17 research outputs found

    – Brand Affiliation in the Hotel Industry

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    A large proportion of any business’s value comprises intangible assets, and for many businesses a considerable part of these assets' value is attributable to brands with which businesses affiliate. In light of increasing affiliation of hotel properties with hotel chains and the increasing importance of branding in the hospitality industry, senior managers/owners should be aware of the importance of concepts such as brand equity and brand value and, better yet, incorporate them into their strategic decision-making processes. The extent to which hotel management scholars and industry practitioners understand or use the concept of brand value attributable to affiliation (BVAA) is, however, limited. The aim of this research project is to increase our understanding of the costs and benefits connected with operating a hotel independently or as part of an affiliation, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Such an understanding could be used to spur further research but should also be directly applicable by the practitioners. The results of this research indicate that affiliating with a brand matters to managers/owners in the hotel industry, but also that brand-related concepts are used only to a limited extent. One of the studies comprising this dissertation, which included 51,000 hotels in the U.S. during a full economic cycle, suggests that affiliated hotels produced better financial performance than unaffiliated hotels, especially during the global economic recession of 2007–2009. On the other hand, the results from a study of hotels and organisations in Sweden suggest that brand value–related information attributable to affiliation is not used to any large extent in the industry. In the third study, a method for financially evaluating BVAA is developed, making it possible not only to measure whether affiliating produces a positive BVAA, but also to demonstrate a practical method for financially assessing a current affiliation and the various affiliation options. Consequently, these findings should contribute new ways of treating the strategic question of affiliation

    To Be or Not to Be . . . : Brand Affiliation in the Hotel Industry

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    A large proportion of any business’s value comprises intangible assets, and for many businesses a considerable part of these assets' value is attributable to brands with which businesses affiliate. In light of increasing affiliation of hotel properties with hotel chains and the increasing importance of branding in the hospitality industry, senior managers/owners should be aware of the importance of concepts such as brand equity and brand value and, better yet, incorporate them into their strategic decision-making processes. The extent to which hotel management scholars and industry practitioners understand or use the concept of brand value attributable to affiliation (BVAA) is, however, limited. The aim of this research project is to increase our understanding of the costs and benefits connected with operating a hotel independently or as part of an affiliation, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Such an understanding could be used to spur further research but should also be directly applicable by the practitioners. The results of this research indicate that affiliating with a brand matters to managers/owners in the hotel industry, but also that brand-related concepts are used only to a limited extent. One of the studies comprising this dissertation, which included 51,000 hotels in the U.S. during a full economic cycle, suggests that affiliated hotels produced better financial performance than unaffiliated hotels, especially during the global economic recession of 2007–2009. On the other hand, the results from a study of hotels and organisations in Sweden suggest that brand value–related information attributable to affiliation is not used to any large extent in the industry. In the third study, a method for financially evaluating BVAA is developed, making it possible not only to measure whether affiliating produces a positiveBVAA, but also to demonstrate a practical method for financially assessing a current affiliation and the various affiliation options. Consequently, these findings should contribute new ways of treating the strategic question of affiliation

    FÀder i Sovjetryssland: Ideal, kÀnslor och praktik

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    This article investigates fatherhood ideals and practices in late Soviet Russia, 1960–1989. For the theoretical basis, dominant ideals on masculinity and fatherhood have been derived from the rich but predominantly Western research literature of the past three decades. These are used as guiding tools in examining the research material for this study: the monthly magazine Semia i shkola. Zhurnal dlia roditelei (Family and School; Journal for Parents) and eleven in-depth interviews with men in Russia on their memories of fatherhood in the 1960s–1980s. The research questions are: What did the ideal image of fatherhood look like in this period? What remembered practices do respondents communicate in interviews, and how do these relate to dominant public/official ideals of the time? Are there differences in the emphasis on various aspects of fatherhood ideals/practices between public discourses and the accounts given by these men? The interview narratives yield a multifaceted picture, with both coinciding and contradictory representations of the respondents’ ideal images, on the one hand, and remembered practices, on the other. Possible explanations are then discussed. In conclusion, Soviet Russian fatherhood is tentatively contextualized within the framework of research results on Western fatherhood

    To Be or Not to Be . . . : Brand Affiliation in the Hotel Industry

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    A large proportion of any business’s value comprises intangible assets, and for many businesses a considerable part of these assets' value is attributable to brands with which businesses affiliate. In light of increasing affiliation of hotel properties with hotel chains and the increasing importance of branding in the hospitality industry, senior managers/owners should be aware of the importance of concepts such as brand equity and brand value and, better yet, incorporate them into their strategic decision-making processes. The extent to which hotel management scholars and industry practitioners understand or use the concept of brand value attributable to affiliation (BVAA) is, however, limited. The aim of this research project is to increase our understanding of the costs and benefits connected with operating a hotel independently or as part of an affiliation, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Such an understanding could be used to spur further research but should also be directly applicable by the practitioners. The results of this research indicate that affiliating with a brand matters to managers/owners in the hotel industry, but also that brand-related concepts are used only to a limited extent. One of the studies comprising this dissertation, which included 51,000 hotels in the U.S. during a full economic cycle, suggests that affiliated hotels produced better financial performance than unaffiliated hotels, especially during the global economic recession of 2007–2009. On the other hand, the results from a study of hotels and organisations in Sweden suggest that brand value–related information attributable to affiliation is not used to any large extent in the industry. In the third study, a method for financially evaluating BVAA is developed, making it possible not only to measure whether affiliating produces a positiveBVAA, but also to demonstrate a practical method for financially assessing a current affiliation and the various affiliation options. Consequently, these findings should contribute new ways of treating the strategic question of affiliation

    Svenska storbankers lönsamhet - En kvantitativ analys av svenska banker i kristider

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    Titel: Svenska storbankers lönsamhet: En kvantitativ analys av svenska banker ikristiderNivĂ„: Examensarbete pĂ„ grundnivĂ„ i Ă€mnet företagsekonomi (kandidatexamen) Författare: August Brehm och Erik CarlbĂ€ckHandledare: Fazle RahiDatum: 2023-06-01Syfte: Finanskrisen 2008–2009 fick förödande konsekvenser inom banksektorn i storadelar av vĂ€rlden, drygt tio Ă„r senare möttes vĂ€rlden av en pandemi som slog hĂ„rt pĂ„samhĂ€llet och vĂ€rldsekonomin. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att försöka fĂ„ en bĂ€ttreförstĂ„else genom kvantitativa jĂ€mförelser, hur svenska storbankers lönsamhet urskiljersig innan, under och efter finanskrisen samt COVID-19. Metod: I uppsatsen studeras och analyseras lönsamhetsmĂ„tten vinst per aktie,avkastning pĂ„ totala tillgĂ„ngar och avkastning pĂ„ eget kapital. Tre hypoteser har testatsmed t-test, sedan har ANOVA och post-hoc tester anvĂ€nts för att förstĂ€rka resultaten. Resultat och slutsats: Studien pĂ„visar signifikanta skillnader i avkastning pĂ„ egetkapital under finanskrisen och signifikanta skillnader för avkastning pĂ„ totala tillgĂ„ngarunder COVID-19. Resultatet kan tolkas som att det finns skillnader som inte beror pĂ„slumpen för lönsamhetsmĂ„tten avkastning pĂ„ eget kapital samt avkastning pĂ„ totalatillgĂ„ngar. Resultatet visar Ă€ven att det inte finns nĂ„gra signifikanta skillnader ilönsamhet mellan kriserna samt innan, under och efter kriserna. Detta resultat kan tolkassom att det inte finns skillnader som inte beror pĂ„ slumpen för de undersöktalönsamhetsmĂ„tten mellan de undersökta kriserna. Slutsatsen för studien presenterarmakroekonomiska aspekter och regleringar sĂ„som Baselregelverket som pĂ„verkandefaktorer till lönsamheten hos svenska storbanker. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna uppsats bidrar med en detaljerad insyn i det svenskabankvĂ€sendet om hur lönsamheten utspelade sig och pĂ„verkades hos svenska storbankerunder kristider. Studien skildrar lönsamheten i kristider hos Sveriges fyra största bankermed en tidsperiod innan, under och efter de undersökta kriserna. Uppsatsen kan bidratill ökad förstĂ„else om svenska storbanker, dess lönsamhet under kristider samtföretagsekonomiska teorier som kan hjĂ€lpa banker sĂ„vĂ€l privatpersoner att fĂ„ en djupareförstĂ„else och inblick i Ă€mnet. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag för vidare forskning Ă€r att Ă€ven inkluderamindre banker och dessutom utföra liknande analys för utlĂ€ndska banker. Ytterligare förslag till framtida forskning Ă€r att undersöka andra nyckeltal samt undersöka annanvald tidsperiod genom att inkludera fler Ă„r innan kriserna. Nyckelord: Lönsamhet, banker, finanskriser, avkastning pĂ„ totalt kapital, avkastningpĂ„ eget kapital, vinst per akti

    LoRa 433 MHz or LoRa 868 MHz?

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    LoRa 433 MHz or LoRa 868 MHz?

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