400 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of sulfur concentrations on growth and biochemical composition of three marine microalgae

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    The elemental stoichiometry, growth and biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. were studied in batch cultures against different nitrogen and sulfur molar ratios (N:S) imposed in their surroundings. In N. gaditana, treatments with low N:S lead to an increase in carbon:sulfur (C:S) and N:S molar ratios up to 95 and 81%, respectively. This was reflected in lipid and protein contents which increased up to 67 and 55%, respectively. Moreover, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as its precursors, increased in low N/S treatments. In R. marina, the treatments applied promptly the decrease of both C:S and N:S ratios to 70 and 68%, respectively. Nevertheless, eicosapentaenoic:arachidonic acid ratio increased with N:S treatments by three and a half fold. In Isochrysis sp., the elemental stoichiometry was constrained against treatments until the highest sulfur input. Overall, sulfur supply highlighted microalgae taxonomic differences and suggested that biochemical control is required, even in nutrient replete conditions, to fully exploit their potential as added value biomachineries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine microalgae growth and carbon partitioning as a function of nutrient availability

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    To understand in which way the structural differences of three marine microalgae (Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp.) affect their carbon partitioning, growth and applicability; a stoichiometric imbalance was imposed by steady carbon and other nutrients variation. Towards high nutrients concentrations/low carbon availability a decrease of 12-51% in C/N microalgae ratio was observed and maximum cell densities were achieved. Moreover, linear correlation between the nutrient input and microalgae protein content were observed. The macromolecular ratios pointed that carbohydrate was the main contributor for the C/N decrement. Although lipid content in R. marina remained constant throughout the experiment, a rise of 37-107% in N. gaditana and Isochrysis sp. was verified. Lipid fractions revealed high percentages of glycolipids in all microalgae (57-73% of total lipids). The present study shows an easy way to understand and modulate microalgae carbon partitioning relying on the field of application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine microalgae monosaccharide fluctuations as a stress response to nutrients inputs

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    The monosaccharide patterns of the microalgae species Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. were assessed, to verify if nutrients availability had an impact on these parameters. Isochrysis sp. and Rhodomonas marina monosaccharides content decreased 13–94% as the nutrients availability increased. The relative abundance of monosaccharides depicted that, at low nutrients availabilities, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. had preference for glucans synthesis, accounting for up to 75% of the monosaccharides detected. Linking the monosaccharides trends with the phylogeny and glycolipid data, it was possible to establish which monosaccharides had a structural and/or storage role in the microalgae studied. Thermal analysis revealed that the microalgae submitted to low nutrient input treatments presented a reduced assimilation of the inorganic compounds. Nutrient concentrations affected microalgae monosaccharide patterns, highlighting their taxonomic differences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coupling of Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Probing the Thermodynamics of Facilitated Ion Transfer Reactions Exhibiting Chemical Kinetic Hindrances

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    Mathematical models under conditions of cyclic staircase voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), which consider the kinetic effects due to the complexation reaction by the facilitated transfer of metal ions at polarized interfaces, are presented. Criteria for qualitative recognition of these kinetic effects from the features of simulated cyclic voltammograms are given. In case of the existence of these effects, only the EIS can bring access to the thermodynamics and kinetics of the complexation chemical reaction. Analytical equations for estimating the thermodynamic parameters by such systems under EIS conditions are evaluated. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental results of the facilitated Cu2+ transfer at the polarized water-1,2-dichlorethane interface, assisted by two phenanthroline-containing macrocycles. In the experimental case where kinetic effects due to the complexation step exist, we show how elegantly EIS can be used as a tool for estimation of the complexation constant of Cu2+ and 5-oxo-2,8-dithia [9],(2,9)-1,10-phenanthrolinophane (PhenOS2)

    Seascape configuration leads to spatially uneven delivery of parrotfish herbivory across a Western Indian Ocean seascape

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    Spatial configuration of habitat types in multihabitat seascapes influence ecological function through links of biotic and abiotic processes. These connections, for example export of organic matter or fishes as mobile links, define ecosystem functionality across broader spatial scales. Herbivory is an important ecological process linked to ecosystem resilience, but it is not clear how herbivory relates to seascape configuration. We studied how herbivory and bioerosion by 3 species of parrotfish were distributed in a multi-habitat tropical seascape in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). We surveyed the abundance of three species with different life histories—Leptoscarus vaigiensis (seagrass species), Scarus ghobban (juvenile-seagrass/adults-reefs) and Scarus rubroviolaceus (reef species) —in seagrass meadows and on reefs and recorded their selectivity of feeding substrate in the two habitats. Herbivory rates for L. vaigiensis and S. ghobban and bioerosion for S. rubroviolaceus were then modelled using bite rates for different size classes and abundance and biomass data along seascape gradients (distance to alternative habitat types such as land, mangrove and seagrass). Bioerosion by S. rubroviolaceus was greatest on reefs far from seagrass meadows, while herbivory rates by S. ghobban on reefs displayed the opposite pattern. Herbivory in seagrass meadows was greatest in meadows close to shore, where L. vaigiensis targeted seagrass leaves and S. ghobban the epiphytes growing on them. Our study shows that ecological functions performed by fish are not equally distributed in the seascape and are influenced by fish life history and the spatial configuration of habitats in the seascape. This has implications for the resilience of the system, in terms of spatial heterogeneity of herbivory and bioerosion and should be considered in marine spatial planning and fisheries management

    Fish larvae quality descriptors: an appraisal of methods for red porgy Pagrus pagrus and grouper Epinephelus marginatus produced under different rearing conditions

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    Quality control in fish hatcheries is of paramount importance to achieve the desired characteristics of larvae and fry, either for the market or release to the wild. Quality programmes are applied in a day to day basis having direct implications for production management and final costs of product. Most common criteria used for larval quality assessment are morphometrics, condition factor, histometrical indices, lipid analysis, nucleic acid ratios, enzyme activity and stress tests

    Hipertensão arterial sistêmica secundária

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    The prevalence of secondary systemic arterial hypertension (S-SAH) is 3% to 5%. Before investigating the secondary causes of SAH, the following should be excluded: ._ Inadequate measurement of arterial pressure (AP). ._ White-coat hypertension; ._ Inadequate treatment; ._ Treatment non-adherence; ._ Progression of lesions in hypertension target organs; ._ Presence of co-morbidities; ._ Interaction with prescription drugs. Table 1 lists the situations when the presence of S-SAH should be investigated. Next, the main causes of S-SAH will be discussed. [Author supplied abstract

    Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna Fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    The success of Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive species is related to its physiological plasticity that allows them to endure adverse environmental conditions. Starvation tolerance is considered to be an important trait associated with bivalve invasiveness. In natural ecosystems, food resources can vary during the year, exposing mussels to variable periods of starvation or limited food availability. Thus, mussels have developed physiological strategies to tolerate fluctuations in food availability. Glycogen concentration has been used in different monitoring studies as an indicator of the nutritional condition of bivalves. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of L. fortunei based on the glycogen concentrations of specimens under four treatments, comprising differentcombinations of feeding and starvation, during 125 days. The experiment was carried out in two phases. In the phase I, mussels were divided in two treatments: starvation (S) and feeding (F). After 100 days, tissue samples were collected to quantify glycogen concentrations and, each phase I group was divided in two subgroups: starvation (S) and feeding (F), resulting in four treatments. In the phase II, that lasted 25 days, starvation specimens (S) from phase I were allowed to feed (starvation-feeding treatment, or S-F), or continued to undergo starvation (starvation-starvation treatment, or S-S) and the feeding specimens (F) continued feeding (feeding-feeding group, or F-F), or were subjected to starvation (feeding-starvation treatment, or F-S). Behavior (valve-closing) and mortality were recorded in 24 h intervals. After the 25 days (phase II) all specimens were killed, and thei r soft tissue was removed to quantify glycogen concentrations. The glycogen concentration of the S-F treatment was lower than that of the F-S treatment, which was initially allowed to feed (phase I) and then subjected to starvation (phase II). Stability in the glycogen concentrations was observed when the phase II feeding conditions were maintained during the experiments, as observed in the S-S (continued starvation) and F-F (continued feeding) treatments. Based on our glycogen concentrations results, the golden mussel shows a higher tolerance to starvation (125 days) than has previously been published, which suggests that its tolerance strongly influences its invasive behavior.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna Fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    The success of Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive species is related to its physiological plasticity that allows them to endure adverse environmental conditions. Starvation tolerance is considered to be an important trait associated with bivalve invasiveness. In natural ecosystems, food resources can vary during the year, exposing mussels to variable periods of starvation or limited food availability. Thus, mussels have developed physiological strategies to tolerate fluctuations in food availability. Glycogen concentration has been used in different monitoring studies as an indicator of the nutritional condition of bivalves. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of L. fortunei based on the glycogen concentrations of specimens under four treatments, comprising differentcombinations of feeding and starvation, during 125 days. The experiment was carried out in two phases. In the phase I, mussels were divided in two treatments: starvation (S) and feeding (F). After 100 days, tissue samples were collected to quantify glycogen concentrations and, each phase I group was divided in two subgroups: starvation (S) and feeding (F), resulting in four treatments. In the phase II, that lasted 25 days, starvation specimens (S) from phase I were allowed to feed (starvation-feeding treatment, or S-F), or continued to undergo starvation (starvation-starvation treatment, or S-S) and the feeding specimens (F) continued feeding (feeding-feeding group, or F-F), or were subjected to starvation (feeding-starvation treatment, or F-S). Behavior (valve-closing) and mortality were recorded in 24 h intervals. After the 25 days (phase II) all specimens were killed, and thei r soft tissue was removed to quantify glycogen concentrations. The glycogen concentration of the S-F treatment was lower than that of the F-S treatment, which was initially allowed to feed (phase I) and then subjected to starvation (phase II). Stability in the glycogen concentrations was observed when the phase II feeding conditions were maintained during the experiments, as observed in the S-S (continued starvation) and F-F (continued feeding) treatments. Based on our glycogen concentrations results, the golden mussel shows a higher tolerance to starvation (125 days) than has previously been published, which suggests that its tolerance strongly influences its invasive behavior.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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