32 research outputs found

    Description of Meninges Development and Solitary Fibrous Tumors Modelization in Mice by Introducing NAB2-STAT6 Fusion Gene in PGDS-Positive Cells

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    Les tumeurs fibreuses solitaires (TFS) mĂ©ningĂ©es, comme les TFS somatiques, sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par la prĂ©sence d’un gĂšne de fusion NAB2-STAT6. Cette fusion induirait la relocalisation nuclĂ©aire du facteur de transcription STAT6 et l’activation de la transcription des EGR, augmentant la prolifĂ©ration. Les cellules des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es sont, comme celles des mĂ©ningiomes, positives pour la prostaglandine-D2-Synthase (PGDS), prĂ©sentes dans les mĂ©ninges, en particulier l’arachnoĂŻde. Dans la 1Ăšre partie, nous avons montrĂ© que les TFS bĂ©nignes peuvent se transformer en TFS malignes - anciennement hĂ©mangiopĂ©ricytomes - et nous avons rapportĂ© l’efficacitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique du pazopanib, inhibiteur de facteur de croissance de l’endothĂ©lium vasculaire. La 2Ăšme partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’étude molĂ©culaire des TFS : la comparaison de l’exome de paires de TFS, avec un primitif de grade I et la rĂ©cidive de grade III, a permis d’identifier le variant pathogĂšne de TP53 c.743G>T. L’étude du transcriptome des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es a mis en Ă©vidence l’agrĂ©gation des TFS de toutes localisations entre elles, bien distinctes des mĂ©ningiomes. La 3Ăšme partie prĂ©sente la modĂ©lisation des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es chez des souris gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©es par introduction de deux gĂšnes de fusion NAB2-STAT6 (exons 2-16 et 6-17). Les rĂ©trovirus RCAS-NAB2-STAT6, injectĂ©s Ă  la naissance dans l’espace sous-dural de souriceaux PGDS-tva infectent spĂ©cifiquement les cellules arachnoĂŻdiennes. AprĂšs plus d’un an de suivi, les animaux n’ont dĂ©veloppĂ© aucune TFS. Il est probable que, comme dans plusieurs autres modĂšles tumoraux, la fusion ne suffise pas Ă  induire le dĂ©veloppement des tumeurs. Dans la 4Ăšme partie nous avons adaptĂ© la mĂ©thode iDisco, qui permet l’immunomarquage et la visualisation en trois dimensions d’échantillons cĂ©rĂ©braux, aux embryons de souris et aux crĂąnes entiers, et dĂ©crit in situ l’expression de PGDS chez la souris, entre le 11Ăšme jour post-conception et le 7Ăšme jour post-natal. Elle concerne la mĂ©ninge de la base du crĂąne aux stades prĂ©coces et la convexitĂ© en post-natal, mais Ă©galement des cellules de la glie radiaire.Meningeal solitary fibrous tumors (SFT), like somatic SFT, are characterized by the NAB2-STAT6 fusion gene. This fusion induces the nuclear relocation of the STAT6 transcription factor and the activation of EGR transcription, increasing proliferation. Meningeal SFT cells, like meningioma cells, are positive for prostaglandin-D2-Synthase (PGDS), a specific marker of meningeal, especially arachnoid, cells. In Part 1, we showed that benign SFT can transform into malignant TFS - formerly hemangiopericytomas - and we reported the therapeutic efficacy of pazopanib, an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor. Part 2 is devoted to the molecular study of SFT: the comparison of the exome of pairs of SFT, a grade I primary and grade III recurrence, brought out the pathogenic variant of TP53 c.743G> T. The transcriptome of meningeal SFT showed the aggregation of SFT from all localizations, distinct from meningiomas. Part 3 presents the modeling of meningeal SFT in genetically modified mice by the introduction of two NAB2-STAT6 fusion genes (exons 2-16 and 6-17). The RCAS-NAB2-STAT6 retroviruses, injected at birth into the subdural space of PGDS-tva mice, specifically infect arachnoid cells. After more than a year of follow-up, the animals did not develop any SFT. It is likely that, as in many other tumor models, fusion is not sufficient to induce tumor development. In Part 4, we adapted the iDisco method, which usually allows three-dimensional visualization of brain samples, for mouse embryos and whole skulls, and described the expression of PGDS in mice in situ, between the 11th post-conception day and the 7th post-natal day. It is located in the meninges at the skull base in the early stages and at the convexity after birth, and also in the radial glia

    Etude du développement des méninges & modélisation de tumeurs fibreuses solitaires chez la souris par introduction du gÚne de fusion NAB2-STAT6 dans les cellules PGDS-positives

