265 research outputs found

    Preprint arXiv: 2204.03454 Submitted on 7 Apr 2022

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    We propose a variational quantum algorithm to study the real time dynamics of quantum systems as a ground-state problem. The method is based on the original proposal of Feynman and Kitaev to encode time into a register of auxiliary qubits. We prepare the Feynman-Kitaev Hamiltonian acting on the composed system as a qubit operator and find an approximate ground state using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver. We apply the algorithm to the study of the dynamics of a transverse field Ising chain with an increasing number of spins and time steps, proving a favorable scaling in terms of the number of two qubit gates. Through numerical experiments, we investigate its robustness against noise, showing that the method can be use to evaluate dynamical properties of quantum systems and detect the presence of dynamical quantum phase transitions by measuring Loschmidt echoes

    Modeling the Full Time-Dependent Phenomenology of Filled Rubber for Use in Anti-Vibration Design

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    Component design of rubber-based anti-vibration devices remains a challenge, since there is a lack of predictive models in the typical regimes encountered by anti-vibration devices that are deformed to medium dynamic strains (0.5 to 3.5) at medium strain rates (0.5/s to 10/s). An approach is proposed that demonstrates all non-linear viscoelastic effects such as hysteresis and cyclic stress softening. As it is based on a free-energy, it is fast and easily implementable. The fitting parameters behave meaningfully when changing the filler volume fraction. The model was implemented for use in the commercial finite element software ABAQUS. Examples of how to fit experimental data and simulations for a variety of carbon black filled natural rubber compounds are presented

    On the origin of the non-detection of metastable HeI in the upper atmosphere of the hot Jupiter WASP-80b

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    We aim to narrow down the origin of the non-detection of the metastable HeI triplet at about 10830 A obtained for the hot Jupiter WASP-80b. We measure the X-ray flux of WASP-80 from archival observations and use it as input to scaling relations accounting for the coronal [Fe/O] abundance ratio to infer the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) flux in the 200-504 A range, which controls the formation of metastable HeI. We run three dimensional (magneto) hydrodynamic simulations of the expanding planetary upper atmosphere interacting with the stellar wind to study the impact on the HeI absorption of the stellar high-energy emission, the He/H abundance ratio, the stellar wind, and the possible presence of a planetary magnetic field up to 1 G. For a low stellar EUV emission, which is favoured by the measured logR'HK value, the HeI non-detection can be explained by a solar He/H abundance ratio in combination with a strong stellar wind, or by a sub-solar He/H abundance ratio, or by a combination of the two. For a high stellar EUV emission, the non-detection implies a sub-solar He/H abundance ratio. A planetary magnetic field is unlikely to be the cause of the non-detection. The low EUV stellar flux, driven by the low [Fe/O] coronal abundance, is the likely primary cause of the HeI non-detection. High-quality EUV spectra of nearby stars are urgently needed to improve the accuracy of high-energy emission estimates, which would then enable one to employ the observations to constrain the planetary He/H abundance ratio and the stellar wind strength. This would greatly enhance the information that can be extracted from HeI atmospheric characterisation observations.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A, 20 page

    Can translation invariant systems exhibit a Many-Body Localized phase?

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    This note is based on a talk by one of us, F. H., at the conference PSPDE II, Minho 2013. We review some of our recent works related to (the possibility of) Many-Body Localization in the absence of quenched disorder (in particular arXiv:1305.5127,arXiv:1308.6263,arXiv:1405.3279). In these works, we provide arguments why systems without quenched disorder can exhibit `asymptotic' localization, but not genuine localization.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the conference Particle systems and PDE's - II, held at the Center of Mathematics of the University of Minho in December 201

    Lines and continuum sky emission in the near infrared: observational constraints from deep high spectral resolution spectra with GIANO-TNG

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    Aims Determining the intensity of lines and continuum airglow emission in the H-band is important for the design of faint-object infrared spectrographs. Existing spectra at low/medium resolution cannot disentangle the true sky-continuum from instrumental effects (e.g. diffuse light in the wings of strong lines). We aim to obtain, for the first time, a high resolution infrared spectrum deep enough to set significant constraints on the continuum emission between the lines in the H-band. Methods During the second commissioning run of the GIANO high-resolution infrared spectrograph at La Palma Observatory, we pointed the instrument directly to the sky and obtained a deep spectrum that extends from 0.97 to 2.4 micron. Results The spectrum shows about 1500 emission lines, a factor of two more than in previous works. Of these, 80% are identified as OH transitions; half of these are from highly excited molecules (hot-OH component) that are not included in the OH airglow emission models normally used for astronomical applications. The other lines are attributable to O2 or unidentified. Several of the faint lines are in spectral regions that were previously believed to be free of line emission. The continuum in the H-band is marginally detected at a level of about 300 photons/m^2/s/arcsec^2/micron, equivalent to 20.1 AB-mag/arcsec^2. The observed spectrum and the list of observed sky-lines are published in electronic format. Conclusions Our measurements indicate that the sky continuum in the H-band could be even darker than previously believed. However, the myriad of airglow emission lines severely limits the spectral ranges where very low background can be effectively achieved with low/medium resolution spectrographs. We identify a few spectral bands that could still remain quite dark at the resolving power foreseen for VLT-MOONS (R ~6,600).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    NetKet 3: Machine Learning Toolbox for Many-Body Quantum Systems

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    We introduce version 3 of NetKet, the machine learning toolbox for many-body quantum physics. NetKet is built around neural-network quantum states and provides efficient algorithms for their evaluation and optimization. This new version is built on top of JAX, a differentiable programming and accelerated linear algebra framework for the Python programming language. The most significant new feature is the possibility to define arbitrary neural network ansÀtze in pure Python code using the concise notation of machine-learning frameworks, which allows for just-in-time compilation as well as the implicit generation of gradients thanks to automatic differentiation. NetKet 3 also comes with support for GPU and TPU accelerators, advanced support for discrete symmetry groups, chunking to scale up to thousands of degrees of freedom, drivers for quantum dynamics applications, and improved modularity, allowing users to use only parts of the toolbox as a foundation for their own code

    The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG XV. A substellar companion around a K giant star identified with quasi-simultaneous HARPS-N and GIANO measurements

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    Context. Identification of planetary companions of giant stars is made difficult because of the astrophysical noise, that may produce radial velocity (RV) variations similar to those induced by a companion. On the other hand any stellar signal is wavelength dependent, while signals due to a companion are achromatic. Aims. Our goal is to determine the origin of the Doppler periodic variations observed in the thick disk K giant star TYC 4282-605-1 by HARPS-N at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) and verify if they can be due to the presence of a substellar companion. Methods. Several methods have been used to exclude the stellar origin of the observed signal including detailed analysis of activity indicators and bisector and the analysis of the photometric light curve. Finally we have conducted an observational campaign to monitor the near infrared (NIR) RV with GIANO at the TNG in order to verify whether the NIR amplitude variations are comparable with those observed in the visible. Results. Both optical and NIR RVs show consistent variations with a period at 101 days and similar amplitude, pointing to the presence of a companion orbiting the target. The main orbital properties obtained for our giant star with a derived mass of M=0.97+-0.03M_sun are M_Psini=10.78+-0.12MJ;P=101.54+-0.05days;e=0.28+-0.01 and a=0.422+-0.009AU. The chemical analysis shows a significant enrichment in the abundance of Nai, Mgi, Ali and S i while the rest of analyzed elements are consistent with the solar value demonstrating that the chemical composition corresponds with an old K giant (age = 10.1 Gyr) belonging to local thick disk. Conclusions. We conclude that the substellar companion hypothesis for this K giant is the best explanation for the observed periodic RV variation. This study also shows the high potential of multi-wavelength RV observations for the validation of planet candidates.Comment: Accepted in Journal reference A&A 14/06/201

    Pneumonectomy with en bloc chest wall resection : Is it worthwhile? Report on 34 patients from two institutions

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    OBJECTIVES: Pneumonectomy with en bloc chest wall resection is often denied because of the procedure-related high risk. We evaluated the short- and long-term outcome of this procedure. METHODS: From January 1995 to October 2011, 34 patients (30 males and 4 females; mean age: 61.8 years) underwent pneumonectomy with en bloc chest wall resection for 33 non-small-cell lung cancer and 1 metastatic osteosarcoma in two institutions. Data were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Operative (30-day) mortality was 2.9% (1 of 34), and morbidity was 38.2% (13 of 34). There were 14 (41.1%) right-side procedures and 20 (58.8%) left-side procedures. Three (8.8%) patients developed bronchopleural fistulas. The mean number of resected ribs per patient was 2.7 \ub1 1.1. In 13 (38.2%) patients, a prosthetic reconstruction of the chest wall was needed. In 3 (8.8%) cases, the bronchial step was buttressed. Preoperative pain was statistically significantly related to the depth of chest wall invasion (P = 0.026). The N status was N0 in 18 (52.9%) cases, N1 in 9 (26.4%), N2 in 6 (17.6%) and Nx in 1 (metastatic osteosarcoma). Patients were followed-up for a total of 979 months. The median survival was 40 months. The overall 5-year survival was 46.8% (\ub1 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.2-0.6): 45.2 (\ub1 95% CI: 0.03-0.8) for right-side and 48.4% (\ub1 95% CI: 0.2-0.7) for left-side procedures, respectively. According to the N status, the 5-year survival was 59.7 (\ub1 95% CI: 0.3-0.8) in N0, 55.5 (\ub1 95% CI: 0.06-1) in N1 and 16.6% (\ub1 95% CI: 0-0.4) in N2. The subgroup N0 plus N1 (27 patients) showed a 58.08% (\ub1 95% CI: 0.3-0.8) 5-year survival compared with 16.6% (\ub1 95% CI: 0-0.4) in N2 (\u3c7(2): 3.7; P = 0.053). CONCLUSIONS: Pneumonectomy with en bloc chest wall reconstruction can be safely offered to selected patients. The addition of en bloc chest wall resection to pneumonectomy does not affect operative mortality and morbidity compared with standard pneumonectomy. The pivotal additional effect of the chest wall resection should not be considered a contraindication for such procedures. Survival showed a clinically relevant difference by comparing N0 plus N1 with N2 (58.1 vs 16.6%), not confirmed by the statistical analysis (P = 0.053)

    The GAPS programme at TNG XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD189733 b accounting for stellar activity

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    Exoplanets orbiting very close to their host star are strongly irradiated. This can lead the upper atmospheric layers to expand and evaporate into space. The metastable helium (HeI) triplet at 1083.3nm has recently been shown to be a powerful diagnostic to probe extended and escaping exoplanetary atmosphere. We perform high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of the transiting hot Jupiter HD189733b with the GIARPS (GIANO-B + HARPS-N) observing mode of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, taking advantage of the simultaneous optical+near infrared spectral coverage to detect HeI in the planet's extended atmosphere and to gauge the impact of stellar magnetic activity on the planetary absorption signal. Observations were performed during five transit events of HD189733b. By comparison of the in- and out-of-transit GIANO-B observations we compute high-resolution transmission spectra, on which we perform equivalent width measurements and light-curves analyses to gauge the excess in-transit absorption in the HeI triplet. We detect an absorption signal during all five transits. The mean in-transit absorption depth amounts to 0.75+/-0.03%. We detect night-to-night variations in the HeI absorption signal likely due to the transit events occurring in presence of stellar surface inhomogeneities. We evaluate the impact of stellar-activity pseudo-signals on the true planetary absorption using a comparative analysis of the HeI and the Hα\alpha lines. We interpret the time-series of the HeI absorption lines in the three nights not affected by stellar contamination -exhibiting a mean in-transit absorption depth of 0.77+/-0.04%- using a 3-d atmospheric code. Our simulations suggest that the helium layers only fill part of the Roche lobe. Observations can be explained with a thermosphere heated to ∌\sim12000 K, expanding up to ∌\sim1.2 planetary radii, and losing ∌\sim1 g/s of metastable helium.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&
