107 research outputs found

    Dominancia Cerebral y la Didáctica de las Matemáticas

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    Trabajo relacionado con alumnos de nivel medio superiorEn este trabajo se estudia el papel que juega el género del docente y su dominancia cerebral en la didáctica de las asignaturas del área de matemáticas mediante un análisis de las preferencias y razones que los estudiantes dan para argumentar sus predilecciones. Las asignaturas son: Álgebra, Álgebra y Trigonometría, Geometría Analítica, Cálculo Diferencial como asignaturas curriculares y Estadística como asignatura optativa, que se ubican desde el primero hasta al quinto semestre. Poco se ha analizado la relación entre el género, la dominancia cerebral del docente y la didáctica de las matemáticas. Con base en este análisis exploramos si se cumplen las características distintivas entre hemisferios cerebrales y si éstas son percibidas por los alumnos del 6º semestre del nivel medio superior

    Multifrequency Topological Derivative Approach to Inverse Scattering Problems in Attenuating Media

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    Detecting objects hidden in a medium is an inverse problem. Given data recorded at detectors when sources emit waves that interact with the medium, we aim to find objects that would generate similar data in the presence of the same waves. In opposition, the associated forward problem describes the evolution of the waves in the presence of known objects. This gives a symmetry relation: if the true objects (the desired solution of the inverse problem) were considered for solving the forward problem, then the recorded data should be returned. In this paper, we develop a topological derivative-based multifrequency iterative algorithm to reconstruct objects buried in attenuating media with limited aperture data. We demonstrate the method on half-space configurations, which can be related to problems set in the whole space by symmetry. One-step implementations of the algorithm provide initial approximations, which are improved in a few iterations. We can locate object components of sizes smaller than the main components, or buried deeper inside. However, attenuation effects hinder object detection depending on the size and depth for fixed ranges of frequencies

    Topological derivative inversion method tested against microwave experimental data

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    The Fresnel database consists of data collected from experiments where different objects are irradiated by time-harmonic electromagnetic (micro)waves. The purpose of this database is twofold, one the one hand it eases the comparison and testing of inversion methods from different research groups against the same data. On the other hand it allows the testing against experimental data to groups without access to a laboratory. Topological derivative and Topological energy based methods are powerful techniques to reconstruct objects from such experimental microwave data. They have a very low computational cost as they are one step methods. They can be computed from closed-form solutions. The quality of the reconstructions is comparable to the best of the other methods tested against the Fresnel database.Depto. de Análisis Matemático y Matemática AplicadaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICCIN)/FEDERsubmitte

    Safety and tolerability of a 90-minute rapid infusion of Sandoz biosimilar rituximab in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders in a real-world setting

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    Safety; B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders; Real-world settingSeguridad; Trastornos linfoproliferativos de células B; Entorno realSeguretat; Trastorns limfoproliferatius de cèl·lules B; Entorn realAlthough rituximab is generally well-tolerated, infusion-related reactions (IRRs) are common with the initial dose when administered intravenously according to standard recommendations. To prevent IRRs, premedication and low-speed infusion rates have been recommended. Consequently, intravenous (i.v.) infusion of rituximab can become a labor-intensive process. Rapid i.v. rituximab infusion over 90 min has demonstrated a favorable safety profile for the second and subsequent infusions during the course of therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety and tolerability of 90-min rapid infusion of Sandoz rituximab biosimilar (SDZ-RTX) for patients with CD20+ lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We retrospectively reviewed all patients with CD20+ lymphoma or CLL who received SDZ-RTX infusions in 90 min from July 2019 to July 2021 at seven Spanish hospitals. The primary end point was the incidence of IRRs. We identified 124 patients and 576 rapid administrations of SDZ-RTX, with an average of five rapid infusions per patient. Most rapid infusions of SDZ-RTX were in combination with CHOP/CHOP-like therapy (48.4%), followed by SDZ-RTX alone (15.1%), in combination with bendamustine (14.5%), or with other regimens (22%). The 90-min SDZ-RTX infusion schedule was well-tolerated with no grade 3/4 IRRs. The incidence of any grade IRR during the first rapid infusion was 1% (5 grade 1 IRRs and 1 grade 2 IRR). In conclusion, rapid 90-min i.v. administration of SDZ-RTX for the second and subsequent infusions during the course of therapy is well-tolerated in patients with CD20+ lymphoma or CLL.This study was funded by Sandoz Group, a Novartis Division, as an investigator project in the GELTAMO group