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    Meningeal solitary fibrous tumors (SFT), like somatic SFT, are characterized by the NAB2-STAT6 fusion gene. This fusion induces the nuclear relocation of the STAT6 transcription factor and the activation of EGR transcription, increasing proliferation. Meningeal SFT cells, like meningioma cells, are positive for prostaglandin-D2-Synthase (PGDS), a specific marker of meningeal, especially arachnoid, cells. In Part 1, we showed that benign SFT can transform into malignant TFS - formerly hemangiopericytomas - and we reported the therapeutic efficacy of pazopanib, an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor. Part 2 is devoted to the molecular study of SFT: the comparison of the exome of pairs of SFT, a grade I primary and grade III recurrence, brought out the pathogenic variant of TP53 c.743G> T. The transcriptome of meningeal SFT showed the aggregation of SFT from all localizations, distinct from meningiomas. Part 3 presents the modeling of meningeal SFT in genetically modified mice by the introduction of two NAB2-STAT6 fusion genes (exons 2-16 and 6-17). The RCAS-NAB2-STAT6 retroviruses, injected at birth into the subdural space of PGDS-tva mice, specifically infect arachnoid cells. After more than a year of follow-up, the animals did not develop any SFT. It is likely that, as in many other tumor models, fusion is not sufficient to induce tumor development. In Part 4, we adapted the iDisco method, which usually allows three-dimensional visualization of brain samples, for mouse embryos and whole skulls, and described the expression of PGDS in mice in situ, between the 11th post-conception day and the 7th post-natal day. It is located in the meninges at the skull base in the early stages and at the convexity after birth, and also in the radial glia.Les tumeurs fibreuses solitaires (TFS) mĂ©ningĂ©es, comme les TFS somatiques, sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par la prĂ©sence d’un gĂšne de fusion NAB2-STAT6. Cette fusion induirait la relocalisation nuclĂ©aire du facteur de transcription STAT6 et l’activation de la transcription des EGR, augmentant la prolifĂ©ration. Les cellules des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es sont, comme celles des mĂ©ningiomes, positives pour la prostaglandine-D2-Synthase (PGDS), prĂ©sentes dans les mĂ©ninges, en particulier l’arachnoĂŻde. Dans la 1Ăšre partie, nous avons montrĂ© que les TFS bĂ©nignes peuvent se transformer en TFS malignes - anciennement hĂ©mangiopĂ©ricytomes - et nous avons rapportĂ© l’efficacitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique du pazopanib, inhibiteur de facteur de croissance de l’endothĂ©lium vasculaire. La 2Ăšme partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’étude molĂ©culaire des TFS : la comparaison de l’exome de paires de TFS, avec un primitif de grade I et la rĂ©cidive de grade III, a permis d’identifier le variant pathogĂšne de TP53 c.743G>T. L’étude du transcriptome des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es a mis en Ă©vidence l’agrĂ©gation des TFS de toutes localisations entre elles, bien distinctes des mĂ©ningiomes. La 3Ăšme partie prĂ©sente la modĂ©lisation des TFS mĂ©ningĂ©es chez des souris gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©es par introduction de deux gĂšnes de fusion NAB2-STAT6 (exons 2-16 et 6-17). Les rĂ©trovirus RCAS-NAB2-STAT6, injectĂ©s Ă  la naissance dans l’espace sous-dural de souriceaux PGDS-tva infectent spĂ©cifiquement les cellules arachnoĂŻdiennes. AprĂšs plus d’un an de suivi, les animaux n’ont dĂ©veloppĂ© aucune TFS. Il est probable que, comme dans plusieurs autres modĂšles tumoraux, la fusion ne suffise pas Ă  induire le dĂ©veloppement des tumeurs. Dans la 4Ăšme partie nous avons adaptĂ© la mĂ©thode iDisco, qui permet l’immunomarquage et la visualisation en trois dimensions d’échantillons cĂ©rĂ©braux, aux embryons de souris et aux crĂąnes entiers, et dĂ©crit in situ l’expression de PGDS chez la souris, entre le 11Ăšme jour post-conception et le 7Ăšme jour post-natal. Elle concerne la mĂ©ninge de la base du crĂąne aux stades prĂ©coces et la convexitĂ© en post-natal, mais Ă©galement des cellules de la glie radiaire

    Granulocytic sarcoma of the choroid plexus complicating acute leukemia

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    International audienceA 38-year-old patient with type 5 acute myeloid leukemia relapsed after 4 years of treatment including chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. He underwent imaging for vertigo, with an otherwise normal neurologic examination. Brain MRI showed diffuse choroid plexus enlargement, without hydrocephalus, a rare typical image of granulocytic sarcoma (figure, A).1 The patient also had spine MRI, to explore right L5 radiculopathy, which showed signs of meningitis with radicular and diffuse epidural enhancement (figure, B)

    Microvascular decompression is an effective therapy for trigeminal neuralgia due to dolichoectatic basilar artery compression: case reports and literature review

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    International audienceEssential trigeminal neuralgia due to vasculonervous conflict is a frequent painful disorder with an incidence rate of five for 100,000 people per year [1, 2]. They most commonly involve the superior cerebellar artery, in 75% of cases, the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, in 10%, or a vein, in 7% [3]. However, compressions by vertebrobasilar artery dolichoectasia are rare, ranging from 2 to 2.4% of cases in most studies (cf. Table 1). In our hospital, among 215 consecutive patients treated for trigeminal neuralgia, only three presented vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia (1.4%).Although first-line treatment is medical, involving carbamazepine or other anticonvulsants, trigeminal neuralgia is widely treated by microsurgical decompression of the nerve [21]. We noticed that, in daily practice, surgery is less frequently proposed when a dolichoectatic vertebrobasilar artery is involved, because of technical complexity and possibly higher complication rate.We report three cases of patients who underwent microsurgical decompression for trigeminal neuralgia secondary to compression by a basilar artery dolichoectasia, review all published cases, and discuss the main aspects of these specific cases

    Second World War: Paris neurosurgeon's map outwitted Nazis

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    When brain bullets met crowdfunding

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    When brain bullets met crowdfunding

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    Paris neurosurgeon's map outwitted Nazis

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