39 research outputs found

    Use of psychotropic drugs in Brazil: household survey in the 107 biggest Brazilian cities - 2001

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    O objetivo foi estimar a prevalência do uso de drogas, álcool, tabaco e o uso não médico de medicamentos psicotrópicos. Este estudo abrangeu as 107 maiores cidades do Brasil; amostra: idades entre 12 e 65 anos. Amostragem em três estágios; setores censitários; domicílios e o respondente. Entrevistadas 8.589 pessoas. O uso na vida de álcool com 68,7% foi próximo aos 70,8% do Chile. O uso na vida de tabaco foi de 41,1%, inferior aos EUA (70,5%). O uso na vida de maconha foi de 6,9% próximo ao da Colômbia (5,4%) e abaixo dos EUA (34,2%). O uso na vida de cocaína foi 2,3%, inferior aos EUA (11,2%). O uso de solventes foi de 5,8%, bem menor que no Reino Unido (20,0%). Os estimulantes tiveram 1,5% de uso na vida e os benzodiazepínicos com 3,3%. Estes achados permitirão a implantação de políticas públicas adequadas à nossa realidade no campo das drogas psicotrópicas.El objetivo deste estudio és hacer estimativa del predominio del uso de las drogas, alcohol, tabaco y del uso no medico de las medicaciones psicotropicas. En el estudio he incluyedo las 107 mayores ciudades del Brasil. Muestra: personas con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 65 años. La muestra es compuesta por tres periodos: sectores del impuesto, domicilios y el respondedor. Fueran entrevistadas 8.589 personas. El uso en la vida del alcohol - 68.7% contra cerca de 70,8% en Chile. El uso en la vida del tabaco fue 41.1%, inferior a los EE.UU. (70.5%). El uso en la vida de la marijuana fue 6.9%, cerca del uso en Colombia (5.4%) y abajo del uso en los EE.UU. (34.2%). El uso en la vida de la cocaína fue 2,3%, abajo de los EE.UU. (11.2%). El uso del solvente fue 5.8%, mucho menos que en el Reino Unido (20.0%). Los estimulantes habían tenido 1,5% del uso en la vida y los ansioliticos con 3.3%. Estos resultados permitirán la implantación de una política pública ajustada a nuestra realidad en el campo de drogas psicotrópicas.The objective was to estimate the prevalence of the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and the use of non-medical psychotropics. This study enclosed the 107 biggest cities in Brazil; sample: ages between 12 and 65 years. Sampling in three periods: tax sectors; household and the respondent. Were interviewed 8,589 people. The lifetime use of the alcohol was 68.7%, closer to 70.8% in Chile. The lifetime use of the tobacco was of 41.1%, lower than U.S.A. (70.5%). The lifetime use of the marijuana was of 6.9% closer to Colombia (5.4%) and lower than U.S.A. (34.2%). The lifetime use of the cocaine was 2.3%, lower than U.S.A. (11.2%). The lifetime use of solvent was of 5.8%, much lower than the United Kingdom (20.0%). The stimulants have had 1.5% of lifetime use and the anxiolytics with 3.3%. These findings will allow the implantation of adjusted public politics to our reality in the field of the psychotropics drugs

    Análise da atividade e gasto fisiológico dos catadores de resíduos sólidos: a percepção da terapia ocupacional

