9 research outputs found

    Why doesn’t everyone love reading e-books?

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    Why do many students still prefer paper books to e-books? This article summarizes a number of problems with e-books mentioned in different studies by students of higher education, but it also discusses some of the unexploited possibilities with e-books. Problems that students experience with e-books include eye strain, distractions, a lack of overview, inadequate navigation features and insufficient annotation and highlighting functionality. They also find it unnecessarily complicated to download DRM-protected e-books. Some of these problems can be solved by using a more suitable device. For example, a mobile device that can be held in a book-like position reduces eye strain, while a device with a bigger screen provides a better overview of the text. Other problems can be avoided by choosing a more usable reading application. Unfortunately, that is not always possible, since DRM protection entails a restriction of what devices and applications you can choose. Until there is a solution to these problems, I think libraries will need to purchase both print and electronic books, and should always opt for the DRM-free alternative. We should also offer students training on how to find, download and read e-books as well as how to use different devices.NonePublishe

    A Study of Building Procedure in the Dominican Republic : How to develop a sustainable building process. -Are there applicable models and techniques from Sweden?

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    This report is the final thesis and the conclusion of the final project that was done during the spring semester of 2009, in the city of Santo Domingo, The Dominican Republic, West Indies by Caroline Knutsson and Kristina Myrberg. The project is based on the field studies that are done in the investigation together with the information from interviews from the construction sites and the collected information from the research. The focus is concentrated in an investigation about the construction techniques that are used, the building materials and the working conditions on the construction site. A study has been done of a Swedish model of urban planning with environmental objects (SAMS), made by the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), and successively applied in a project in South Africa. With the purpose of investigate if it is possible to apply the same model in the Dominican Republic, a review of the current environmental- and urban planning in the country has been done.  Through the studies we think that an introduction of planning with environmental objectives and a development towards a sustainable and ecological society is possible in the Dominican Republic. After field studies on the construction sites, it was relevant to discuss the working conditions and the safety for the constructers. The thesis also deal with the waste problem, since it is a problem that is not taken care of neither in the building sector or in the society. The suggestion is to recycle and reuse more of the waste, especially all the concrete that is used in the buildings. Sweden have come a long way ahead in the questions of sustainable housing and ecological building, to spare and reduce the effect the building sector has on the environment. This is questions of more importance than ever today, when we are seeing the effects of the climate change in the world. An investigation is done of the possibility to apply any of the methods that are used in Sweden today to make the housing more sustainable and environmentally friendly, also in The Dominican Republic. The result is some suggestions of methods and technologies that might be applicable in the Dominican Republic

    Screen vs. paper : what is the difference for reading and learning?

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    We have all seen the newspaper headlines: screens make us read slower, learn less deeply, remember less and sleep worse. Is this why students prefer to print out their electronic textbooks? We suspected it was habit and attitude rather than measurable cognitive effort during reading that made people prefer print texts, but we needed evidence. We decided to find out what recent research had to say on the subject and read scholarly articles addressing the issues of the actual reading and/or learning processes involved in reading on screen compared to on paper. We then considered these results in relation to our own experience of using tablets and teaching scholars and students how to use their tablets/smartphones in their work. Habit and attitude appeared to be important, and a digitally born textbook is by far the best alternative to a print textbook when it comes to studying. But even those who prefer to read on screens are originally native paper readers, and as long as the existing application interfaces cannot address the shortcomings of screens regarding spatial landmarks, we will keep returning to paper under certain circumstances. We would like to see developers make more user-friendly e-readers, and authors and publishers learn to fully utilize of the potential of the e-book

    Restrictive spirometry versus restrictive lung function using the GLI reference values

