28 research outputs found

    Human CD4 T-cells with a naive phenotype produce multiple cytokines during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and correlate with active disease

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    T-cell-mediated immune responses play a fundamental role in controlling Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) infection, and traditionally, this response is thought to be mediated by Th1-type CD4+ T-cells secreting IFN-Îł. While studying the function and specificity of M. tuberculosis-reactive CD4+ T-cells in more detail at the single cell level; however, we found a human CD4+ T-cell population with a naive phenotype that interestingly was capable of producing multiple cytokines (TCNP cells). CD4+ TCNP cells phenotyped as CD95lo CD28int CD49dhi CXCR3hi and showed a broad distribution of T cell receptor VÎČ segments. They rapidly secreted multiple cytokines in response to different M. tuberculosis antigens, their frequency was increased during active disease, but was comparable to latent tuberculosis infection in treated TB patients. These results identify a novel human CD4+ T-cell subset involved in the human immune response to mycobacteria, which is present in active TB patients' blood. These results significantly expand our understanding of the immune response in infectious diseases

    Transgenic chloroplasts are efficient sites for high-yield production of the vaccinia virus envelope protein A27L in plant cells.

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    Orthopoxviruses (OPVs) have recently received increasing attention because of their potential use in bioterrorism and the occurrence of zoonotic OPV outbreaks, highlighting the need for the development of safe and cost-effective vaccines against smallpox and related viruses. In this respect, the production of subunit protein-based vaccines in transgenic plants is an attractive approach. For this purpose, the A27L immunogenic protein of vaccinia virus was expressed in tobacco using stable transformation of the nuclear or plastid genome. The vaccinia virus protein was expressed in the stroma of transplastomic plants in soluble form and accumulated to about 18% of total soluble protein (equivalent to approximately 1.7 mg/g fresh weight). This level of A27L accumulation was 500-fold higher than that in nuclear transformed plants, and did not decline during leaf development. Transplastomic plants showed a partial reduction in growth and were chlorotic, but reached maturity and set fertile seeds. Analysis by immunofluorescence microscopy indicated altered chlorophyll distribution. Chloroplast-synthesized A27L formed oligomers, suggesting correct folding and quaternary structure, and was recognized by serum from a patient recently infected by a zoonotic OPV. Taken together, these results demonstrate that chloroplasts are an attractive production vehicle for the expression of OPV subunit vaccines

    Non sono interprete, sono mediatore : Fallstudie zur ProfessionalitĂ€t und zum RollenverstĂ€ndnis der DolmetscherInnen im Aufnahmezentrum fĂŒr MigrantInnen auf Lampedusa

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit widmet sich in Form einer Fallstudie den DolmetscherInnen auf der sizilianischen Insel Lampedusa und geht vor allen Dingen zwei Fragen nach: 1. was genau bedeutet, „professionelles“ Dolmetschen im Aufnahmezentrum auf Lampedusa; 2. welches RollenverstĂ€ndnis haben die DolmetscherInnen von sich selbst beziehungsweise welche Rollen werden ihnen von anderen zugeschrieben. Als Erhebungsmethode fĂŒr diese Masterarbeit wurde die teilnehmende Beobachtung in Kombination mit (ExpertInnen)Interviews gewĂ€hlt. Im Rahmen ehrenamtlicher Arbeit fĂŒr die christliche gemeinnĂŒtzige Organisation „Misericordia di Lampedusa“, die sich u.a. fĂŒr die auf der Insel ankommenden MigrantInnen einsetzt, konnte die Autorin die Ankunft der EinwanderInnen auf Lampedusa und den Einsatz von DolmetscherInnen in der Landungsphase beobachten. In Kombination mit den Beobachtungen wurden (ExpertInnen)Interviews sowohl mit den DolmetscherInnen als auch mit MitarbeiterInnen der verschiedenen Organisationen auf der Insel durchgefĂŒhrt und auch Personen befragt, die auf der Insel leben, aber nicht als DolmetscherInnen arbeiten. Die die Befragungen leitenden Fragen betrafen das BetĂ€tigungsfeld, die ProfessionalitĂ€t und das RollenverstĂ€ndnis der DolmetscherInnen. Die erhobenen Daten zeigen u.a. folgende Ergebnisse: Die DolmetscherInnen, die auf Lampedusa arbeiten, verstehen sich, trotzdem sie jeweils einen ziemlich unterschiedlichen persönlichen und beruflichen Hintergrund mitbringen, fast alle als „Sprach- und KulturmittlerInnen“. Im Unterschied zum „Dolmetschen“ ist fĂŒr die Sprach- und Kulturmittlung in ihren Augen eine kulturelle Kompetenz notwendig, fĂŒr die DolmetschtĂ€tigkeit werden aus ihrer Sicht hingegen „nur“ gute Sprachkenntnisse gebraucht, um den Dolmetschberuf auszuĂŒben. Hinsichtlich der Fremdzuschreibung wird die DolmetschtĂ€tigkeit auf Lampedusa von den anderen Interviewteilnehmenden gleichermaßen beschrieben. Neben der kulturellen und sprachlichen Kompetenz werden weitere Kenntnisse bzw. Merkmale von den Befragten hervorgehoben, die die ProfessionalitĂ€t von DolmetscherInnen auf der Insel charakterisieren: Sachwissen im Bereich Migration, Asyl und Menschenhandel, die FĂ€higkeit auch in Stresssituationen eine freundliche Haltung zu bewahren, SensibilitĂ€t, Leidenschaft, AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit an die Herausforderungen des Dolmetscheinsatzes auf Lampedusa und Geduld. Schließlich konnten aus der Untersuchung auch konzeptionelle Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Intension und Extension des Begriffs der „Sprach- und Kulturmittlung“ und der des „Kommunaldolmetschens“ gezogen werden.This master thesis will be presented in the form of a case study on the interpreters on the Sicilian island Lampedusa and focuses above all on two questions: 1. What does it mean exactly to interpret “professionally” in the reception centre on the island? 2. What role perception do the interpreters have of themselves and what role do the other people attribute to them?Participatory observation combined with the (expert) interviews was chosen as survey method for this master thesis. In the context of a volunteer work for the Christian non-profit organisation “Misericordia di Lampedusa”, which works among other activities for the migrants coming to the island, the author could observe the arrival of the immigrants on Lampedusa and the commitment of the interpreters during the landing phase. In combination with the observations (expert) interviews were conducted with interpreters and employees of the different organizations on the island. Other people who dont work as interpreters but live on the island were interviewed as well. The survey questions concerned the field of activity, the professionalism and the role perception of the interpreters.The survey data show, inter alia, the following results: almost all the interpreters working on Lampedusa describe themselves, even if they all have a different personal and professional background, as “linguistic and cultural mediators”. According to them, a cultural competence is necessary for the “linguistic and cultural mediation” in contrast to “interpreting”, whereas “just” a good language knowledge is needed from their point of view to pursue the interpreting career. Concerning the external ascription, the work of the interpreters on Lampedusa is described in a similar way by the other interview participants. In addition to the linguistic and cultural competence, also other competences and characteristics are emphasised by the interviewed persons to determine the professionalism of the interpreters on the island: knowledge in the fields of migration, asylum and human trafficking, the ability to maintain a friendly attitude even in stress situations, sensitivity, passion, adaptability to the challenges of the interpreter job on Lampedusa and patience. Finally, conceptual conclusions concerning the intension and the extension of the terms “linguistic and cultural mediation” and “community interpreting” could also be drawn from the research.vorgelegt von Cristina Maria Carmela MannaZusammenfassungen in Deutsch und EnglischAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-UniversitĂ€t Graz, Masterarbeit, 2017(VLID)233306

    Corrigendum to “Crafting and applying a tool to assess food literacy: Findings from a pilot study” [Trends in Food Science & Technology 67 (2017) 173–182](S0924224416304447)(10.1016/j.tifs.2017.07.002)

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    The authors regret their omission of their abstract and highlights in their article online and in print. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Abstract Background: Food literacy could be depicted as the set of functional, interactive and critical skills which are required to navigate the food system properly. Scholars have widely investigated the conceptual attributes of food literacy, arguing that it consists of the ability to plan and manage food, select and choice food, and prepare and consume food. However, to the authors' knowledge, still little is known on the assessment of food literacy skills. Recent developments suggest that inadequate food literacy could be depicted as a silent epidemic, affecting a large part of the world population. From this point of view, there is a desperate need for reliable measurement tools aimed at assessing food literacy skills. Scope and approach: Drawing on the European Health Literacy Survey, this review suggests a self-reporting assessment tool aimed at measuring individual food literacy skills. A concept-validation approach was used to design the survey. It was tested on a convenience sample of 158 Italian citizens. A correlation analysis allowed to shed light on the correlates of food literacy skills. Findings and conclusions: A large part of the sample revealed problematic food literacy skills. In particular, most of respondents were found to live with inadequate ability to plan, manage, select and consume food. People living with primary education and those belonging to the lower social classes of the population were more likely to show limited food literacy. Problematic food literacy was also found to be related with poor health status and overweight. Highlights ‱ Food literacy concerns the ability to obtain and use food-related information.‱ Limited food literacy negatively affects healthy food behaviors.‱ Limited food literacy could be considered a silent epidemic.‱ Education and social status are significant correlates of limited food literacy.‱ Limited food literacy is associated with poor health status and overweight

    Crafting and applying a tool to assess food literacy: Findings from a pilot study

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    Background: Food literacy could be depicted as the set of functional, interactive and critical skills which are required to navigate the food system. Scholars have widely investigated the conceptual attributes of food literacy, arguing that it consists of the ability to: 1) plan and manage food, 2) select and chooce food, and 3) prepare and consume food. However, to the authors’ knowledge, still little is known about the assessment of food literacy. Recent developments suggest that inadequate food literacy could be depicted as a silent epidemic, which affects a large part of the world population. From this point of view, there is a strong need for reliable measures aimed at assessing food literacy. Scope and approach: Drawing on the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU), this study suggests a self-reporting assessment tool aimed at measuring individual food literacy. A concept-validation approach was used to design the survey. It was tested on a convenience sample of 158 Italian citizens. A correlation analysis allowed to shed light on the main correlates of food literacy. Findings and conclusions: A large part of the sample revealed problematic food literacy. Indeed, most of respondents were found to live with inadequate ability to plan, manage, select and consume food. People living with primary education and those belonging to the lower social classes of the population were more likely to show limited food literacy. Problematic food literacy was also found to be related with poor health status and overweigh