17 research outputs found

    I-64 New Albany Emergency Pipe Repair

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    In 2015 a 13-foot diameter corrugated metal pip collapsed under 50+ feet of fill adjacent to I-64 in New Albany, Indiana. INDOT contracted Parsons to design an emergency geotechnical, structural, and environmental solution. Substantial flow through the pipe was reestablished just 5 weeks after the collapse, mitigating the risk of additional flooding or possible damage to the Interstate. Join us to learn about this project, which is an excellent example of teamwork between owner, engineer, permitting agencies, and contractor

    Updating the TSP Quality Plan Using Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Humphrey tries to answer one of software management’s biggest questions, showing how one naval organization with large system projects, over a 15-year period, used the TSP to help them with planning and tracking, meeting schedules, and understanding knowledge work. by Watts S. Humphrey An Interview with Watts S. Humphrey Who else can boast more than a half-century in the software industry? Humphrey sits down with CrossTalk to reflect on some of his most illuminating experiences in the software industry and discusses the past, present, and future of his innovations—including the TSP

    Bridge Deck Overlay Projects 101

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