4,845 research outputs found

    Modeling Epistemological Principles for Bias Mitigation in AI Systems: An Illustration in Hiring Decisions

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used extensively in automatic decision making in a broad variety of scenarios, ranging from credit ratings for loans to recommendations of movies. Traditional design guidelines for AI models focus essentially on accuracy maximization, but recent work has shown that economically irrational and socially unacceptable scenarios of discrimination and unfairness are likely to arise unless these issues are explicitly addressed. This undesirable behavior has several possible sources, such as biased datasets used for training that may not be detected in black-box models. After pointing out connections between such bias of AI and the problem of induction, we focus on Popper's contributions after Hume's, which offer a logical theory of preferences. An AI model can be preferred over others on purely rational grounds after one or more attempts at refutation based on accuracy and fairness. Inspired by such epistemological principles, this paper proposes a structured approach to mitigate discrimination and unfairness caused by bias in AI systems. In the proposed computational framework, models are selected and enhanced after attempts at refutation. To illustrate our discussion, we focus on hiring decision scenarios where an AI system filters in which job applicants should go to the interview phase

    Seis cuestiones y dos paréntesis sobre la escritura y la lectura frente al lenguaje perdido en las instituciones

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    Este texto es resultado de una serie de reflexiones acerca del lenguaje en las instituciones educativas. Comienza con una reflexión acerca de la reiterada sensación de cansancio en la escritura académica, reelabora algunas ideas sobre el lenguaje como fenómeno de percepción y propone la centralidad de la escritura como modo de tomar la palabra y pronunciar lo educativo más allá de las fórmulas técnicas, jurídicas, economicistas y morales de la época.Fil: Skliar, Carlos Bernardo. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Sede Académica Argentina Buenos Aires. Área Educación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Educar entre uns i altres, coneguts i desconeguts

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    El autor se interroga sobre el papel que se le atribuye a la educación en el mundo actual y más especialmente sobre la educación en la diversidad. Reflexiona acerca de las políticas inclusivas y las contradicciones existentes entre el discurso educativo y la realidad que se vive en la escuela. Sobre el concepto de lo especial y lo diverso y sus implicaciones en las relaciones que se establecen en el acto educativo.The author exposes his thought about the role attributed to education nowadays and especially about education in diversity. He talks about inclusive policies and the contradictions between educational discourse and the reality of school life. And fnally, about the concepts of “special” and “diversity” and its implications in the relationship established in the educational act.Fil: Skliar, Carlos Bernardo. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    On the arguments of education change: The Crisis of Pedagogic Rationality

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    La educación puede ser entendida como la perdurabilidad en el tiempo, y el sostén en su estructura e instituciones, de una serie de argumentos entendidos como habituales y naturales. Entre ellos: la lógica de la explicación, el llenado del otro, la puesta en el futuro de los ideales educativos y la comprensión asimilatoria de las diferencias. Su carácter de racionalidad pasada y presente no hace más que prometer un único argumento definitivo que vuelve a instalar con más fuerza su propia razón de ser: el cambio educativo.Education can be understood as the durability over time, and support in its structure and institutions, of a series of arguments understood as natural and normal. Among them: the logic of the explanation, the filling of the other, to put in the future educational ideals and assimilatory understanding of differences. His character of past and present rationality, merely promise a definitive argument that only becomes harder to install his own rationale: educational change.L’éducation peut être comprise comme la durabilité dans le temps, et le soutien dans sa structure et les institutions, d’une série d’arguments entendus comme habituels et normaux. Parmi eux: la logique de l’explication, le remplissage de l’autre, l’avenir des idéaux éducatifs et la compréhension assimilative des différences. Son caractère de rationalité passé et le présente, seulement promets un argument définitif qu’installe une et autre fois sa propre raison d’être: le changement en éducation.Fil: Skliar, Carlos Bernardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Lisboom, speculation in Lisbon’s housing market

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Risk Analysis and ManagementA degree of speculation has always been present in the major asset markets worldwide and the real estate market is not exempt of it. During this research, focused exclusively on Lisbon’s housing market, we discovered that real estate evaluation has never experienced higher values, and currently, it is difficult to provide support to justify an increase of this magnitude, not only that, but there was never a time in which more real estate transactions were conducted in such small-timeframes, this is also due to the current cost of money as the rates provided by the Central European Bank have been negative in these recent years, making the cost of money considerably low, thus increasing purchasing power and, with this ease of access in getting a higher degree of purchasing power, the means investors have to invest in asset markets are widely increased, with this increase will come the opportunity of asset trading in much smaller timeframes, which will serve as base to speculation growth around housing market