2,466 research outputs found

    El matrimonio en las primeras propuestas de los obispos latinoamericanos ante la codificación del derecho canónico de 1917

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    The redaction of the first Code of Canon Law that held by the Latin Church was ordered by Pope Saint Pius X in 1904. The coding task, however, was not the work of a closed group of experts, but took into account the views of the episcopate, which was asked at two different times, in both the Latin American bishops were consulted. In this paper we study, from the documentation kept in the Vatican Secret Archives, the contribution of the Latin American bishops on marriage, in the first survey conducted in 1904.La redacción del primer Código de Derecho Canónico que tuvo la Iglesia latina fue ordenada por el Papa san Pío X en 1904. La tarea codificadora, empero, no fue obra de un grupo cerrado de expertos, sino que tuvo en cuenta el parecer del episcopado, el que fue consultado en dos momentos diferentes; en ambos fueron consultados los obispos latinoamericanos. En este trabajo se estudia, a partir de la documentación guardada en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, el aporte de los obispos latinoamericanos en materia de matrimonio, en la primera consulta realizada en 1904.   &nbsp

    Experimental investigation on carbon dioxide dissolution in saline aquifers

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    Since the industrial development has become one of the main factors in human's life, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere has increased considerably over the last 40 years. This enhancement represents one of the main issues that governments are concerned about because of its e ects and consequences, known as greenhouse e ect. In order to reduce the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere, di erent strategies are proposed, studied and applied. One of them consists in injecting the gas in underground geological formations, with the aim of keeping it there safely and as long as possible. One of the trapping mechanisms that play a key role in this storage process is the solubility trapping. In this thesis, related to the experimental investigation on this mechanism, potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is used to investigate the dissolution dynamics of CO2 in water. This chemical component has been chosen instead of CO2 due to its bene ts: similar properties in less severe environmental conditions (pressure and temperature) in the laboratory, no need to use a porous media (this is the media underground) to get a better analysis of the experiments and the time required to run the experiments (hours in KMnO4 case whereas hundreds of years in CO2). In this thesis the procedure followed to simulate the real process of mixture between both substances, accomplished in a Hele Shaw cell is explained. It has been derived a relationship between the mass fraction of the solution and the light intensity of the pictures taken, an essential step in order to analyse the images. This process is totally experimental. We identi ed the best con guration to initiate the mixture without disturbances and be as more representative as possible of the real process. And nally, we have also compared the results obtained, distinguishing 3 regimes (di usive, constant and shutdown) with the results got, numerically, by De Paoli et al. (2017). The in uence of the Rayleigh number on the regimes, in particular on their onset, requires further investigations and is left for future work.Outgoin

    Mexico and the US must realise that NAFTA is the solution not the problem

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    Former President of Mexico (1988-94) Carlos Salinas de Gortari, one of the architects of the North American Free Trade Agreement, argues that NAFTA’s significant achievements have been underplayed. Instead of tearing up the agreement, as Donald Trump has proposed, Mexico, the US, and Canada must reinforce it if they are to compete with other world regions

    A Scrum-based approach to CMMI maturity level 2 in Web Development environments

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    Scrum has become one of the most popular agile methodologies, either alone or combined with other agile practices. Besides, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is accepted as a suitable model to measure the maturity of the organizations when developing or acquiring software. Although these two approaches are often considered antagonist, the use of an agile approach to reach certain CMMI maturity levels may result beneficial to organizations that develop Web systems, since they would take the advantages of both approaches. In Web community, this union may be very interesting, because agile approaches fits with the special needs of Web development, and they could be a useful tool for companies getting a certain grade of maturity. This work analyzes the goals of CMMI maturity level 2 and the feasibility of achieving them using the practices proposed by Scrum, trying to assess whether the use of this methodology is suitable for meeting the CMMI generic and specific goals or not. Finally, and based on this analysis, this paper raises a possible extension of Scrum, based on agile techniques, to accommodate the CMMI maturity level 2.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Synthesis of constrained nucleosides

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    La thérapie antisens, sous sa forme la plus basique, implique la liaison d'une séquence oligonucléotidique courte à un acide ribonucléique messager complémentaire (ARNm), ce qui peut finalement entraîner une prévention de la maladie génétique en stoppant la production de protéines pathogènes. Les oligonucléotides composés d'acides nucléiques naturels sont capables d'une reconnaissance de liaison à haute affinité à des séquences complémentaires d'ARN et d'ADN; cependant, ils subissent rapidement une digestion intracellulaire par l'action de nucléases et ne conviennent donc pas à la thérapie antisens. La présente thèse présente et détaille la synthèse de quatre nouveaux analogues d'acides nucléiques pouvant être utilisés comme agents antisens potentiels et dans des applications thérapeutiques associées. Basé sur une stratégie à double contrainte, le chapitre trois explore la synthèse de TriNA 2, un analogue nucléosidique qui étend la structure bicyclique de LNA en un noyau tricyclique, limitant la rotation autour de l'angle de torsion γ. Dans le quatrième chapitre, deux voies de synthèse pour la synthèse d'un analogue de nucléoside pipéridino bicyclique sont discutées; l'une basée sur un nucléoside comme point de départ et la seconde étant une synthèse qui utilise un sucre comme point de départ. Au chapitre cinq, la conception et la synthèse d'un nouvel analogue de nucléoside phosphonate oxabicyclique sont discutées. La conception de ce nucléoside comporte un noyau perhydrofuropyranne qui limite la rotation autour des angles ɣ, δ et ε d'un nucléoside naturel. Le dernier chapitre décrit différentes approches de la synthèse de nucléotides à squelette macrocyclique basés sur des unités liées aux phosphonates. Notre première stratégie a utilisé des H-phosphonates diastéréopure et leur alkylation stéréorétensive correspondante pour la construction du premier trinucléotide macrocyclique à cycle à 11 chaînons. Une approche de phosphoramidite complémentaire a fourni une voie complémentaire pour la synthèse du macrocycle à cycle à 11 chaînons et s’est avéré être un outil précieux pour la synthèse de macrocyles de différentes tailles.In its basic form, antisense technology involves binding of a short oligonucleotide sequence to a complementary messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), which can ultimately result in prevention of genetic diseases prevention by stopping the production of pathogenic proteins. Oligonucleotides composed of natural nucleic acids are capable of high-affinity binding recognition to complementary RNA and DNA sequences; however, they rapidly undergo intracellular digestion through the action of nucleases and are thus unsuitable for antisense-based therapeutics. The present thesis reports and details the synthesis of four new nucleic acid analogues that can be used as potential antisense agents and in related therapeutic applications. Based on a double-constrain strategy, chapter three explores the synthesis of TriNA 2, a nucleoside analog that extends the bicyclic structure of LNA into a tricyclic core, restricting rotation around torsion angle γ. In chapter four, two synthetic routes towards the synthesis of a bicyclic piperidino nucleoside analog are discussed; one based on a nucleoside as starting point and the second one being a carbohydrate-based synthesis. In chapter five the conception and synthesis of a novel oxabicyclic nucleoside phosphonate analog is discussed. The design of this nucleoside features a perhydrofuropyran core which restricts rotation around angles ɣ, δ and ε of a natural nucleoside. The last chapter describes different approaches toward the synthesis of macrocyclic backbone constrained nucleotides based on phosphonate linked units. Our first strategy used diastereopure H-phosphonates and their corresponding stereoretentive alkylation for the construction of the first 11-membered ring macrocyclic trinucleotide. A complementary phosphoramidite approach provided a complementary route for the synthesis of the 11-membered ring macrocycle and showed a valuable tool for the synthesis of different size macrocyles

    Solar neutrino detection

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    More than 40 years ago, neutrinos where conceived as a way to test the validity of the solar models which tell us that stars are powered by nuclear fusion reactions. The first measurement of the neutrino flux, in 1968 in the Homestake mine in South Dakota, detected only one third of the expected value, originating what has been known as the Solar Neutrino Problem. Different experiments were built in order to understand the origin of this discrepancy. Now we know that neutrinos undergo oscillation phenomenon changing their nature traveling from the core of the Sun to our detectors. In the work the 40 year long saga of the neutrino detection is presented; from the first proposals to test the solar models to last real time measurements of the low energy part of the neutrino spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. III School on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics August 25 to September 5, 2008 Arequipa (Peru) AIP conference proceedin

    Big differences in primary care celiac disease serological markers request in Spain

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    Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) prevalence is increasing but the disorder remains undiagnosed. The study compares CD serology markers requested by General Practitioners (GPs) over time and geographical areas. The aim of the current research is to assess the inter-practice and temporal variability in the request of CD serology markers by GPs in Spain, and the differences between regions. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted enrolling Spanish clinical laboratories. Primary care CD serology markers request in 2010, 2012 and 2014 from 15 autonomous communities (AACC), with more participants was reported. Test-utilization rates were calculated (tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies (tTG-IgA) and deaminated peptide gliadine IgA antibodies (DGP-IgA) per 1000 inhabitants), and also the ratio of both tests request (DGP-IgA /tTG-IgA). Results: The request of tTG-IgA per 1000 inhabitants increased significantly along years (from 3.99 to 5.90 (P < 0.001)). The demand of DGP-IgA per 1000 inhabitants was maintained in 2010 and 2012 (0.68 and 0.6), and decreased in 2014 (0.35) (P = 0.927). DGP-IgA /tTG-IgA diminished over time (from 0.16 to 0.06 (P = 0.548)), and in the 2014 edition, there was a significant regional difference, ranging from 0.01 to 0.57 (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The variability in the request in CD serology markers emphasizes the need of inter-regional cooperation to develop strategies to optimize the use of laboratory test

    Study of the Influence of Specularity on the Efficiency of Solar Reflectors

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    One of the critical aspects characterizing the behavior of the solar mirrors is their specularity [1], which characterizes its capability to focus all the reflected light into the solar collector. Specularity is highly dependent on the roughness of the substrate used to manufacture the mirror, so the roughness of the substrate is definitely a key point to develop products of the highest optical quality with potential to substitute the conventional floated-glass mirrors. A theoretical study taking into account the solar dispersion is developed to calculate the potential losses in parabolic through and power tower applications due to the use of non-completely specular mirrors. Then, a study of the relationship between the roughness of the different surfaces and its specularity has been developed to determine whether they have the potential to be used as substrates for new generation reflectors with an optimum efficiency or not. Besides, a study of the specularity of several commercially available mirrors is developed to determine its potential to be used in commercial solar plants. Finally, a 50 MW solar plant production case is developed for different reflector scenarios to estimate the production costs related to reflector losses in both solar concentrating technologies