1,111 research outputs found

    Death of a PostHuman

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    Some of the first marks humans left on the planet were the architectures of death and remembrance. From the pyramids of Ancient Egypt to the burial landscapes of the 20th century, today’s architecture of death manifests itself mainly as cemeteries and crematoriums. However, we contend the culture of death in the 21st century has evolved to demand an architecture that acknowledges changes in its culture and its impact on the natural and technological environment. Humans are no longer just human. Our recent evolution has presented two realities, to which the discipline of architecture needs to respond. First, the split presence of the digital and physical identity. Second, the advancements in science and biotechnology that facilitate augmented humanity. From the well established medical devices of today, such as insulin pumps and artificial organs, to more speculative designs such as smart prosthetics and identity microchips. We define this merging of human and technology, of physical and mental, as posthuman. So, when a person dies, the technological parts of them will remain alive through the digital extension of the self, thus making it more plausible to memorialize and perhaps mourn the human, in the absence of the body. Architecture can narrate and recycle our posthuman bodies, creating new types of burial and memorial rituals that can also respond to increasing spatial and environmental challenges presented by traditional burial and cremation

    A Dieta Mediterrânica no combate ao stress oxidativo Experiência Profissionalizante na vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, Farmácia Hospitalar e Investigação

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    O presente trabalho encontra-se dividido em três capítulos: o primeiro evidencia a experiência profissional na vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, na Farmácia Mousaco Torrão, na localidade do Ferro; o segundo apresenta a experiência profissional, ao abrigo do programa ERASMUS+, no Hospital italiano Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, em Florença, e o último capítulo consta de uma revisão de literatura acerca do papel da Dieta Mediterrânica (DietMed) no combate ao stress oxidativo. Os estágios realizados basearam-se nos Manuais de Boas Práticas e legislação em vigor. Em relação à Farmácia Comunitária, o relatório descreve as principais atividades realizadas e os conhecimentos adquiridos na mesma. O farmacêutico comunitário tem um grande contacto com a população e com o utente, por essa razão neste relatório foi bastante evidenciada a interação Farmacêutico-Utente para além das atividades diárias realizadas numa farmácia comunitária. O relatório de estágio em Farmácia Hospitalar cria a ponte entre o contexto português e o italiano, levando a conclusões como as similitudes da profissão em meio hospitalar na conjetura europeia. O farmacêutico hospitalar é um profissional de saúde muito qualificado, de grande relevância em meio hospitalar, e capaz de integrar várias equipas multidisciplinares que visam a melhoria da saúde e qualidade de vida do doente. A Dieta Mediterrânica é uma das dietas mais estudadas a nível mundial sendo analisada a sua capacidade de melhorar a saúde das populações. Várias doenças são causadas por uma desestabilização do equilíbrio interno da célula e a DietMed, com o seu alto poder antioxidante, pode reverter esta situação. No entanto, são precisos novos estudos que não individualizem os alimentos que a compõem e que a analisem através do seu poder antioxidante total. A revisão bibliográfica aqui apresentada foca os pontos-chave do desenvolvimento de formação de stress oxidativo, destacando os benefícios da DietMed.The present report is divided into three chapters: the first one demonstrates the professional experience in Community Pharmacy, in Farmácia Mousaco Torrão, in Ferro; the second presents the professional experience, under the program ERASMUS+, in the Italian hospital Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi in Florence and the last chapter consists on a literature review about the role of Mediterranean Diet in combating oxidative stress. The internships were performed according to Good Practice Manuals and the current legislation. Regarding the Community Pharmacy, the report describes the main activities and knowledge acquired. The Community pharmacist has a large contact with the population and with the patient. Consequently, this report quite highlights the interaction between pharmacist and patient, beyond the daily activities in a community pharmacy. Furthermore, the report on Hospital Pharmacy creates a bridge between the Portuguese and the Italian contexts, leading to conclusions such as the similarities concerning the career in the European hospital environment. The hospital pharmacist is a very qualified healthcare professional and performs a very important role in hospitals, being able to integrate several multidisciplinary teams aiming at improving the health and patient's quality of life. The Mediterranean Diet is one of the most studied diets worldwide, analysing its ability to improve populations’ health. Several diseases are caused by a disruption of the internal balance of the cell, and the Mediterranean Diet, due to its high antioxidant properties, can reverse this situation. However, further studies are needed in order to analyse the total antioxidant capacity of the Mediterranean Diet instead of individualise the food that normally integrates it. The literature review focuses on the key points of oxidative stress formation process, highlighting the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

    A responsabilidade jurídica das empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online / The legal responsibility of online payment intermediate companies

