16 research outputs found

    Percepción de la customización de prendas en la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta- Colombia

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    Customizar en el escenario específico de la moda,hace alusión a modificar algo de acuerdo a laspreferencias personales, es decir: personalizar. Losconsumidores de prendas una vez que éstas pasan demoda, adquieren nuevas para reemplazar las usadas,lo cual genera desechos que afectan el ambiente.El propósito de ésta investigación es analizar lapercepción de la customización de prendas en laciudad de San José de Cúcuta; para ello se aplicaron138 encuestas en la ciudad. Los resultados reflejanque a los ciudadanos les gusta la idea de dar cambiosa las prendas y que aceptarían comprar prendascustomizadas siempre y cuando se garantice unproceso de higiene y buen precio para las mismas.Se concluye que sería viable iniciar el procesode crear una empresa en la ciudad que realice latransformación y comercialización organizada deeste tipo de prendas que tiene una segmentaciónespecífica en el mercado local.Palabras Clave: Customizar, moda, segmentación,transformación

    Parásitos gastrointestinales de hicoteas Trachemys callirostris (Emydidae) traficadas ilegalmente en Córdoba, Colombia

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                The presence of gastrointestinal parasites in gastrointestinal tract of 100 Colombian sliders (Trachemys callirostris) admitted to the Wildlife Care and Assessment Center (CAV), Córdoba, Colombia, during 2009 and 2010, as a result of confiscations from illegal trafficking of wild animals. The gastrointestinal tracts were separated, washed and its contents were removed to identify and quantify the parasites. A total of 1064 individuals of the taxa Nematophila argentinum (44%), Serpinema sp (44%) and Spiroxys sp (12%) were isolated. The observed prevalences were 70% for N. argentinum (Trematode), and 63 and 49% for Serpinema sp and Spiroxys sp (Nematode), respectively. The mean intensity was 6.7 for N. argentinum, 7.3 for Serpinema sp, and 3.2 for Spiroxys sp. N. argentinum was mainly found in the large intestine (40%); however, this is the first report of this parasite in the mouth, oesophagus and cloaca. Individuals of Serpinema sp were found mixed within the content of the digestive tract, especially in the small intestine (63%), whereas Spiroxys sp were located mainly in the stomach (64%). The lesions found were focused and without compromising the lives of turtles.            Se determinó la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en el tracto gastrointestinal de 100 hicoteas de la especie Trachemys callirostris ingresadas al Centro de Atención y Valoración de Fauna Silvestre (CAV), Córdoba, Colombia, durante los años 2009 y 2010, como producto de decomisos del tráfico ilegal de animales silvestres. Los tractos gastrointestinales fueron separados, seccionados y lavados y el contenido fie removido para identificar y cuantificar los parásitos. Se aislaron 1064 individuos de la especie Nematophila argentinum (44%) y de los géneros Serpinema (44%) y Spiroxys (12%). Las prevalencias encontradas fueron de 70% para N. argentinum (Trematoda) y de 63 y 39% para Serpinema sp y Spiroxys sp (Nematoda), respectivamente. La intensidad media fue de 6.7 para N. argentinum, 7.3 para Serpinema sp y de 3.2 para Spiroxys sp. N. argentinum se encontró mayormente en intestino grueso (40%); sin embargo, este es el primer reporte de este parásito en boca, esófago y cloaca. Los individuos del género Serpinema sp, se encontraron inmersos en el contenido del tracto digestivo, con mayor proporción en intestino delgado (63%), mientras que Spiroxys sp se localizaron principalmente en estómago (64%). Las lesiones encontradas fueron localizadas y probablemente no comprometían significativamente la vida de los individuos

    From the Approach to the Concept: One Health in Latin America-Experiences and Perspectives in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia

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    Professionals throughout the world have been working to assess the interdisciplinary interaction and interdependence between health and wellbeing in a constantly changing environment. The One Health concept was developed to encourage sustainable collaborative partnerships and to promote optimal health for people, animals, plants, the environment, and the whole planet. The dissemination of scientific discoveries and policies, by working directly with diverse communities, has been one of the main goals for Global One Health. The One Health concept has also been referred or related to as "One Medicine, One Medicine-One Health, One World-One Health, EcoHealth," and Planetary Health," depending on each fundamental view and approach. In Latin America, despite the concept still being discussed among health professionals and educators, several One Health initiatives have been used daily for more than decades. One Health action has been applied especially in rural and underserved urban areas where low socioeconomic status, lack of health professionals, and scarcity of medical resources may require professionals to work together. Local communities from diverse social and economic statuses, including indigenous populations have been working with institutions and social organizations for many years, accomplishing results through grassroots movements. These "bottom-up" socio-community approaches have also been tools for the prevention and control of diseases, such practice has preceded the One Health concepts in Latin American countries. It is strongly believed that collaborative, multidisciplinary, political, and economic initiatives with prosocial focus may become investments toward obtaining significant results in the face of global, economic and health challenges; working for a healthier world with inclusivity, equity, and equality. In this study, it is briefly presented how the One Health approach has been initiated and developed in Latin America, highlighting the events and actions taken in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia

    Histomorphometric, histochemical and ultraestrutural aspects of organs of the large intestine of capybaras (Hydrochoerus sp.)

