96 research outputs found

    Elvira Gutiérrez In Memoriam

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    In Memoria

    Phosphorylation of acetylhexosamines

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    originalFil: Leloir, Luis Federico. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaFil: Cardini, Carlos E.. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaFil: Olavarría, José M.. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaBlanco y negro4 páginas en pdfLFL-PI-O-ART. Artículos científicosUnidad documental simpleAR-HYL-201

    Elvira Gutiérrez In Memoriam

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    In Memoria

    Genetic analysis as a tool to improve the monitoring of stranded cetaceans in Chile

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    Cetacean strandings are regularly recorded along the coast of Chile. However, crucial information such as species and sex of the individuals involved in these events can often be difficult to assess. In this context, the use of molecular tools as a complementary method can improve a stranding database, particularly by correcting misidentifications and providing new data for unidentified samples. This new information is especially important in the case of species that are poorly known or of high conservation interest. In this study, we evaluate how molecular tools can support and complement the field work records of strandings in Chile by identifying, corroborating, or correcting the identification of the species and sex of the recorded individuals. We obtained samples through a collaboration with the government agency that is in charge of assisting with cetacean strandings and collected the relevant information. Multidisciplinary approaches like this, and inter-institutional collaborations, can improve the study of cetacean strandings and the decisions in management and conservation policies around them. Cetacean strandings are a valuable source of information for several studies from species richness to conservation and management. During the examination of strandings, taxonomic and sex identification might be hindered for several reasons. Molecular techniques are valuable tools to obtain that missing information. This study evaluates how gene fragment amplification protocols can support the records of strandings done in the field in Chile by identifying, corroborating, or correcting the identification of the species and sex of the recorded individuals. Through a collaboration between a scientific laboratory and government institution in Chile, 63 samples were analyzed. Thirty-nine samples were successfully identified to the species level. In total, 17 species of six families were detected, including six species of conservation interest. Of the 39 samples, 29 corresponded to corroborations of field identifications. Seven corresponded to unidentified samples and three to corrected misidentifications, adding up to 28% of the identified samples. Sex was successfully identified for 58 of the 63 individuals. Twenty were corroborations, 34 were previously unidentified, and four were corrections. Applying this method improves the stranding database of Chile and provides new data for future management and conservation tasks.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementación de un sistema informático y su influencia en la gestión de almacén del Molino Puro Norte - 2017

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia de la implementación de un sistema informático en la gestión de almacén en la empresa Molino Puro Norte, ciudad de Dios, 2017, En el marco teórico se muestran algunos antecedentes a nivel internacional y nacional, así como también bases teóricas relacionadas con sistema informático y la gestión de almacenes, Esta investigación es Pre experimental con un diseño de pre y post prueba con un solo grupo. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 22 colaboradores de la empresa, donde se consideró a las áreas de administración (Gerente y las secretarias), Producción (jefe de producción, operarios y el encargado del envasado) y Almacén (jefe de almacén, almaceneros y estibadores), a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta sobre la gestión de almacén en el molino Puro Norte. Previamente validados a través del Alpha de Cronbach, con una fiabilidad de 0,830, además también se realizó la validación por un profesional experto en investigación. El análisis de los resultados permitió establecer la relación significativa entre ambas variables de estudio, con un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0.842. A este estudio, se le agrego una medición cuantitativa mediante indicadores de gestión, ambos estudios mostraron deficiencia en el marcado de lotes, deficiencia en el registro de lotes, demoras en el tiempo de localización de los lotes, productos extraviados, demoras en el tiempo de entrega de reportes y un deficiente despacho de productos. Sin embargo, con la implementación del sistema informático, estos resultados se revirtieron positivamente a favor de la empresa Molino Puro Norte. Finalmente, en función de los resultados obtenidos se formularon recomendaciones para una mejora en la gestión del almacén y también para la buena funcionalidad del sistema implementado.ABSTRACT The main of had as general objective to determine the influence of the implementation of a computer system in the warehouse management in the company Molino Puro Norte, Ciudad de Dios 2017, The theoretical framework shows some antecedents at the international and national level, as well As well as theoretical bases related to computer system and warehouse management, This research is Pre-experimental with a pre and post test design with a single group. The population and sample was made up of 22 employees of the company, where the areas of administration (Manager and secretaries), Production (production manager, operators and packaging manager) and Warehouse (warehouse manager, Stevedores), who were given a survey on the storage management at the Puro Norte mill. Previously validated through the Alpha of Cronbach, with a reliability of 0.830, in addition also the validation was realized by a professional expert in investigation. The analysis of the results allowed to establish the significant relationship between both variables of study, with a coefficient of correlation of Pearson of 0.842. To this study, a quantitative measurement was added by means of management indicators, both studies showed inefficient batch marking, inefficient batch records, time delays in locating batches, lost products, delays in the delivery of reports And an inefficient product dispatch. However, with the implementation of the computer system, these results were positively reversed in favor of Molino Puro Norte. Finally, based on the results obtained, recommendations were made for an improvement in the warehouse management and also for the good functionality of the implemented system

    Using remote sensing to detect whale strandings in remote areas: the case of sei whales mass mortality in Chilean Patagonia

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    We test the ability of Very High Resolution satellite (VHR) imagery to detect stranded whales using both manual and automated methods. We use the 2015 mass mortality event in the Gulf of Penas locality, central Patagonia, Chile, as an initial case study. This event was the largest known mass mortality of baleen whales, with at least 343 whales, mainly sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis), documented as stranding. However, even with such a large number of whales, due to the remote location of the gulf the strandings went unrecorded for several weeks. Aerial and boat surveys of the area were conducted two to four months after the mortality event. In this study we use 50cm resolution WorldView2 imagery to identify and count strandings from two archival images acquired just after the stranding event and two months before the aerial and ground surveys, and to test manual and automated methods of detecting stranded whales. Our findings show that whales are easily detected manually in the images but due to the heterogeneous colouration of decomposing whales, spectral indices are unsuitable for automatic detection. Our satellite counts suggest that, at the time the satellite images were taken, more whales were stranded than recorded in the aerial survey, possibly due to the non-comprehensive coverage of the aerial survey or movement of the carcases between survey acquisition. With even higher resolution imagery now available, satellite imagery may be a cost effective alternative to aerial surveys for future assessment of the extent of mass whale stranding events, especially in remote and inaccessible areas

    Cetacean strandings from space: Challenges and opportunities of very high resolution satellites for the remote monitoring of cetacean mass strandings

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    The study of cetacean strandings was globally recognised as a priority topic at the 2019 World Marine Mammal Conference, in recognition of its importance for understanding the threats to cetacean communities and, more broadly, the threats to ecosystem and human health. Rising multifaceted anthropogenic and environmental threats across the globe, as well as whale population recovery from exploitation in some areas, are likely to coincide with an increase in reported strandings. However, the current methods to monitor strandings are inherently biased towards populated coastlines, highlighting the need for additional surveying tools in remote regions. Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery offers the prospect of upscaling monitoring of mass strandings in minimally populated/unpopulated and inaccessible areas, over broad spatial and temporal scales, supporting and informing intervention on the ground, and can be used to retrospectively analyse historical stranding events. Here we (1) compile global strandings information to identify the current data gaps; (2) discuss the opportunities and challenges of using VHR satellite imagery to monitor strandings using the case study of the largest known baleen whale mass stranding event (3) consider where satellites hold the greatest potential for monitoring strandings remotely and; (4) outline a roadmap for satellite monitoring. To utilise this platform to monitor mass strandings over global scales, considerable technical, practical and environmental challenges need to be addressed and there needs to be inclusivity in opportunity from the onset, through knowledge sharing and equality of access to imagery

    First circumglobal assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whale mitochondrial genetic variation and implications for management

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    The description of genetic population structure over a species\u27 geographic range can provide insights into its evolutionary history and also support effective management efforts. Assessments for globally distributed species are rare, however, requiring significant international coordination and collaboration. The global distribution of demographically discrete populations for the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae is not fully known, hampering the definition of appropriate management units. Here, we present the first circumglobal assessment of mito - chondrial genetic population structure across the species\u27 range in the Southern Hemisphere and Arabian Sea. We combine new and existing data from the mitochondrial (mt)DNA control region that resulted in a 311 bp consensus sequence of the mtDNA control region for 3009 individuals sampled across 14 breeding stocks and subpopulations currently recognized by the International Whaling Commission. We assess genetic diversity and test for genetic differentiation and also estimate the magnitude and directionality of historic matrilineal gene flow between putative populations. Our results indicate that maternally directed site fidelity drives significant genetic population structure between breeding stocks within ocean basins. However, patterns of connectivity differ across the circumpolar range, possibly as a result of differences in the extent of longitudinal movements on feeding areas. The number of population comparisons observed to be significantly differentiated were found to diminish at the subpopulation scale when nucleotide differences were examined, indicating that more complex processes underlie genetic structure at this scale. It is crucial that these complexities and uncertainties are afforded greater consideration in management and regulatory efforts

    Prevalence, features and predictive factors of liver nodules in Fontan surgery patients: The VALDIG Fonliver prospective cohort

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    Background & Aims: Fontan surgery is used to treat a variety of congenital heart malformations, and may lead to advanced chronic liver disease in the long-term. This study examines the prevalence, characteristics and predictors of liver nodules in patients following Fontan surgery. Methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional, observational study conducted at 8 European centres. Consecutive patients who had undergone Fontan surgery underwent blood tests, abdominal ultrasonography (US), transient elastography (Fibroscan®), echocardiography, haemodynamic assessments, and abdominal MRI/CT scan. The primary outcome measure was liver nodules detected in the MRI/CT scan. Predictors of liver nodules were identified by multivariate logistic regression. Results: One hundred and fifty-two patients were enrolled (mean age 27.3 years). The mean time elapsed from surgery to inclusion was 18.3 years. Liver nodule prevalences were 29.6% (95% CI 23–37%) on US and 47.7% (95% CI 39–56%) on MRI/CT. Nodules were usually hyperechoic (76.5%), round-shaped (>80%), hyperenhancing in the arterial phase (92%) and located in the liver periphery (75%). The sensitivity and specificity of US were 50% (95% CI 38–62%) and 85.3% (95% CI 75–92%), respectively. Inter-imaging test agreement was low (adjusted kappa: 0.34). In the multivariate analysis, time since surgery >10 years was the single independent predictor of liver nodules (odds ratio 4.18; p = 0.040). Hepatocellular carcinoma was histologically diagnosed in 2 of the 8 patients with hypervascular liver nodules displaying washout. Conclusion: While liver nodules are frequent in Fontan patients, they may go unnoticed in US. Liver nodules are usually hyperechoic, hypervascular and predominantly peripheral. This population is at risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, the diagnosis of which requires confirmatory biopsy