation using sharp indenters may be sensitive to the residual stress effect.Peer Reviewe

    Star formation in low density HI gas around the Elliptical Galaxy NGC2865

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    Interacting galaxies surrounded by HI tidal debris are ideal sites for the study of young clusters and tidal galaxy formation. The process that triggers star formation in the low-density environments outside galaxies is still an open question. New clusters and galaxies of tidal origin are expected to have high metallicities for their luminosities. Spectroscopy of such objects is, however, at the limit of what can be done with existing 8-10m class telescopes, which has prevented statistical studies of these objects. NGC2865 is an UV-bright merging elliptical galaxy with shells and extended HI tails. The regions observed in this work were previously detected using multi-slit imaging spectroscopy. We obtain new multislit spectroscopy of six young star-forming regions around NGC2865, to determine their redshifts and metallicities. The six emission-line regions are located 16-40 kpc from NGC2865 and they have similar redshifts. They have ages of ~10Myears and an average metallicity of 12+log(O/H) ~ 8.6, suggesting a tidal origin for the regions. It is noted that they coincide with an extended HI tail, which has projected density of NHI_{HI} < 1019^{19} cm2^{-2}, and displays a low surface brightness counterpart. These regions may represent the youngest of the three populations of star clusters already identified in NGC2865. The high, nearly-solar, oxygen abundances found for the six regions in the vicinity of NGC2865 suggest that they were formed by pre-enriched material from the parent galaxy, from gas removed during the last major merger. Given the mass and the location of the HII regions, we can speculate that these young star-forming regions are potential precursors of globular clusters that will be part of the halo of NGC2865 in the future. Our result supports the use of the multi-slit imaging spectroscopy as a useful tool for finding nearly-formed stellar systems around galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures accepted in A&

    Detection of the Ammonium Ion in Space

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    We report on the detection of a narrow feature at 262816.73 MHz towards Orion and the cold prestellar core B1-bS, that we attribute to the 1(0)-0(0) line of the deuterated Ammonium ion, NH3D+. The observations were performed with the IRAM 30m radio telescope. The carrier has to be a light molecular species as it is the only feature detected over 3.6 GHz of bandwidth. The hyperfine structure is not resolved indicating a very low value for the electric quadrupolar coupling constant of Nitrogen which is expected for NH3D+ as the electric field over the N nucleus is practically zero. Moreover, the feature is right at the predicted frequency for the 1(0)-0(0) transition of the Ammonium ion, 262817(6) MHz (3sigma), using rotational constants derived from new infrared data obtained in our laboratory in Madrid. The estimated column density is 1.1(0.2)e12 cm-2. Assuming a deuterium enhancement similar to that of NH2D, we derive N(NH4+) sim 2.6e13 cm-2, i.e., an abundance for Ammonium of a few 1e(-11).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters 04 June 201