1,847 research outputs found

    High Efficiency Single Crystal CdTe Solar Cells: November 19, 2009 - January 31, 2011

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    The goal of the program was to develop single crystal CdTe-based top cells grown on Si solar cells as a platform for the subsequent manufacture of high efficiency tandem cells for CPV applications. The keys to both the single junction and the tandem junction cell architectures are the ability to grow high quality single-crystal CdTe and CdZnTe layers on p-type Si substrates, to dope the CdTe and CdZnTe controllably, both n and p-type, and to make low resistance ohmic front and back contacts. EPIR demonstrated the consistent MBE growth of CdTe/Si and CdZnTe/Si having high crystalline quality despite very large lattice mismatches; epitaxial CdTe/Si and CdZnTe/Si consistently showed state-of-the-art electron mobilities and good hole mobilities; bulk minority carrier recombination lifetimes of unintentionally p-doped CdTe and CdZnTe grown by MBE on Si were demonstrated to be consistently of order 100 ns or longer; desired n- and p-doping levels were achieved; solar cell series specific resistances <10 ?-cm2 were achieved; A single-junction solar cell having a state-of-the-art value of Voc and a unverified 16.4% efficiency was fabricated from CdZnTe having a 1.80 eV bandgap, ideal for the top junction in a tandem cell with a Si bottom junction

    Deceptive Trade Practices Act

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    Professional Responsibility

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    Mapping the interaction of B cell Leukemia 3 (BCL-3) and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) p50 identifies a BCL-3-mimetic anti-inflammatory peptide

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    The NF-κB transcriptional response is tightly regulated by a number of processes including the phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and subsequent proteasomal degradation of NF-κB subunits. The IκB family protein BCL-3 stabilizes a NF-κB p50 homodimer·DNA complex through inhibition of p50 ubiquitination. This complex inhibits the binding of the transcriptionally active NF-κB subunits p65 and c-Rel on the promoters of NF-κB target genes and functions to suppress inflammatory gene expression. We have previously shown that the direct interaction between p50 and BCL-3 is required for BCL-3-mediated inhibition of pro-inflammatory gene expression. In this study we have used immobilized peptide array technology to define regions of BCl-3 that mediate interaction with p50 homodimers. Our data show that BCL-3 makes extensive contacts with p50 homodimers and in particular with ankyrin repeats (ANK) 1, 6, and 7, and the N-terminal region of Bcl-3. Using these data we have designed a BCL-3 mimetic peptide based on a region of the ANK1 of BCL-3 that interacts with p50 and shares low sequence similarity with other IκB proteins. When fused to a cargo carrying peptide sequence this BCL-3-derived peptide, but not a mutated peptide, inhibited Toll-like receptor-induced cytokine expression in vitro. The BCL-3 mimetic peptide was also effective in preventing inflammation in vivo in the carrageenan-induced paw edema mouse model. This study demonstrates that therapeutic strategies aimed at mimicking the functional activity of BCL-3 may be effective in the treatment of inflammatory disease

    Genetic evidence of human adaptation to a cooked diet

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    Humans have been argued to be biologically adapted to a cooked diet, but this hypothesis has not been tested at the molecular level. Here, we combine controlled feeding experiments in mice with comparative primate genomics to show that consumption of a cooked diet influences gene expression and that affected genes bear signals of positive selection in the human lineage. Liver gene expression profiles in mice fed standardized diets of meat or tuber were affected by food type and cooking, but not by caloric intake or consumer energy balance. Genes affected by cooking were highly correlated with genes known to be differentially expressed in liver between humans and other primates, and more genes in this overlap set show signals of positive selection in humans than would be expected by chance. Sequence changes in the genes under selection appear before the split between modern humans and two archaic human groups, Neandertals and Denisovans, supporting the idea that human adaptation to a cooked diet had begun by at least 275,000 years ago

    The gut microbiome as a biomarker of differential susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to exact a devastating global toll. Ascertaining the factors underlying differential susceptibility and prognosis following viral exposure is critical to improving public health responses. We propose that gut microbes may contribute to variation in COVID-19 outcomes. We synthesise evidence for gut microbial contributions to immunity and inflammation, and associations with demographic factors affecting disease severity. We suggest mechanisms potentially underlying microbially mediated differential susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). These include gut microbiome-mediated priming of host inflammatory responses and regulation of endocrine signalling, with consequences for the cellular features exploited by SARS-CoV-2 virions. We argue that considering gut microbiome-mediated mechanisms may offer a lens for appreciating differential susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2, potentially contributing to clinical and epidemiological approaches to understanding and managing COVID-19

    The Effects of Resistance Exercise Training on Quality of Life and Muscle Strength in Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer and prostate cancer are two of the most common cancers seen in females and males respectively worldwide. Treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and androgen deprivation therapy are essential to combat cancerous cells. However, the lasting side effects of these lifesaving treatments can impact an individual’s quality of life and muscle strength without appropriate intervention. While exercise has been shown to be beneficial for patients with cancer, there is limited understanding of the effects of resistance training when performed concurrently with medical interventions. PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the impact of resistance training on quality of life and muscle strength in patients with breast and prostate cancer undergoing cancer treatment. METHODS: An academic search was conducted beginning August of 2020 and ending January 2021. The databases searched consisted of PubMed, EBSCO, Academic Search Ultimate, CINAHL, and Medline. This search yielded 18 randomized controlled trials, 11 pertaining to breast cancer and 7 pertaining to prostate cancer. RESULTS: All articles utilized a myriad of outcome measures to see changes in QoL and muscle strength. Studies evaluated resulted in either a positive short term or no improvement during the period of active intervention. However, some studies did note a lack of long-term significant differences in outcome measures between the intervention and control groups. Review of the literature did not reveal patient attrition was due to adverse effects of the intervention. CONCLUSION: Resistance training can be a safe and effective intervention to improve quality and life and muscle strength in patients undergoing cancer treatment. Current studies demonstrate the need for physical therapists to be included in the interdisciplinary approach from the moment of a cancer diagnosis.https://digitalcommons.misericordia.edu/research_posters2021/1044/thumbnail.jp