161 research outputs found

    Examining the social component of sustainable forest management in Prince Albert and Vilhelmina Model Forests

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    Due to the forest industry downsizing, many communities in rural forest regions in Canada and Sweden are facing problems to survive. In order to create community sustainability, resilience and well-being in remote forest regions, the view on the forest resources has shifted towards multiple use, through the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM). Beside the economic and ecological elements of sustainability, the social forest values are needed, contributing to the human well-being, local participation, stakeholder collaboration, human rights and cultural connection. In this thesis the embodiment of the social component of SFM within Prince Albert Model Forest (Canada), and Vilhelmina Model Forest (Sweden) will be examined. Being partners and facing similar challenges as rural boreal forest regions, the two model forests are compared through analysis of projects and activities, conducted interviews and organization documents. Looking at projects mentioned as successful by the interviewees, they all have elements from the social values of SFM. The direction can be explained by the introduction of the Forest Communities Program in Canada, demanding the Model Forests to work towards community stability and resilience, the Model Forest organization concept itself and the way global focus are increasing around social forest values. In the future, it may be important that the role of the MFs enable some kind of political authorization and legitimacy in order to improve conflict solving and indigenous rights equality. Funding is crucial to run a Model Forest organization, enabling coordination and administration staff, representative participation and travel possibilities to meetings.Den anstrÀngda ekonomiska utvecklingen inom skogsindustrin de senaste decennierna har försvÄrat situationen för mÄnga skogsberoende orter pÄ landsbygden i Kanada och Sverige. För att skapa hÄllbara, motstÄndskraftiga och vÀlmÄende landsbygder har synen pÄ skogens resurser vidgats mot hÄllbart mÄngbruk. Förutom de ekonomiska och ekologiska hörnstenarna av hÄllbar utveckling, Àr skogens sociala vÀrden viktiga för ett vidgat nyttjande av skogens resurser, mÀnniskans vÀlbefinnande, lokalt deltagande, samarbeten mellan intressenter, urbefolkningars rÀttigheter och kulturella kopplingar till skogen. I detta examensarbete undersöks den sociala komponenten av hÄllbart skogsbruk i Prince Albert Model Forest, Kanada, och Vilhelmina Model Forest, Sverige. Dessa organisationer ligger bÄda i boreala skogsregioner och har haft ett samarbete med varandra sedan 2004. Deras aktiviteter och projekt analyseras tillsammans med utförda intervjuer och dokument i modellskogarna. Av de projekt som omnÀmns som betydelsefulla i intervjuerna, berör samtliga skogens sociala vÀrden pÄ nÄgot sÀtt. Detta kan förklaras genom introduktionen av Forest Communities Program i Kanada, som gav modellskogarna i uppdrag att inrikta sin verksamhet mot socialt hÄllbar landsbygdsutveckling. Modellskogskonceptet som sÄdant och det ökande globala intresset för skogens sociala vÀrden har ocksÄ bidragit. I framtiden kan modellskogens roll behöva förstÀrkas genom att ges politisk legitimitet för att förbÀttra konfliktlösning och jÀmlikhet mellan olika intressenter och urbefolkningars rÀttigheter. Finansiering Àr nödvÀndig för att kunna driva en modellskog vad gÀller administration och möjligheter till deltagande för alla intressenter i regionen

    Perspektiv pÄ skogen som resurs för hÄllbar landsbygdsutveckling : kommunal planering och unga vuxnas boendepreferenser i Vilhelmina

