459 research outputs found

    A creative process to elicit contexts for context sensitive systems

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    Requirements engineering is concerned with the identification of services (functional requirements) and restrictions (non-functional requirements) that a system must meet to satisfy the needs of its users. Requirements, in turn, are increasingly influenced by the context in which the systems are used. In the search for systems that are adaptable to the needs of users and to changes in the operating environment, context-sensitive systems arise. There is a need for a process to systematically elicit contexts to such systems. Given this scenario, we propose a process to elicit requirements and contextual information to be used during the requirements elicitation phase. The process is based on the Storytelling Group technique and also includes mind maps, the 5W1H dimensions (who, what, when, where, why and how) and the conditional dimension that are used to structure and organize the information collected; heuristics were defined to guide the identification of contexts from the information captured in the mind map structured with 5W1H + conditional. Moreover, the contextual information is analyzed and modeled using a specific framework for contexts. To illustrate the use of the process, a Smart Home system was used. The process was also applied in the context of an information technology company for evaluation and posterior refinement. Then, the effectiveness and easiness of use of the process were evaluated in an empirical study in an academic environment. The results obtained indicate that the process is useful and easy to use, bringing benefits to the development of context sensitive systems

    Influência da dominância do membro inferior e do nível de atividade física na flexibilidade de indivíduos saudáveis

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    The purpose of the present study was to verify the influence of lower limb dominance and physical activity (PA) levels on flexibility in healthy young subject. Ninety-nine university students (46 males and 53 females) volunteered for this study. Hip flexion range of motion (ROM) during the passive straight leg raise test was used to estimate lower limb flexibility. PA levels were determined by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). The dominant limb of the subjects with high PA levels had higher flexibility values than the dominant and non-dominant limb of the subjects with low PA levels (p = 0.026 and p = 0.011, respectively) and the non-dominant limb of the subjects with moderate PA levels (p = 0.038). Thus, this investigation shows that lower limb dominance and PA levels have an influence on the flexibility. High flexibility values were observed in the dominant limb of the subjects with high PA levels. Therefore, this information may be useful when planning injury prevention or rehabilitation protocols for subjects with different PA levels and lower limb flexibility asymmetries.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da dominância dos membros inferiores e dos níveis de atividade física (AF) na flexibilidade em sujeitos jovens e saudáveis. Noventa e nove estudantes universitários (46 homens e 53 mulheres) voluntariaram-se para este estudo transversal. A amplitude de movimento (ADM) de flexão do quadril durante o teste passivo de elevação da perna reta foi medida para estimar a flexibilidade dos membros inferiores. Os níveis de AF foram aferidos pela versão curta do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ-SF). O membro dominante dos sujeitos com alto nível de AF apresentou maior valor de flexibilidade do que o membro dominante e não dominante dos sujeitos com baixo nível de AF (p = 0,026 e p = 0,011, respectivamente) e do que o membro não dominante dos sujeitos com moderado nível de AF (p = 0,038). Assim, este estudo demonstrou que a dominância do membro inferior e o nível de AF influenciam nos valores de flexibilidade. Maiores valores de flexibilidade foram observados na perna dominante dos sujeitos com alto nível de AF. Desta forma, esta informação pode ser relevante para o planejamento de protocolos de prevenção de lesões ou de reabilitação em indivíduos com níveis distintos de AF e assimetrias de flexibilidade nos membros inferiores

    Balance and gait in progressive supranuclear palsy: a narrative review of objective metrics and exercise interventions

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    BackgroundThe use of objective gait and balance metrics is rapidly expanding for evaluation of atypical parkinsonism, and these measures add to clinical observations. Evidence for rehabilitation interventions to improve objective measures of balance and gait in atypical parkinsonism is needed.AimOur aim is to review, with a narrative approach, current evidence on objective metrics for gait and balance and exercise interventions in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).MethodsLiterature searches were conducted in four computerized databases from the earliest record up to April 2023: PubMed, ISI’s Web of Knowledge, Cochrane’s Library, and Embase. Data were extracted for study type (cross-sectional, longitudinal, and rehabilitation interventions), study design (e.g., experimental design and case series), sample characteristics, and gait and balance measurements.ResultsEighteen gait and balance (16 cross-sectional and 4 longitudinal) and 14 rehabilitation intervention studies were included. Cross-sectional studies showed that people with PSP have impairments in gait initiation and steady-state gait using wearable sensors, and in static and dynamic balance assessed by posturography when compared to Parkinson’s disease (PD) and healthy controls. Two longitudinal studies observed that wearable sensors can serve as objective measures of PSP progression, using relevant variables of change in turn velocity, stride length variability, toe off angle, cadence, and cycle duration. Rehabilitation studies investigated the effect of different interventions (e.g., balance training, body-weight supported treadmill gait, sensorimotor training, and cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation) on gait, clinical balance, and static and dynamic balance assessed by posturography measurements. No rehabilitation study in PSP used wearable sensors to evaluate gait and balance impairments. Although clinical balance was assessed in 6 rehabilitation studies, 3 of these studies used a quasi-experimental design, 2 used a case series, only 1 study used an experimental design, and sample sizes were relatively small.ConclusionWearable sensors to quantify balance and gait impairments are emerging as a means of documenting progression of PSP. Robust evidence for improving balance and gait in PSP was not found for rehabilitation studies. Future powered, prospective and robust clinical trials are needed to investigate the effects of rehabilitation interventions on objective gait and balance outcomes in people with PSP

