5,189 research outputs found

    A new slurry-based method of preparation of specimens of sand containing fines

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    A new method of specimen reconstitution is presented that is appropriate for element testing of sands containing either plastic or nonplastic fines. The method allows reconstitution of homogeneous, saturated specimens of sands containing fines whose stress-strain response closely resembles the stress-strain response of natural soil deposits formed underwater (e.g., alluvial and offshore submarine deposits, hydraulic fills, and tailings dams). A procedure is described to evaluate the maximum void ratio (emax) of sands containing fines under conditions that more appropriately represent soil deposition at its loosest state in aquatic environments. For soils deposited in water, the data obtained with the procedure proposed in this paper suggest that ASTM D 4254 overestimates the emax of sands containing plastic fines and underestimates the emax of sands containing nonplastic fines. Copyright © 2008 by ASTM International

    A comparative study on the reliability of open cluster parameters

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    Context. Open clusters are known as excellent tracers of the structure and chemical evolution of the Galactic disk, however, the accuracy and reliability of open cluster parameters is poorly known. Aims: In recent years, several studies aimed to present homogeneous open cluster parameter compilations, which are based on some different approaches and photometric data. These catalogues are excellent sources to facilitate testing of the actual accuracy of open cluster parameters. Methods: We compare seven cluster parameter compilations statistically and with an external sample, which comprises the mean results of individual studies. Furthermore, we selected the objects IC 4651, NGC 2158, NGC 2383, NGC 2489, NGC 2627, NGC 6603, and Trumpler 14, with the main aim to highlight differences in the fitting solutions. Results: We derived correction terms for each cluster parameter, using the external calibration sample. Most results by the compilations are reasonable scaled, but there are trends or constant offsets of different degree. We also identified one data set, which appears too erroneous to allow adjustments. After the correction, the mean intrinsic errors amount to about 0.2 dex for the age, 0.08 mag for the reddening, and 0.35 mag for the distance modulus. However, there is no study that characterises the cluster morphologies of all test cases in a correct and consistent manner. Furthermore, we found that the largest compilations probably include at least 20 percent of problematic objects, for which the parameters differ significantly. These could be among others doubtful or unlikely open clusters that do not facilitate an unambiguous fitting solution

    The Relative Age of the Thin and Thick Galactic Disks

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    We determine the relative ages of the open cluster NGC 188 and selected Hipparcos field stars by isochrone fitting, and compare them to the age of the thick disk globular cluster 47 Tuc. The best fit age for NGC 188 was determined to be 6.5±1.06.5 \pm 1.0 Gyr. The solar metallicity Hipparcos field stars yielded a slightly older thin disk age, 7.5±0.77.5 \pm 0.7 Gyr. Two slightly metal-poor (\feh = -0.22) field stars whose kinematic and orbital parameters indicate that they are members of the thin disk were found to have an age of 9.7±0.69.7\pm 0.6 Gyr. The age for 47 Tuc was determined to be 12.5±1.512.5 \pm 1.5 Gyr. All errors are internal errors due to the uncertainty in the values of metallicity and reddening. Thus, the oldest stars dated in the thin disk are found to be 2.8±1.62.8\pm 1.6 Gyr younger than 47 Tuc. Furthermore, as discussed by \citet{Chb99} 47 Tuc has a similar age to three globular clusters located in the inner part of the Galactic halo, implying that star formation in the thin disk started within 2.8±1.62.8\pm 1.6 Gyr of star formation in the halo.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap

    Old open clusters in the outer Galactic disk

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    The outer parts of the Milky Way disk are believed to be one of the main arenas where the accretion of external material in the form of dwarf galaxies and subsequent formation of streams is taking place. The Monoceros stream and the Canis Major and Argo over-densities are notorious examples. VLT high resolution spectra have been acquired for five distant open clusters. We derive accurate radial velocities to distinguish field interlopers and cluster members. For the latter we perform a detailed abundance analysis and derive the iron abundance [Fe/H] and the abundance ratios of several α\alpha elements. Our analysis confirms previous indications that the radial abundance gradient in the outer Galactic disk does not follow the expectations extrapolated from the solar vicinity, but exhibits a shallower slope. By combining the metallicity of the five program clusters with eight more clusters for which high resolution spectroscopy is available, we find that the mean metallicity in the outer disk between 12 and 21 kpc from the Galactic center is [Fe/H] 0.35\approx -0.35, with only marginal indications for a radial variation. In addition, all the program clusters exhibit solar scaled or slightly enhanced α\alpha elements, similar to open clusters in the solar vicinity and thin disk stars. We investigate whether this outer disk cluster sample might belong to an extra-galactic population, like the Monoceros ring. However, close scrutiny of their properties - location, kinematics and chemistry - does not convincingly favor this hypothesis. On the contrary, they appear more likely genuine Galactic disk clusters. We finally stress the importance to obtain proper motion measurements for these clusters to constrain their orbits.Comment: 19 pages, 9 eps figure, in press in A&A, abstract rephrased to fit i

    The Magellanic Bridge cluster NGC 796: Deep optical AO imaging reveals the stellar content and initial mass function of a massive open cluster