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    The world’s transformation in the market has been causing changes in the working class. As those changes have come, the market calls for a high capacity from the workers. Due to that, the unemployment rate has increased and induced a new type of class worker: the Recyclable Material Collectors. In this job, the role of the collector is to return the materials to their commodity chain, and to accomplish this, two methods of collecting are used: one with a truck and the other with a manual collector car. This is one type of occupation which has an extenuating work time, where the worker is exposed to a high ergonomic risk. This study, which was labored from a quantitative and qualitative approach to exploratory method and field research, is intended to compare which collecting technique can be less weariness to the worker. To the purpose of comparison of the physiological work weight, the participants used the Polar FT7 frequency counter, which generated, in graphic form, the performance of the collector in both methods. According to the values presented, was concluded that three of the four participants had a higher physiological weariness by using the manual car collecting approach, concluding that this method is the one that brings most effort to the worker. Considering the results obtained in this research, it was possible to observe that the use of the manual car causes a higher damage to the health of the recyclable material collector.A transformação no mundo do trabalho tem causado mudanças no perfil da classe trabalhadora. Cada vez mais, o mercado de trabalho requer exigências e, como decorrência disso, a taxa de desemprego aumentou e fez surgir uma nova profissão, a de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis. A função do catador é a de devolver os materiais à sua cadeia produtiva e, para isso, existem dois métodos de coleta: com o caminhão e com o carro manual de coleta. Essa é uma profissão que possui jornadas de trabalho extenuantes, nas quais o trabalhador está exposto a riscos ergonômicos. Esse estudo foi elaborado a partir de uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa de método explorátorio e pesquisa de campo; pretende comparar qual método de coleta causa menos desgaste ao trabalhador. Para fins de comparação da carga fisiológica do trabalho, os participantes utilizaram o frequencímetro Polar FT7 que gerou, em forma de gráfico, o desempenho do catador em ambos os métodos de coleta. De acordo com os valores expostos, avaliou-se que, dos 4 participantes, 3 apresentaram um maior desgaste fisiológico no método de coleta com o carro manual, sendo esta a forma pela qual o trabalhador realiza mais esforços. Considerando os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa, foi possível observar que o uso do carro manual de coleta causa um maior prejuízo à saúde do catador de materiais recicláveis

    Preliminary in vitro assessment of the potential toxicity and antioxidant activity of Ceiba speciosa (A. St.-Hill) Ravenna (Paineira)

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    ABSTRACT The bark tea of Ceiba speciosa, a tropical tree of the Malvaceae family, is used in the Northwestern Region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, to reduce blood cholesterol levels. However, there are no scientific data on the efficacy and safety of this plant. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and toxic potential of bark extracts of C. speciosa. We performed a preliminary phytochemical analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and evaluated the oxidative damage to proteins and lipids, the radical scavenging effect, and genotoxicity of the lyophilized aqueous extract (LAECs) and the precipitate obtained from the raw ethanol extract (Cs1). The phytochemical profile demonstrated the presence of phenolic and flavonoid compounds. The LAECs and Cs1 prevented damage to lipids and proteins at concentrations of 50 and 10 µg/mL. They also showed a scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-pricril-hydrazyl (DPPH) radicals in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, no genotoxic effect was observed at concentrations of 10, 5 and 2 µg/mL in the Comet assay. The present study is the first evaluation regarding the characterization of C. speciosa and its safety, and the results demonstrate its antioxidant potential and suggest that its therapeutic use may be relatively safe

    Use of alcohol among the inhabitants of the 107 largest cities in Brazil - 2001

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    Alcohol is part of the history of humanity, seemingly as a result of countless factors including the easy production of alcoholic beverages in practically all regions of the world. The authors studied aspects of the use of and the dependence on alcohol in Brazil, through a household survey conducted by Centro Brasileiro de Informações sobre Drogas Psicotrópicas (CEBRID). A total of 8,589 interviews were held in 107 of the largest cities in Brazil, all of them with more than 200 thousand inhabitants. The study was planned to gather information within the household environment about a stratified probabilistic sample obtained in three selection phases: 1) the censitaire sectors for each municipality, 2) a systematic randomized sampling, and 3) drafting a respondent by lot in each household to provide information. Approximately 11.2% of the subjects were concerned with their own consumption of alcohol. The signs/symptoms of the syndrome of dependence evident in a greater percentage were the desire to stop or reduce the use of alcohol and to stop or reduce resorting to alcoholic beverages more often than desired, as reported by 14.5 and 9.4% of the respondents, respectively. The regions in Brazil with the highest percentage of dependents were the North (16.3%) and the Northeast (19.9%). According to the estimates obtained in the survey, 5.2% of the teenagers were concerned about the use of alcohol. The estimates obtained in this survey reveal a need to implant specific preventive programs for the problem of alcohol, especially for the very young