Lisboom, speculation in Lisbon’s housing market


Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Risk Analysis and ManagementA degree of speculation has always been present in the major asset markets worldwide and the real estate market is not exempt of it. During this research, focused exclusively on Lisbon’s housing market, we discovered that real estate evaluation has never experienced higher values, and currently, it is difficult to provide support to justify an increase of this magnitude, not only that, but there was never a time in which more real estate transactions were conducted in such small-timeframes, this is also due to the current cost of money as the rates provided by the Central European Bank have been negative in these recent years, making the cost of money considerably low, thus increasing purchasing power and, with this ease of access in getting a higher degree of purchasing power, the means investors have to invest in asset markets are widely increased, with this increase will come the opportunity of asset trading in much smaller timeframes, which will serve as base to speculation growth around housing market

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