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    NGC 796 is a massive young cluster located 59 kpc from us in the diffuse intergalactic medium of the 1/5-1/10 ZZ_{\odot} Magellanic Bridge, allowing to probe variations in star formation and stellar evolution processes as a function of metallicity in a resolved fashion, providing a link between resolved studies of nearby solar-metallicity and unresolved distant metal-poor clusters located in high-redshift galaxies. In this paper, we present adaptive optics grigriHα\alpha imaging of NGC 796 (at 0.5", which is ~0.14 pc at the cluster distance) along with optical spectroscopy of two bright members to quantify the cluster properties. Our aim is to explore if star formation and stellar evolution varies as a function of metallicity by comparing the properties of NGC 796 to higher metallicity clusters. We find from isochronal fitting of the cluster main sequence in the colour-magnitude diagram an age of 205+12^{+12}_{-5} Myr. Based on the cluster luminosity function, we derive a top-heavy stellar initial mass function (IMF) with a slope α\alpha = 1.99±\pm0.2, hinting at an metallicity and/or environmental dependence of the IMF which may lead to a top-heavy IMF in the early Universe. Study of the Hα\alpha emission line stars reveals that Classical Be stars constitute a higher fraction of the total B-type stars when compared with similar clusters at greater metallicity, providing some support to the chemically homogeneous theory of stellar evolution. Overall, NGC 796 has a total estimated mass of 990±200\pm200 MM_{\odot}, and a core radius of 1.4±\pm0.3 pc which classifies it as a massive young open cluster, unique in the diffuse interstellar medium of the Magellanic Bridge.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Contains 14 pages, 11 figures, and 3 table

    Real-time marker-less multi-person 3D pose estimation in RGB-Depth camera networks

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    This paper proposes a novel system to estimate and track the 3D poses of multiple persons in calibrated RGB-Depth camera networks. The multi-view 3D pose of each person is computed by a central node which receives the single-view outcomes from each camera of the network. Each single-view outcome is computed by using a CNN for 2D pose estimation and extending the resulting skeletons to 3D by means of the sensor depth. The proposed system is marker-less, multi-person, independent of background and does not make any assumption on people appearance and initial pose. The system provides real-time outcomes, thus being perfectly suited for applications requiring user interaction. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this work with respect to a baseline multi-view approach in different scenarios. To foster research and applications based on this work, we released the source code in OpenPTrack, an open source project for RGB-D people tracking.Comment: Submitted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    A deep and wide-field view at the IC 2944 / 2948 complex in Centaurus

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    We employed the ESO MPI wide-field camera and obtained deep images in the VIc pass-bands in the region of the IC 2944/2948 complex (l ~ 294; b ~ -1), and complemented them with literature and archival data. We used this material to derive the photometric, spectroscopic and kinematic properties of the brightest (V < 16) stars in the region. The VI deep photometry on the other end, helped us to unravel the lower main sequence of a few, possibly physical, star groups in the area. Our analysis confirmed previous suggestions that the extinction toward this line of sight follows the normal law (Rv = 3.1). We could recognize B-type stars spread in distance from a few hundred pc to at least 2 kpc. We found two young groups (age ~ 3 Myr) located respectively at about 2.3 and 3.2 kpc from the Sun. They are characterized by a significant variable extinction (E(B-V) ranging from 0.28 to 0.45 mag), and host a significant pre-main sequence population. We computed the initial mass functions for these groups and obtained slopes Gamma from -0.94 to -1.02 (e_Gamma = 0.3), in a scale where the classical Salpeter law is -1.35. We estimated the total mass of both main stellar groups in ~ 1100and 500 and ~ 500 Mo, respectively. Our kinematic analysis indicated that both groups of stars deviate from the standard rotation curve of the Milky Way, in line with literature results for this specific Galactic direction. Finally, along the same line of sight we identified a third group of early-type stars located at ~ 8 kpc from the Sun. This group might be located in the far side of the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    BVRIJHK photometry and proper motion analysis of NGC 6253 and the surrounding field

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    Context. We present a photometric and astrometric catalog of 187963 stars located in the field around the old super-metal-rich Galactic open cluster NGC 6253. The total field-of-view covered by the catalog is 34' x 33'. In this field, we provide CCD BVRI photometry. For a smaller region close to the cluster's center, we also provide near-infrared JHK photometry. Aims. We analyze the properties of NGC 6253 by using our new photometric data and astrometric membership. Methods. In June 2004, we targeted the cluster during a 10 day multi-site campaign, which involved the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope with its wide-field imager and the Anglo-Australian 3.9m telescope, equipped with the IRIS2 near-infrared imager. Archival CCD images of NGC 6253 were used to derive relative proper motions and to calculate the cluster membership probabilities. Results. We have refined the cluster's fundamental parameters, deriving (V_0-M_v)=11.15, E(B - V)=0.15, E(V - I)=0.25, E(V - J)=0.50, and E(V - H)=0.55. The color excess ratios obtained using both the optical and near infrared colors indicate a normal reddening law in the direction of NGC 6253. The age of NGC 6253 at 3.5 Gyr, determined from our best-fitting isochrone appears to be slightly older than the previous estimates. Finally, we estimated the binary fraction among the cluster members to be \sim20%-30% and identified 11 blue straggler candidates.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 11 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Catalog avaiable via CD

    Endogenous Minimum Participation in International Environmental Treaties

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    Many international treaties come into force only after a minimum number of countries have signed and ratified the treaty. Why do countries agree to introduce a minimum participation constraint among the rules characterising an international treaty? This question is particularly relevant in the case of environmental treaties dealing with global commons, where free-riding incentives are strong. Is a minimum participation rule a way to offset these free-riding incentives? Why do countries that know they have an incentive to free-ride accept to tie their hands through the introduction of a minimum participation constraint? This paper addresses the above questions by analysing a three-stage non-cooperative coalition formation game. In the first stage, countries set the minimum coalition size that is necessary for the treaty to come into force. In the second stage, countries decide whether to sign the treaty. In the third stage, the equilibrium values of the decision variables are set. At the equilibrium, both the minimum participation constraint and the number of signatories the coalition size are determined. This paper shows that a non-trivial partial coalition, sustained by a binding minimum participation constraint, forms at the equilibrium. This paper thus explains why in international negotiations all countries often agree on a minimum participation rule even when some of them do not intend to sign the treaty. The paper also analyses the optimal size of the minimum participation constraint