19 research outputs found

    A Hemispherical Contact Model for Simplifying 3D Occlusal Surfaces

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    Statement of problem Currently, dental articulators can recreate mandibular movements and occlusal contacts. However, whether virtual articulators can also provide information about occluding dental surfaces, functional movements, and the mandibular condyles is unclear. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the occluding surfaces on dental casts obtained from a patient and approximate them to a hemispherical contact model. Both models were tested by digitizing the Dentatus ARL dental articulator. Material and methods A combination of photogrammetry and structure from motion methods were used to scan a Dentatus ARL articulator and representative dental casts. Using computer-aided engineering and finite element analysis, contact points and action vectors to the forces on occluding surfaces and condyles were obtained for cast and hemispherical models. This experiment was performed using centric occlusion and 3 different condylar inclinations. The Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of variance on ranks test was used to allow all pairwise comparisons between condylar inclination and mechanical action vector values in each location (α=.05). Results Action vectors from the cast model and each location of the hemispherical model were calculated to show the mechanical consequences and the similarity among models. Overall, no significant differences were observed for action vectors (A20 versus A40 versus A60) at each location (dental cast/hemisphere, right condylar, and left condylar) in the analysis of dental casts and the hemisphere model (.382≤P≤.999). Conclusions This study provided graphical information that may assist the dental professional in determining which occlusal contacts should be modified to attain condylar and balanced centric occlusion

    Herramienta software para el aprendizaje de la generación de la cardiode en un entorno AutoCAD

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    This article presents a novel application which has been developed in Visual LISP for an AutoCAD environment, and which shows intuitively and quickly the generation of the Cardioid curve in five different ways (conchoid of a circumference, pedal curve of a circumference, inverse of a parabola, orthoptic curve of a circumference and epicycloid of a circumference). This cyclic curve has a large number of artistic and technical applications, among them the profile of some cams

    How the Implementation of BREEAM in Hotels Could Help to Achieve the SDGs

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was approved in 2015 by the United Nations. It is a call of action to protect our planet, end poverty and improve the lives and prospects of all. Sustainable development has been fundamental in the tourism and construction sectors in the past few decades. Nowadays, developing countries are leaders in green engineering procedures, and progressively, hotels are including sustainable standards in their designs, architecture and management. In places where tourism is the main contributor to the Gross Domestic Product, the incorporation of energy certifications is crucial. In this context, this article explores the positive implications of the application of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) on hotels in relation to the achievement of SDGs. The study analyses the influence of BREEAM on hotel design using six case studies and examines the sustainable modifications incorporated. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews and by the analysis of the documentation provided. The results revealed that a BREEAM approach in the initial stage of a project will optimize the sustainability of the hotel and can help with the achievement of several of the SDGs

    Digital technology to locate the water catchment system of the Cuadrado Fountain in Montilla (Cordoba, Spain) in the 19th century

