20 research outputs found

    How can the business potential of products with health claims increase? - A case study of PrimaLiv

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    The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors of the busi-ness potential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example, and give recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedish market, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosen to put a main focus on the consumers, since they determine the business potential. This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer's perspective. We thereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question. In order to understand the consumer's attitude towards products with health claims a questionnaire and a sensory analysis have been carried out as a complement to discussions in focus groups. 36 persons, men and women, of various ages and with different backgrounds participated in the consumer investigation. Also, we have carried out a high number of interviews with people in the academic world, experts, important authorites, pro-ducers and retailers. Through covering all of the important actors, which influence the consumer we have mapped the situation on a systemic level. The consumer investigation shows that consumers do not spontaneously put products with health claims into the category of healthy products. Instead, natural products like meat and fish, fruits and vegetables and fibre rich bread are associated with healthy products. Consumers are not willing to negotiate about the taste of a product just be-cause it is healthy and good taste is co-related to natural characteristics. Since natural taste associations create positive experiences, the flavour of a product with health claims should reflect something that is naturally healthy. It is also advantageous if the flavours are easy to recognize by the consumer. To make sure that the consumer's requirements concerning taste are fulfilled, a producer should invest in a sensory evaluation before launching the products in the market. The nutritional value of a product is also considered important so the keyhole symbol adds value to the product. Further on, consumers express an unsecurity concerning how, when and why they should consume products with health claims and they are sceptical about the stated health effects. Moreover, products with health claims are more expensive than ordi-nary products, and to make the consumer willing to pay this additional cost he or she needs to understand the health effect. There are a number of channels in which a pro-ducer could communicate its message to the consumer. Our investigation shows that the most efficent way to reach potential buyers is to promote the products on the tele-vision, followed by magazines with a health approach. Another way is to network with health care professionals since consumers listen to and follows their recommen-dations. Today, health care professionals? have knowledge lacks about the effects of the products with health claims, which makes this group potential. In order to create a high potential of a product with health claims, studies show that the health effect should be experienced in connection to the time of consumption as a guarantee from the producer that the product really has a health promoting effect. If the producer succeeds in this, the possibility of a second purchase increases. The food industry is a market with intense competition and due to this fact it is impor-tant to build strong brands and products demanded by the consumer. There is no space for products with questionable taste and high price. The producer must know what kind of product design that is appealing to the consumer, which makes the prod-uct development process into a vital step. Money spent in this phase will be payed-off if spent on increasing the producer's knowledge about the consumer

    Framtidens grönsaksdisk

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    Future and recent developments in the retail vegetable category – a value chain and food systems approach

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    In this study, the value chain perspective was combined with a food systems approach to assess food system responses in the value chain and external drivers from environmental and socioeconomic perspectives. The research object was the Swedish value chain for vegetables, with the aim of providing a comprehensive picture of current trends and drivers and identifying future developments important for vegetable growers, producer organizations, wholesalers and retailers. The empirical data is based on in-depth interviews with key-decision makers in the Swedish value chain, constituting a single case. The point of departure is that key actors in this chain, from producer organizations to retailers, can provide a comprehensive picture on the category’s past development and future directions. A combined food systems and value chain approach has been applied. Drivers and chain responses have been identified and categorized into six main categories related to: (1) health; (2) consumer interest for food and variation; (3) convenience; (4) origin; (5) sustainability; and (6) urbanization. Value chain responses and future challenges as well as aspects on value chain dynamics and sustainability issues in the food system are presented and discussed

    Hälsofrämjande strategier : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelser av hälsofrämjande arbete på arbetsplatsen

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    Syftet med studien var att skapa insikt och förståelse kring hur chefer arbetar hälsofrämjandeför att öka medarbetarnas välmående då ohälsa på arbetsplatsen har negativa konsekvenserför både organisationer och samhället (ISM, 2022a). Metoden som användes var en kvalitativstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Åtta intervjuergenomfördes där kriteriet för deltagande var en chefsposition. Det transkriberade materialetbearbetades med hjälp av en tematisk analys där en kombination av en induktiv samt deduktivansats skapade tre huvudkategorier: beskrivning av hälsofrämjande arbete, hälsofrämjandestrategier samt chefers förutsättningar. Slutsatsen var att chefer är nyckelpersoner iorganisationernas hälsofrämjande arbete där cheferna visade sig stå bakom vad och hurmycket hälsofrämjande arbete som genomfördes utöver det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet,där många chefer implementerade egna strategier för att främja medarbetarnas hälsa. Dechefer som använde tillgängliga resurser visade på ett högre eget välmående med bättreförutsättningar att driva organisationens hälsofrämjande arbete än de chefer som inteutnyttjade tillgängliga resurser. Denna studie visar även på att chefers kunskap om hälsa ochvälmående, eget intresse samt engagemang är faktorer som har en positiv påverkan påimplementering och hållbarheten av hälsofrämjande initiativ.