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    Vilhelmina Ă€r en inlandskommun med vikande befolkningsunderlag. För att vĂ€nda trenden krĂ€vs bland annat en god fysisk planering som kan locka unga vuxna att Ă„tervĂ€nda till eller stanna kvar i hembygden. Eftersom naturnĂ€ra boendemiljöer ökar livskvaliteten, folkhĂ€lsan och trivseln i alla Ă„ldersgrupper kan skogen utgöra en viktig resurs som attraktiv boendemiljö och argument för inflyttning. Med hjĂ€lp av en innehĂ„llsanalys av lagstiftning, forskning samt kommunens planeringsdokument har ett antal parametrar tagits fram i denna uppsats, som indikerar vad som Ă€r viktigt för att gynna landsbygdsutvecklingen pĂ„ ett hĂ„llbart sĂ€tt och öka inflyttningen av unga vuxna, med hjĂ€lp av kommunens skogliga resurser. Tre olika teoretiska perspektiv pĂ„ skogens nyttjande och landsbygdsutveckling har anvĂ€nts för att tydliggöra kontraster och konflikter förknippade med mĂ„ngbruk. DĂ€refter undersöks hur parametrarna kommer till uttryck i de teoretiska perspektiven och befintliga planeringsdokument i kommunen, som mynnar ut i en analys över hur dessa kan samverka och införlivas i Vilhelmina kommuns översiktsplanering. Det kan Ă„stadkommas genom att tydligare ange de unga vuxna som en viktig mĂ„lgrupp och i konkret planering satsa pĂ„ attraktivt boende med beaktande av skogsskötselĂ„tgĂ€rder för estetiska och sociala vĂ€rden i naturmiljöerna, samt förbĂ€ttrade möjligheter till arbete, utbildning, kommunikationer och service. Det Ă€r i första hand unga vuxnas möjlighet, snarare Ă€n vilja som avgör i beslutet om att bo pĂ„ landsbygden.The rural municipality of Vilhelmina has a declining population. To reverse this trend requires proper measures in the municipality‟s general plan to attract young adults to return to or remain in their place of birth. Living environments close to nature scenery can increase the quality of life, health and well-being, in all age groups. Therefore, forests may constitute a crucial resource as attractive living environment and arguments for in-migration. Legal frameworks, research and planning documents of Vilhelmina Municipality have provided the empirical literature from which I have developed parameters through a content analysis. These parameters indicates what is important when favouring rural development in a sustainable way and increasing the immigration of young adults, with help of the available forest resources. Three different theoretical discourses on forest use and rural development have been used to clarify the contrasts and conflicts associated with multiple forest use. I have subsequently investigated the parameters reflected in the theoretical perspectives and existing planning documents of the municipality, which resulted in an analysis of how these may interact and be incorporated into the general plan of Vilhelmina municipality. This may be achieved by emphasising young adults as an important target group and by concrete planning investing in attractive housing, better access to jobs, education, communications and ser-vice. There are several forest management measures that can stimulate and enhance the aesthetic and social values of natural environments around the municipality. It is primarily the possibility, rather than aim, that determines whether young adults decide to live in the countryside

    Participatory scenario analysis in forest resource management

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    The forested landscape holds multiple socio-cultural, ecological, and economic values that are interlinked and dependent on each other. Policy makers, scientists, and practitioners increasingly emphasise the need for new governance procedures that consider multifunctional forest values and support decision making concerning trade-offs between them. At the same time, the diverse range of actors who own and use these values on local, national, and global levels must be considered. This thesis explores how scenario analysis can strengthen participatory aspects in forest governance by engaging local forest actors in interviews and discussions concerning sustainable futures of their forest landscape and community in Vilhelmina municipality, Sweden. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, three explorative (possible) scenarios and one normative (desirable) scenario are developed in participatory workshops, and presented as narratives and models of ecosystem services assessment. The thesis includes four scientific papers - three discuss the performance and usability of scenario methods and one discusses the need and opportunities for implementing a landscape perspective in forest planning. By exploring innovative participatory methods and incorporating integrated landscape planning, the sectorial planning tradition can be developed into new collaborative governance procedures across interests, sectors, levels, and scientific disciplines and create coherent policies and management practices. The Model Forest concept is a useful example of a local collaborative arena where different actors can meet and discuss their common landscape. Scenario analysis is a suitable and creative tool as it provides information about potential and desired futures, enhances understanding for complexity, and facilitates discussion of planning options in a transdisciplinary manner. Scenario analysis can strengthen the local competence of action and help people define their needs and how these needs could be met. The diversity of knowledge and experiences among actors should be seen as a resource for creating new ideas and solutions. The balance between an increased participatory involvement in planning and research processes and the conditions for creating a successful high-quality process must be carefully considered when choosing methods