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    BACKGROUND: Restrictive lung function may indicate various underlying diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of different restrictive spirometry patterns (RSPs) to identify restrictive lung function (total lung capacity [TLC] < lower limit of normal [LLN]) according to reference values by the Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) in a wide age-ranged, general population sample. METHODS: A general population sample (n = 607, age 23-72 years, smokers 18.8%) with proper dynamic spirometry and TLC measurements, was included. Accuracy of two main categories of RSP to identify TLC < LLN were evaluated: traditional RSPs (definition 1: FVC < 80% of predicted and FEV1 /FVC ≥ 0.7 and definition 2: FVC < LLN and FEV1 /FVC ≥ LLN) and RSPs defined by Youden's method (definition 3: FVC < 85.5% of predicted and FEV1 /FVC ≥ LLN and definition 4: FVC Z-score < -1.0 and FEV1 /FVC ≥ LLN). RESULTS: The prevalence of restrictive lung function (TLC < LLN) was 5.3%. The most accurate cut-offs for FVC to identify TLC < LLN were 85.5% for FVC% of predicted, and -1.0 for FVC Z-score. The traditional RSP definitions 1 and 2 had higher specificity (95.0% and 96.9%) but substantially lower sensitivity compared to RSP definitions 3 and 4. CONCLUSION: Based on the GLI reference values, the RSP definition FVC < LLN and FEV1 /FVC ≥ LLN yielded the highest specificity and may appropriately be used to rule out restrictive lung function. The RSP definition with the most favourable trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, FVC < 85.5% of predicted and FEV1 /FVC ≥ LLN, may serve as an alternative with higher sensitivity for screening

    Autoimmune and Metabolic Diseases and the Risk of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer, a Nationwide Nested Case-Control Study

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    Simple Summary Early onset of colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is increasing in developed countries. The aim was to investigate autoimmune and metabolic conditions as risk factors for EOCRC. We investigated preexisting autoimmune and metabolic diagnoses of 2626 EOCRC patients in Sweden, diagnosed in 2007-2016, together with 15,756 controls matched for birth year, sex, and county. Comorbid diagnoses were collected from the National Patient Register. A history of metabolic disease nearly doubled the incidence of EOCRC, and presence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was associated with a sixfold increased incidence of EOCRC. Patients with both IBD and metabolic disease had a lower incidence of EOCRC compared with IBD patients without metabolic condition. Non-IBD autoimmune disease was not associated with an increased incidence of EOCRC. IBD and metabolic disease are risk factors for EOCRC and should be considered in screening guidelines. Incidence of early-onset (&amp;lt;50 years) colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is increasing in developed countries. The aim was to investigate autoimmune and metabolic conditions as risk factors for EOCRC. In a nationwide nested case-control study, we included all EOCRC cases in Sweden diagnosed during 2007-2016, together with controls, matched for birth year, sex, and county. Information on exposure of autoimmune or metabolic disease was collected from the National Patient Register and Prescribed Drugs Registry. Hazard ratios (HR) as measures of the association between EOCRC and the exposures were estimated using conditional logistic regression. In total, 2626 EOCRC patients and 15,756 controls were included. A history of metabolic disease nearly doubled the incidence hazard of EOCRC (HR 1.82, 95% CI 1.66-1.99). A sixfold increased incidence hazard of EOCRC (HR 5.98, 95% CI 4.78-7.48) was seen in those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the risk increment decreased in presence of concomitant metabolic disease (HR 3.65, 95% CI 2.57-5.19). Non-IBD autoimmune disease was not statistically significantly associated with EOCRC. IBD and metabolic disease are risk factors for EOCRC and should be considered in screening guidelines.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council; Swedish Cancer Society; Stockholm Cancer Society; Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden; Region Stockholm (ALF project); Bengt Ihre Foundation; Mag-Tarmfonden</p

    Severity of adult-onset asthma : a matter of blood neutrophils and severe obesity