    Safety and tolerability of a 90-minute rapid infusion of Sandoz biosimilar rituximab in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders in a real-world setting

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    Although rituximab is generally well-tolerated, infusion-related reactions (IRRs) are common with the initial dose when administered intravenously according to standard recommendations. To prevent IRRs, premedication and low-speed infusion rates have been recommended. Consequently, intravenous (i.v.) infusion of rituximab can become a labor-intensive process. Rapid i.v. rituximab infusion over 90 min has demonstrated a favorable safety profile for the second and subsequent infusions during the course of therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety and tolerability of 90-min rapid infusion of Sandoz rituximab biosimilar (SDZ-RTX) for patients with CD20+ lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We retrospectively reviewed all patients with CD20+ lymphoma or CLL who received SDZ-RTX infusions in 90 min from July 2019 to July 2021 at seven Spanish hospitals. The primary end point was the incidence of IRRs. We identified 124 patients and 576 rapid administrations of SDZ-RTX, with an average of five rapid infusions per patient. Most rapid infusions of SDZ-RTX were in combination with CHOP/CHOP-like therapy (48.4%), followed by SDZ-RTX alone (15.1%), in combination with bendamustine (14.5%), or with other regimens (22%). The 90-min SDZ-RTX infusion schedule was well-tolerated with no grade 3/4 IRRs. The incidence of any grade IRR during the first rapid infusion was 1% (5 grade 1 IRRs and 1 grade 2 IRR). In conclusion, rapid 90-min i.v. administration of SDZ-RTX for the second and subsequent infusions during the course of therapy is well-tolerated in patients with CD20+ lymphoma or CL

    When topological derivatives met regularized Gauss-Newton iterations in holographic 3D imaging

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    We propose an automatic algorithm for 3D inverse electromagnetic scattering based on the combination of topological derivatives and regularized Gauss-Newton iterations. The algorithm is adapted to decoding digital holograms. A hologram is a two-dimensional light interference pattern that encodes information about three-dimensional shapes and their optical properties. The formation of the hologram is modeled using Maxwell theory for light scattering by particles. We then seek shapes optimizing error functionals which measure the deviation from the recorded holograms. Their topological derivatives provide initial guesses of the objects. Next, we correct these predictions by regularized Gauss-Newton techniques devised to solve the inverse holography problem. In contrast to standard Gauss-Newton methods, in our implementation the number of objects can be automatically updated during the iterative procedure by new topological derivative computations. We show that the combined use of topological derivative based optimization and iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton methods produces fast and accurate descriptions of the geometry of objects formed by multiple components with nanoscale resolution, even for a small number of detectors and non convex components aligned in the incidence direction

    Aerossóis em Estomatologia, aumento do risco de contrair o vírus SARS-CoV-2

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    Introduction: the use of aerosols in dental clinics represents a very important risk factor to be in focus as they could resulting in bacterial transmission to healthcare workers and entity environment through the dispersion of tiny droplets. Its use, in the presence of COVID-19 pandemic, represents a danger to human life. Objective: to gather essential information that argue the risk of SARS-CoV-2 related infection when using aerosols in dental care clinics, as well as the additional measures taken into account for preventing infection of health personnel. Method: it was conducted a bibliographic review at the Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" in Santiago de Cuba from January to September, 2020. Searches concerning the importance of the use of aerosols in dental clinics and how to use it in this current pandemic were carried out in the data bases Pubmed, Medline, Science Direct, SciELO, and Google scholar. Results: the information found revealed norms, measures, clinical criteria, precautions and recommendations related to the use of aerosols in the dental clinic. Conclusions: in addition to standard precautions, it is essential to avoid the use of tools and devices that generate aerosols, since they increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Also it is important not to remove the protection means use in the dental office, the need for workers to knowledge all protocol, among others important aspects.Introducción: los aerosoles en Estomatología constituyen un factor muy importante a tener en cuenta, pues estos facilitan con la dispersión de gotas minúsculas la trasmisión bacteriana a los trabajadores sanitarios y al medio ambiente del consultorio. Ante la presencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19, es un peligro que representa para la vida humana.Objetivo: realizar una recopilación de información que argumente el riesgo de la transmisión del virus SARS-CoV-2 mediante el uso de aerosoles en la atención estomatológica y las medidas precisas adicionales a tener en cuenta para la prevención del contagio del personal de salud de esta área. Método: se realizó un estudio en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada", de Santiago de Cuba, en el período comprendido de enero a septiembre de 2020, consistente en una revisión bibliográfica. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos bibliográficos Pubmed, Medline, Science Direct, SciELO, y el buscador Google Académico, sobre la importancia de los aerosoles generados en la práctica estomatológica con relación a la actual pandemia. Resultados: la información encontrada, expresó las normas, medidas, criterios clínicos, precauciones y recomendaciones relacionados con los aerosoles en el consultorio estomatológico. Conclusiones: además de las precauciones estándares, es imprescindible evitar el uso de instrumentos y dispositivos que generen aerosoles, ya que incrementan el riesgo de contraer el virus del SARS-CoV-2, no retirar los medios de protección en el espacio del consultorio, la necesidad de que los trabajadores dominen el conocimiento de todas las medidas, entre otras.Introdução: os aerossóis em Estomatologia são um fator muito importante a se levar em consideração, pois facilitam a transmissão bacteriana aos profissionais de saúde e ao ambiente de escritório com a dispersão de minúsculas gotas. Objetivo: realizar uma compilação de informações que discutam o risco de transmissão do vírus SARS-CoV-2 através do uso de aerossóis em atendimento odontológico e as medidas adicionais precisas a serem levadas em conta para a prevenção do contágio à saúde pessoal desta área.Método: realizou-se um estudo na Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada", em Santiago de Cuba, no período de janeiro a setembro de 2020, consistindo numa revisão bibliográfica. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados bibliográficas Pubmed, Medline, Science Direct, SciELO e na ferramenta de busca Google Scholar, sobre a importância dos aerossóis gerados na prática odontológica em relação à atual pandemia. Resultados: as informações encontradas expressam as normas, medidas, critérios clínicos, cuidados e recomendações relacionadas aos aerossóis no consultório de estomatologia. Conclusões: além das precauções padrão, é imprescindível evitar o uso de instrumentos e dispositivos que gerem aerossóis, pois aumentam o risco de contrair o vírus SARS-CoV-2, não retiram os meios de proteção no ambiente de escritório, a necessidade de os trabalhadores dominarem o conhecimento de todas as medidas, entre outras


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    Determinar el efecto biocida in vitro de los extractos etanólicos de inflorescencias y plantas de Piper tuberculatum Jacq. "Matico” sobre larvas del III estadío de Aedes aegypti y, evaluar la toxicidad del extracto etanólico de inflorescencias y plantas sobre Artemia salina. Investigación experimental. Diseño de estímulo creciente. Las dosis de ambos extractos fueron 0,007815; 0,015630; 0,031260; 0,062520 y 0,125040 mg/mL usadas en las cepas Salvaje (Motupe) y control (Rockefeller). La mortalidad larvaria se evaluó a las 1, 2, 3, 4, 18 y 24 horas post exposición. Las DL50 y DL90 se analizaron con Probit 1.5. La dosis de los extractos para la prueba de toxicidad fueron: 150, 300, 600, 1,200 y 2,400 ug/mL (CYTED). Las DL50 (mg/mL) a las 01 y 24 horas del extracto de inflorescencias de P. tuberculatum respectivamente, fueron 0,041 y 0,001 (cepa Rockefeller) y, 0,049 y 0,003 (cepa Salvaje); del extracto de plantas fueron 0,225 y 0,002 (cepa Rockefeller) y 0,344 y 0,002 (cepa Salvaje). La DL90 tuvo la misma tendencia. En la prueba de toxicidad, las DL50 (mg/mL) fueron 2215,936 y 3736,350 y las DL90 fueron 3803,033 y 6418,254 para los extractos de inflorescencias y plantas respectivamente. Se concluye que los extractos etanólicos de inflorescencias y plantas de Piper tuberculatum Jacq. tienen efecto biocida in vitro sobre larvas del III estadío de Aedes aegypti siendo mayor el efecto del extracto de inflorescencias respecto al de plantas, tanto para la cepa salvaje como para la cepa Rockefeller y, Piper tuberculatum Jacq. no tuvo toxicidad frente a Artemia salina

    Dislocations in graphene

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    We study the stability and evolution of various elastic defects in a flat graphene sheet and the electronic properties of the most stable configurations. Two types of dislocations are found to be stable: "glide" dislocations consisting of heptagon-pentagon pairs, and "shuffle" dislocations, an octagon with a dangling bond. Unlike the most studied case of carbon nanotubes, Stone Wales defects are unstable in the planar graphene sheet. Similar defects in which one of the pentagon-heptagon pairs is displaced vertically with respect to the other one are found to be dynamically stable. Shuffle dislocations will give rise to local magnetic moments that can provide an alternative route to magnetism in graphene