1,476 research outputs found

    The conceptualization of school and teacher connectedness in adolescent research: A scoping review of literature

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The aim of this scoping review was to map and summarize research relating to school and teacher connectedness, in order to increase current understanding of the ways these terms have been conceptualized in adolescent research. Specifically, this scoping review focuses on the analysis of the actual definitions used and the ways in which school connectedness and teacher connectedness are operationalized in existing measures. Using the terms connectedness, teacher and school as keywords, we searched SCOPUS, Web of Science, ERIC, the Cochrane Library and the EPPI Centre Database of Education Research for relevant peer-review articles published in English from 1990 to 2016. 350 papers were selected for the review. Many studies failed to provide a definition of school or teacher connectedness and there were some differences in the way these constructs were operationalized in the main measures. Future research should be thorough in the definition of these constructs, and ensure consistency between the definition used and the operationalization of the connectedness construct in the selected measure. Unpacking the global concept of school connectedness and examining the role of its different components (global feelings towards school, teacher connectedness, relationships with classmates, etc.) separately may also contribute to building a more coherent body of evidence in this area. Reflecting on the place of school and teacher connectedness in the broader context of the literature on school climate and bridging distances between the research on school connectedness and that on related constructs is another necessary step to move this field forward.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Efectos de las Terapias Manuales en el Tratamiento de las Artritis

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    Objetivo. Evidenciar científicamente los efectos que las terapias manuales alternativas, como la masoterapia, terapia miofascial y terapia craneosacral tienen en los pacientes con artritis reumatoide. Metodología. La búsqueda de los artículos se realizó en las bases de datos PudMed y PEDro, usando como restrictor la fecha de publicación (entre 2000 y abril del 2013). Los criterios de selección han sido: artículos que evalúen los efectos de las terapias manuales en la artritis reumatoide u otras patologías que cursen con dolor crónico o que disminuyen la calidad de vida; artículos con grupo experimental y control o 2 experimentales. Sólo los estudios publicados en inglés fueron incluidos en la revisión. La valoración de la calidad metodológica de los estudios se realizó utilizando la Escala Jadad

    Comparative BIM-based Life Cycle Assessment of Uruguayan timber and concrete-masonry single-family houses in design stage

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    The use of wood and engineered wood products is today considered an opportunity for the mitigation of negative building environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions. However, the literature provides evidence that the quantification and generalization of the environmental benefits of wood during the whole building life cycle can be difficult. This paper presents a quantitative method based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to compare, during their design stages, the environmental impacts produced by a timber-frame single-family house versus those of a concrete-masonry-based house built in Uruguay. The method, conceived as a decision-oriented tool, integrates Building Information Modelling (BIM) and LCA to quantify and compare the environmental impacts of one of the most common dwelling typologies in Uruguay. The results of the cradle-to-grave assessment show that the timber-frame building produced the lowest impacts in Global Warming Potential, Human Toxicity, Acidification Potential, Ozone Depletion Potential, and Freshwater Ecotoxicity, but yielded the highest impacts in Eutrophication Potential. The findings also show that the method developed herein facilitated the comparison and contrast between the pros and cons of both design options during their design stages

    The anatomical components of the cardiac outflow tract of the bichir, polypterus senegalus. Evolutionary significance

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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Barcelona 2013.Anatomical Record, Volume 296, Special Feature — 1: P-077.In chondrichthyans and actinopterygians, the outflow tract of the heart, namely, the cardiac portion intercalated between the ventricle and the ventral aorta, consists of two anatomical components: conus arteriosus and bulbus arteriosus. In chondrichthyans and extant representatives of phylogenetically ancient actinopterygian groups, the conus and bulbus are well-developed in size, whereas in most teleosts, the bulbus is markedly larger than the conus. Current knowledge about the cardiac outflow tract of the polypteriformes is scarce and highly contradictory, a fact that contrasts with their crucial phylogenetic position at the source of the actinopterygian lineage. In fact, it remains uncertain whether they have a bulbus at the arterial pole of the heart. The present study aimed to elucidate the anatomical arrangement of the cardiac outflow tract of the bichir in an attempt to improve our understanding of the evolution of the vertebrate heart. We examined the hearts from 12 bichirs using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Our findings showed that the outflow tract of the bichir consists of two components, namely, a long conus arteriosus, largely composed of myocardial tissue and furnished with a variable number of valves at its luminal side, and a very short, elastin rich bulbus arteriosus, devoid of myocardium. The bulbus has an arterial-like histological composition. However, it differs from the aorta because it has a thicker wall, shows a different arrangement of the histological elements, is covered by the epicardium and is crossed by coronary arteries. The present observations are consistent with the notion that the conus arteriosus and the bulbus arteriosus have coexisted from the beginning of the jawed vertebrate radiation. This is of particular interest, because there is evidence that the bulbus arteriosus, which is a second heart field derivative, is homologous with the intrapericardial portions of the aorta and pulmonary artery of birds and mammals.Proyecto CGL2010-16417/BOS; Fondos FEDER

    The contribution from relationships with parents and teachers to the adolescent sense of coherence (SOC). Do prosociality and hyperactivity-inattention also play a significant role?