    The effects of light and darkness on sows and gilts : reproduction, production and welfare

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    Det Àr av stor ekonomisk betydelse för lönsamheten i en intensiv grisproduktion att ha fungerande reproduktion och produktion av smÄgrisar. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Àr att undersöka vilken effekt ljus och mörker har för suggor och gyltor i olika produktionsstadier samt inverkan av ljusperiod eller ljusintensitet. I Sverige idag finns rekommendationer pÄ ljusprogram till suggor och gyltor i olika produktionsstadier, men det framgÄr inte vilken forskning rekommendationerna baseras pÄ eller om de behöver kompletteras med forskning. Ljus och mörker har inflytande pÄ fysiologiska parametrar och dygnsrytm som kan pÄverka reproduktion och prestation. Trots att den domesticerade suggan Àr genetiskt selekterad för god reproduktionsförmÄga och inhyst i förhÄllande som bör gynna fertilitet, kan reproduktionsstörningar förekomma. Detta kan visas som lÀgre grisningsprocent och lÀngre intervall frÄn avvÀnjning till brunst. En lÄng ljusperiod under alla enheter i suggans produktionscykel har visat kunna ge högre grisningsprocent och fÀrre antal dagar frÄn avvÀnjning till brunst. Ett styrt ljusprogram med en lÄng ljusperiod under laktationen kan resultera i ökad mjölkproduktion och högre smÄgrisöverlevnad. Studiernas resultat kunde variera en del, vilket kan förklaras av olika utformning och implementering av ljusprogrammen. Detta tyder för att mer forskning behövs inom omrÄdet.It is of great economic importance for the profitability of intensive pig production to have effective reproduction and production of piglets. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the effect light and darkness on sows and gilts in different stages of production, as well as the effect of photoperiod and light intensity. In Sweden today there are recommendations on light program for sows and gilts in different production units, but it is not clear which research the recommendation is based on or weather they need to be supplemented with research. Light and darkness influence physiological parameters and circadian rhythms, which can affect reproduction and performance. Although, the domesticated sow is genetically selected for god reproductive ability and housed in conditions that should improve fertility, disturbance of reproductive performance occur. This can be shown as lower farrowing rate and longer intervals from weaning to estrous. A long photoperiod throughout production has been shown to give higher farrowing rate and less number of days from weaning to estrous. A manipulated light program with a long photoperiod during lactation can result in an increased milk production and increased piglet survival. The results of the studies varies, which can be explained by the different design and implementation of light programs. This indicates that more research is needed in this subject

    Familjen Helsingborg - ett fall av effektivisering eller institutionalisering?