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    [EN] The fortuitous discovery of part of the pipeline system that supplied the town of Montilla (Spain) in the late 19th century, which was made in September 2017 by the city s fire service, originated an academic study in this regard. The engineer José Marí­a Sánchez-Molero y Lleguet designed this canalization, from the fountain of the Cuadrado to some tanks located in the water s house (Montilla) in 1868. There are no remains of these constructions, except those found by the firefighters. The aim of this study is to collect, analyse and interpret all the existing graphic and documentary evidence in this regard, perform a 3D modelling of the catchment system at the fountain based on the compiled documentation and determine the terrain s topography. Indeed, the virtual location on the digital model of the terrain based on the plans of Sánchez-Molero can help archaeologists to discover the true location, highlighting the suitability and usefulness of this research work.The catchment system designed and executed by Sánchez-Molero is a system of ditches. These are made up of a series of ditches filled with gravel, arranged according to the slope in the shape of a herringbone, surrounding the fountain of Cuadrado (perfectly represented in the plan of Sánchez-Molero). Moreover, there is another main ditch attached to the wall of the dam. The system was designed to capture the waters of the fountains or runoff water from the adjoining orchards. It is a system based on gravel-filled trenches with no drainage pipes at the bottom, which could have led to its depletion, due to the possible cementation of spaces between gravels. For this reason, in 1902, other sources were sought, as the water of the Cuadrado was scarce. The system, in addition to the drains and the dam wall, consists of a container or collector, from which the water comes out through the fountain, and through a pipe located on one side of said container.The catchment system is arranged along with a road system that is also indicated in the map of Sánchez-Molero. This distribution of roads still exists today. Therefore, the modelled system on the real scale can be oriented in the digital terrain model (DTM) of the corresponding plot. The location of the Cuadrado coincides with a well that currently exists. The study of the slopes and the runoff water flow lines coming from the fountains suggests that, in this arrangement of the catchment system, the drains intercept the course of water coming from all the upwelling areas, where the slope is steep (8-12%), i.e. twice as steep as in the high areas and orchards, where the average slope is 3-6%.The location in the plan and on the terrain profile of the pipe that carried the water from the outlet of the Cuadrado reservoir to the water house was analysed. The water rise was found to be produced by the communicating vessels effect, due to the coincidence of the heights of the terrain. From there, the water was pumped to the water house. There was the register, located at the lowest point of elevation in the stream, currently called Cuadrado, and the stopcock, where the Flauta Fountain is located today. The pipeline follows the route of the Manantiales (which means water springs in Spanish).The obtained results can help archaeologists to know the true location of the Cuadrado fountain, and disseminate the cultural hydric heritage of Montilla, promoting touristic routes. Water resource tourism is already a reality in many cities, including Montilla. The cultural dissemination of water resources is supported by various institutions, through the routes and the many sources and watering holes that the town owns. Among these routes, we can mention the long route of the fountains of Montilla. This route runs along the path of the Manantiales, following the pipeline map of Sánchez-Molero, which passes through the water house, the Flauta Fountain is located today. The pipeline follows the route of the “Manantiales” (which means “water springs” in Spanish).[ES] El hallazgo fortuito de parte de la canalización que abastecía a la población de Montilla (España) desde finales del s. XIX, y que tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2017 por el servicio de bomberos de la ciudad, originó un estudio académico al respecto. El ingeniero José María Sánchez-Molero y Lleguet proyectó dicha canalización, desde el manantial Fuente del Cuadrado hasta unos depósitos situados en la Casa de las Aguas (Montilla) en 1868. De dichas construcciones no quedan restos, excepto los encontrados por los bomberos y Ayuntamiento. Los objetivos de la investigación consisten en la recogida, análisis e interpretación de toda la documentación gráfica y documental existente al respecto; la modelización del sistema de captación en la Fuente del Cuadrado y del terreno circundante; y su ubicación virtual sobre el modelo digital del terreno (MDT) en base a los planos de Sánchez-Molero y a las características de la superficie topográfica (cotas, pendientes, disposición de las líneas de talud). El análisis de estos datos justifica el sitio y orientación de todo el sistema de captación en la zona de los manantiales; el discurrir de la tubería, así como la ubicación de la casa de las bombas, ya que el agua descendía por gravedad desde su salida en el depósito del sistema de captación hasta el arroyo del Cuadrado, para subir por vasos comunicantes hasta los 334 m donde se situaban las bombas para impulsar el agua hasta los depósitos de suministro. La ubicación propuesta ayudaría a los arqueólogos a su hallazgo real y a su difusión cultural entre el público general; máxime cuando por dicha ubicación pasa la ruta larga de las fuentes de Montilla. El uso del modelo generado permitiría al senderista conocer in situ, mediante tecnologías de realidad virtual y aumentada, el sistema de captación diseñado por el ilustre ingeniero, impulsando el turismo cultural del agua.Carranza-Cañadas, P.; Baena-Sánchez, M.; Hidalgo Fernández, R.; Triviño-Tarradas, P. (2022). Tecnología digital en la localización del sistema de captación de agua de la fuente del Cuadrado en Montilla (Córdoba, España) en el siglo XIX. Virtual Archaeology Review. 13(27):100-116. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2022.15937OJS100116132

    Parameterisation and Optimisation of a Hand-Rake Sweeper: Application in Olive Picking

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    Olive picking is one of the most common social agricultural activities in many regions of Andalusia where the predominant crop is the traditional olive grove. The machinery used includes shakers, blowers and essential, low-cost hand-rake sweepers. The latter are generally used by the women of the squads to sweep the olives that fall from the trees. This article is focused on the design and optimisation of a hand-rake sweeper, in terms of durability and cost, for the picking of olives and other fruits, such as almonds, which are currently the main alternative to nonperennial crops in Andalusia. A parametric design of a hand-rake sweeper was created for this application using the design software CATIA, and its most vulnerable points were analysed in terms of effectiveness with varying design parameters, conducting usage simulations with ANSYS for a light material such as polypropylene. The maximum von Mises stress of the whole structure was 155.81 MPa. Using ANSYS, the dimension parameters of the hand-rake sweeper structure were optimised. The modified design was analysed again, showing a reduction of maximum tensions of 10.06%, as well as a decrease in its maximum elongations (0.0181 mm)

