7,371 research outputs found

    Modeling field evaporation degradation of metallic surfaces by first principles calculations: A case study for Al, Au, Ag, and Pd

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    Indexación: Scopus.Under the effects of an extreme electric field, the atoms on a metallic surface evaporate by breaking their bonds with the surface. In this work, we present the effects of a high electric field, by the use of computational simulations, for different metallic surface chemistries: Al, Au, Ag, and Pd. To model this bond breaking procedrure (i.e. field evaporation), we use density functional theory through the Quantum-Espresso (QE) simulation package, which incorporates the electric fields by adding a saw-like funcion into the Hamiltonian. This approach, known as dipole correction, was applied to all simulations as is implemented in the QE package. In this work, we calculate the evaporation field (Fe ) for all metallic species, which corresponds to the mean field at which atoms can break their bonds from the surface and evaporate. This result is compared with experimantal data from Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and computational data from prior simulations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación 11130501. JP Also acknowledges partial support from Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1140514 and Proyecto UAB-775. CL acknowledges support from Proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación 11150279, Proyecto PAI-79140025, and Proyecto DI-1350-16/R.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1043/1/01203

    Intelligent Packaging Systems: Sensors and Nanosensors to Monitor Food Quality and Safety

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    Indexación: Web of Science y Scopus.The application of nanotechnology in different areas of food packaging is an emerging field that will grow rapidly in the coming years. Advances in food safety have yielded promising results leading to the development of intelligent packaging (IP). By these containers, it is possible to monitor and provide information of the condition of food, packaging, or the environment. This article describes the role of the different concepts of intelligent packaging. It is possible that this new technology could reach enhancing food safety, improving pathogen detection time, and controlling the quality of food and packaging throughout the supply chain.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2016/4046061/cta

    The Radio Jet Associated with the Multiple V380 Ori System

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    The giant Herbig-Haro object 222 extends over ∼\sim6′' in the plane of the sky, with a bow shock morphology. The identification of its exciting source has remained uncertain over the years. A non-thermal radio source located at the core of the shock structure was proposed to be the exciting source. However, Very Large Array studies showed that the radio source has a clear morphology of radio galaxy and a lack of flux variations or proper motions, favoring an extragalactic origin. Recently, an optical-IR study proposed that this giant HH object is driven by the multiple stellar system V380 Ori, located about 23′' to the SE of HH 222. The exciting sources of HH systems are usually detected as weak free-free emitters at centimeter wavelengths. Here we report the detection of an elongated radio source associated with the Herbig Be star or with its close infrared companion in the multiple V380 Ori system. This radio source has the characteristics of a thermal radio jet and is aligned with the direction of the giant outflow defined by HH~222 and its suggested counterpart to the SE, HH~1041. We propose that this radio jet traces the origin of the large scale HH outflow. Assuming that the jet arises from the Herbig Be star, the radio luminosity is a few times smaller than the value expected from the radio-bolometric correlation for radio jets, confirming that this is a more evolved object than those used to establish the correlation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Insect Diversity of the Lower Montane Evergreen Forest of the Western Andes Mountain Range: Cascada Chilicay and Suncamal

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    Biological research in the low montane evergreen forests of Ecuador focuses on ecological and botanical aspects, while knowledge of the entomofauna of these areas is almost nil. In February 2022, sampling was carried out during the dry season for 15 days, using direct and indirect capture methods (tapping, sieving, and light traps) in two waterfalls of the low montane evergreen forest of the western Andean Cordillera: Chilicay and Suncamal waterfalls, with the objective of identifying the composition of the terrestrial insect fauna at the family level. Two orders and 21 families were recorded, among which the families Carabidae and Noctuidae represented the highest percentage of the total abundance. Although preliminary, this work constitutes the first contribution to the knowledge of the entomofauna of this ecosystem. Keywords: biodiversity, conservation, entomofauna, insects. Resumen Las investigaciones biológicas en los bosques siempreverdes montanos bajos de Ecuador, se centran en aspectos ecológicos y botánicos, mientras que el conocimiento de la entomofauna de estas zonas es escaso. En febrero de 2022, en la época seca y durante 15 días, utilizando métodos de captura directa e indirecta (golpeteo, tamizado y trampas de luz), se realizaron muestreos en dos cascadas del Bosque siempreverde montano bajo de la cordillera occidental de los Andes: Cascada Chilicay y Suncamal, con el objetivo de identificar la composición de la fauna de insectos terrestres a nivel de familia. Se registraron dos órdenes y 21 familias, entre las cuales, las familias Carabidae y Noctuidae representaron el mayor porcentaje de la abundancia total. Aunque en forma preliminar, este trabajo constituye el primer aporte al conocimiento de la entomofauna de este ecosistema. Palabras Clave: Biodiversidad, conservación, entomofauna, insectos
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