984 research outputs found

    Resonant, broadband and highly efficient optical frequency conversion in semiconductor nanowire gratings at visible and UV wavelengths

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    Using a hydrodynamic approach we examine bulk- and surface-induced second and third harmonic generation from semiconductor nanowire gratings having a resonant nonlinearity in the absorption region. We demonstrate resonant, broadband and highly efficient optical frequency conversion: contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that harmonic generation can take full advantage of resonant nonlinearities in a spectral range where nonlinear optical coefficients are boosted well beyond what is achievable in the transparent, long-wavelength, non-resonant regime. Using femtosecond pulses with approximately 500 MW/cm2 peak power density, we predict third harmonic conversion efficiencies of approximately 1% in a silicon nanowire array, at nearly any desired UV or visible wavelength, including the range of negative dielectric constant. We also predict surface second harmonic conversion efficiencies of order 0.01%, depending on the electronic effective mass, bistable behavior of the signals as a result of a reshaped resonance, and the onset fifth order nonlinear effects. These remarkable findings, arising from the combined effects of nonlinear resonance dispersion, field localization, and phase-locking, could significantly extend the operational spectral bandwidth of silicon photonics, and strongly suggest that neither linear absorption nor skin depth should be motivating factors to exclude either semiconductors or metals from the list of useful or practical nonlinear materials in any spectral range.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Digital humanities and crowdsourcing: an exploration

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    publication-status: Published‘Crowdsourcing’ is a recent and evolving phenomenon, and the term has been broadly adopted to define different shades of public participation and contribution. Cultural institutions are progressively exploring crowdsourcing, and projects’ related research is increasing. Nonetheless, few studies in the digital humanities have investigated crowdsourcing as a whole. The aim of this paper is to shed light on crowdsourcing practices in the digital humanities, thus providing insights to design new paths of collaboration between cultural organisations and their audiences. A web survey was carried out on 36 crowdsourcing projects promoted by galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and education institutions. A variety of practices emerged from the research. Even though, it seems that there is no ‘one-solution-fits-all’ for crowdsourcing in the cultural domain, few reflections are presented to support the development of crowdsourcing initiatives.Horizon Digital Economy Research Hu

    Noisy continuous--opinion dynamics

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    We study the Deffuant et al. model for continuous--opinion dynamics under the influence of noise. In the original version of this model, individuals meet in random pairwise encounters after which they compromise or not depending of a confidence parameter. Free will is introduced in the form of noisy perturbations: individuals are given the opportunity to change their opinion, with a given probability, to a randomly selected opinion inside the whole opinion space. We derive the master equation of this process. One of the main effects of noise is to induce an order-disorder transition. In the disordered state the opinion distribution tends to be uniform, while for the ordered state a set of well defined opinion groups are formed, although with some opinion spread inside them. Using a linear stability analysis we can derive approximate conditions for the transition between opinion groups and the disordered state. The master equation analysis is compared with direct Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the master equation and the Monte-Carlo simulations do not always agree due to finite-size induced fluctuations that we analyze in some detail

    Modelling and nanofabrication of chiral dielectric metasurfaces

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    Polarization control through all-dielectric metasurfaces holds great potential in different fields, such as telecommunications, biochemistry and holography. Asymmetric chiral metasurfaces supporting quasi-bound states in the continuum may prove very useful for controlling and manipulating the polarization state of light. A crucial quantity for characterizing the optical chirality is the circular dichroism (CD). In this work we analyse how the CD and quality factor of the optical mode can be strongly influenced by a nanofabrication error. Modelling the nanofabrication uncertainties on the gaps of the chiral metasurface, the imperfections of the etchings process or the modification of the asymmetry factor, we found that the proper engineering of the gap between the nanostructures of the unit cell is the most important parameter to achieve a high-quality factor and enhanced optical dichroism. An optimization of the nanofabrication processes, such as dose factor, dwell time and plasma etching demonstrates that, for a writing field of 100 & mu;m2, it is possible to obtain morphologically precise chiral metasurfaces, with fabrication uncertainties lower than those that would limit Q factor and chirality property

    THz Generation via Optical Rectification in Nanomaterials: Universal Modeling Approach and Effective chi(2)chi^{(2)} Description

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    Optical rectification (OR) at the nanoscale has attracted an increasing interest in the prospect of providing efficient ultracompact terahertz (THz) sources. Here, a universal modeling approach capable of addressing both isotropic and anisotropic all-dielectric nonlinear nanomaterials on an ultra-broad spectral range, covering the highly dispersive phonon-polariton window, and different orientations of the crystallographic axes with respect to the geometry of the structure is reported. This analysis is exemplified by considering two study cases, that is, nanopillars of AlGaAs and of LiNbO3. A close comparison between the two cases is established in terms of THz generation efficiency from 4 to 14 THz. Phonon-polariton contributions to the OR process are disentangled from the electronic one, and a model order reduction based on the reciprocity theorem is applied and validated on both the considered configurations. These results, combined with the inspection of the THz near-field features, pave the way to the design and optimization of nonlinear metasurfaces for THz generation and detection at the nanoscale

    Coronavirus and financial stability 3.0: Try equity – risk sharing for companies, large and small

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    This policy letter adds to the current discussion on how to design a program of government assistance for firms hurt by the Coronavirus crisis. While not pretending to provide a cure-all proposal, the advocated scheme could help to bring funding to firms, even small firms, quickly, without increasing their leverage and default risk. The plan combines outright cash transfers to firms with a temporary, elevated corporate profit tax at the firm level as a form of conditional payback. The implied equity-like payment structure has positive risk-sharing features for firms, without impinging on ownership structures. The proposal has to be implemented at the pan-European level to strengthen Euro area resilience
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