    Mathematics in pre-school

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    Hälsofrämjande strategier : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelser av hälsofrämjande arbete på arbetsplatsen

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    Syftet med studien var att skapa insikt och förståelse kring hur chefer arbetar hälsofrämjandeför att öka medarbetarnas välmående då ohälsa på arbetsplatsen har negativa konsekvenserför både organisationer och samhället (ISM, 2022a). Metoden som användes var en kvalitativstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Åtta intervjuergenomfördes där kriteriet för deltagande var en chefsposition. Det transkriberade materialetbearbetades med hjälp av en tematisk analys där en kombination av en induktiv samt deduktivansats skapade tre huvudkategorier: beskrivning av hälsofrämjande arbete, hälsofrämjandestrategier samt chefers förutsättningar. Slutsatsen var att chefer är nyckelpersoner iorganisationernas hälsofrämjande arbete där cheferna visade sig stå bakom vad och hurmycket hälsofrämjande arbete som genomfördes utöver det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet,där många chefer implementerade egna strategier för att främja medarbetarnas hälsa. Dechefer som använde tillgängliga resurser visade på ett högre eget välmående med bättreförutsättningar att driva organisationens hälsofrämjande arbete än de chefer som inteutnyttjade tillgängliga resurser. Denna studie visar även på att chefers kunskap om hälsa ochvälmående, eget intresse samt engagemang är faktorer som har en positiv påverkan påimplementering och hållbarheten av hälsofrämjande initiativ.

    Är ungdomstjänst gynnsam?

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the sentences handed down to young offenders can be considered fair. We wanted to take an in-depth look at the penalties to understand how they work. To clarify our purpose, we used the following questions: How does organizing sanctions work in practice? What support services are offered to the young? What can be done to ensure sentences are as favorable as possible for young people? The empirical material is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social workers from two different municipalities. We also made use of previous research in the field as a reference tool. The analysis was made based on theories of phenomenology, symbolic interactionism and a scientific theory based of criminal law. Our results shows how the different municipalities organize their work and that the two municipalities consider the process young offenders go through to be fair

    Older patients’ experiences of nurses’ touch

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    Vid åldrandet försämras den verbala kommunikationen och kroppslig beröring blir en viktig del i kommunikation med andra. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar den äldre patientens upplevelse av sjuksköterskans beröring. Beröring har två olika dimensioner, en instrumentell och en affektiv. Äldre patienter upplever instrumentell beröring som nödvändig, medan den affektiva beröringen upplevs som spontan. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskans kön och ålder har en betydelse för hur äldre patienter upplever beröring. Både kvinnliga och manliga patienter föredrar kvinnliga sjuksköterskor. Det finns både säkra och osäkra zoner som kunde beröras. De säkra zonerna var händer, axlar och underben och de osäkra zonerna var intima delar. Mild massage har positiva effekter på äldre patienter som t.ex. förbättrad sömn, mindre smärta och oro. Äldre patienter upplevde både positiva och negativa känslor när de blev berörda av sjuksköterskan. När sjuksköterskan var kompetent och försiktig kände de välbefinnande i motsats till när sjuksköterskan var stressad eller hårdhänt då de upplevde smärta och oroWhen a person gets older their verbal communication becomes poor and the use of touch becomes an important way to communicate. The purpose of this literature review was to identify which factors that has a meaning of how older patients experience touch. Touch has different dimensions, such as instrumental and affective or expressive. Older patients’ experiences instrumental touch as necessary but affective as something spontaneous. Results show that the gender and age of the nurse influence older patients’ perception of touch. Both female and male patients prefer a female nurse. There are safe zones and unsafe zones that can be touched. The safe zones are hands, shoulders and lower legs. The unsafe zones are intimate parts of the body. Gentle massage has positive effects in older patients’ for example giving them improved sleep, less pain and anxiety. The older patients experiences both positive and negative feelings when they were touched by a nurse. When the nurse showed competence and was sensitive they felt well-being, in opposite way when the nurse was stressed or rough they felt pain and became worried