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    Place branding is becoming more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world, however, is it an effective strategy or mainly a part of the quest for development that impregnates the modern society? In this study we have aimed to emphasize the opinions which business actors have about their regional brand, Familjen Helsingborg. We have neither intended to find out if regional branding is the best way to market a region, nor judge the regional brand that we are studying. In our interpretation of the business actors’ thoughts we have instead aimed to create an understanding of how regional brands can be understood and explained through a neo-institutional perspective. The empirical data gathered through interviews have been analyzed through theories such as neo-institutionalism, isomorphism, translation and identity procreation. Our results indicate that regional brands have indeed become institutionalized. Partly due to the surrounding institutional incentives and the region’s own wish to appear legitimate and modern. The results also indicate that regions branding techniques can be seen as a translation of how companies work strategically to improve their identity and competitiveness. The translation appear being a problematic process regarding creating a uniform identity and image. There are many target groups and stakeholders to consider, as regions in several ways are complex.PlatsvarumĂ€rken blir allt mer vanliga i sĂ„vĂ€l Sverige som resten av vĂ€rlden, men frĂ„gan Ă€r om det Ă€r en effektiv strategi eller frĂ€mst följer den strĂ€van efter utveckling som genomsyrar dagens samhĂ€lle? I den hĂ€r studien har vi försökt att lyfta fram nĂ€ringslivsaktörers uppfattningar om sin regions varumĂ€rke, Familjen Helsingborg. Vi har i studien dock inte Ă€mnat ta reda pĂ„ huruvida regionsvarumĂ€rken Ă€r rĂ€tt sĂ€tt att marknadsföra en region pĂ„, eller bedöma den valda regionens varumĂ€rkesarbete. I tolkningen av aktörernas tankar har vi i stĂ€llet syftet att undersöka hur regionsvarumĂ€rken kan förklaras och förstĂ„s utifrĂ„n ett nyinstitutionalistiskt perspektiv. Det empiriska material vi har samlat in genom intervjuer har analyserats utifrĂ„n teorier om nyinstitutionalism, isomorfism och översĂ€ttning, samt identitetsskapande teorier. Det resultat vi har fĂ„tt fram i analysen visar pĂ„ att regionsvarumĂ€rken har institutionaliserats. Det kan kopplas bĂ„de till omgivande institutionella drivkrafter och regionens egen önskan att framstĂ„ som legitim och modern. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att regioners varumĂ€rkesbyggande tekniker kan ses som en översĂ€ttning av hur företag arbetar med varumĂ€rken för att stĂ€rka sin identitet och konkurrenskraft. ÖversĂ€ttningen visar sig vara en problematisk process vad gĂ€ller att skapa en enhetlig identitet och image. DĂ„ regioner pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt Ă€r komplexa finns det mĂ„nga mĂ„l- och intressentgrupper att ta hĂ€nsyn till

    Envisioning future forested landscapes in Sweden – Revealing local-national discrepancies through participatory action research

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    Governance of forested landscapes must account for multiple interests and perspectives through public and stakeholder participation. In the context of Swedish forestry, participation has mainly been implemented as a top-down venture, without adequate integration of all interests. Linking local interests to national policy-making through participatory action research and future-oriented methodologies has not yet been tried in Sweden. We develop and implement a participatory action research model with the objectives to (i) facilitate a discussion among local stakeholders about their common future in relation to their forested landscapes and, (ii) to connect the local level with the national, institutional level. First, local stakeholders are brought together to create commonly desired visions in case studies of two forested landscapes in Sweden. Second, national policy-makers are engaged in a discussion on how to achieve the locally-desired visions. The ability of the two-step participatory action research model to achieve these objectives is then evaluated based on norms of Communicative Action and criteria of participatory planning. The results demonstrate the positive opportunity to engage local stakeholders in a constructive discussion about their common future, but also show some practical constraints of participatory methods, in particular the risk of institutional authorities disregarding local knowledge and claims

    Putting the self in self-correction: findings from the loss-of-confidence project

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    Science is often perceived to be a self-correcting enterprise. In principle, the assessment of scientific claims is supposed to proceed in a cumulative fashion, with the reigning theories of the day progressively approximating truth more accurately over time. In practice, however, cumulative self-correction tends to proceed less efficiently than one might naively suppose. Far from evaluating new evidence dispassionately and infallibly, individual scientists often cling stubbornly to prior findings. Here we explore the dynamics of scientific self-correction at an individual rather than collective level. In 13 written statements, researchers from diverse branches of psychology share why and how they have lost confidence in one of their own published findings. We qualitatively characterize these disclosures and explore their implications. A cross-disciplinary survey suggests that such loss-of-confidence sentiments are surprisingly common among members of the broader scientific population yet rarely become part of the public record. We argue that removing barriers to self-correction at the individual level is imperative if the scientific community as a whole is to achieve the ideal of efficient self-correction