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version. The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in YOUNG, Vol 25 (4), November 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1103308816646672, published by SAGE Publishing, All rights reserved.Sense of coherence (SOC) is receiving increasing attention from a number of disciplines interested in the study of adolescent positive development. Given the significant links between SOC and well-being, attention is now moving to the precursors of SOC. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution of relationships with parents and teachers (contextual factors) to young people’s SOC while taking into account the potential role of individual differences in prosociality and hyperactivity-inattention (individual factors). The sample consisted of 2,979 adolescents aged 15–18 who had participated in the 2010 edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) survey ‘Health Behaviour in School-aged Children’ (HBSC) in Spain. Data were collected by means of anonymous online questionnaires, and statistical analyses included factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Both contextual and individual factors made significant contributions to the adolescents’ SOC. Importantly, the significance of relationships with parents and teachers remained once prosociality and hyperactivity-inattention were taken into account.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Adopted Adolescents at School: Social Support and Adjustment

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    There is a need of additional research into the social aspects of adoptees’ school experiences. For that purpose, the present study used a sample of adopted (n = 541) and non-adopted (n = 582) adolescents from the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Spain. Specifically, we analyzed social support at school (from classmates and teachers), explored adjustment differences between domestic adoptees, intercountry adoptees, and non-adopted adolescents, and examined whether adoption status and adjustment problems explain potential differences in support from teachers and from classmates. Results showed more difficulties in domestic adoptees than in the other two groups. Furthermore, differences were found in the role of adoption status and adjustment problems in classmate and teacher support: once conduct problems were taken into account, the association between adoption status and classmate support became non-significant. In contrast, both conduct problems and adoption status were significant factors associated with lower teacher support.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2015-67757-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RYC-2017-21626Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. España Universidad de SevillaUniversidad de Sevill

    El uso de la energía y la evaluación de las condiciones ambientales interiores en la vivienda unifamiliar en hilera en clima mediterráneo

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    En la actualidad proyectar nuevas viviendas o rehabilitar existentes que tengan consumo de energía casi nulo es una de políticas prioritarias tanto a nivel regional, nacional y europeo. No obstante, el conocimiento sobre cómo usamos la energía en nuestros hogares es muy limitado, y prácticamente todas esas políticas se implementan con procedimientos que utilizan patrones de uso estandarizados. La pandemia mundial por el Covid-19 y la declaración del Estado de Alarma en España ha supuesto un cambio en el comportamiento de los usuarios y las formas de ocupación y uso delas viviendas. La inclusión del teletrabajo, la realización de estudios a distancia o el cese de la actividad laboral han establecido unos nuevos patrones de uso y ocupación de las viviendas, antes a tiempo parcial. Este nuevo modo de vida genera incertidumbre sobre la adecuación dela edificación residencial para situaciones de ocupación absoluta, que no serán objeto de estudio en este trabajo pero sí asentará las bases sobre las variaciones obtenidas como consecuencia de los cambios mencionados. El objetivo principal del trabajo es profundizar en el conocimiento sobre el uso de la energía y la evolución de las condiciones ambientales interiores en una de las tipologías más frecuentes en poblaciones pequeñas y medias de Andalucía (clima mediterráneo): la vivienda unifamiliar en hilera. Para ello, hemos empleado varios métodos: la realización de encuestas a usuarios, la monitorización de variables ambientales interiores (temperatura seca, humedad relativa y nivel de concentración de CO2) y la simulación de modelos para la evaluación energética. Como consecuencia de la pandemia mundial del Covid-19 que tuvo lugar durante el desarrollo del trabajo, el análisis realizado se establecerá antes y durante el confinamiento, con el fin de establecer las variaciones en el uso de la vivienda. Con todo ello, hemos podido establecer diferentes perfiles de uso y ocupación de las viviendas de estudio, observar las diferencias entre los periodos previos a la cuarentena y durante ella, así como la importancia de emplear los ajustes de variables acordes a la realidad en los modelos de simulación energética para obtener resultados veraces a los que aportar las soluciones de mejora más adecuadas en cada caso concreto.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur