166 research outputs found

    A Revolta do Rupununi : uma etnografia possivel

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    Orientador: Jose Luiz dos SantosTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: A Revolta do Rupununi, acontecida em 1969, no sul da Guiana, foi um movimento armado preparado por fazendeiros com objetivo de criar um novo país na região. Apoiada pela Venezuela, que através do auxilio militar dado aos fazendeiros, anteviu a possibilidade de recuperar a Zona en Reclamación, a Revolta contou com a participação de alguns índios, principalmente aqueles tidos como parentes de H. P. C. Melville, o primeiro estrangeiro a criar gado no Rupununi. Depois de dois dias de iniciado o movimento, alguns fazendeiros, acompanhados por um grupo de índios, retiraram-se para a Venezuela na condição de exilados, outros fugiram para o Brasil ou foram capturados pela Guyana Defense Force, chamada por Forbes Burnhan, presidente da Guiana, para sufocar o movimento armado. A preparação, a organização, o desfecho e o fracasso do movimento explicam relações políticas e sociais densas entre a Venezuela e a Guiana, fazendeiros e índios, bem como revelam disputas étnicas conseqüentes da colonização britânica no paísAbstract: The Revolt of Rupununi, happened in 1969, in the south of Guyana, it was an armed movement prepared by farmers with the objective of creating a new country in the area. Leaning to Venezuela, the military help the farmers that saw the opportunity to recover the zona en reclamación, the Revolt counted with the participation of some Indians, mainly those had as relatives of H. P. C. Melville, the first stranger to grow up cattle in Rupununi. Two days after the movement, some farmers, accompanied by a group of Indians, left for Venezuela as political exiles', others fled to Brazil or were captured by the Guyana Defense Forces, which were ordered by Forbes Burnhan, president of Guyana, to quell the armed movement. The preparation, the organization, the ending and the failure of the movement revealed the profound relationship regarding the political and social sphere between Venezuela and Guyana, also between the farmers and the Indians, as well reveals the consequent ethnic disputes to the British colonization periodDoutoradoDoutor em Ciências Sociai

    Saravá, opá: bruxaria, etiologias e um terreiro de Umbanda em Portugal

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    As religiões afro-brasileiras que se estabeleceram em Portugal, a partir dos anos 70 encontraram facilidade para sua expansão em decorrência de fatores da cultura portuguesa associados à crença na bruxaria. Os terreiros tiveram que acionar no âmbito dessa cultura, elementos de referência às casas de culto do Brasil, como as ideias de firmeza e a prática da caridade, para se estabelecerem no mercado religioso afro-brasileiro português. O terreiro de Pai João de Iemanjá é tomado neste artigo como paradigma para explicar essa relação.The african-brazilian religions that were settled in Portugal in the 70s, easily expanded due to the Portuguese culture, associated in the belief of witchcraft. The terreiros had to throw elements in that culture,that were references to the worship-cult centers in Brazil, like having stong ideas and the practice of charity, enabling it to be established in the religious african-brazilian portuguese market. The terreiro of Pai João de Iemanjá was used in this research to explain this relationship

    From illness to miracle: ethnography of therapeutic solutions among evangelicals in Boa Vista, Roraima

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    There are several possibilities of linkage between disease, religion and healing. The article is an analysis of narratives about illness and healing through religion, based on an ethnographic approach in 10 districts of Boa Vista, Roraima, with individuals who claimed to have been healed through divine intervention. The aim is to show that disease is not limited to the universal physical symptoms of empirical reality. Magic rituals of healing are also paths open to interpretation.São várias as possibilidades de articulação entre doença, religião e cura. O artigo em questão constitui uma análise de narrativas sobre doença e cura pela religião, realizada a partir de abordagem etnográfica em 10 bairros de Boa Vista, Roraima, com indivíduos que afirmaram terem sido curados através de intervenção divina. Os resultados mostram que a doença não se reduz aos sintomas físicos universais da realidade empírica. Rituais mágicos de cura são, também, caminhos abertos à sua interpretação

    Práticas sociais e matemática em escolas ribeirinhas: uma análise discursiva

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    Este artigo é parte da pesquisa “Atividades socioculturais em comunidades ribeirinhas do arquipélago belenense”, apresenta a análise do discurso dos sujeitos da pesquisa, ribeirinhos da ilha de Cotijuba, Belém, Pará, Brasil, em relação ao processo de ensino/aprendizagem da matemática escolar, considerando o contexto sociocultural. Com aporte teórico na Etnomatemática, evidenciam-se múltiplas relações entre ensino e aprendizagem da matemática e problemas relacionados às questões socioeconômicas da comunidade. A metodologia centrou-se na observação e na entrevista semiestruturada, em diálogos com moradores, professor e estudantes de uma escola de Cotijuba. A análise do discurso, na perspectiva da semiótica discursiva, com o intuito de se construir “cenário para investigação” das práticas sociais e suas relações com o ensino da matemática, considerando-se a cultura ribeirinha em seus múltiplos aspectos. Observou-se a potencialidade pedagógica do processo de ensino/aprendizagem de matemática em interconexão com outras áreas dos saberes da tradição considerando as práticas sociais da comunidade

    Sensorial profile of Apis mellifera’s honeys produced by familiar farmers in Iguape Bay, Bahia, Brazil

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    Sensory proprieties of the honeys are amongst the main parameters for its quality determination, with sensory analysis working as a tool for measurement and quantification of the product characteristics by human senses. Sensorial quality control considers attributes as color, scent, flavor and consistency. These attributes are always interlinked and depend on volatile substances that are related to the original scents of flowers where the nectar was collected. Scent and flavor are directly related to honey’s color and mainly depend on its floral origin. This work had the objective to discern the sensory profiles of Apis mellifera honey produced by familiar farmers from the Iguape bay, in Bahia, Brazil. A total of 11 A. mellifera honey samples were obtained from beekeepers and processed in the Laboratory of the Nucleus for Insect Studies (INSECTA) of the Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas at Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia in Cruz das Almas, Bahia. The sensorial analysis performed by the 50 consumers, revealed that the acceptance of honey was higher in the Caonge’s community and significantly different from the obtained in the Engenho Vitória’s community

    Hydroponic Lettuce Production and Minimally Processed Lettuce

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    Lettuce is a leafy vegetable most consumed in Brazil, and is considered the basis for salads and can be grown by hydroponics system. Hydroponics is a viable alternative to be implemented, with benefits for soil conservation and preservation of water sources. This work aimed to study the market of trailers snacks in Pelotas to analyze the economic feasibility of deploying an enterprise for the production of hydroponic lettuce, minimally processed, on a farm located in the city of Pelotas. The trailers were classified as small, medium and large, according to the consumption of lettuce. From market analysis, facilities and greenhouses for hydroponics area for processing of lettuce with flowchart of activities and mass balance were designed. The lettuce is produced from seeding to minimal processing, consisting of packing to delivery the whole lettuces and cut and pack the other portion, which will also be packaged for shipment. For the optimization of space in the greenhouses, a system of trails that allow them to glide over the stands, being compressed, opening corridors through which people ranging transplanting or harvest the lettuces, only where needed was created. The economic and financial analysis was performed using the indicators to establish the viability of the project or not. These indicators are: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and payback. The analysis was performed in a planning horizon of 10 years and considering a TMA (Average Attractiveness ) of 11.6 % pa Three scenarios for implementation of the project, the amount of greenhouses ranging from one to three different percentages of sales and production over time were studied. The project proved to be unfeasible with only a greenhouse, but two or three greenhouses is feasible to be implemented. However, when deployed, the project with two greenhouses in the first year, and three greenhouses in the first two years will profit. The best option would be two or three greenhouses, depending on the amount to be invested and the availability of capital to withstand years without profitability. Technically, the project proved feasible by enabling large area in a small amount of lettuce is produced by hydroponic system, hydroponic lettuce and minimally processed snack bars for an interesting product, as it is practical and hygienic. It is recommended to study whether the project would become more attractive with the production of other crops such as tomato, zucchini, among other hydroponic

    Drying Tomatoes in a Small Tray Dryer

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    Drying tomatoes with high initial moisture content have advantages such as: maintenance of mineral constituents, inhibition of the action of microorganisms, reduction of the cost of transportation, handling, and storage and is an alternative to the problems of waste disposal and pollution. Moreover, dried products, besides the more economical and affordable package, is an option for light and quick meals. Small and low cost tray dryers are hard to find in the Brazilian market. Producing your own dehydrated food is a practice used in many countries for domestic consumption, as a gift, for small-scale enterprises, because some people appreciate handmade products that are related to a healthier product, without additives. The present study aimed to dry tomatoes and evaluates the characteristics such as: loss of final mass, drying time, and cost of drying in a portable low cost tray dryer. The dryer was built in plastic body and trays. Two heating conical resistors with 600 W each, and a 26W-fan were used. Approximately 1.4 kg of tomatoes was used in this test. They were previously sliced, washed, and the endocarp and seeds were removed. The weight loss during the process was obtained ​​by successive weightings of tomatoes in the trays each hour. The final drying was determined when the tomatoes were around 25% of moisture content. The initial moisture content of the tomatoes was determined by oven drying using 10 g of chopped tomatoes, dried at 95°C for 24h. To evaluate the drying cost the yield of dried tomatoes, the losses during the preparation of the fresh tomatoes slices, the drying time, and the rate of product ready for the drying period were determined. The energy cost was R4,72,plusR 4,72, plus R 0,30 of osmotic solution, additional R7.80/kgoftomatoes(offseason).ThefinalcostwasR 7.80/kg of tomatoes (off season). The final cost was R 12,82 (US5.35)toprocess1kgoffreshtomatoes.Duringtheseason,onecanbuytomatoesatRS 5.35) to process 1 kg of fresh tomatoes. During the season, one can buy tomatoes at R 1,00/kg, which reduces the cost to R6.02/kg(U 6.02/kg (US 2.50). Whereas the process reduces weight by 10.83 times, the pound of dried tomatoes would cost R65,20(U 65,20 (US 27.15) in crop condition. As this portable dryer holds 2 kg of tomatoes by drying, the cost could be reduced to R3.66/kg(U 3.66/kg (US 1.55) considering fresh tomatoes or R39,60/kg(U 39,60/kg (US 16.50) dried tomatoes. The dryer presented the ideal medium parameters for drying fruits (51.6°C and 1.2 m/s) in a drying process of 8 hours. The cost per hour of drying in this experiment, due to be in between tomato crop season was considered high. However, there are conditions to reduce this cost at the harvest time and by increasing the density of tomatoes in the dryer trays

