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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.The molecular structure of the exo-3,6-dimethyl-3,6-epoxi-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalimide (1), determined by X-ray diffraction analysis, as well as, its complete spectroscopic characterization and the synthesis and complete spectroscopic characterization of its N-(10-bromodecyl) analog (2) are presented.http://ref.scielo.org/kh5xv

    Modelo de evaluación de empresas dedicadas al sector de loterías en Colombia

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    El juego de loterías en Colombia y su relación con el financiamiento del sector público. Al igual que en varios países en vías de desarrollo, particularmente latinoamericanos (véase Hoare, 1987), el producido por las loterías y juegos de azar en Colombia debe destinarse a financiar el sector salud. La cantidadde recursos generada por este tipo de juegos en el país ha alcanzado en algunos años montos considerables, pero se ha caracterizado por presentar amplias oscilaciones entre los diferentes períodos lo cual ha contribuido a fundamentar la preocupación en el Ministerio de Salud colombiano de que una parte importante de los recursos generados por las empresasautorizadas para manejar esta clase de juegos se desvían de su propósito último de financiar el sector salud mediante artificios varios (véase Superintendencia Nacional de Salud 1994a). En gran parte motivados por esta preocupación y por la reconocidainsuficiencia de los recursos con que cuenta el país para cubrir las necesidades de salud de sus habitantes, los investigadores decidieron iniciar el desarrollo de un modelo que permitiese medir el desempeño de las diferentes empresas dedicadas a explotarel juego de loterías en el país y, de esa forma, facilitar a las gerencias y a quienes tienen la responsabilidad de supervisar el comportamiento de estas organizaciones la identificación de aquellas que están deficientemente, el reconocimiento de los puntos fuertes y débiles que cada una de éstas presentan y de aquellos factores que son susceptibles de ser modificados con el fin de que cumplan en mejor forma la misión que la sociedadespera de ellas.

    The Future of Sustainable Consumption after the Pandemic, Optimism or Pessimism?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused not only a temporal disruption in consumption habits but may have also triggered permanent changes in sustainable consumption. It was observed that during lockdowns, forced changes in consumption generated both positive and negative impacts on green-house emissions (e.g., less air travel but more plastic packaging). Furthermore, the consumer had to adjust their consumption decisions according to external circumstances in an unprecedented way. How much sustainable consumption will change in the long run? This chapter approaches that question from two possible angles based on consumer behavior theory. 1) We argue that changes in sustainable consumption may occur in both positive and negative directions depending on the way the disruption acted upon the interaction of drivers of behavioral change (social influence, habit discontinuation, individuality, emotions/beliefs, and tangibility) with consumption categories. 2) We argue that the influence of the disruption on sustainable consumption may accelerate the transition toward a post-consumerist society. We examine the potential validity of our propositions by reviewing empirical studies that captured sustainable consumption during the pandemic. The still scarce data indicate that in spite of both positive and negative short-term effects on sustainable consumption, there are reasons for optimism in accordance with our theories

    Description of the adult female of \u3cem\u3eDiplocentrus lachua\u3c/em\u3e (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae: Diplocentrinae) from northeastern Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

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    The female of the scorpion Diplocentrus lachua Armas, Trujillo & Agreda, 2011 is herein described, on the basis of a single specimen collected at Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá, Alta Verapaz Department, Guatemala, type locality for this species. An emended diagnosis is provided and the known distribution of all described Guatemalan Diplocentrus species is graphically presented

    g-Golomb Rulers

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    A set of positive integers A is called a g-Golomb ruler if the difference between two distinct elements of A is repeated at most g times. This definition is a generalization of the Golomb ruler (g = 1). In this paper we construct g-Golomb ruler from Golomb ruler and we prove two theorems about extremal functions associated with this sets. To cite this article: Y. Caicedo, C.A. Martos, C.A. Trujillo, g-Golomb, Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 33 (2015), No. 2, 161–172.Se dice que un conjunto de enteros positivos A satisface la regla g-Golomb si la diferencia entre dos elementos distintos de A se repite a lo más g veces. Esta definición es una generalización de las reglas de Golomb (g = 1). En este artículo construimos reglas g-Golomb a partir de reglas Golomb y demostramos dos teoremas sobre las funciones extremas asociadas con estos conjuntos. Para citar este artículo: Y. Caicedo, C.A. Martos, C.A. Trujillo, g-Golomb, Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 33 (2015), No. 2, 161–172. &nbsp

    Family Dynamics and Personal Strengths among Dementia Caregivers in Argentina

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    This study examined whether healthier family dynamics were associated with higher personal strengths of resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism among dementia caregivers in Argentina. Caregivers are usually required to assist individuals with dementia, and family members have typically fulfilled that role. Personal strengths such as resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism have been shown to protect caregivers from some of the negative experiences of providing care, though the family-related variables associated with these personal strengths are largely unknown. Hierarchical multiple regressions investigated the extent to which family dynamics variables are associated with each of the caregiver personal strengths after controlling for demographic and caregiver characteristics. A sample of 105 caregivers from Argentina completed a set of questionnaires during a neurologist visit. Family dynamics explained 32% of the variance in resilience and 39% of the variance in sense of coherence. Greater family empathy and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher resilience. Greater communication and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher sense of coherence. Optimism was not found to be significantly associated with family dynamics. These results suggest that caregiver intervention research focused on the family may help improve caregiver personal strengths in Argentina and other Latin American countries

    Mamíferos medianos y grandes de la Cuenca media del río Planas, Colombia

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    We describe the diversity of medium and large mammals from an area in the Colombian Orinoco River basin. For three years we systematically used camera traps at 72 sampling stations and walked forest and savanna transects to determine the diversity of medium and large mammals. Relative abundance was documented for 29 native and 2 feral mammals from a sampling effort of 1789 camera-days and 469.5 km walked. Thirty-one species of mammals (9 orders, 19 families) were recorded. Threatened species recorded included the giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), and giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). The most abundant species were the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) and the common opossum (Didelphis marsupialis). We recorded rare species, including the bush dog (Speothos venaticus) and the Llano semi-endemic long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus sabanicola). The species documented face diverse pressures, including development, hunting for subsistence, and competition with invasive species and livestock. Our results suggest that the surveyed areas are important for the conservation of mammals in the eastern plains of Colombia.Estudiamos la diversidad de mamíferos medianos y grandes en un área no protegida de la Orinoquia Colombiana durante tres años, empleando cámaras trampa en 72 estaciones de muestreo y haciendo recorridos por bosques y sabanas. Con un esfuerzo de 1789 días-cámara y 469.5 km recorridos se documentaron 31 especies de mamíferos (9 órdenes, 19 familias). Se registraron especies amenazadas como ocarro (Priodontes maximus), danta (Tapirus terrestris), pecarí de labio blanco (Tayassu pecari) y hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Se registraron especies raras, como el perro vinagre (Speothos venaticus) y semiendémicas como el cachicamo sabanero (Dasypus sabanicola). Las especies mejor representadas a través del índice de abundancia relativa fueron el pecarí de collar (Pecari tajacu) y la zarigüeya (Didelphis marsupialis). Las especies registradas se enfrentan a diversas presiones, como cacería para subsistencia, especies invasoras y ganadería. Por lo tanto, los resultados sugieren que las áreas no protegidas son importantes para la conservación de los mamíferos en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia