126 research outputs found

    El flamenco en el aula de los CEIP de Lebrija

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    Este trabajo pretende abordar la inclusión del flamenco en las aulas, de la mano de una revisión de las propuestas educativas disponibles, contextualizado en el municipio sevillano de Lebrija. Trataremos de conocer si el flamenco está incluido oficialmente en la normativa educativa andaluza, y si realmente la misma se refleja en la práctica educativa. Intentando conocer si los docentes cuentan con la formación, conocimientos y recursos necesarios para incluir el flamenco en sus aulas. De la mano de docentes de todos los CEIP de Lebrija y de expertos en la materia, intentaremos hacer una aproximación a la temática, y concluir si la tradición flamenca del municipio lebrijano se refleja en las acciones en materia de flamenco que se llevan a cabo en sus centros educativos.This research work inted to tackle the inclusion of flamenco in the classroom, at the hand a review of the educational materials available. Will be contextualized in the Sevillian municipality of Lebrija. We´ll try to know if flamenco is officially included in Andalusian educational regulations, and if it´s really reflected in educational practice. Trying to know if teachers have the training, knowledge and resources necessary to include flamenco in their classrooms. With the help of teachers from the school of Lebrija and experts in the issue, we will try to do an approximation to the issue, and conclude if the flamenco tradition of the Lebrija is reflected in the flamenco activities that are carried out in the schoolsUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí

    Conocimientos, actitudes y práctica en salud sexual en adolescentes ferrolanos: un estudio cualitativo

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    [Resumen] Introducción: Conocer las conductas sexuales de los adolescentes es necesario para desarrollar programas de prevención y promoción de salud. Los centros educativos son el marco idóneo para llevar a cabo Educación Sanitaria. Se evaluó el nivel de conocimientos de un grupo de adolescentes entre 16-18 años sobre conducta sexual, Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, uso del preservativo, percepción de la vida sexual activa de los adolescentes y edad promedio de inicio en las relaciones sexuales, uso de métodos anticonceptivos, principales fuentes de información sexual y percepción personal de riesgo para el contagio de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico, participaron tres centros educativos y 190 alumnos, se empleó un cuestionario y grupos de discusión con alumnos en los que hablaron libremente de sus opiniones y sentimientos sobre conductas sexuales, Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y anticoncepción. Resultados: Inicio cada vez más temprano de prácticas sexuales, déficit de conocimientos relacionado con Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, sus consecuencias para la salud, prácticas de riesgo habituales y vías de transmisión de patologías infecciosas, disminución del uso de medidas profilácticas, ausencia de contacto con los centros de referencia sanitaria como Planificación Familiar. Conclusiones y discusión: Los jóvenes son deficitarios en conocimientos, ésto hace reflexionar sobre la necesidad de incluir en los programas de educación asignaturas que aborden la sexualidad de una forma adaptada, como la inclusión de un modelo de cambio comportamental (PRECEDE) que asegure la adquisición de conocimientos, actitudes, habilidades y destrezas para garantizar prácticas sexuales exentas de riesgo.[Abstract] Introduction: To understand adolescent sexual behaviour it is necessary to develop promotion and preventive health programs. Educational centers are the appropriate framework to carry out Health Education. It was evaluated sexual behaviour level of knowledge on a 16-18 aged group of adolescents, sexually transmitted infections, condom use, active sexual life perceptions of adolescents and first sexual relations averaged age, use of contraceptive methods among young people, sexual information main source and intimate risk perception about sexually transmitted infections Methodology: Qualitative phenomenological study. Three different educational centers took part and 190 students used a questionnaire and discussion groups in which they talked freely about their opinions and feelings about sexual behaviours, knowledge on sexually transmitted infections and contraception means. Results: Increasingly early sexual practices, lack of knowledge related to sexually transmitted infections, their health consequences, common risk practices and infectious diseases transmission routes, decreased prophylactic measures, lack of contact with Contraception Counselling Health Centers. Conclusions: Young people showed lack of knowledge; do reflect the need to include education programs that address sexuality subjects in an appropriate form, such as including a behavioral model that assures the purchase of knowledge, attitudes, skills and abilities to ensure safe sexual practices.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermarí

    Cambio generacional y radicalización campesina. Evolución del proceso de Reforma Agraria en Paine (1967-1973)

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    El presente artículo aborda el proceso de movilización popular campesina al interior de la comuna rural de Paine, Chile, entre los años 1967 y 1973, analizando sus dinámicas internas y configuraciones socio-políticas, proceso mediatizado por la tensión permanente y creciente con el sector patronal-latifundista, pugna que determinó la forma en que se resolvió la deconstrucción del orden hacendal en la comuna y la emergencia de una nueva generación de líderes campesinos que, tras el golpe de Estado del 11 de septiembre de 1973, fue perseguida, torturada y exterminada en medio de una de las matanzas campesinas más grandes y sangrientas cometidas en la historia de Chile, siendo a su vez una de las más desconocidas.This article deals with the process of peasant popular mobilization within the rural commune of Paine, Chile, between 1967 and 1973. It analyzes its internal dynamics and socio-political configurations, a process interfered by the permanent and growing tension with the large estate owners’ sector (the latifundistas). This determined how the deconstruction of the estate order in the commune was resolved and the emergence of a new generation of peasant leaders who, after the coup d'état of September 11, 1973, were persecuted, tortured and exterminated; in the middle of one of the largest and bloody peasant massacres committed in the history of Chile, being also one of the least known.Este artigo discute o processo de camponês mobilização popular dentro da comuna rural de Paine, Chile, entre 1967 e 1973, analisando sua dinâmica interna e sócio-políticas, configurações de processo mediado pela tensão permanente e crescente com o setor empregador -latifundista, luta que determinou como desconstrução da ordem hacienda na comuna eo surgimento de uma nova geração de líderes camponeses que, após o golpe de 11 de setembro de 1973 foi perseguidos, torturados e exterminados resolvido no meio de uma das maiores e mais sangrentos massacres de camponeses na história do Chile, sendo ele próprio um dos mais desconhecidos

    Cambio generacional y radicalización campesina. Evolución del proceso de Reforma Agraria en Paine (1967-1973)

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    El presente artículo aborda el proceso de movilización popular campesina al interior de la comuna rural de Paine, Chile, entre los años 1967 y 1973, analizando sus dinámicas internas y configuraciones socio-políticas, proceso mediatizado por la tensión permanente y creciente con el sector patronal-latifundista, pugna que determinó la forma en que se resolvió la deconstrucción del orden hacendal en la comuna y la emergencia de una nueva generación de líderes campesinos que, tras el golpe de Estado del 11 de septiembre de 1973, fue perseguida, torturada y exterminada en medio de una de las matanzas campesinas más grandes y sangrientas cometidas en la historia de Chile, siendo a su vez una de las más desconocidas.This article deals with the process of peasant popular mobilization within the rural commune of Paine, Chile, between 1967 and 1973. It analyzes its internal dynamics and socio-political configurations, a process interfered by the permanent and growing tension with the large estate owners’ sector (the latifundistas). This determined how the deconstruction of the estate order in the commune was resolved and the emergence of a new generation of peasant leaders who, after the coup d'état of September 11, 1973, were persecuted, tortured and exterminated; in the middle of one of the largest and bloody peasant massacres committed in the history of Chile, being also one of the least known.Este artigo discute o processo de camponês mobilização popular dentro da comuna rural de Paine, Chile, entre 1967 e 1973, analisando sua dinâmica interna e sócio-políticas, configurações de processo mediado pela tensão permanente e crescente com o setor empregador -latifundista, luta que determinou como desconstrução da ordem hacienda na comuna eo surgimento de uma nova geração de líderes camponeses que, após o golpe de 11 de setembro de 1973 foi perseguidos, torturados e exterminados resolvido no meio de uma das maiores e mais sangrentos massacres de camponeses na história do Chile, sendo ele próprio um dos mais desconhecidos

    Cannabinoid 2 Receptor- and Beta Arrestin 2-Dependent Upregulation of Serotonin 2A Receptors

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    Recent evidence suggests that cannabinoid receptor agonists may regulate serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor neurotransmission in the brain, although no molecular mechanism has been identified. Here, we present experimental evidence that sustained treatment with a non-selective cannabinoid agonist (CP 55,940) or selective CB2 receptor agonists (JWH 133 or GP 1a) upregulate 5-HT2A receptors in a neuronal cell line. Furthermore, this cannabinoid receptor agonist-induced upregulation of 5-HT2A receptors was prevented in cells stably transfected with either CB2 or β-Arrestin 2 shRNA lentiviral particles. Additionally, inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis also prevented the cannabinoid receptor-induced upregulation of 5-HT2A receptors. Our results indicate that cannabinoid agonists might upregulate 5-HT2A receptors by a mechanism that requires CB2 receptors and β-Arrestin 2 in cells that express both CB2 and 5-HT2A receptors. 5-HT2A receptors have been associated with several physiological functions and neuropsychiatric disorders such as stress response, anxiety & depression and schizophrenia. Therefore, these results might provide a molecular mechanism by which activation of cannabinoid receptors might be relevant to some cognitive and mood disorders in humans

    Cannabinoid Agonists Increase the Interaction between β-Arrestin 2 and ERK1/2 and Upregulate β-Arrestin 2 and 5-HT2A Receptors

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    We have recently reported that selective cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptor agonists upregulate 5-HT2A receptors by enhancing ERK1/2 signaling in prefrontal cortex (PFCx). Increased activity of cortical 5-HT2A receptors has been associated with several neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety and schizophrenia. Here we examine the mechanisms involved in this enhanced ERK1/2 activation in rat PFCx and in a neuronal cell model. Sprague-Dawley rats treated with a non-selective cannabinoid agonist (CP55940, 50 μg/kg, 7 days, i.p.) showed enhanced co-immunoprecipitation of β-Arrestin 2 and ERK1/2, enhanced pERK protein levels, and enhanced expression of β-Arrestin 2 mRNA and protein levels in PFCx. In a neuronal cell line, we found that selective CB2 receptor agonists upregulate β-Arrestin 2, an effect that was prevented by selective CB2 receptor antagonist JTE-907 and CB2 shRNA lentiviral particles. Additionally, inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, ERK1/2, and the AP-1 transcription factor also prevented the cannabinoid receptor-induced upregulation of β-Arrestin 2. Our results suggest that sustained activation of CB2 receptors would enhance β-Arrestin 2 expression possibly contributing to its increased interaction with ERK1/2 thereby driving the upregulation of 5-HT2A receptors. The CB2 receptor-mediated upregulation of β-Arrestin 2 would be mediated, at least in part, by an ERK1/2-dependent activation of AP-1. These data could provide the rationale for some of the adverse effects associated with repeated cannabinoid exposure and shed light on some CB2 receptor agonists that could represent an alternative therapeutic because of their minimal effect on serotonergic neurotransmission

    Estado del arte del programa de implante coclear del Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna

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    Tesis (Fonoaudiología)En Chile, desde hace 24 años se han estado realizando cirugías de implante coclear. Por consiguiente, el año 2008 se crea un convenio entre el Programa de Salud del Estudiante de la JUNAEB y el Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna, formalizando un programa de implantes auditivos, es por esto por lo que surge la pregunta: ¿Cuán efectivo es el programa de implante coclear del Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna? De la pregunta de investigación surgen los siguientes objetivos: en primer lugar, determinar la efectividad del programa de implante coclear dentro del Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna durante los últimos 10 años. Lo anterior mediante la comparación de resultados antes y después de la implantación considerando variables como PTP, Categoría de Percepción Acústica y Escolaridad. La metodología utilizada para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos fue la revisión de fichas clínicas de los usuarios pertenecientes al programa, extrayendo las variables antes mencionadas. Además de revisar la literatura compatible para una discusión crítica de los resultados. La muestra final estuvo constituida por 37 usuarios, arrojando como resultado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mayoría de estos, mostrando avances en el PTP y Categoría de Percepción Acústica, repercutiendo de manera positiva en la reinserción escolar. Se demostró la efectividad del programa con los resultados propuestos, además se incluyen los alcances de generar estudios que integren distintas instituciones para mejorar la salud de los usuarios, así también las limitaciones de esta

    Alterations in Energy Partitioning and Methane Emissions in Murciano-Granadina Goats Fed Orange Leaves and Rice Straw as a Replacement for Beet Pulp and Barley Straw

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    [EN] Reducing methane emissions in ruminants with the recycling of agro-industrial by-products is of great importance today. Pruning waste from citrus trees is currently burned or incorporated into soil. Regarding rice straw, this waste is traditionally eliminated through controlled burning, releasing into the atmosphere large amounts of greenhouse gases as well. The aim of this study was to convert this recovered waste into a new animal feed capable of reducing methane emissions in ruminants. The interest in use waste by-products for ruminant nutrition is increasing. Therefore, we replace the beet pulp and cereal straw from dry-non-pregnant goats' diet with orange leaves and rice straw with the objective of studying their effect upon intake, digestibility, energy efficiency, carbon and nitrogen balance, and methane emissions. Considering the huge quantities of crops by-products and pruning waste such as rice straw and citrus leaves produced annually worldwide, and their potential pollution capacity, recycling as feed for livestock is an alternative. The objective was to study these by-products effect on energy balance and methane emissions in 10 Murciano-Granadina goats at maintenance. The control diet (CTR) included barley straw and beet pulp while the experimental diet (ORG) consisted of rice straw and orange leaves. Differences were found for energy intake (248 kJ/kg of BW0.75 greater for CTR than ORG). The intake of metabolizable energy was 199 kJ/kg of BW0.75 lower in ORG than CTR, and the energy efficiency was higher with CTR (0.61) than ORG (0.48). Protein retained in the body was 9 g/goat greater with CTR than ORG, and fat retention in the body was approximately 108 g/goat greater with CTR than ORG. Despite more unfavorable energy balance in response to feeding ORG than CTR, the retention of body energy was always positive. Reductions in CH4 emissions were detected when goats were fed ORG diet (from 22.3 to 20.0 g/d). Overall results suggested that feeding orange leaves and rice straw was effective in reducing CH4 emissions without adversely affecting energy balance.This study was supported by LIFE Project, Spain (ref. LIFE2016/CCM/ES/000088 LOW CARBON FEED).Romero Rueda, T.; Palomares Carrasco, JL.; Moya, V.; Loor, JJ.; Fernández Martínez, CJ. (2021). Alterations in Energy Partitioning and Methane Emissions in Murciano-Granadina Goats Fed Orange Leaves and Rice Straw as a Replacement for Beet Pulp and Barley Straw. Animals. 11(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010038S11411