6 research outputs found

    Las redes sociales en el nivel de rendimiento académico de la asignatura de Informática I de los estudiantes del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado Juan Bosco de Huánuco – 2013

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    La investigación tiene como finalidad, determinar la influencia de las redes sociales en el rendimiento académico de la asignatura de Informática I en los estudiantes del Instituto de Educación Superior tecnológico Privado Juan Bosco de Huánuco durante el periodo académico 2013. La investigación por su finalidad es de tipo aplicada, en razón que se manipula la variable independiente; y asume el diseño experimental de tipo cuasiexperimental, debido a que establece la influencia de una a otra variable. La muestra estuvo conformada 85 estudiantes establecidos en dos grupos; grupo experimental (Esp. Secretariado ejecutivo) = 50 estudiantes y el grupo control (Esp. Computación e informática) = 35 estudiantes, la muestra fue no probabilística de tipo intencionado. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos: una encuesta de autoevaluación del empleo de las redes sociales, consta de 12 ítems con escala de Likert y una prueba de rendimiento – aprendizaje de la asignatura de Informática I que consta de 20 ítems; el nivel de confiabilidad es de 0,77 respectivamente. Los resultados demuestran que existe influencia positiva del empleo de las redes sociales en el rendimiento académico de la asignatura de Informática I, pasando de un 9,50 puntos a un 11,88 puntos en promedio con una diferencia positiva de 1,01 puntos de mejora en promedio en los estudiantes objeto de estudio.Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle.Tesi

    Recesión en el Perú

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    Mediating role of inclusive leadership in innovative teaching behavior

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    Purpose: The prime purpose of current research is to investigate the mediating role of inclusive leadership between teaching policy, teachingresources,and innovativeteaching behavior. Design/methodology/approach: This research has collected data on a Likert scale questionnaire and the structural equation modeling technique is applied in data analysis.The population of this research are teachers in Peru. Findings: The findings of this research highlighted that the mediating role of inclusive leadership is significant between teaching policy, teachingresources,and innovative teaching behavior.Furthermore, the research highlighted that the direct impact of teaching policy, teachingresources, and inclusiveleadership are significant in innovative teaching behavior.Research limitations/implications: This research has theoretical implications as it has enhanced the model of innovative teaching with mediating role of inclusive leadership. Furthermore, the practical implications of this research can improve teaching behavior innovatively by adopting new policies for teaching and utilizing appropriate resources for it. Originality/value: This research is designed on the original idea to improve the model of innovative teaching behavior with inclusive leadership to provide remarkable implications in the knowledge and practice.Campus Chimbot

    The role of innovation adoption and circular economy readiness on the environmental sustainability: moderating impact of organizational support

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    Environmental sustainability is currently the most critical demand on a global scale, and it may be reached through innovation and a circular economy. This component demands the aim of policymakers and researchers. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of innovation adoption and circular economy readiness on Peru's environmental sustainability. The research also examines the moderating effect of organizational support on innovation adoption, preparation for the circular economy, and environmental sustainability in Peru. Using questionnaires, the researchers collected and evaluated the data using smart PLS. The results demonstrated a positive relationship between innovation adoption, circular economy readiness, and environmental sustainability in Peru. The results also demonstrated that organizational support moderates’ innovation uptake, preparation for the circular economy, and environmental sustainability in Peru. The research aids policymakers in formulating environmental sustainability strategies based on innovation uptake and circular economy preparedness.Campus Chimbot


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    TesisEl trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad analizar la relación existente entre las variables de investigación “Gestión Administrativa” y Posicionamiento de Marca” en el Instituto Juan Bosco de Huánuco durante el primer semestre académico 2018. El trabajo de investigación perteneció al enfoque cuantitativo y su diseño fue no experimental, se recolectó datos por intermedio de una encuesta de opinión para conocer el comportamiento de las variables de estudio. Se obtuvo un nivel relacional positivo fuerte (0.758) interpretado con la prueba correlacional de Pearson. En tal sentido se concluyó que existe una relación significativa entre la “Gestión Administrativa” y el “Posicionamiento de Marca” en la empresa educativa Instituto Juan Bosco de Huánuco. Palabras Claves: Administración, Gestión, Marca, Posicionamiento, Procesos

    How big data is used as a key element for hybrid university education

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    Hybrid learning in universities is the blending and mixing of the learning environments, this includes both face-to-face (FTF) which implies classroom instruction and online environment (E-learning)  as well. According to De Mauro, Greco and Grimaldi (2016), Ellis’ study shows that hybrid learning provides the students with the opportunity to understand and explore the real world at the same time through various authentic experiences. Authentic experience as cited by De Mauro, Greco and Grimaldi (2016) can be facilitated in the online learning environment through coming up with sufficient online learning or by blending learning to combine both online and FTF learning. The main objective of hybrid learning is to enhance effective and efficient experience through a more improved delivery model. This study is based on the review of previous articles using PRISMA methodology, it focuses on the big data as key element in hybrid learning in university education. The main objective of this study is to review 40 articles published in Scopus within 2010 to 2022 subject to big data in education, hybrid learning in universities or higher learning institutions and based on their findings the study come up with a conclusion  as discussed below