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    O presente artigo busca avaliar e comparar decisões judiciais que tratam da responsabilidade jurídica das empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online. Com as transformações da sociedade e do mercado, o nicho do e-commerce começou a ser explorado por grandes e pequenos empreendedores que buscam nessa ferramenta, alcançar um público maior por meio da internet. Entretanto, os sítios eletrônicos que permitem compras e vendas de mercadorias são regidos pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, e este, com os desdobramentos da tecnologia, surgiu para proteger o consumidor final inclusive nas relações fora do estabelecimento comercial. Porém, as empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online, estão sendo responsabilizadas solidariamente nas reclamações consumeristas. Neste artigo, portanto, discute-se a responsabilidade das intermediadoras de pagamentos online de forma a retirá-las da cadeia de fornecedores, em que pese o tema não estar pacificado. Busca-se, portanto, analisar as decisões judiciais e apresentar posicionamento a favor da inexistência de responsabilidade solidária das empresas intermediadoras de pagamento online. Foi utilizada a metodologia documental quantitativa com análise de documentos, pesquisas e decisões judiciais. Por fim, diante de toda problemática, verificou-se que, as empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online não devem ser responsáveis solidárias na cadeia de fornecedores, uma vez que, como intermediadora, não tem a posse ou conhecimento sobre o produto, servindo apenas para garantir o meio de pagamento e sua segurança enquanto transação financeira.

    Current plate boundary deformation of the Afar rift from a 3-D velocity field inversion of InSAR and GPS

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    Extension, faulting, and magmatism are the main controls on the magnitude and localization of strain at mid‐ocean ridges. However, the temporal and spatial patterns of such processes are not clear since the strain distribution has not been resolved in the past at sufficient spatial resolution and over extended areas. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and GPS data with unprecedented resolution are now available to us from the Afar rift of Ethiopia. Here we use a velocity field method to combine InSAR and GPS to form the first high‐resolution continuous three‐dimensional velocity field of Afar. We study an area that is 500 km wide and 700 km long, covering three branches of the Afar continental rift and their triple junctions. Our velocity field shows that plate spreading is currently achieved in Afar in contrasting modes. A transient postdiking deformation is focused at the Dabbahu rift segment, while in central Afar, spreading is distributed over several overlapping segments and southern Afar exhibits an interdiking deformation pattern focused at the Asal–Ghoubbet segment. We find that current spreading rates at Dabbahu, following the 2005–2010 intrusions, are up to 110 mm/yr, 6 times larger than the long‐term plate divergence. A segment‐centered uplift of up to 80 mm/yr also occurs, indicating that magma flow is still a primary mechanism of deformation during postdiking. On the other hand, no vertical displacements are currently observed in central and southern Afar, suggesting lack of significant magmatic activity at shallow levels

    Death of a PostHuman

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    Some of the first marks humans left on the world were the architectures of death and remembrance. From the pyramids of Ancient Egypt and the catacombs of Ancient Rome, to the burial landscapes of the 20th century, today’s architecture of death manifests itself mainly as cemeteries and crematoriums. However, the culture of death in the 21st century has evolved to need a new type of architecture that acknowledges changes in humanity and its impact on the natural and technological environment. Humans are no longer just human. Our recent evolution has presented two realities which the discipline of architecture needs to respond to. First, the split presence of the digital and physical being. Second, the continuous changes in technology with relation to the human body and the environment in which it lives, as advancements in science and biotechnology make augmented humanity more plausible. This merging of human and technology, both physically and mentally, can be defined as posthuman, where the ideas of Object Oriented Ontology negate traditional binaries regarding the human subject and the environment surrounding it. When a person dies, the technological parts of them remain alive through the digital extension of the self, thus making it more plausible to remember the human without the presence of the body. In addition, there are physical ramifications to this extension, manifesting itself as e-waste that is hazardous to our environment and contributes to social injustice. According to 19th century french sociologist Emile Durkheim, “The way in which we bury our dead and mourn them is a reflection of the way we live”, thus, it is time that the architecture of which we use to bury, mourn, and remember our dead reflects our preoccupations regarding our mortality and environmental impact. We argue that the architecture of death in this emerging posthuman society can achieve a reconciliation between our changed bodies, the changed environment, and the need to change how we think of death

    Transcriptional Control of the Lateral-Flagellar Genes of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens

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    Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens, a soybean N2-fixing symbiont, possesses a dual flagellar system comprising a constitutive subpolar flagellum and inducible lateral flagella. Here, we analyzed the genomic organization and biosynthetic regulation of the lateral-flagellar genes. We found that these genes are located in a single genomic cluster, organized in two monocistronic transcriptional units and three operons, one possibly containing an internal transcription start site. Among the monocistronic units is blr6846, homologous to the class IB master regulators of flagellum synthesis in Brucella melitensis and Ensifer meliloti and required for the expression of all the lateral-flagellar genes except lafA2, whose locus encodes a single lateral flagellin. We therefore named blr6846 lafR (lateral-flagellar regulator). Despite its similarity to two-component response regulators and its possession of a phosphorylatable Asp residue, lafR behaved as an orphan response regulator by not requiring phosphorylation at this site. Among the genes induced by lafR is flbTL, a class III regulator. We observed different requirements for FlbTL in the synthesis of each flagellin subunit. Although the accumulation of lafA1, but not lafA2, transcripts required FlbTL, the production of both flagellin polypeptides required FlbTL. Moreover, the regulation cascade of this lateral-flagellar regulon appeared to be not as strictly ordered as those found in other bacterial species.Fil: Mongiardini, Elias Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Quelas, Juan Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Dardis, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Althabegoiti, Maria Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Lodeiro, Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; Argentin

    Studies examining mast cells, nanomaterials, and immunoglobulins to treat breast cancer, atherosclerosis, and allergies

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    Mast cells (MC) are important immune sentinels found in most tissue and widely recognized for their role as mediators of Type I hypersensitivity. However, they also secrete anti-cancer mediators such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). In addition, MC and their secreted cytokines play a role in the development of atherosclerotic plaque and allergic reactions. Herein, it is demonstrated that MC differentiated from adipose derived stem cells, target and induce breast cancer cell apoptosis via an IgE-mediated targeting method. It also demonstrated that the fullerene derivatives (FDs) inhibit atherosclerotic plaque formation by reducing MC cytokine release. Finally, the demonstration of a low-affinity anti-IgE antibody, that binds to and desensitizes MC, can be used for allergy therapy is exhibited herein. [This abstract has been edited to remove characters that will not display in this system. Please see the PDF for the full abstract.]]]> 2019 Mast cells $x Immunology Nanostructured materials Immunoglobulin E English http://libres.uncg.edu/ir/uncg/f/Elias_uncg_0154D_12706.pdf oai:libres.uncg.edu/26527 2019-07-12T14:20:42Z UNCG Influence of clinical education models on professional socialization and commitment to athletic training Fletcher, Janah E. NC DOCKS at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro <![CDATA[The clinical education experiences of athletic training students present the optimal environment for fostering professional socialization and improving professional preparation. It is in the clinical settings that students have the greatest opportunity to learn the norms, behaviors, culture, and ideology of athletic training. Currently, there is variation in the delivery of clinical education experiences among athletic training programs with some programs utilizing a clinical integration model in which students complete clinical rotations and courses concurrently, and others offering immersive experiences where students are in the clinical setting full-time with little or no concurrent coursework. However, the impact that the use of a clinical immersion model has on the socialization and development of professional commitment is still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of clinical immersion and clinical integration experiences in fostering professional socialization and professional commitment in athletic training students. Additionally, the study explored athletic training students’ views on the role of clinical experiences on their career goals and commitment. Study participants included 115 final year athletic training students enrolled in accredited athletic training programs at both the bachelor’s and master’s level in Districts Three and Four of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. Participants completed an online survey that included measures of professional socialization and career commitment. The survey also identified participants’ career intentions as well as their attitudes and views of their clinical experiences. The results of the study indicate that there are no significant differences in professional socialization and career commitment between students that completed clinical integration experiences as compared to clinical immersion experiences. Open-ended response data revealed that athletic training students identify hands-on and autonomous experiences in addition to quality preceptors as indicators of positive clinical experiences and outcomes. This study adds to the previous research that has recognized the importance of clinical education and suggests that athletic training programs should place greater focus on the quality of the clinical experience and the individuals charged with teaching students, rather than the amount of time spent at the clinical rotation

    Parâmetros fí­sico-quí­micos em amostras de vinhos orgânicos da região de Bela Vista do Toldo, Santa Catarina

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    Para estudos foram selecionadas amostras de vinhos provenientes da safra de 2018 de um cultivo orgânico da uva Bordô, sem registro oficial, para determinar alguns parâmetros fí­sico-quí­micos e assim, verificar se as amostras possuem os parâmetros de identidade e qualidade estabelecidos pela legislação. Os parâmetros verificados foram densidade, acidez total, pH, teor de cloretos e de sulfatos e o teor alcoólico. Todas as determinações foram realizadas de acordo com a metodologia proposta pela Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o teor alcoólico foi de 12,81 e 12,64% para as amostras de vinho branco e tinto, respectivamente. O valor obtido de pH para a amostra de vinho branco foi de 3,04, enquanto para o vinho tinto foi de 3,19. A acidez total obtida foi de 97,15 ± 0,97 mEq L-1 para as amostras de vinho tinto e 127,27 ± 0,53 mEq L-1 para as amostras de vinho branco. O teor de sulfato obtido foi inferior a 0,7 g L-1 para ambas as amostras, que por se tratar de um teste semiquantitativo forneceu apenas a faixa de concentração, não o valor exato. O teor de cloretos para as amostras de vinho tinto foi de 0,022 ± 0,006 g L-1, enquanto para as amostras de vinho branco foi de 0,017 ± 0,002 g L-1. Como esperado, os resultados são diferentes para o vinho tinto e para o vinho branco pois tratam-se de dois tipos de vinhos com processos de produção diferentes, mas todos os resultados estiveram conforme os parâmetros estabelecidos por lei