    Herramientas CAD/CAE en la caracterización tecnológica del Patrimonio Histórico Industrial: Aplicación a una prensa de aceite de oliva

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    [ES] El olivo con su fruto, la aceituna, ha sido a lo largo de la historia un cultivo que por su importancia ha generado una extensa cultura a lo largo del mar Mediterráneo. Desde la época del antiguo Egipto hasta nuestros días, su transformación para el consumo de la aceituna, tanto de mesa como grasa vegetal, ha evolucionado de la mano de las técnicas coetáneas conocidas. En cuanto a la obtención de aceite de oliva, el prensado del fruto o de la pasta conseguida previa molienda, es un punto crítico dentro de su elaboración. Este proceso es el objetivo de la presente comunicación donde se presentará un análisis tecnológico de una prensa de aceite. Con ello, se espera alcanzar un mayor grado de profundidad de conocimiento de las técnicas empleadas en el sector del aceite de oliva.[EN] The olive tree with its fruit, the olive, has been throughout history a culture whose importance has generated a widespread culture along the Mediterranean Sea. Since the days of ancient Egypt until today, its transformation to the consumption of olives, table olives or vegetable fat, has evolved hand in hand with contemporary techniques known. As for obtaining olive oil, fruit or the pressing of the pulp obtained after milling, is a critical point in its manufacture. This process is the goal of this communication which will present a technical analysis of an oil press. This is expected to achieve greater depth of knowledge of the techniques employed in the sector of olive oil.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2009-06943), Ministerio de Educación (programa FPU)Rojas-Sola, JI.; Castro García, M.; Carranza Cañadas, MDP.; Contreras Anguita, FJ. (2015). Herramientas CAD/CAE en la caracterización tecnológica del Patrimonio Histórico Industrial: Aplicación a una prensa de aceite de oliva. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(8):69-73. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4321OJS697348ROJAS SOLA, Jose Ignacio (2005): "Ancient technology and Computer-Aided Design: olive oil production in Southern Spain", en Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, no 30(1), pp. 59-67.ROJAS SOLA, Jose Ignacio y RAMIREZ ARRAZOLA, Carlos (2011): "Engineering graphics applied to the study of old methods of olive oil production", en Scientific Research and Essays, no 6(11), pp. 2379-2388.ROJAS SOLA, Jose Ignacio y CASTRO GARCIA, Miguel (2011): "Overview of the treatment of historical industrial heritage in engineering graphics", en Scientific Research and Essays, no 6(29), pp. 6717-6729.VON MISES, Richard Edler (1928): "Mechanik der plastischen formanderung der kristallen", en Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, no 8, pp. 85-161

    Evaluation of Agricultural Sustainability on a Mixed Vineyard and Olive-Grove Farm in Southern Spain through the INSPIA Model

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    The volume of the food produced across the world should be related to agricultural sustainability and is crucial for natural capital protection. Hence, sustainability assessment on farms and the identification of improvements is relevant. A mixed farm of vineyard and olive trees was chosen for sustainability assessment, based on the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that have been implemented. The aim of this research was to assess sustainability on a mixed vineyard and olive-grove farm and validate the INSPIA model for this kind of typology of a farm, which is very typical in the South of Spain. The sustainability assessment was monitored across 5-agricultural seasons based on the INSPIA methodology. INSPIA is based on the application of a set of BMPs, calculated on 31 basic indicators, providing a final composite index of sustainability. The greater the implementation of sustainable farming practices, the higher the value of the composite index. Enhanced soil, water, and air quality, improvement for biodiversity and for ecosystem services help towards sustainable agricultural productivity. Indicators’ results are shown during that period, depicting their relationship with the BMPs. The highest composite index was reached in the 4th year. This paper confirms the relevance of BMPs, such as groundcover establishment and minimum soil disturbance to upgrade sustainability on the permanent croplands in Southern Spain. The indicator-based sustainability assessment is considered a helpful tool in decision-making, which guides farmers towards BMPs performance

