65 research outputs found

    Ancilla models for quantum operations: For what unitaries does the ancilla state have to be physical?

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    Any evolution described by a completely positive trace-preserving linear map can be imagined as arising from the interaction of the evolving system with an initially uncorrelated ancilla. The interaction is given by a joint unitary operator, acting on the system and the ancilla. Here we study the properties such a unitary operator must have in order to force the choice of a physical- that is, positive-state for the ancilla if the end result is to be a physical-that is, completely positive-evolution of the system.Comment: Quantum Information Processing, (2012

    Biophysical and morphological changes in inner hair cells and their efferent innervation in the ageing mouse cochlea

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    Inner hair cells (IHCs) are the primary sensory receptors of the mammalian cochlea, transducing acoustic information into electrical signals that are relayed to the afferent neurons. Functional changes in IHCs are a potential cause of age‐related hearing loss. Here, we have investigated the functional characteristics of IHCs from early‐onset hearing loss mice harbouring the allele Cdh23ahl (C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NTac), from late‐onset hearing loss mice (C3H/HeJ), and from mice corrected for the Cdh23ahl mutation (C57BL/6NTacCdh23+) with an intermediate hearing phenotype. There was no significant loss of IHCs in the 9–12 kHz cochlear region up to at least 15 months of age, but their surface area decreased progressively by 30–40% starting from ∼6 months of age. Although the size of the BK current decreased with age, IHCs retained a normal KCNQ4 current and resting membrane potential. These basolateral membrane changes were most severe for C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NTac, less so for C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ and minimal or absent in C3H/HeJ mice. We also found that lateral olivocochlear (LOC) efferent fibres re‐form functional axon‐somatic connections with aged IHCs, but this was seen only sporadically in C3H/HeJ mice. The efferent post‐synaptic SK2 channels appear prior to the establishment of the efferent contacts, suggesting that IHCs may play a direct role in re‐establishing the LOC‐IHC synapses. Finally, we showed that the size of the mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) current from IHCs decreased significantly with age in mice harbouring the Cdh23ahl allele but not in C57BL/6NTacCdh23+mice, indicating that the MET apparatus directly contributes to the progression of age‐related hearing loss

    Age‐related changes in the biophysical and morphological characteristics of mouse cochlear outer hair cells

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    Outer hair cells (OHCs) are electromotile sensory receptors that provide sound amplification within the mammalian cochlea. Although OHCs appear susceptible to ageing, the progression of the pathophysiological changes in these cells is still poorly understood. By using mouse strains with a different progression of hearing loss (C57BL/6J, C57BL/6NTac, C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ , C3H/HeJ), we have identified morphological, physiological and molecular changes in ageing OHCs (9–12 kHz cochlear region). We show that by 6 months of age, OHCs from all strains underwent a reduction in surface area, which was not a sign of degeneration. Although the ageing OHCs retained a normal basolateral membrane protein profile, they showed a reduction in the size of the K+ current and non‐linear capacitance, a readout of prestin‐dependent electromotility. Despite these changes, OHCs have a normal V m and retain the ability to amplify sound, as distortion product otoacoustic emission thresholds were not affected in aged, good‐hearing mice (C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ ). The loss of afferent synapses was present in all strains at 15 months. The number of efferent synapses per OHCs, defined as postsynaptic SK2 puncta, was reduced in aged OHCs of all strains apart from C3H mice. Several of the identified changes occurred in aged OHCs from all mouse strains, thus representing a general trait in the pathophysiological progression of age‐related hearing loss, possibly aimed at preserving functionality. We have also shown that the mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) current from OHCs of mice harbouring the Cdh23ahl allele is reduced with age, highlighting the possibility that changes in the MET apparatus could play a role in cochlear ageing

    The upregulation of K+ and HCN channels in developing spiral ganglion neurons is mediated by cochlear inner hair cells

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    Spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are primary sensory afferent neurons that relay acoustic information from the cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) to the brainstem. The response properties of different SGNs diverge to represent a wide range of sound intensities in an action-potential code. This biophysical heterogeneity is established during pre-hearing stages of development, a time when IHCs fire spontaneous Ca2+ action potentials that drive glutamate release from their ribbon synapses onto the SGN terminals. The role of spontaneous IHC activity in the refinement of SGN characteristics is still largely unknown. Using pre-hearing otoferlin knockout mice (Otof−/−), in which Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in IHCs is abolished, we found that developing SGNs fail to upregulate low-voltage-activated K+-channels and hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels. This delayed maturation resulted in hyperexcitable SGNs with immature firing characteristics. We have also shown that SGNs that synapse with the pillar side of the IHCs selectively express a resurgent K+ current, highlighting a novel biophysical marker for these neurons. RNA-sequencing showed that several K+ channels are downregulated in Otof−/− mice, further supporting the electrophysiological recordings. Our data demonstrate that spontaneous Ca2+-dependent activity in pre-hearing IHCs regulates some of the key biophysical and molecular features of the developing SGNs

