149 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de la Presentación personal virtual en diferentes espacios de interacción.

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    Este artículo examina la presentación personal de un grupo de sujetos en distintos entornos virtuales de comunicación. El objetivo es comparar la producción comunicativa de la identidad en cada uno de estos espacios y en distintos momentos para describir el esfuerzo comunicativo dedicado a cada categoría identitaria y conocer si las máscaras de cada sujeto se mantuvieron constantes en cada una de las presentaciones o, si por el contrario, fueron contradictorias. Para esto realizó un análisis comparativo entre distintos momentos en los cuales un grupo de 14 sujetos se había presentado a sí mismo en entornos virtuales (chat, blog y redes sociales) y en un entorno físico (la aplicación de un cuestionario presencial) para una investigación anterior. Los resultados apuntan que el mayor esfuerzo comunicativo para presentación personal fue en los chats y que en cada entorno hay categorías identitarias que se producen con mayor esfuerzo. Con respecto a las máscaras, el estudio encontró que el mayor número de máscaras han sido elaboradas de forma “independiente”, es decir, que los sujetos apelan a múltiples identidades para hablar sobre ellos mismos; y que algunas máscaras tienden a mantenerse constantes (como la edad, nombre y lugar de residencia) y otras a falsearse, pero que el número de máscaras contradictorias es menor que el de máscaras repetidas.This paper examines the presentation of a group of individuals in different virtual environments. The objective is to compare the communication of identity in each space and in different times, and to describe the effort held to each identity category, in order to know if the masks used by these individuals were the same (repeat) or changes (contradiction).To do this, we made a comparative analysis between several presentations in virtual environments (chat, blog and social network) and physical spaces (an identity questionnaire), that 14 individuals made for a former research. According to the findings, the most significant communicative effort to produce identity was employed in Chats. Additionally, we saw that the biggest number of masks was elaborated “independently”, it means that individuals use multiple identities elements to talk about themselves. Most masks were constant (like age, name and place of residence), and just a few changed or were obviously contradictories

    La teoría de Difusión de Innovaciones y su relevancia en la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de la teoría de Difusión de Innovaciones (DoI) de E. Rogers y su uso en la promoción y prevención en el campo de la salud, su propuesta metodológica, crítica y aportes al diagnóstico y evaluación de innovaciones. La DoI es una de las teorías sociales más destacadas y las aplicaciones en promoción y prevención relacionadas con el proceso de salud-enfermedad pueden nutrirse de sus propuestas, ya que sola, o combinada con otras teorías en salud, brinda un amplio contexto para el análisis

    An overview of digital media in Latin America

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    An overview of digital media in Latin American is a focus and a contribution to emerging debate, international exchanges and the building of global scientific communication as a contribution to development. Contents Editorial introduction; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín & Cosette Castro Chapter 1: Globalization of the information society; Jorge Hidalgo Chapter 2: Digital and interactive content production as a strategy for development – a brief study on the Latin American experience in digital free-to-air television; Cosette Castro Chapter 3: e-Research: the new paradigm of science in Latin America; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín, Luis Núñez & Ysabel Briceño Chapter 4: Mobilizing the consumer as a partner in social networks: reflections on the commodification of subjectivities; Gisela Castro Chapter 5: The mediatization of reception by Brazilian online collaborative journalism: rules and protocols to control reader's participation; Paulo César Castro Chapter 6: A contract in transition: online press and its audience; Natalia Raimondo Anselmino Chapter 7: Interactivity in education: social and complex network analysis; Ana María Casnati Guberna, Claudia Ribeiro Santos Lopes, Dante Galeffi & Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira Chapter 8: Media transformations for journalistic practices in regional print media due to new technologies and the implications that shape the agendas of journalists and media companies; Henry Rubiano Daz

    Líderes de opinión en Colombia, Venezuela e Irán. El caso de los 20 usuarios más vistos en Twitter

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer los principales resultados generados a partir del proyecto ¨Participación y relaciones sociales desde los líderes de opinión online de Twitter en Colombia, Venezuela e Irán¨, como parte de la línea de investigación de los autores. La hipótesis inicial de este trabajo es que el auge de las redes sociales virtuales está contribuyendo al fortalecimiento del modelo de flujo de comunicación de Klaus Jensen , y la formación de nuevos líderes de opinión. En este artículo, además de confirmarse el modelo de flujo de comunicación propuesto por Jensen, podemos ver cómo la formación de nuevos líderes de opinión online parece estar condicionada por aspectos ajenos a los avances de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)

    Adoption of ICTs by communication researchers for scientific diffusion and data analysis

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    This study examines the actual use of ICTs by communication and media researchers for scientific diffusion and data analysis. Survey data were collected from members of the International Communication Association (ICA) (n=295). Adoption rate averages of most of the tools were close to the median, except for Twitter, grids, and simulation software. Consistent with past research and the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (Utaut), we found that performance expectancy is a predictor of adoption, though this relation was not moderated by age or gender. In the case of scholarly environments, we found that scientific collaboration is a stronger predictor of actual use. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed

    Communication use in the times of the coronavirus. A cross-cultural study

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    The results of an online cross-cultural survey conducted from mid-March to mid-April 2020 in various countries (N = 789) are presented. The theoretical basis of this work is uses and gratifications theory. This work provides a novel contribution regarding communication use in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The results indicate that the consumption of information about the coronavirus is structured along four latent dimensions: (a) specialized health information on the Internet, official websites, and obtained through health personnel; (b) through “visual” social media; (c) through “written” social media and face-to-face contacts; and (d) through the mass media. Significant differences are found in all the dimensions of consumption depending on age and country of residence. Furthermore, it is observed that high consumption of information about the coronavirus increases perceived knowledge on the subject, which in return leads to the adoption of preventive measures. The present work provides a first snapshot of communication use in the face of the coronavirus pandemic crisis and provides a portrait of the behavior of communication users in the month immediately after the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide. It can be concluded that communication has played a fundamental role in transmitting preventive information in the face of the coronavirus crisis

    Aplicación del aprendizaje automático en la clasificación de textos cortos: un caso de estudio en el conflicto armado colombiano

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    Trabajo de investigaciónColombia lleva alrededor de 50 años en guerra y aunque se realizo un proceso de paz, las disputas continúan entre los diferentes actores, un medio en donde se desarrollan las disputas son las redes sociales, los diferentes actores expresan sus opiniones, existen diferentes técnicas y algoritmos que permiten procesar estos textos con la finalidad de que el gobierno Colombiano tenga claridad de como se encuentra el conflicto en la actualidad y como debe proceder de una manera eficiente.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. JUSTIFICACIÓN 6. DELIMIETACIÓN 7. MARCO REFERENCIAL 8. ESTADO DEL ARTE 9. METODOLOGIA 10. PLATAFORMAS 11. ENTORNOS 12. ALGORITMOS 13. HISTORIAS DE USUARIO 14. DESARROLLO DEL COMPONENTE 15. RESULTADOS 16. CONCLUSIONES 17. TRABAJO FUTURO BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Desarrollo de los cibermedios en Colombia

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    In this study we analyse 38 online newspapers in Colombia, with the goal of determining the level of development of cybermedia in this country, taking special account of the incorporation of Web 2.0 tools. This work is part of a bigger project, “Cybermedia in Colombia and Latin America”, which is being coordinated by the Universidad del Norte (Colombia), with the recent support of the Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela). For the empirical research, we applied the model proposed by Rodríguez-Martínez, Codina y Pedraza-Jiménez (2010), with the further objective of building an indicator to measure the development of Colombian online newspapers. The results show that these digital media have low levels of accessibility, visibility and popularity, and therefore low use of tools for interaction, in-depth exploration and personalization of contents. The study concludes with a quality ranking of cybermedia in Colombia

    Hate Speech and Polarization Around the "Trans Law" in Spain

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    The approval of the law for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBI people (the Trans Law) has been one of the most controversial legislative actions in recent years; however, there is very little knowledge about the public’s perception of the issue and how they express their opinions in the public sphere. Supporters of the law consider that the free determination of gender is essential to end discrimination against trans people, while critics express hate speech that can be a precursor to violent actions. This work aims to fill a gap, studying the relationship between the perceptions of a controversial and polarizing issue and their public expression through social media. The main objective is to analyze the public’s perception, with special attention to age, gender, and political ideology, and compare it with the hate speech posted on Twitter. The methodology presents a survey of citizens and the use of computational methods to analyze Twitter messages with a machine-learning algorithm that classifies them as hate or not hate. The results indicate that the majority (80.1%) support the approval of the law, while those close to left and center political ideologies favor the law more than those who define themselves as right-wing. There are no significant differences according to age. Of the messages analyzed, 9.7% were classified as hate

    Using testimonial narratives to persuade people about artificial intelligence: the role of attitudinal similarity with the protagonist of the message

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    This study addresses the factors that increase the persuasive impact of testimonial narrative messages on artificial intelligence (AI). In particular, the effect on two variables that, to date, have not been explored in this field is analyzed: the attitudes toward AI (positive versus ambivalent) expressed by the protagonist of the narrative message (a testimonial in audiovisual format) and the role of participants’ prior beliefs about AI. An online experiment (N = 652) was carried out to contrast the effect of attitudinal similarity on identification with the protagonist of the narrative message and the indirect effect on attitudes and intention to use AI. The results showed that the message whose protagonist expressed positive attitudes toward AI induced greater identification only in those participants with previous positive beliefs. In contrast, the message whose protagonist expressed ambivalent attitudes toward AI induced greater identification only among participants with previous negative beliefs. In addition, identification and cognitive elaboration were found to mediate the effect of attitudinal similarity on the attitude toward and intention to use AI. These findings are discussed in the context of narrative persuasion research and the development of campaigns for improving social perceptions of data science