198 research outputs found

    The Role of Aquatourism in Sustaining Maine’s Working Waterfronts

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    Maine tourism relies heavily on the iconic imagery of working waterfronts, including harbors bobbing with lobster boats surrounded by shingled shacks in a rainbow of buoys. Adapted from agritourism, aquatourism is an experience that engages visitors with the landscape and stories of those who fish. According to the literature on the Experience Economy, the emotions generated by such experiences can translate into sales in real time as well as behavioral intentions to purchase in the future. What role can aquatourism play in sustaining working waterfronts? Using a mixed methods approach, this research study utilizes interviews from both producers and consumers to understand the value that aquatourism can generate for the Maine fishing industry. This research shows that with a design that incorporates Participation, People, Product, and Place, the fishing industry and its partners can engage visitors in memorable experiences that could transform them into loyal consumers of Maine fishery products

    Effet de la sélection génétique et d'une régie de coupe AM et PM sur la teneur en énergie et les attributs de la valeur nutritive de la luzerne

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    Afin d’améliorer la teneur en glucides non structuraux (GNS) chez la luzerne, deux essais ont été implantés en 2006 et 2008 pour évaluer trois populations (GNS teneur moyenne, élevée ou faible) selon deux moments de fauche, soit en matinée (9h00) et en fin de journée (15h00). Il s’agissait d’évaluer la réponse à la sélection, l’interaction entre les populations et le moment de fauche et de vérifier l’incidence de la sélection sur la valeur nutritive et le rendement. Les résultats obtenus démontrent une différence significative à la hausse pour la population GNS+ attribuable principalement à la différence de concentration en amidon. Aucune interaction population par moment de fauche n’a été observée. L’augmentation de la digestibilité est en partie due à l’augmentation des GNS. Aucune différence de rendement n’a été observée. Le moment de fauche a été plus important que la sélection sur les teneurs en GNS peu importe les coupes

    Expérimentation d'une nouvelle méthode culturale sur billons (BED) pour produire des pommes de terres de semences destinées à l'exportation

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «Des racines et des ailes pour la recherche collégiale», dans le cadre du 85e Congrès de l’Acfas, Université McGill, Montréal, les 8 et 9 mai 2017.Pour le marché de l’exportation, la taille de la semence de pomme de terre est un important critère de qualité : un tubercule entier mesurant entre 38 et 55 mm est recherché. L’objectif du projet était d’évaluer l’impact de la taille et de la densité de plantation sur la taille des tubercules produits. Deux variétés, Chieftain et Harmony, ont été expérimentées avec deux distances entre les rangs, trois distances sur le rang et deux grosseurs de plantons. La production en plateforme a été comparée à la production traditionnelle en rang unique. Pour la variété Harmony, la production de tubercules de 38 à 55 mm a été significativement supérieure avec une distance entre les rangs de 40 cm, une distance sur le rang de 20 cm et un planton de 100 g. Le système en plateforme a généré un rendement total supérieur et a produit davantage de tubercules de la taille recherchée. Pour la variété Chieftain, la production de tubercules de 38 à 55 mm a été considérablement plus élevée avec une distance entre les rangs de 40 cm, des distances sur le rang de 20 et 25 cm et un planton de 100 g. Le projet a démontré que le système en plateforme est plus performant pour la production de semences de la taille recherchée pour l’exportation, que la densité de plantation, tant entre les rangs que sur le rang, a un impact sur la taille des tubercules produits, et enfin, que les variétés répondent différemment aux traitements de densité de plantation

    Assessment of the amount of Cesium-137 released into the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima accident and analysis of its dispersion in Japanese coastal waters

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    International audienceNumerical modeling was used to provide a new estimate of the amount of 137Cs released directly into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP) after the accident in March 2011 and to gain insights into the physical processes that led to its dispersion in the marine environment during the months following the accident. An inverse method was used to determine the time-dependent 137Cs input responsible for the concentrations observed at the NPP's two liquid discharge outlets. The method was then validated through comparisons of the simulated concentrations with concentrations measured in seawater at different points in the neighborhood of the plant. An underestimation was noticed for stations located 30 km offshore. The resulting bias in the release inventory was estimated. Finally, the maximum 137Cs activity released directly to the ocean was estimated to lie between 5.1 and 5.5 PBq (Peta Becquerel = 1015 Bq) but uncertainties remain on the amount of radionuclides released during the first few days after the accident. This estimate was compared to previous ones and differences were analyzed further. The temporal and spatial variations of the 137Cs concentration present in the coastal waters were shown to be strongly related to the wind intensity and direction. During the first month after the accident, winds blowing toward the south confined the radionuclides directly released into the ocean to a narrow coastal band. Afterwards, frequent northward wind events increased the dispersion over the whole continental shelf, leading to strongly reduced concentrations

    Against quantiles: categorization of continuous variables in epidemiologic research, and its discontents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantiles are a staple of epidemiologic research: in contemporary epidemiologic practice, continuous variables are typically categorized into tertiles, quartiles and quintiles as a means to illustrate the relationship between a continuous exposure and a binary outcome.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>In this paper we argue that this approach is highly problematic and present several potential alternatives. We also discuss the perceived drawbacks of these newer statistical methods and the possible reasons for their slow adoption by epidemiologists.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>The use of quantiles is often inadequate for epidemiologic research with continuous variables.</p

    Interest of Pet Imaging in Multiple Myeloma

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    The interest of 18Fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging in the management of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) for the workup at diagnosis and for therapeutic evaluation has recently been demonstrated. FDG-PET is a powerful imaging tool for bone lesions detection at initial diagnosis with high sensitivity and specificity values. The independent pejorative prognostic value on progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of baseline PET-derived parameters (presence of extra-medullary disease (EMD), number of focal bone lesions (FLs), and maximum standardized uptake values [SUVmax]) has been reported in several large independent prospective studies. During therapeutic evaluation, FDG-PET is considered as the reference imaging technique, because it can be performed much earlier than MRI which lacks specificity. Persistence of significant FDG uptake after treatment, notably before maintenance therapy, is an independent pejorative prognostic factor, especially for patients with a complete biological response. So FDG-PET and medullary flow cytometry are complementary tools for detection of minimal residual disease before maintenance therapy. However, the definition of PET metabolic complete response should be standardized. In patients with smoldering multiple myeloma, the presence of at least one hyper-metabolic lytic lesions on FDG-PET may be considered as a criterion for initiating therapy. FDG-PET is also indicated for initial staging of a solitary plasmacytoma so as to not disregard other bone or extra-medullary localizations. Development of nuclear medicine offer new perspectives for MM imaging. Recent PET tracers are willing to overcome limitations of FDG. (11)C-Methionine, which uptake reflects the increased protein synthesis of malignant cells seems to correlate well with bone marrow infiltration. Lipid tracers, such as Choline or acetate, and some peptide tracers, such as (68) Ga-Pentixafor, that targets CXCR4 (chemokine receptor-4, which is often expressed with high density by myeloma cells), are other promising PET ligands. 18F-fludarabine and immuno-PET targeting CD138 and CD38 also showed promising results in preclinical models
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