    Neuroplastin genetically interacts with Cadherin 23 and the encoded isoform Np55 is sufficient for cochlear hair cell function and hearing

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    Mammalian hearing involves the mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) of sound-induced fluid waves in the cochlea. Essential to this process are the specialised sensory cochlear cells, the inner (IHCs) and outer hair cells (OHCs). While genetic hearing loss is highly heterogeneous, understanding the requirement of each gene will lead to a better understanding of the molecular basis of hearing and also to therapeutic opportunities for deafness. The Neuroplastin (Nptn) gene, which encodes two protein isoforms Np55 and Np65, is required for hearing, and homozygous loss-of-function mutations that affect both isoforms lead to profound deafness in mice. Here we have utilised several distinct mouse models to elaborate upon the spatial, temporal, and functional requirement of Nptn for hearing. While we demonstrate that both Np55 and Np65 are present in cochlear cells, characterisation of a Np65-specific mouse knockout shows normal hearing thresholds indicating that Np65 is functionally redundant for hearing. In contrast, we find that Nptn-knockout mice have significantly reduced maximal MET currents and MET channel open probabilities in mature OHCs, with both OHCs and IHCs also failing to develop fully mature basolateral currents. Furthermore, comparing the hearing thresholds and IHC synapse structure of Nptn-knockout mice with those of mice that lack Nptn only in IHCs and OHCs shows that the majority of the auditory deficit is explained by hair cell dysfunction, with abnormal afferent synapses contributing only a small proportion of the hearing loss. Finally, we show that continued expression of Neuroplastin in OHCs of adult mice is required for membrane localisation of Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase 2 (PMCA2), which is essential for hearing function. Moreover, Nptn haploinsufficiency phenocopies Atp2b2 (encodes PMCA2) mutations, with heterozygous Nptn-knockout mice exhibiting hearing loss through genetic interaction with the Cdh23ahl allele. Together, our findings provide further insight to the functional requirement of Neuroplastin for mammalian hearing

    MET currents and otoacoustic emissions from mice with a detached tectorial membrane indicate the extracellular matrix regulates Ca2+ near stereocilia

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    The tectorial membrane (TM) is an acellular structure of the cochlea that is attached to the stereociliary bundles of the outer hair cells (OHCs), electromotile cells that amplify motion of the cochlear partition and sharpen its frequency selectivity. Although the TM is essential for hearing, its role is still not fully understood. In Tecta/Tectb−/− double knockout mice, in which the TM is not coupled to the OHC stereocilia, hearing sensitivity is considerably reduced compared with that of wild‐type animals. In vivo, the OHC receptor potentials, assessed using cochlear microphonics, are symmetrical in both wild‐type and Tecta/Tectb−/− mice, indicating that the TM does not bias the hair bundle resting position. The functional maturation of hair cells is also unaffected in Tecta/Tectb−/− mice, and the resting open probability of the mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel reaches values of ∼50% when the hair bundles of mature OHCs are bathed in an endolymphatic‐like Ca2+ concentration (40 μM) in vitro. The resultant large MET current depolarizes OHCs to near –40 mV, a value that would allow optimal activation of the motor protein prestin and normal cochlear amplification. Although the set point of the OHC receptor potential transfer function in vivo may therefore be determined primarily by endolymphatic Ca2+ concentration, repetitive acoustic stimulation fails to produce adaptation of MET‐dependent otoacoustic emissions in vivo in the Tecta/Tectb−/− mice. Therefore, the TM is likely to contribute to the regulation of Ca2+ levels around the stereocilia, and thus adaptation of the OHC MET channel during prolonged sound stimulation

    “Dogged” Search of Fresh Nakhla Surfaces Reveals New Alteration Textures

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    Special Issue: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, August 8-12, 2011, London, U.K.International audienceCarbonaceous chondrites are considered as amongst the most primitive Solar System samples available. One of their primitive characteristics is their enrichment in volatile elements.This includes hydrogen, which is present in hydrated and hydroxylated minerals. More precisely, the mineralogy is expected to be dominated by phyllosilicates in the case of CM chondrites, and by Montmorillonite type clays in the case of CI. Here, in order to characterize and quantify the abundance of lowtemperature minerals in carbonaceous chondrites, we performed thermogravimetric analysis of matrix fragments of Tagish Lake, Murchison and Orgueil

    Loss of Baiap2l2 destabilizes the transducing stereocilia of cochlear hair cells and leads to deafness

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    The transduction of sound waves into electrical signals depends upon mechanosensitive stereociliary bundles that project from the apical surface of hair cells within the cochlea. The height and width of these actin‐based stereocilia is tightly regulated throughout life to establish and maintain their characteristic staircase‐like structure, which is essential for normal mechanoelectrical transduction. Here, we show that BAIAP2L2, a member of the I‐BAR protein family, is a newly identified hair bundle protein that is localized to the tips of the shorter rows of transducing stereocilia in mouse cochlear hair cells. BAIAP2L2 was detected by immunohistochemistry from postnatal day 2.5 (P2.5) throughout adulthood. In Baiap2l2 deficient mice, outer hair cells (OHCs), but not inner hair cells (IHCs), began to lose their third row of stereocilia and showed a reduction in the size of the mechanoelectrical transducer current from just after P9. Over the following post‐hearing weeks, the ordered staircase structure of the bundle progressively deteriorates, such that, by 8 months of age, both OHCs and IHCs of Baiap2l2 deficient mice have lost most of the second and third rows of stereocilia and become deaf. We also found that BAIAP2L2 interacts with other key stereociliary proteins involved in normal hair bundle morphogenesis, such as CDC42, RAC1, EPS8 and ESPNL. Furthermore, we show that BAIAP2L2 localization to the stereocilia tips depends on the motor protein MYO15A and its cargo EPS8. We propose that BAIAP2L2 is key to maintenance of the normal actin structure of the transducing stereocilia in mature mouse cochlear hair cells

    A critical period of prehearing spontaneous Ca2+ spiking is required for hair-bundle maintenance in inner hair cells

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    Sensory-independent Ca2+ spiking regulates the development of mammalian sensory systems. In the immature cochlea, inner hair cells (IHCs) fire spontaneous Ca2+ action potentials (APs) that are generated either intrinsically or by intercellular Ca2+ waves in the nonsensory cells. The extent to which either or both of these Ca2+ signalling mechansims are required for IHC maturation is unknown. We find that intrinsic Ca2+ APs in IHCs, but not those elicited by Ca2+ waves, regulate the maturation and maintenance of the stereociliary hair bundles. Using a mouse model in which the potassium channel Kir2.1 is reversibly overexpressed in IHCs (Kir2.1-OE), we find that IHC membrane hyperpolarization prevents IHCs from generating intrinsic Ca2+ APs but not APs induced by Ca2+ waves. Absence of intrinsic Ca2+ APs leads to the loss of mechanoelectrical transduction in IHCs prior to hearing onset due to progressive loss or fusion of stereocilia. RNA-sequencing data show that pathways involved in morphogenesis, actin filament-based processes, and Rho-GTPase signaling are upregulated in Kir2.1-OE mice. By manipulating in vivo expression of Kir2.1 channels, we identify a “critical time period” during which intrinsic Ca2+ APs in IHCs regulate hair-bundle function

    AAV-mediated rescue of Eps8 expression in vivo restores hair-cell function in a mouse model of recessive deafness

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    The transduction of acoustic information by hair cells depends upon mechanosensitive stereociliary bundles that project from their apical surface. Mutations or absence of the stereociliary protein EPS8 cause deafness in humans and mice, respectively. Eps8 knockout mice (Eps8−/−) have hair cells with immature stereocilia and fail to become sensory receptors. Here, we show that exogenous delivery of Eps8 using Anc80L65 in P1–P2 Eps8−/− mice in vivo rescued the hair bundle structure of apical-coil hair cells. Rescued hair bundles correctly localize EPS8, WHIRLIN, MYO15, and BAIAP2L2, and generate normal mechanoelectrical transducer currents. Inner hair cells with normal-looking stereocilia re-expressed adult-like basolateral ion channels (BK and KCNQ4) and have normal exocytosis. The number of hair cells undergoing full recovery was not sufficient to rescue hearing in Eps8−/− mice. Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-transduction of P3 apical-coil and P1–P2 basal-coil hair cells does not rescue hair cells, nor does Anc80L65-Eps8 delivery in adult Eps8−/− mice. We propose that AAV-induced gene-base therapy is an efficient strategy to recover the complex hair-cell defects in Eps8−/− mice. However, this therapeutic approach may need to be performed in utero since, at postnatal ages, Eps8−/− hair cells appear to have matured or accumulated damage beyond the point of repair