1,410 research outputs found

    What helps households with children in leaving poverty? Evidence from Spain

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    In this paper we analyse the distinct effectiveness of demographic, labour market and welfare state transfers events in promoting exits from deprivation for childbearing households in Spain, a Southern European Country with high and persistent child poverty and a familial welfare regime. We undertake a thorough analysis of outflow rates and of the effect of events on them by household types using a detailed descriptive approach and a multivariate analysis to control for household heterogeneity. We find that, contrary to the descriptive results, a multivariate approach to the estimation of the outflow rate shows that the presence of children robustly reduces household’s chances to step out of poverty. In turn, both methodologies show that the effectiveness of labour market events is somewhat lower for childbearing households while their prevalence is particularly high. Also, both the prevalence and the effectiveness of events related to the beginning of state transfers are high for households without children.children, poverty dynamics, outflow rate, Spain, trigger events.

    Poverty and Women’s Labor Market Activity: the Role of Gender Wage Discrimination in the EU

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    The functioning of the labor market often has been stressed as a clear determinant in explaining poverty trends in developed countries. In this paper, we analyze the role of gender wage discrimination on household poverty rates in several EU countries, linking two related phenomena that rarely are analyzed together. In order to quantify the impact of discrimination on poverty, we propose the construction of a counterfactual distribution of wages where discrimination against women has been removed. Using this new wage distribution, we compute total household income and compare poverty rates in the absence of discrimination to those actually observed. Our results show that, in general, it is true that discrimination against women plays a determinant role in the current levels of poverty, even if we discover that results for each country present a different pattern and intensity. Further, we find that the effect of discrimination on poverty risk dramatically increases for individuals in households who largely depend on working female earnings, especially in the case of single mothers.poverty, inequality, income distribution, gender, wage discrimination, labor participation.


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    Motivados por la afición de Martin Gardner a la magia matemåtica, mostramos cómo algunos principios matemåticos pueden emplearse para hacer juegos de magia. En particular nos detenemos en el principio de paridad, el principio de Gilbreath y coincidencias del estilo de la paradoja de los cumpleaños

    Measuring poverty accounting for time

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    In this paper we make a methodological proposal to measure poverty accounting for time by proposing a new index that aims at reconciling the way poverty is measured in a static and a dynamic framework. Our index is able to consider the duration of the poverty spell and the social preference for equality in well-being given that, in contrast with others that have been previously proposed, it is sensitive to the level of inequality between individual complete poverty experiences over time. Moreover, other indices in the literature can be interpreted as special cases of our more general measure.intertemporal poverty, duration, equality, poverty measurement

    The measurement of gender wage discrimination: The distributional approach revisited

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    This paper presents the advantages of taking into account the distribution of the individual wage gap when analyzing female wage discrimination. The limitations of previous approaches such as the classic Oaxaca-Blinder and the recent distributive proposals using quantile regressions or counterfactual functions are thoroughly discussed. The new methodology presented here relies on Jenkins' (1994) work and proposes the use of poverty and deprivation literature techniques that are directly applicable to the measurement of discrimination. In an empirical application, we quantify the relevance of the glass ceiling and sticky floor phenomena in the Spanish labor market.children distributive analysis, economics of gender, wage discrimination, glass ceiling, sticky floor.

    Judicial Review Seen from a Mexican Perspective

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    Design of a document management system for a chemical plant

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se lleva a cabo el diseño de un sistema de gestiĂłn documental adaptado a las necesidades de la empresa Adisseo Burgos. Para ello se usa como guĂ­a la norma UNE-ISO/TR 15489-2:2006 y otras normas relacionadas con la gestiĂłn documental. En la primera parte del trabajo se ha analizado la empresa y sus actividades, y se han creado herramientas documentales de acuerdo con las necesidades de la misma, como es un cuadro de clasificaciĂłn documental, una tabla de anĂĄlisis de riesgos y una tabla de acceso y seguridad documental, con el objetivo de complementar el diseño conceptual del sistema de gestiĂłn documental. En la segunda parte del trabajo se han estimado las actividades necesarias para la realizaciĂłn del proyecto de diseño e implementaciĂłn del sistema de gestiĂłn documental, junto con su coste y duraciĂłn. Se ha llevado a cabo un anĂĄlisis financiero del mismo para ver su viabilidad y finalmente se han mostrado factores claves Ăștiles en caso de realizarse el proyecto.In this end-of-degree project, the design of a document management system adapted to the needs of the company Adisseo Burgos is carried out. For this purpose, the UNEISO/TR 15489-2:2006 standard and other standards related to document management are used as a guide. In the first part of the thesis, the company and its activities have been analyzed, and documentary tools have been created according to its needs, such as a document classification scheme, a risk evaluation table and an access and security chart, in order to complement the conceptual design of the document management system. In the second part of the work, the activities necessary to carry out the project of design and implementation of the document management system have been estimated, along with their cost and duration. A financial analysis of the project has been carried out to see its viability and finally, useful key factors have been pointed out in case the project is approved and carried out

    The extent of occupational segregation in the US: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender

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    By using data from the American Community Survey, this paper studies occupational segregation by ethnicity/race and gender in the US by comparing the distribution of any demographic group with the employment structure of the economy. The analysis shows that occupational segregation is particularly intense in the Hispanic and Asian population groups, even though the performance of the former seems to be more disturbing than that of the latter given its higher concentration in low-paid jobs. As opposed to what happens for African and Native Americans, human capital variables explain a substantive part of Hispanic and Asian segregation. The analysis also reveals that the differential between women and men is not reduced after controlling for human capital characteristics. In addition, segregation disparities are much larger among male groups than among female groups. A distinctive characteristic of Hispanic workers is that segregation is higher for men than for women.occupational segregation, local segregation, race, ethnicity, gender.