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    Background: Adult-onset asthma is associated with a poor treatment response. The aim was to study associations between clinical characteristics, asthma control and treatment in adult-onset asthma. Methods: Previous participants within the population-based Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden studies (OLIN) were in 2019–2020 invited to clinical examinations including structured interviews, spirometry, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), skin prick test and blood sampling. In total, n = 251 individuals with adult-onset asthma (debut &gt;15 years of age) were identified. Uncontrolled asthma was defined according to ERS/ATS and treatment step according to GINA (2019). Results: Among individuals with uncontrolled asthma (34%), severe obesity (16.3% vs 7.9%, p = 0.041) and elevated levels of blood neutrophils, both regarding mean level of blood neutrophils (4.25*109/L vs 3.67*109/L, p = 0.003), and proportions with ≥4*109/L (49.4% vs 33.3%, p = 0.017) and ≥5*109/L (32.1% vs 13.7%, p &lt; 0.001) were more common than among those with controlled asthma. Adding the dimension of GINA treatment step 1–5, individuals with uncontrolled asthma on step 4–5 treatment had the highest proportions of blood neutrophils ≥5*109/L (45.5%), severe obesity (BMI≥35, 26.1%), dyspnea (mMRC≥2) (34.8%), and most impaired lung function in terms of FEV1%&lt;80% of predicted (42.9%), FEV1&lt;LLN (47.6%), FVC&lt;80% of predicted (42.9%) and FVC &lt; LLN (38.1%). No associations between level of asthma control and treatment were found regarding blood eosinophils, FeNO or allergic sensitization. Conclusion: This study indicates that in adult-onset asthma, primarily non-type-2 characteristics such as obesity and blood neutrophils associate with poor asthma control and higher doses of inhaled corticosteroids

    Epstein–Barr Virus, but Not Cytomegalovirus, Latency Accelerates the Decay of Childhood Measles and Rubella Vaccine Responses—A 10-Year Follow-up of a Swedish Birth Cohort

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    BackgroundEpstein–Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) are ubiquitous and persistent herpesviruses commonly acquired during childhood. Both viruses have a significant impact on the immune system, especially through mediating the establishment of cellular immunity, which keeps these viruses under control for life. Far less is known about how these viruses influence B-cell responses.ObjectivesTo evaluate the impact of latent EBV and CMV infection on rubella- and measles-specific antibody responses as well as on the B-cell compartment in a prospective birth cohort followed during the first 10 years of life.MethodsIgG titers against rubella and measles vaccines were measured in plasma obtained from the same donors at 2, 5, and 10 years of age. Peripheral B-cell subsets were evaluated ex vivo at 2 and 5 years of age. Factors related to optimal B-cell responses including IL-21 and CXCL13 levels in plasma were measured at all-time points.ResultsEBV carriage in the absence of CMV associated with an accelerated decline of rubella and measles-specific IgG levels (p = 0.003 and p = 0.019, respectively, linear mixed model analysis), while CMV carriage in the absence of EBV associated with delayed IgG decay over time for rubella (p = 0.034). At 5 years of age, EBV but not CMV latency associated with a lower percentage of plasmablasts, but higher IL-21 levels in the circulation.ConclusionOur findings suggest that EBV carriage in the absence of CMV influences the B-cell compartment and the dynamics of antibody responses over time during steady state in the otherwise healthy host

    Effects of auditory and visual stimuli on shark feeding behaviour: the disco effect

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    Sensory systems play a central role in guiding animal behaviour. They can be manipulated to alter behavioural outcomes to limit negative interactions between humans and animals. Sharks are often seen as a threat to humans and there has been increasing interest in developing shark mitigation devices. Previous research has concentrated on stimulating the electrosensory and olfactory systems of sharks, whereas the influence of light and sound on their behaviour has received little attention. In this study, the effects of an intense strobe light and a loud, artificial sound composed of mixed frequencies and intensities on shark behaviour were assessed. We tested these stimuli individually and in combination on wild-caught captive Port Jackson (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) and epaulette (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) sharks in aquaria and on wild great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the field. When presented alone and in combination with sound, the lights reduced the number of times that the bait was taken by both H. portusjacksoni and H. ocellatum in captivity. The strobe light alone, however, did not affect the behaviour of white sharks, but when presented in combination with sound, white sharks spent significantly less time in proximity to the bait. As the lights and sound presented in this study did not show a pronounced deterrent effect on C. carcharias, we do not advise their use as a strategy for mitigating shark–human interactions. However, due to the potential effectiveness of strobe lights in deterring other species of sharks, there may be applications for this approach in the reduction of fisheries bycatch