    Em defesa da biblioteca escolar: a prática baseada em evidências

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    A biblioteca escolar é muito importante para a melhoria do ensino básico no Brasil e as estratégias em defesa da sua existência, manutenção e gestão garantem a valorização tanto do espaço quanto do bibliotecário. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a Prática Baseada em Evidências (PBE) como uma metodologia importante para melhorar a prática profissional gerando evidências locais da influência da biblioteca escolar no aprendizado do aluno. Discute como a classe bibliotecária pode provar a importância da biblioteca escolar para a sociedade. Aborda a PBE e sua relação com a Biblioteconomia e com a biblioteca escolar, o contexto brasileiro e sua importância para a argumentação em prol da valorização e defesa da biblioteca escolar no país. É um estudo de caráter descritivo que tem como procedimento metodológico a pesquisa bibliográfica desenvolvida a partir da consulta de estudos e relatos de pesquisa de âmbito nacional e internacional, disponíveis em formato eletrônico e armazenados em bases de dados e periódicos científicos. Por fim, sugere o desenvolvimento de pesquisas de impacto das bibliotecas escolares no aprendizado dos alunos, a produção de revisões sistemáticas e a criação de ferramentas que reúnam informações sobre o uso de evidências científicas na prática dos bibliotecários brasileiros.The school library is an important tool for the improvement of basic education in Brazil, strategies in defense of its existence, maintenance and professional management are important to ensure the enhancement of both the space and the librarian. The objective of this paper is to present evidence-based practice a relevant methodology to improve professional practice generating local evidence of the influence of the school library in student learning. It questions how the librarians can prove the value of the school library to society. Addresses the source of evidence-based practice, its relationship with the Library Science and the school library, the Brazilian context on the topic and its importance to the argument in favor of recovery and defense of the school library in the country. It is a descriptive study which methodological approach the literature developed from the studies of national and international research reports consultation, available in electronic format and stored in scientific databases and journals. Finally, it suggests the development of research impact of school libraries on learning of Brazilian students, the production of systematic reviews and the creation of tools to gather information on the use of scientific evidence in practice of librarians


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    A universidade deve resgatar sua essência de instituição social, como defendido e disseminado por Chauí (2003), para se adaptar e sobreviver a uma sociedade cada vez mais questionadora do seu papel, da mesma forma, que sofre redução nas políticas de financiamento por parte do Estado. Diante deste contexto, o objetivo do presente artigo é trazer uma reflexão sobre a concepção de uma universidade e a sua relação com a flexibilização da jornada de trabalho dos servidores técnico-administrativos em educação. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, começamos com a concepção atual de uma universidade, contextualizado a partir do seu processo histórico. No segundo momento, identificamos o servidor técnico-administrativo em educação na universidade brasileira pública federal e apresentamos suas jornadas de trabalho vigentes. Em seguida, refletimos sobre as políticas institucionais que possuem como finalidade normatizar a flexibilização da jornada de trabalho. Ao final, retornamos ao nosso ponto de partida e identificamos que políticas institucionais devem ser empregadas pela universidade para fins de adequação à legislação, de modo a revelar novas compreensões referentes às relações entre a universidade e o processo de estudo da flexibilização da jornada de trabalho dos servidores


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    This article aims to raise discussions about the presence of the samba circle in the short story Ana Davenga (1995), by Conceição Evaristo, from historical tradition aspects. Initially, the importance of samba is recognized as a form of entertainment for Afro-Brazilian communities, considering the cultural influences from Africa. Thus, support is searched in the theoretical references of Hermano Vianna in the work O Misterio do Samba (1995), Feitiço Decente (2012) by Carlos Sandroni, O Terreiro e a Cidade (2002), by Muniz Sodré, among others. In Ana Davenga short story, the samba circle composes the space of the narrative as the place of fun and joy along with the drumming. Anchored in a literary analysis, this article brought reflective results on the interart relations – literature and music, with emphasis on the legacy left by the peoples in our musical tradition.Este artigo tem como objetivo levantar discussões acerca da presença da roda de samba no conto Ana Davenga (1995), de Conceição Evaristo, a partir dos aspectos da tradição histórica. Inicialmente, reconhece-se a importância do samba como forma de divertimento para as comunidades afro-brasileiras, tendo em vista as influências culturais oriundas da África. Assim, busca-se apoio nos referenciais teóricos de Hermano Vianna na obra O Mistério do Samba (1995), Feitiço Decente (2012) de Carlos Sandroni, O terreiro e a Cidade (2002), de Muniz Sodré, entre outros. No conto Ana Davenga, a roda de samba compõe o espaço da narrativa como o lugar de divertimento e alegria ao passo das batucadas. Ancorado em uma análise literária, este artigo trouxe resultados reflexivos sobre as relações interartes – literatura e música, com destaque para o legado deixado pelos povos em nossa tradição musical

    Work management and public servants in illness JUCEPA: reflections on the work of social worker

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    This article analyzes the management of work and occupational diseases on the Jucepa servers, as well as the professional work of the social worker in the face of illness situations. It is based on the results of a field survey conducted together with the institution's servers and reflections on work in contemporary society made in the Group of Studies and Research "Labor, State and Society in the Amazon - Gep_Tesa" linked to the Graduate Program in Service social - PPGSS / UFPA. As theoretical and methodological approach was chosen Marxist theory and the dialectical method, which allowed the analysis of the subject matter in view of the social totality, aiming to learn the causal links between work management and occupational diseases on those servers. Finally, the results were presented, noting that the work of the social worker is seeking the objective and subjective conditions arising from absence from work due to illness, the means for treatment, social, economic and psychological impacts that affect the personal life / family and professional server, as well aslegal and social security implications of clearance to work

    Implementation of the CAP Policy Options with the Land Use Modelling Platform - A first indicator-based analysis

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    This report presents the results of a study aiming to assess the environmental impact of two alternative scenarios for the new Common Agricultural Policy, evaluated by using the features of the Land Use Modelling Platform (LUMP). The first scenario set the baseline conditions in form of the Status Quo; the second was a policy alternative, Integration. The scenarios set the framework for the economic drivers as analysed by CAPRI, which the LUMP integrates to produce detailed and geographically specific projections of changes in land use/cover between 2006 and 2020. The changes in land use/cover were then evaluated for their impact on various environmental sectors by comparing their effect on a set of relevant indicators of environmental conditions. The simulations have shown that the greening options expressed under the Integration policy option produce an overall impact that can be measured with a set of land use/cover based indicators. In general terms, the greening options reduce the pressure on naturally vegetated areas and on environmentally sensitive sites. This modelling approach has proven to be applicable for the evaluation of the new CAP scenario and the implementation of policy options, in the frame of the overall objectives of the reform. Due to the characteristics of the modelling framework, the set of computed indicators shows the differentiation of the impacts at national and regional levels, allowing the assessment of the impacts of the new CAP in the proper geographical context.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Development of a cost-effective media for biosurfactants production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    In the last years, the textile industry has shown a growing interest in biosurfactants due to their biocompatibility , biodegradability , and versatility at various pH and temperature ranges . These compounds have found applications as softeners, wetting agents, lubricants, foam stabilizers, and even in the scouring of wool. This study aims to develop an economically efficient medium for biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa #112. Firstly , waste cooking oils after treatment (WCOT), a residue rich in lipids, was evaluated as an inducer of biosurfactants production . Different concentrations of these substrates (1, 2.5, 5, and 10 % w/v) were tested, and glucose was used as a carbon source. In the experiments with 1 % of WCOT it was observed a significant (p 0.05) reduction in the surface tension from 48.4 mN/m to 34.8 mN/m, suggesting the biosurfactant production . Furthermore , rice husk (RH) and vine pruning (VP) residues were identified as alternative carbon sources for biosurfactants production, when combined with WCOT . Both residues are rich in cellulose, which can be broken down into free glucose. An enzymatic pre- treatment that combines xylanase and cellulase was used to hydrolyze residues and release free glucose . The obtained results demonstrate that the combination of 1 % OUAT with hydrolyzed RH or VP resulted in a substantial (53 %) reduction in surface tension. At the end of the fermentation, 1.65 g/L and 0.26 g/L of biosurfactant were recovered for the experiments with hydrolyzed PV and RH, respectively. Additionally, the critical micelle dilution results demonstrate that the two tested media allow biosurfactant production and effective reduction of the surface tension of distilled water , even at low concentrations . This is the first report of biosurfactant production using a mixture of these three agro-industrial residues , which can be very useful for the sustainable production of these promising molecules.The authors acknowledge the financial support from integrated project be@t – Textile Bioeconomy (TCC12-i01, Sustainable Bioeconomy No. 02/C12-i01/2022), promoted by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), Next Generation EU, for the period 2021 – 2026. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio