151 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the season of the year on the conditioned sexual behavior of rams

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    Publicación de capítulo de Libro brasileñoThe aim of this study was to compare how season of the year affects sexual behavior in rams, trained to mount a dummy. Two specimens per breed were included in a study to analyze their sexual behavior throughout the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter).Animals were trained for conditioned mounting and then, their activity was monitored by video recorder and ethograms on weekly bases (52 records / ram / year). To test the hypothesis that reproductive behavior differences occur among ram breeds during the different seasons of the year, a descriptive statistical analysis of states and events of conditioned mounting was carried out, through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test. Results showed no differences in sexual behavior during semen collection among breeds throughout the year. In average, animals displayed the state of flehmen in 16.3 seconds and the copulation in 71.1 seconds. While the average frequency for events such as olfaction, kicking and mounting attempts was 2.1, 4.3 and 2.1 times per mating event, respectively. When considering the season of year, significant differences (P0.05) were observed for the flehmen state or for the mounting event. All the animals used in this study were subjected to classical conditioning and were sexually active throughout the year. Animals had best reproductive behavior patterns during winter, while no differences among rams were observed in sexual activity during the other three seasons of the year. Our results confirm previous reports indicating that rams have best reproductive performance during winter, however reproductive behavior patterns observed in five breeds of rams during spring, summer and autumn, also confirm that rams can be used for semen collection and processing purposes throughout the year

    Innovaciones en torno a la disminución de presencialidad en el proceso docente

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    El presente trabajo constituye una reflexión a partir de las experiencias desarrolladas en la Universidad de Oriente acerca de la factibilidad del perfeccionamiento de los estudios regulares de pregrado desde el punto de vista de disminución de la presencialidad. Este perfeccionamiento se ha desarrollado a partir de la combinación de sesiones presenciales con la metodología propia de la enseñanza a distancia. En un proceso docente en que están presentes un aula real y una virtual, en las cuales, el colectivo estudiantil desarrolla sus actividades de manera significativa a través de proyectos, estudios de casos o solución de problemas; según corresponda a la especialidad que se cursa y donde el profesor presencial además cumplirá el rol de tutor. El principal aporte logrado está en haber desarrollado una estrategia para la utilización de la Computación y TIC en el Proceso Docente Educativo que se desarrolla en los cursos presenciales de nuestra universidad a partir de las experiencias desarrolladas básicamente en las carreras de ingeniería de perfil eléctrico desde el curso académico 2000-2001 en el desarrollo de sitios Web educativos, materiales docentes multimedia, cursos en línea y las metodologías y modelos desarrollados en el transcurso de esas experiencias.Eje: Educación universitaria: Experiencias uso NTICRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Fast heuristic method to detect people in frontal depth images

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    This paper presents a new method for detecting people using only depth images captured by a camera in a frontal position. The approach is based on first detecting all the objects present in the scene and determining their average depth (distance to the camera). Next, for each object, a 3D Region of Interest (ROI) is processed around it in order to determine if the characteristics of the object correspond to the biometric characteristics of a human head. The results obtained using three public datasets captured by three depth sensors with different spatial resolutions and different operation principle (structured light, active stereo vision and Time of Flight) are presented. These results demonstrate that our method can run in realtime using a low-cost CPU platform with a high accuracy, being the processing times smaller than 1 ms per frame for a 512 × 424 image resolution with a precision of 99.26% and smaller than 4 ms per frame for a 1280 × 720 image resolution with a precision of 99.77%

    People re-identification using depth and intensity information from an overhead sensor

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    This work presents a new people re-identification method, using depth and intensity images, both of them captured with a single static camera, located in an overhead position. The proposed solution arises from the need that exists in many areas of application to carry out identification and re-identification processes to determine, for example, the time that people remain in a certain space, while fulfilling the requirement of preserving people's privacy. This work is a novelty compared to other previous solutions, since the use of top-view images of depth and intensity allows obtaining information to perform the functions of identification and re-identification of people, maintaining their privacy and reducing occlusions. In the procedure of people identification and re-identification, only three frames of intensity and depth are used, so that the first one is obtained when the person enters the scene (frontal view), the second when it is in the central area of the scene (overhead view) and the third one when it leaves the scene (back view). In the implemented method only information from the head and shoulders of people with these three different perspectives is used. From these views three feature vectors are obtained in a simple way, two of them related to depth information and the other one related to intensity data. This increases the robustness of the method against lighting changes. The proposal has been evaluated in two different datasets and compared to other state-of-the-art proposal. The obtained results show a 96,7% success rate in re-identification, with sensors that use different operating principles, all of them obtaining depth and intensity information. Furthermore, the implemented method can work in real time on a PC, without using a GPU.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Conocimientos y actitudes respecto al saneamiento básico ambiental, área de salud Yara, 2021 (Original)

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    Guarantee the availability of water and its sustainable management as well as sanitation for all, is one of the goals set by 'Sustainable Development Goals' to be achieved in 2030. Cuba has drawn strategies to achieve its compliance. Knowledge and attitudes about basic environmental sanitation are a decisive component to achieve adequate management of this in the communities, depending on it to a great extent the health of its inhabitants. In the Health Area “Luis Enrique de la Paz” the incidence of infectious diseases, whose transmission is originated due to the waste from the domestic activity, is increasing.  Therefore, the objective of evaluating the knowledge and attitudes regarding relationship between the variables, knowing if they are adequate for the care of human health. For this, 610 dwellings were studied, surveying one inhabitant per unit; the selection covered the five popular councils that make up the health area. The study is of a great importance because it allows redirecting actions from educational, cultural and health promotion and education institution, focusing forces on promoting behavior change and not just providing information to increase knowledge; because in the studied population the knowledge of these subjects does not determine an action that corresponds to them, therefore responsible behaviors and self-care of the community must be promote 'Health', pointed in the right direction.Garantizar la disponibilidad de agua y su gestión sostenible, así como el saneamiento para todos, es una de las metas trazadas por los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a cumplirse en el 2030; Cuba, ha trazado estrategias para lograr su cumplimiento. El conocimiento y las actitudes sobre saneamiento básico ambiental son un componente decisivo para lograr un manejo adecuado de este en las comunidades, dependiendo de ello en gran medida la salud de sus habitantes. En el Área de Salud “Luis Enrique de la Paz”, la incidencia de enfermedades infecciosas, cuya transmisión se origina por los desechos generados de la actividad doméstica, va en ascenso. Por lo que se trazó el objetivo de evaluar los conocimientos y actitudes respecto al saneamiento básico ambiental, así como la relación entre las variables, determinando si son adecuados para el cuidado de la salud humana. Para ello se estudiaron 610 viviendas; se encuestó un morador por unidad; la selección abarcó los cinco consejos populares que conforman el área de salud.  El estudio reviste una gran importancia porque permite redireccionar las acciones desde las instituciones educacionales, culturales y de promoción y educación para la salud; centrando las fuerzas en potenciar el cambio de comportamiento y no solo brindar información para aumentar los conocimientos; porque en la población estudiada los saberes de estos temas no determinan una actuación que se les corresponda. Por tanto, se deben promover conductas responsables y el autocuidado de la salud, apuntando a la dirección correcta

    Effect of Carbamazepine, Ibuprofen, Triclosan and Sulfamethoxazole on Anaerobic Bioreactor Performance: Combining Cell Damage, Ecotoxicity and Chemical Information

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    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are partially degraded in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), thereby leading to the formation of more toxic metabolites. Bacterial populations in bioreactors operated in WWTPs are sensitive to different toxics such as heavy metals and aromatic compounds, but there is still little information on the effect that pharmaceuticals exert on their metabolism, especially under anaerobic conditions. This work evaluated the effect of selected pharmaceuticals that remain in solution and attached to biosolids on the metabolism of anaerobic biomass. Batch reactors operated in parallel under the pressure of four individual and mixed PPCPs (carbamazepine, ibuprofen, triclosan and sulfametoxazole) allowed us to obtain relevant information on anaerobic digestion performance, toxicological effects and alterations to key enzymes involved in the biodegradation process. Cell viability was quantitatively evaluated using an automatic analysis of confocal microscopy images, and showed that triclosan and mixed pollutants caused higher toxicity and cell death than the other individual compounds. Both individual pollutants and their mixture had a considerable impact on the anaerobic digestion process, favoring carbon dioxide production, lowering organic matter removal and methane production, which also produced microbial stress and irreversible cell damage.Comunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal

    Distribución geográfica de Scincella incerta (Squamata: Scincidae) en el estado de Chiapas, México

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    New records of Sincella incerta in Chiapas State are presented and its presence confirmed in the central region of the State. One of the records from the southeastern coastal foothills fills a gap in the distribution of the species between previous records from Chiapas and Guatemala.Se presentan nuevos registros de Sincella incerta en el estado de Chiapas y se confirma su presencia en la región central del estado. Uno de los registros de las estribaciones costeras del sureste llena un espacio en la distribución de la especie entre registros anteriores de Chiapas y Guatemala

    Towards dense people detection with deep learning and depth images

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    This paper describes a novel DNN-based system, named PD3net, that detects multiple people from a single depth image, in real time. The proposed neural network processes a depth image and outputs a likelihood map in image coordinates, where each detection corresponds to a Gaussian-shaped local distribution, centered at each person?s head. This likelihood map encodes both the number of detected people as well as their position in the image, from which the 3D position can be computed. The proposed DNN includes spatially separated convolutions to increase performance, and runs in real-time with low budget GPUs. We use synthetic data for initially training the network, followed by fine tuning with a small amount of real data. This allows adapting the network to different scenarios without needing large and manually labeled image datasets. Due to that, the people detection system presented in this paper has numerous potential applications in different fields, such as capacity control, automatic video-surveillance, people or groups behavior analysis, healthcare or monitoring and assistance of elderly people in ambient assisted living environments. In addition, the use of depth information does not allow recognizing the identity of people in the scene, thus enabling their detection while preserving their privacy. The proposed DNN has been experimentally evaluated and compared with other state-of-the-art approaches, including both classical and DNN-based solutions, under a wide range of experimental conditions. The achieved results allows concluding that the proposed architecture and the training strategy are effective, and the network generalize to work with scenes different from those used during training. We also demonstrate that our proposal outperforms existing methods and can accurately detect people in scenes with significant occlusions.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadUniversidad de AlcaláAgencia Estatal de Investigació