29 research outputs found

    The (2+1)-Dimensional Black Hole

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    I review the classical and quantum properties of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole of Ba{\~n}ados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli. This solution of the Einstein field equations in three spacetime dimensions shares many of the characteristics of the Kerr black hole: it has an event horizon, an inner horizon, and an ergosphere; it occurs as an endpoint of gravitational collapse; it exhibits mass inflation; and it has a nonvanishing Hawking temperature and interesting thermodynamic properties. At the same time, its structure is simple enough to allow a number of exact computations, particularly in the quantum realm, that are impractical in 3+1 dimensions.Comment: LaTeX, 34 pages, 4 figures in separate fil

    Effective Conformal Descriptions of Black Hole Entropy

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    It is no longer considered surprising that black holes have temperatures and entropies. What remains surprising, though, is the universality of these thermodynamic properties: their exceptionally simple and general form, and the fact that they can be derived from many very different descriptions of the underlying microscopic degrees of freedom. I review the proposal that this universality arises from an approximate conformal symmetry, which permits an effective "conformal dual" description that is largely independent of the microscopic details.Comment: 27 pages; solicited review article, to appear in Entrop

    Quantizing Horava-Lifshitz Gravity via Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We extend the discrete Regge action of causal dynamical triangulations to include discrete versions of the curvature squared terms appearing in the continuum action of (2+1)-dimensional projectable Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Focusing on an ensemble of spacetimes whose spacelike hypersurfaces are 2-spheres, we employ Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to study the path integral defined by this extended discrete action. We demonstrate the existence of known and novel macroscopic phases of spacetime geometry, and we present preliminary evidence for the consistency of these phases with solutions to the equations of motion of classical Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Apparently, the phase diagram contains a phase transition between a time-dependent de Sitter-like phase and a time-independent phase. We speculate that this phase transition may be understood in terms of deconfinement of the global gravitational Hamiltonian integrated over a spatial 2-sphere.Comment: 24 pages; 10 figure

    Spontaneous Dimensional Reduction in Short-Distance Quantum Gravity?

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that quantum gravity at very short distances may behave effectively as a two-dimensional theory. I summarize these hints, and offer an additional argument based on the strong-coupling limit of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The resulting scenario suggests a novel approach to quantum gravity at the Planck scale.Comment: 9 pages, aip macros. Invited talk at the XXV Max Born Symposium, "Physics at the Planck scale," Wroclaw (Poland), June 29--July 3, 2009; to appear in the Proceeding

    Aspects of Black Hole Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We discuss the quantum mechanics and thermodynamics of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole, using both minisuperspace methods and exact results from Chern-Simons theory. In particular, we evaluate the first quantum correction to the black hole entropy. We show that the dynamical variables of the black hole arise from the possibility of a deficit angle at the (Euclidean) horizon, and briefly speculate as to how they may provide a basis for a statistical picture of black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 20 pages and 2 figures, LaTeX, IASSNS-HEP-94/34 and UCD-94-1

    Complete loop quantization of a dimension 1+2 Lorentzian gravity theory

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    De Sitter Chern-Simons gravity in D = 1 + 2 spacetime is known to possess an extension with a Barbero-Immirzi like parameter. We find a partial gauge fixing which leaves a compact residual gauge group, namely SU(2). The compacticity of the residual gauge group opens the way to the usual LQG quantization techniques. We recall the exemple of the LQG quantization of SU(2) CS theory with cylindrical space topology, which thus provides a complete LQG of a Lorentzian gravity model in 3-dimensional space-time.Comment: Loops11 - Madrid - 2011 (4 pages, Latex