5 research outputs found

    Investigación del estilo personal del terapeuta post-racionalista: Una revisión

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    The Personal Style of the Therapist (PST) is a multidimensional construction that is present in every therapeutic process. The aim of this literature review was to review the state of the art in research on the personal style of the therapist in post-rationalist cognitive psychotherapists. We found 2 publications in WoS journals. In addition, an ongoing investigation was included.El estilo personal del terapeuta (EPT) es un constructo multidimensional que se presenta en todo proceso terapéutico. El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica fue revisar el estado del arte en la investigación sobre el estilo personal del terapeuta en psicoterapeutas cognitivo post-racionalistas. Se encontraron 2 publicaciones en revistas WoS. Además, se incluyó una investigación en proceso

    La Insatisfacción de la Imagen Corporal y Estado Nutricional en Estudiantes Universitarios

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    Abstract: The imposition of the a esthetic model in today's societies, excessively thin in women and muscular for men, leads to the body representation being greatly influenced by these external standards, generating dissatisfaction. Aim: Describe the relationship between dissatisfaction with body image and objective nutritional status, self-perception and the degree of agreement between them, in university students. Materials and Methods: Transactional study of quantitative type with descriptive-correlational scope. The sample was 120 university students aged between 18 and 28 years. The Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ) instruments, the “Body Dissatisfaction” sub-scale of the Eating Disorders Inventory in version 2 (EDI-2), and a sociodemographic questionnaire were applied. Student t-test, ANOVA, Pearson moment correlation and Chi-square were used. Results: 17.5% of the sample overestimated their nutritional status. Of these, 90.5% were women. BMI was directly and significantly associated with body image dissatisfaction (r = 0.45; p <0.001). The overestimation of nutritional status is significantly associated with concern about weight (p <0.05) and dissatisfaction with body image (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The overestimation of nutritional status is higher in women. Such overestimation of nutritional status is associated with a greater concern for weight, greater dissatisfaction with body image and a less positive assessment of appearance.Introducción: La imposición del modelo estético en las sociedades actuales, excesivamente delgado en las mujeres y musculoso para los hombres, lleva a que la representación corporal se vea muy influida por estos estándares externos, generando insatisfacción. Objetivo: Describir la relación entre la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal y el estado nutricional objetivo, el autopercibido y el grado de concordancia entre estos, en estudiantes universitarios. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transaccional de tipo cuantitativo con alcance descriptivo-correlacional. La muestra fue de 120 estudiantes universitarios con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 28 años. Se aplicaron los instrumentos Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), la sub-escala “Insatisfacción corporal” del Eating Disorders Inventory en su versión 2 (EDI-2), y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadísticas t de Student, ANOVA, Correlación producto momento de Pearson y Chi Cuadrado. Resultados: El 17,5% de la muestra sobreestimó su estado nutricional. De estos, un 90,5% fueron mujeres. El IMC se asoció directa y significativamente con la insatisfacción de la imagen corporal (r=0,45; p<0,001). La sobrestimación del estado nutricional se asocia significativamente a preocupación por el peso (p<0,05) e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal (p=0,001). Conclusión: La sobrestimación del estado nutricional es mayor en mujeres. Tal sobreestimación del estado nutricional se asocia a una mayor preocupación por el peso, mayor insatisfacción con la imagen corporal y una menor evaluación positiva de la apariencia

    Comparative efficacy of remotely delivered mindfulness-based eating awareness training versus behavioral-weight loss counseling during COVID-19

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    IntroductionDysregulated eating (emotional eating, cue-elicited eating, and dietary restraint and restriction) has been linked to being overweight or obese. The present investigation used a random controlled trial (RCT) to test the differential efficacy of remotely delivered Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT) and Behavioral Weight Loss (BWL) counseling.MethodsThe sample was recruited through advertisements that offered help to people “with problems controlling their eating” or “interested in improving their relationship with food” (n = 135).ResultsRetention was low in both groups (42%), but not dissimilar to retention rates reported in related clinical trials delivered “in person.” Among the participants who completed treatment, we found no between-group differences in any of the treatment outcomes, but participants in both groups experienced significant increases in eating-related mindfulness [Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) and awareness [Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA), and significant decreases in unhealthy eating patterns [Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ); Binge Eating Scale (BES), and weight over the course of treatment. Participants in both groups also experienced increases in self-reported depression and anxiety symptoms [Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)], although these increases likely reflected normative changes observed in the population at large during COVID-19.DiscussionOverall, the results suggest that dysregulated eating and weight loss intervention delivered remotely via teleconference can be effective