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral descrever os aspectos histológicos e histoquímicos do intestino grosso de Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) e Hydrochoerus isthmius (Goldman, 1912) adultas, bem como as características ultraestruturais dos grânulos secretores das células argirófilas e argentafins no intestino grosso de H. hydrochaeris. Para este fim, foram coletados vários fragmentos do ceco (9), cólon (9) e reto (3) de cada animal, fixados por 24h em líquido de Bouin, para coloração pelas técnicas de Hematoxilina-Eosina (H-E), Acido Periódico de Schiff (P.A.S.), Grimelius, em formol 10% tamponado para técnica de Masson-Fontana modificada, e em glutaraldeído 5% em tampão fosfato de sódio 0,1 M pH 7,3, para as análises ultraestruturais dos grânulos citoplasmáticos das células endócrinas. Histologicamente, o intestino grosso das duas espécies de capivaras é semelhante ao da maioria dos mamíferos quanto à estrutura da sua parede sendo constituída por quatro camadas, mucosa, submucosa, muscular e serosa. A mucosa é revestida por epitélio simples cilíndrico com células caliciformes PAS-positivas, que se apresentam em maior quantidade no reto. A presença de pregas longitudinais também foi observada nos três segmentos. A camada submucosa nas duas espécies é constituída por tecido conjuntivo frouxo com vasos sanguíneos de vários calibres, nódulos linfoides isolados ou associados e gânglios nervosos. A muscular constituída por fibras musculares lisas é organizada em duas subcamadas, a circular interna e a longitudinal externa, sendo que entre as duas se evidenciaram gânglios nervosos desenvolvidos. Esta camada aumenta sua espessura em direção ao reto. A camada serosa é constituída de uma delgada camada de tecido conjuntivo frouxo, revestida por mesotélio. Histoquimicamente foram identificadas células endócrinas argirófilas e argentafins, as quais foram do ―tipo aberto‖ e do ―tipo fechado‖ estando presentes em todos os segmentos do intestino grosso das duas espécies. Ultraestruturalmente os grânulos de secreção analisados nas células endócrinas evidenciaram formas e tamanhos variados, sendo classificados em maduros e imaturos dependendo da sua eletrodensidade. Por meio do programa Image-Pro®Plus (versão 7.0), foram obtidas as espessuras das camadas histológicas constatando que houve diferença significativa entre as duas espécies. Também foi feita a quantificação dos gânglios submucosos e mioentéricos por unidade de área (mm 2 ) e o número de células endócrinas argentafins e argirófilas das duas espécies por unidade de área (mm 2 ) da mucosa A morfometria dos grânulos de secreção para sua classificação também foi obtida.The aim of this research was to describe the histological and histochemical aspects of the adult large intestine of Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) and Hydrochoerus isthmius (Goldman, 1912), as well as the ultrastructural characteristics of the secretory granules of argirophil and argentafins cells in the large intestine in these animals. To this, several fragments of the cecum, colon and rectum of each animal were collected for 24h in Bouin's liquid for staining by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE), PAS, Grimelius and in 10% formalin buffered for modified Masson-Fontana technique and in 5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, for the ultrastructural analysis of the intracytoplasmic granules of the endocrine cells. Histologically, the large intestine of the two species of capybaras is similar to that of most mammals in terms of the structure. The wall, consisting of four layers, mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serous. The mucosa is covered by simple cylindrical epithelium with PAS-positive goblet cells, which present in greater quantity in the rectum. The presence of longitudinal folds was also observed in the three segments. The submucosal layer in both species consists of loose connective tissue which contains blood vessels of various calibers and isolated or associated lymphoid nodules and nerve plexuses. The muscular constituted by smooth muscle fibers is organized in two sub-layers with internal and external longitudinal circular, between the two developed nerve plexus developed. This layer increases its thickness towards the rectum. The serous layer consists of a thin layer of loose connective tissue, coated by mesothelium. Histochemically, argyrophilic and argentaffin endocrine cells were identified, which were of the "open type" and "closed type" being present in all segments of the large intestine of the two species. Ultrastructurally, the secretory granules analyzed in the endocrine cells showed varied shapes and sizes, being classified in mature and immature depending on their electrondensity. Using Image-Pro®Plus Program (version 7.0), thicknesses of the histological layers were obtained, confirming that there were significant differences between the two species. Similarly the quantification of submucosal and myenteric plexuses per unit of area (mm 2 ) was performed, the number of argirophilic and argentafins endocrine cells of the two capybaras species per unit of area (mm 2 ) of the mucosa was also obtained, and morphometry of the secretory granules for classification

    Caracterização microscópica das regiões esofágicas de um grupo de Capivaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) livres no Brasil

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    Morphological studies on wildlife animals have increased in an attempt to explore and understand minutely their adaptive evolution and how it relates to or differentiate from domestic animals. The aim of this study was to describe microscopically esophageal regions (cranial, middle and caudal) of a group of male and female capybaras, using histological techniques. Samples were harvested, fixed, processed and analyzed. All three esophageal regions were covered by keratinized stratified epithelium, thicker in folds apex and towards the caudal region, proximal to the stomach. In this layer, stratum granulosum was well developed. The submucosa, constituted of loose connective tissue, showed no glands. The muscular layer, externally lined by serous and/or adventitial layer, presented two orientations (circular and longitudinal) in the three regions, and it showed striated skeletal muscle fibers with developed nerve plexusOs estudos morfológicos em animais de fauna silvestre têm aumentado na tentativa de explorar e conhecer em detalhes suas adaptações, e como estas se relacionam ou diferenciam com as dos animais domésticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever microscopicamente as regiões esofágicas (cranial, média e caudal) de um grupo de capivaras de ambos os sexos, por meio de técnicas histológicas de coloração. As amostras foram previamente obtidas, fixadas, processadas e analisadas. Observou-se que as três regiões esofágicas estavam revestidas por epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado, sendo mais espesso, em geral, no ápice das pregas e sua espessura aumenta em direção à regi ão caudal, próximo ao estômago. Nesta camada, o estrato granuloso está bem desenvolvido. A submucosa de tecido conjuntivo frouxo é aglandular. A camada muscular revestida pela serosa e/ou adventícia externamente, apresentou duas orientações (circular e longitudinal) nas três regiões, e é constituída por fibras musculares estriadas esqueléticas com plexos nervosos desenvolvidos.Los estudios morfológicos en animales de fauna silvestre han aumentado en la tentativa de explorar y conocer en detalle sus adaptaciones, y como estas se relacionan o diferencian con las de los animales domésticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir microscópicamente las regiones esofágicas (craneal, media y caudal) de un grupo de capibaras de ambos sexos por medio de técnicas histológicas de coloración. Las muestras fueron previamente obtenidas, fijadas, procesadas y analizadas. Se observó que las tres regiones esofágicas estaban revestidas de epitelio estratificado plano queratinizado, siendo más espeso, en general, en el ápice de los pliegues y su espesura aumenta en dirección a la región caudal, próxima al estómago. En esta camada, el estrato granuloso está bien desarrollado. La submucosa es de tejido conectivo laxo, es aglandular. La camada muscular revestida por la serosa y/o adventicia externamente, presentó dos orientaciones (circular y longitudinal) en las tres regiones, y es constituida de fibras musculares estriadas esqueléticas con plexos nerviosos desarrollados

    Hematological Characterization of Hicotea Turtles (Trachemys callirostris [Gray, 1856]) in Córdoba (Colombia)

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    69 samples from Trachemys callirostris were collected in situ and ex situ, to determine their hematological parameters, to compare these values (considering sex, age, and condition), and to establish the morphology of their cells. Blood was collected from the jugular vein of the animals. Hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, total counts of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes, and red cell indices were determined (mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration). Differential leukocyte count was performed, and the morphology of cells found in blood smears was described. The average values found for all individuals were: hematocrit (29.9% ± 5.1), hemoglobin (4.0 ± 1.0 g / dl), MCV (327 ± 15.3 fL), MCH (45 ± 17.5 pg), MCHC (14 ± 6%), total count of thrombocytes (15.0 ± 5.4 × 10³ μL), total count of erythrocytes (0.92 × 10⁶ / μL ± 0.12), and total count of leukocytes (12.10 ± 5.0 × 10³ μL). Analysis of variance showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between Trachemys callirostris of different weights (500 to 2000 g). Nevertheless, it showed significant (p < 0.05) and highly significant differences (p < 0.01) for most hematologic variables between sexes and hicotea turtles maintained in situ and ex situ. Thus, differences found between individuals, depending on weight, sex and condition of maintenance (in situ or ex situ), serve as a reference to establish protocols for maintaining turtles in captivity

    Histopatología de órganos y lesiones en hicoteas Trachemys callirostris callirostris (Gray, 1856) mantenidas en cautiverio en Córdoba, Colombia

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    A postmortem evaluation of 41 T. callirostris kept in captivity during the year 2009 was conducted at CAV-CVS Wildlife Care Center. The evaluation was performed in animals confiscated as a result of illegal trafficking. Histopathological examination of main organs and lesions was conducted in all animals. External clinical examination was also conducted and organs were macroscopically evaluated. Organs with anomalies were collected for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin-eosin stain. The most common external pathology found was Septicemic Cutaneous Ulcerative Disease (SCUD), present in 90% of the individuals. Abnormalities in the coelomic cavity, liver, spleen and lungs were observed while performing the macroscopic evaluation of internal organs. Lesions were present in 71% of livers, 92% of spleens, 41% of kidneys, and 40% of the lungs. This study shows the negative effects of captivity on wild individuals of this speciesAvaliou-se o estado sanitário post-mortem de 41 indivíduos de T.callirostris, mantidos em cativeiro durante o 2009 no centro de atenção de fauna Silvestre (CAV-CVS). A avaliação se fez a traves de analise histopatológica dos principais órgãos e lesões encontradas. Para isto, realizou-se uma avaliação clinica externa dos indivíduos e avaliaram-se cada um dos órgãos macroscopicamente. Os órgãos que apresentaram anomalias foram coletados para histopatologia com Hematoxilina-Eosina. Dos indivíduos avaliados, a principal descoberta no exame patológico externo correspondeu a doença septicêmica ulcerativa cutânea (SCUD), o qual apresentou-se no 90% dos indivíduos (37/41). Na avaliação macroscópica dos órgãos internos, observaram-se anomalias na cavidade celômica, fígado, baço e pulmões. Apresentaram-se lesões no 71% dos fígados, 92% dos baços, 41% dos rins e 40% dos pulmões. O anterior demonstra o efeito negativo que tem o cativeiro sob os indivíduos silvestres desta espécie que tem sido decomisados como produto do trafego ilegalResumen Se hizo una evaluación posmortem de 41 individuos de T. callirostris, mantenidos en cautiverio durante el 2009 en el Centro de Atención de Fauna (CAV-CVS), a través de exámenes histopatológicos de los principales órganos y lesiones encontradas. Para esto se realizó un examen clínico externo de los individuos y se evaluó cada uno de los órganos macroscópicamente. Los órganos que presentaron anomalías fueron colectados para histopatología con la tinción Hematoxilina-Eosina. De los individuos evaluados, el principal hallazgo patológico externo correspondió a la enfermedad septicémica ulcerativa cutánea (SCUD), el cual se presentó en el 90% de los individuos. A la evaluación macroscópica de los órganos internos, se observaron anomalías en la cavidad celómica, hígado, bazo y pulmones. Se presentaron lesiones en el 71% de los hígados, 92% de los bazos, 41% de los riñones y 40% de los pulmones. Lo anterior demuestra el efecto negativo que tiene el cautiverio sobre los individuos silvestres de esta especie que han sido decomisados producto del tráfico ilegal

    2nd One Health Colombia International Symposium OHCIS2019

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    El concepto One Health (una salud) reconoce que la salud de las personas está relacionada con la salud de los animales y el medio ambiente. Los centros de control y prevención de enfermedades – CDC a nivel global, utilizan el enfoque de One Health al trabajar con médicos, veterinarios, ecólogos, abogados, administradores y muchos otros profesionales de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento, para monitorear y controlar las amenazas a la salud pública y aprender cómo las enfermedades se propagan entre las personas, los animales y el medio ambiente. Otra de las áreas de importancia que abarca este concepto es su trabajo en la resistencia antimicrobiana y la seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria, como también la atención de animales humanos y no humanos pos-desastres y la resiliencia.CONFERENCIAS MAGISTRALES.................................................................................. 11BIODIVERSIDAD Y AMBIENTE .................................................................................... 28UN BIENESTAR ONE WELFARE................................................................................... 53RESISTENCIA ANTIMICROBIANA ............................................................................... 61ENFERMEDADES ZOONOTICAS EMERGENTES, REEMERGENTES Y DESATENDIDAS ............................................................................................................... 67MANIFIESTO ONE HEALTH – ONE WELFARE DE LATINOAMÉRICA Y EL CARIBE (OHLA) PARA EL MUNDO...............................................................................7