741 research outputs found

    Livreto institucional a respeito de um escritório de arquitetura

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    PCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Design.Este trabalho propõe traduzir conceitos extraídos do escritório Arquion - Arquitetura e Design ltda., através da análise e diagnóstico de seu propósito, suas contruções arquitetônicas, ideologia e posicionamento no mercado por meio de um livreto institucional. Utilizou-se a Metodologia Projetual para Produtos Gráfico-Impressos desenvolvida por Matté (2004), para guiar este projeto, com auxilio do método de estruturação gráfica proposto por Castro e Perassi (2018), com o objetivo de oferecer conteúdo agradável e relevante através de um material que converse com o públicodo escritório, aplicando estratégias e princípios de design que foram definidos por meio de pesquisas e estudos, para que assim a mensagem a ser passada reflita o interior do escritório, conectando-se com seus clientes de maneira física, objetiva e atual. O resultado final consiste no protótipo de um livreto institucional, construída e baseada especialmente para o escritório Arquion - Arquitetura e Design ltda.This work proposes to translate concepts extracted from the Arquion - Architecture and Design office, through the analysis and diagnosis of its purpose, its architectural constructions, ideology and positioning in the market through an institutional booklet. Was used the Project Methodology for Graphic-Printed Products developed by Matté (2004), to guide this project, with the support of the graphic structuring method proposed by Castro and Perassi (2018), with the objective of offering gentle and relevant content through a material that converses with the public of the office, applying strategies and principles of design that have been defined through research and studies, so that the message to be passed reflects the interior of the office, connecting with their clients in a physical way, objective and current. The final result consists of the prototype of an institutional booklet, built and based especially for the Arquion - Architecture and Design office


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    Este trabalho baseia-se em uma etnografia com ex-evangélicas pentecostais que passaram por um dramático processo de judaização. Investiga as maneiras pelas quais essas mulheres, ex-cristãs e sem nenhum passado judaicos eu, adotaram tabus menstruais, restritos códigos de vestimenta - incluindo o uso de véus cobrindo a cabeça - e os rituais de judeus ultraortodoxos, ao mesmo tempo que ainda preservam princípios cristãos. Utilizando-se de teorias sobre mudança religiosa, dos debates contemporâneos da antropologia do cristianismo e de literatura feminista acerca do engajamento de mulheres com religiões patriarcais, este artigo examina a agência de mulheres em processos de conversão religiosa. Ao contrário das análises acadêmicas atuais que enfatizam a agência de mulheres pelo prisma da observância e corporalização (embodiment) de normas religiosas, o enquadramento policultural proposto neste artigo enfoca nas negociações, nas montagens culturais híbridas e nos “tormentos morais” imbricados em projetos de mudanças religiosas dramáticas. Essas percepções indicam a importância de se considerar as reflexões éticas, as reinterpretações e as acomodações culturais quando analisamos conversões religiosas.&nbsp

    Franco Donatoni: endless transformation in the Françoise Variationen

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    This dissertation presents an analysis of Franco Donatoni’s Françoise Variationen for solo piano. The Françoise Variationen (1983–1996), a collection of forty-nine variations organized into seven sets of seven variations each, are an extraordinary example of Donatoni’s renewed inspiration and creative output during his so-called “joyous period” (1977–2000). The analysis presented in this dissertation has three main objectives. Firstly, it investigates the history of the piece, situating it in Donatoni’s life and mature compositional language. Secondly, it explains the algorithmic relationships between each variation, focusing on the first two sets of the work. Lastly, it discusses the pianistic and interpretative challenges found in the Françoise Variationen. The dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter features a brief biography of Franco Donatoni. The second chapter discusses the history of the piece in the context of Donatoni’s compositional style, life, and personality. The Françoise Variationen stand out from Donatoni’s other compositional output; they are page-long variations that he composed only when he had free time. The variations provide insight into the composer’s newfound joy in writing music, offering an opportunity to examine the reasoning behind his use of variation techniques as the core of his mature language, as well as illustrate his distinctive compositional procedure using “panels” and his interest in alchemy. The third chapter presents a musical analysis of the first two sets of the Françoise Variationen. The analysis describes the overall structure of each set and analyzes every variation individually, highlighting the algorithmic relationships that link all of the variations together. The analysis is based on the Ricordi edition published in 1991. The fourth chapter offers a commentary on performance practice and concert programming choices. It includes observations shared by concert pianist Dr. Jeffrey Swann in an interview conducted by the author on March 16, 2019. The ultimate goal of this dissertation is to foster a deeper understanding of the Françoise Variationen and to promote their inclusion in piano literature and concert repertoire

    Digital and Communicative Affordances in the Translingual Online Space: Insights from Brazilian Food Discourses in the UK

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    This article will delve into the potential of social media spaces as arenas for processes of identification and community construction, using multilingual data from Brazilian food discourses collected between October 2017 and February 2020 as part of a larger computer-mediated communication (CMC) study. While the study retains its analytical focus on Facebook, and specifically the public company Pages used by Brazilian food outlets in the UK for promotional purposes, it also attends to the interwoven state of online communication. Within this context, digital affordances and actions are part of the accomplishment of communicative goals and thus relevant in everyday meaning-making processes and as a means of getting things done. This article presents a discourse-oriented analysis of CMC from Pages, examining communicative strategies emergent therein. The analysis points to how language use and platform features and structure relate to the production of meaning entwined with processes of identification and the creation of rapid senses of connectivity by communicators in the translingual online space. Drawing from online observation, discursive insights from the dataset and the perspective of interviewed entrepreneurs, this article explores digital and communicative affordances encapsulated in Facebook Pages’ posts and “reactions” in relation to everyday online communication practices and actions in the promotional context

    A elaboração de arranjos para violão solo utilizando recursos percussivos

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    O presente trabalho propõe uma discussão dos processos de criação de arranjos para violão solo utilizando recursos percussivos, bem como a compreensão do uso destes recursos aliados a um trabalho performático. Além disto, através de levantamento de materiais e análises, foram criadas bases para uma proposta de notação percussiva e sua utilização na escrita dos arranjos. A integração entre apropriação da técnica, composição e experimentação forneceram, para além dos arranjos escritos, uma proposta sólida para a sistematização de tais práticas, proporcionando novas ideias e abordagens a quem deseje incorporá-las em seus trabalhos.The present dissertation discusses processes of creating arrangements for solo guitar using percussive resources, as well as the understanding of the use of these resources combined with performative work. Additionally, through the survey of materials and analysis, was created a proposal for the notation of percussive techniques and its use when writing arrangements. The integration of technical appropriation, composition, and experimentation provided, in addition to the written arrangements, a solid proposal for the systematization of such practices, providing new ideas and approaches to anyone wishing to incorporate them in their work.Mestrado em Músic


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