    Thermal Analysis of a New Model of a Tobacco Dryer

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    The tobacco drying greenhouses, in general, are made without any coating that ensures thermal insulation and avoid heat losses, resulting in a large consumption of firewood during the drying of the tobacco. The study aims to develop an economically viable project to the producer, to avoid excessive heat loss through the walls and ceiling of a tobacco dryer, aimed at fuel economy, reduced drying time and reduces costs in process. For the current project, we considered changes of Brazilian theoretical mode, where we developed a thermal insulation system in a dryer, reaching satisfactory results, with a large reduction in energy losses and firewood consumption, resulting in a decrease in the costs of the proceedings in general. Thus, began for the development of an ideal model of a dryer the horizontal type of 25m² of useful area, up to 2.5 tonnes of tobacco, in order to maintain the results before and/or overcome them found a constructive model to mainly benefit the producers. During the research, and analysis on the feasibility of maintaining the rock-wool as insulation materials to be used, considering his thermal and physical properties and cost/benefit as good value, economic calculations of other materials found in the market were realized, to the optimization of construction processes and reduce costs. In the structural design of concrete blocks to form walls, with their empty space filled with insulation were used. The roof was formed by double-cement tiles with rock-wool insulation inside. The furnace/ventilation group proposed was found in the market, for reasons of economic gains and constructive, with the area available for the set, designed according to the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. The main change to the existing dryer and which was taken as a basis for the work is the proposal of a thermal insulation system, linking it to an automation system of lateral openings (flaps), with the provision of temperature controllers and humidity indoors, where they are dried tobacco leaves, making these flaps open and close automatically when the humidity inside the dryer is outside the ideal, promoting greater uniformity of drying and consequent improvement in product quality. This automation means optimizing the service of the small producer, reduced energy costs and reduced fuel consumption. Theoretically, the project was efficient, concluding that with the adoption of a new constructive model with thermal insulation and automation, is viable within the current regional economic reality, with a significant reduction of energy losses and a considerable decrease in spending with firewood used in the process, therefore, with reduced environmental impact

    Economical Feasibility of Strawberry Production in a Semi-Hydroponic System and Agroindustry of Jelly on a Small Property

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    Growing strawberries is a great alternative for family farms, it is possible to obtain a good financial return on a small property. Consumption growth Strawberry "in natura" in recent years, along with a high price increase, further assists in the marketing of the fruit. This study aimed to establish a greenhouse to grow plants behave 18,000 Camarosa, with approximate production of 200 kg of strawberries daily in peak harvest in semi-hydroponic system in a family owned, located in the municipality of Canguçu-RS. The strawberry produced should be packaged for sale "in natura" and received in the form of jelly. Strawberries are classified by their diameter (25mm and 15mm) and defects in three classes: Class A, includes all healthy and greater than 25 mm diameter strawberries; class B, includes all the healthy strawberries and with a diameter between 25 mm and 15 mm and the class C, includes all strawberries with less than 15mm diameter. The strawberries in Classes A and B will be sold as "in natura" and Class C will be used for the production of jam. To perform the economic analysis, initially used the SWOT matrix, which is a tool used to perform environmental analysis, as the basis of management and strategic planning. The financial analysis of the project was carried out through the following indications: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and payback. Through the completion of the procedures for determining the cash flow and economic indicators, it was found through studies of scenarios, keeping the price constant and equal to jam £ 5.50, the minimum price of the strawberry "in natura" is worth $ 6.83. The production of jelly is an alternative to adding value to the product and also provides more time for marketing