86 research outputs found

    Letter from the Editor

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    Letter from the Editor

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    oltre le barriere confessionali vita monastica e unita della chiesa

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    La comunita di Taize ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nella promozione del dialogo ecumenico della seconda meta del XX secolo, attraverso una serie di contatti personali; il saggio presenta, attraverso la citazione di documenti inediti, una parte di questi contatti, prima del Concilio Vaticano II, tra la comunita di Taize, papa Pio XII e Grottaferrata

    Mensajes sobre el manto: exploraciones tecnodigitales en entornos volcánicos

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    La obra Mensajes sobre el manto (Carpinello, 2022) fue seleccionada para ser desarrollada durante la residencia, y se basa en una metodología de producción artística que surgió en el marco de mi tesis de maestría en Tecnología y Estética de las Artes Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero —en elaboración— que continúo ampliando en mi trayecto como artista. El objetivo de mi trabajo era aplicar esta metodología de producción en la exploración de territorios volcánicos, y el Parque Nacional Los Alerces fue un lugar perfecto para llevarlo a cabo, ya que forma parte de la ruta de exploración tecnovolcánica que he estado desarrollando. La obra Mensajes sobre el manto es una exploración tecnológica de los medioambientes volcánicos de la cordillera de los Andes, que utiliza dispositivos tecnológicos de sensado como drones y técnicas de fotogrametría* mediante registros fotográficos. En el proceso tecnológico de transducción*, la vivencia en el volcán se vuelve virtual, los territorios se desintegran en píxeles y el mensaje es deglutido por las redes neuronales de la máquina. Los objetos del espacio físico se vuelcan al vacío de la data para recodificar el mensaje inscripto dentro de sus formas. El objetivo era desarrollar una taxonomía de piezas visuales tecnovolcánicas surgidas de la recopilación de imágenes sobre objetos y espacios singulares encontrados en el lugar y con el uso de la inteligencia artificial y el deep learning*, transducir esa información a un lenguaje tecnovolcánico, para luego ser volcada al espacio en forma de proyecciones audiovisuales site specific.Facultad de Arte

    Evaluation of HMDs by QFD for Augmented Reality Applications in the Maxillofacial Surgery Domain

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    Today, surgical operations are less invasive than they were a few decades ago and, in medicine, there is a growing trend towards precision surgery. Among many technological advancements, augmented reality (AR) can be a powerful tool for improving the surgery practice through its ability to superimpose the 3D geometrical information of the pre-planned operation over the surgical field as well as medical and instrumental information gathered from operating room equipment. AR is fundamental to reach new standards in maxillofacial surgery. The surgeons will be able to not shift their focus from the patients while looking to the monitors. Osteotomies will not require physical tools to be fixed on patient bones as guides to make resections. Handling grafts and 3D models directly in the operating room will permit a fine tuning of the procedure before harvesting the implant. This article aims to study the application of AR head-mounted displays (HMD) in three operative scenarios (oncological and reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery, and maxillofacial trauma surgery) by the means of quantitative logic using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool to determine their requirements. The article provides an evaluation of the readiness degree of HMD currently on market and highlights the lacking features

    Emergency and Scheduled Respite Care for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Proposed Program

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    Introduction: Respite care is defined as providing the primary caregiver with relief or a reprieve from care commitments on a short-term or emergency basis. Despite a demonstrated interest in and need for respite care programs, our research has shown that scarce resources exist via a statewide dementia respite program administered by Vermont’s five Area Agencies on Aging. Grants are small and many families do not fall within the eligibility requirements. In FY2010, only 290 families across the state met eligibility requirements (physicians’ diagnosis of dementia, income less than 300% of poverty line, unpaid caregiver, primary residence in VT) and were awarded limited funding for the provision of outside care (up to $750.00 each). For many of these families, this money is typically used to provide substitute care when the primary caregiver is not available. To date, there is no true emergency respite program in place for caregivers. This has placed a strain on families and day facilities, particularly when situations arise in which a caregiver is unable to pick up their family member due to an emergency situation. Our goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of a respite program to address this need.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1061/thumbnail.jp

    Acoustical performance of an innovative dry-wall facade system with high thermal properties

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    INTESA (INTegrazione ed elevata Efficienza con sistemi a Secco per l’Abitare, Integration and high efficiency with drywall technology for building envelopes) is an innovative solu-tion of a drywall façade embedding electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems, especially de-signed for residential needs. The INTESA system is usable either for new and retrofit design and is competitive with the traditional wet technology made of clay bricks or blocks. Since the early stage of the project, an integrated approach has been the key element to design the wall system in order to obtain an easy and efficient way of assembling, a perfect integration of the plants, as well as high thermal and acoustical performances. In-field INTESA perfor-mances were tested in laboratory and in a real case study through the construction of a proto-type building located in Calliano d’Asti, near Turin, where the following acoustical parame-ters were measured: the apparent sound reduction index (R’), the standardized sound level difference of a façade (D2m,nT) and the vibration sound reduction index (Kij), a quantity relat-ed to the vibrational power transmission over a junction between structural elements

    INTESA System: A New High-performance and Highly Integrated Drywall Façade

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    INTESA is an innovative vertical envelope for residential, industrial and service tertiary buildings. It is a drywall façade system with high thermal and acoustic properties, embedding electrical and plumbing systems. The system was developed over two years by a multidisciplinary team, which involved researchers, manufacturers and consultants. An integrated approach has been the key element to design and prototype an innovative double cavity drywall façade, composed by plasterboard layers and blown-in cellulose flakes, with and without a thin layer of Phase Change Material. Thermal and acoustical properties have been optimized through laboratory measurements and simulations and later tested in a prototype building