    Realidad aumentada aplicada al patrimonio histórico molinar

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    [ES] El desarrollo de las herramientas informáticas en la última década es una evidencia indiscutible que está permitiendo percibir la realidad de manera más completa gracias a diferentes técnicas, como es el caso de la Realidad Aumentada (RA). Tomando como punto de partida la técnica de Realidad Aumentada, este estudio busca un soporte para la implementación de los conocimientos del patrimonio histórico molinar y su aplicación a la recuperación de los molinos de viento de Andalucía (España). De esta forma, se consigue que el visitante consiga una experiencia más satisfactoria a la hora de interpretar los restos y el funcionamiento de estos ingenios eólicos propios de la arqueología preindustrial.[EN] The development of computer tools in the last decade is indisputable evidence that is allowing perceive reality more fully through different techniuqes, such as the Augmented Reality (AR). Taking as a starting point Augmented Reality technology, this study seeks to support the implementation of milling heritage knowledge and its application to the recovery of the Windmills of Andalusia (Spain). In this way, ensures that the visitor gets a more pleasant experience when interpreting the remains and the operation of these windmills' owm pre-industrial archaeology.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por la Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Innovación, ciencia y Empresa) en la convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia en su convocatoria del año 2007, en el marco de Proyecto titulado"El patrimonio histórico molinar eólico de Andalucía"Castro García, M.; Rojas-Sola, JI.; Carranza Cañadas, MDP. (2011). Realidad aumentada aplicada al patrimonio histórico molinar. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):83-86. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4611OJS838623ARISTÓTELES (1994). "Tratados de lógica". Gredos. Madrid.GARRIDO, R. et al (2008). Técnicas de interacción para sistemas de Realidad Aumentada, en Proceedings of 2nd Annual Meeting JOREVIR 2008.GRASSET, R. et al (2005). "A step towards a multimodal AR interface: A new bandbeld device for 3d interaction" en 4th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pp. 206-211.KATO, H. et al (1999), "Marker tracking and bmd calibration for a video-based augmented reality conferencing system", en 2nd IEEE and ACM International Workshop on Augmented Reality, pp. 85.KATO, H. et al (2000), "Virtual Object Manipulation on a Table-Top AR Environment", Human Interface nº2000, pp. 275-278.MILGRAM, P. et al (1994) "A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Display", IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, nº 77, pp. 1321-1329.MOGILEV, D. et al (2002), "Ar pad: an interface for face-to-face AR collaboration", en Extended abstracts on Human factors in computing system, CHI'02.PLATÓN (1994), "Diálogos (República)", Gredos. Madrid

    Optimización del modelado CAD para el análisis del patrimonio histórico molinar

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    The use of CAD techniques (Computer-Aided Design) is a normal practice and is considered a mandatory task in the graphical recovery that involves any study of industrial archaeology. Therefore, it suggests the importance of a successful modelling CAD has in the different studies and analysis, for example, simulation of a physical process by Finite Element Method (FEM). In this sense, the communication is intended to analyze critical issues and meshing surfaces of the 3D model presented in the research work of graphic recovery of any example of heritage industrial, for example, the windmills of the Community of Andalusia (Spain).El empleo de las técnicas CAD (Computer-Aided Design) es una práctica normal y de carácter obligatorio si se considera la tarea de recuperación gráfica que conlleva cualquier estudio de arqueología industrial. Por tanto, se deduce la importancia que un correcto modelado CAD tiene en los diferentes estudios y análisis, como por ejemplo, los de simulación de un proceso físico mediante el método de elementos finitos. En este sentido, la comunicación pretende analizar aspectos críticos en las superficies y mallado del modelo 3D que se presenta en la tarea investigadora de la recuperación gráfica de cualquier ejemplo de patrimonio industrial, como por ejemplo, los molinos de viento de la Comunidad de Andalucía (España)

    Caracterización tecnológica de los molinos de viento mediterráneos españoles

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    Desde la dinastía Song en Oriente Medio, alrededor del siglo XII, los molinos de viento han sido protagonistas en la transformación de la energía eólica para ciertos trabajos mecánicos, como la extracción del agua o la molienda del cereal. En consecuencia, a lo largo de la historia se ha investigado sobre esta clase de patrimonio industrial desde diversos enfoques, aunque no siempre desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería. La metodología seguida tras realizar un inventario de los 89 ingenios eólicos ha sido obtener su modelo 3D, caracterizando el viento y finalizando con el estudio mecánico de sus principales parámetros de funcionamiento. El resultado ha sido su idoneidad para trabajar a bajas velocidades produciendo un par elevado gracias a la superficie expuesta del velamen al viento, y que los molinos de viento de Cádiz y Huelva presentaban un rendimiento eólico mayor al estar mejor diseñados que los de Almería